Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 136 Face to Face

If you want to deal with the impact of big names on the surrounding environment, it's actually not difficult to deal with. Spineru continued to say in Su Heng's mind.

Confront her and seal her.

What do you mean? Su Heng pondered, as if he understood what Spineru meant.

That's right, the big name itself has no attack power. Spineru in Clow's Magic Book nodded towards Su Heng: As long as you can see the big name, sealing her shouldn't be a big deal for you. It’s difficult.”

Yeah. Su Heng nodded.

Then I'm looking forward to your performance. Spineru yawned and lazily lay down on the small bed made by Yunpai: As for me, I still have to sleep for a while. What's the matter? Just remember to ask the Clow Cards to call me in the magic book.

Su Heng listened to Spineluna's voice getting quieter, gathered his mind, and looked at the increasingly noisy noise outside.

I'm really sorry, Mr. Stark. Dr. Pym doesn't have the ability to expand or shrink the entire outside environment. If you want to use this matter as dirty water, throw it at Dr. Pym and Pym Technology Company. If so, then you really made the wrong idea.”

Hey brother, I don't like the way you talk like this. I just made a conjecture. After all, the technology of shrinking and enlarging is patented by your Pim Technology Company. It's hard not to think of these things that happened in Forest Park. Isn’t it right to come to your company?”

Hell, why did I save you just now!

Okay, okay, stop saying a few words!

In the half-height grass, Tony and Scott had a fierce argument.

Rogers stood between the two of them, looking troubled in front of the peacemaker.

What happened? Su Heng walked up to Gwen, who was standing aside with her head curled up like a quail, and asked her, Why are you so quarrelsome?

Store manager, are you finally awake? Gwen looked at Su Heng who was walking over, her face relieved. She glanced at Tony and Scott, who were still glaring at each other, and whispered to Su Heng. Explaining the reason.

It turned out that just when Su Heng and Spineru were talking, Scott received a call from Dr. Pim.

Dr. Pym didn't know that Scott's phone was in loudspeaker mode at this time, so he asked Scott to wait for him to come over and collect data in this area. Then he was asked to be optimistic about Pym Particles, and he must not let Tony discover the existence of Pym Particles.

At first, Tony was not angry at this point, but just wondered why Dr. Pym didn't let him discover the Pym particles.

But Dr. Pym then ridiculed Tony's father, Howard Stark, on the phone, saying that when he and Howard worked together in SHIELD, Howard was a hypocritical plagiarist who coveted Pym particles, and that his father would If he had a son, maybe Tony would be the same person as his father.

It was this sentence that completely pissed off Tony.

In Tony's opinion, Dr. Pym's words were completely insulting to him and his father.

Although the Pym particle's ability to magnify and reduce the size was indeed very interesting in Tony's opinion, he did not think that such a gadget could make his father gain the reputation of a hypocritical plagiarist.

Scott noticed something wrong with Tony's expression and quickly hung up the phone, but Tony obviously didn't let go of the idea of ​​taunting Dr. Pym in front of everyone.

There he mocked Dr. Pym as just a delusional and self-righteous old guy.

Originally, Scott knew that he was in the wrong and had no intention of fighting back.

But Tony's scolding was really a bit too unpleasant.

So, there is this scene now.

That's enough for you two! Seeing the scene where the two were about to fight, Rogers, who was standing between them, pushed Tony and Scott away.

This is a battlefield, not a place for you to act impulsively! Rogers shouted in a low voice towards the two of them.

The crisis in this forest has not been resolved yet, how can you have the nerve to start a quarrel?

Either you two, you can stay here and do your detective work! Or you can go back and have a good fight, and don't interfere with our mission here!

Humph! Tony glanced at Scott, snorted coldly and said nothing.

I'm sorry, captain. Scott took two deep breaths and said apologetically to Rogers: My mood swings were too big.

Rogers looked at the two people's anger that had finally subsided, and his frowning brows couldn't help but relax.

Since everything is fine, let's formulate a combat strategy.

Rogers waved to everyone and said to them.

According to the news from the agents of the bureau, it can be seen from the satellite camera that the entire national forest park has been enlarged dozens of times in equal proportions, which is why the current scene is like this.

If we want to solve the problem now, we need to figure out where the source of this incident is and how to restore this forest.

If I remember correctly. Gwen raised his head and pointed to the hill in the distance: That seems to be the cave where the ant colony first appeared, right?

Yes. Rogers nodded, looked over, and murmured in a low voice: If this ant nest is there, it is very likely that it will be the source point.

But do we want to go in? Tony frowned and raised his concerns: Although we don't see those ants outside much now, it's hard to tell in the ant nest. After all, it is the nest of those ants. .

And Tony compared his height.

Although those ants are quite big, we still can't get into their nests, right?

No, I can. Scott touched his chin, glanced at Tony with some satisfaction, and pointed to his helmet towards everyone: Moreover, my helmet has the function of controlling the movement of ants. It’s the perfect job to leave to me.”

If we talk about shrinking... Gwen looked at Su Heng and asked in a low voice: I remember, store manager, didn't you also tame a little guy who can shrink people before? Then we are It’s not like you can use her ability to enter the ant cave.”

Although Gwen's voice was not loud, she was still heard by Tony next to her.

What, Su Heng, can you do this? Tony glanced at Scott vengefully, walked to Su Heng's side, and shouted loudly: And from what Gwen meant, it seems like Can other people be able to shrink into the ant nest?

. Su Heng looked at Tony's childlike behavior with some speechlessness. He felt the questioning glances from Rogers and others, and nodded lightly.

Yes, I can let everyone enter the ant nest. Su Heng spread his hands towards everyone: And I have almost figured out the reason for this incident.

Rogers looked at Su Heng's somewhat embarrassed face and couldn't help but sigh: So is it the ability you lost before?

After the relationship between Su Heng and SHIELD eased, SHIELD had a conversation with each other with Su Heng's permission.

During the conversation, SHIELD learned why Su Heng went to solve certain super events in New York.

According to Su Heng, the culprit that caused the super events was actually his lost ability. The reason why he used the name of Dark Night Magician to solve those super events was to recover what he had lost. Ability.

When they discovered anomalies in the National Forest Park today, Rogers and SHIELD agents also wondered whether it was Dr. Pim's fault, Su Heng's fault, or it had nothing to do with either of them.

Now after what Su Heng said, Rogers couldn't help but sigh, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, this is much better than this incident being an unknown and uncontrollable crisis.

If that's the case, then Su Heng will reduce us to a size that can enter the ant nest, and then Scott will use his helmet to control the ants in the ant nest, so that we can successfully find the source.

Yeah. Scott didn't have any hostility toward Su Heng. He nodded and obeyed the arrangement as Rogers asked.

Go. Su Heng summoned the small card again.

Xiaopai nodded, jumped up and touched Su Heng and everyone around him.

Wow, this is it. Scott raised his eyebrows, watching everyone turn into figures that could enter an ant nest.

Moreover, the display on his arm did not give him any wrong alarm sound.

This is simply unscientific.

Then leave it to you, Scott. Rogers shouted to Scott who was in a daze.

Okay, Captain. Scott came to his senses and led everyone towards the direction of the hill in the distance.

In addition. Rogers walked in the team, turned his head and warned everyone: Although Scott's helmet can control ants, no one knows what kind of danger will appear ahead, so it is best not to let down your guard. .

Everyone nodded and followed Rogers, carefully observing the surrounding situation.

Just when everyone was about to approach the entrance of the ant nest, two trembling tentacles suddenly stretched out from the entrance.

Everyone immediately stopped.

Hey, guys, don't get excited. Scott stopped everyone's attempts to attack and gently pressed his helmet.

These are some good kids. As Scott murmured in a low voice, the tentacles at the entrance of the ant nest paused, and then one after another, dark and shiny ants came out of the hole, coming. In front of everyone.

Scott skillfully sat on the back of the leading ant and waved to everyone.

Everyone, I think it might be faster if we use transportation to get there.

Ride an ant, this is my first experience. Gwen looked at the thin-looking ant in front of her with interest, turned over and sat on the ant's back.

Harry, do you want to try too? Peter sat on the ant's back and asked Harry who was standing below.

I'll forget it. Harry shook his head and whistled softly, and the glider, also scaled down, appeared next to him.

After all, I'm more used to riding this.

Okay. Peter nodded regretfully.

Su Heng, if it is your lost ability, you should be able to sense it, right? Rogers asked Su Heng: In that case, please tell Scott the route.

Su Heng nodded and stood on the ant that Scott was riding.

Then get ready to go. Scott saw that everyone was ready, gently touched the head of the ant he was riding, and whispered to it.

Man, let's go.

The ants that were used as mounts raised the tentacles above their heads, spread out their six slender legs, and rushed towards the cave.

There was a damp and fishy smell of earth coming from the dark cave, and there were rustling sounds in the invisible environment.

Lamp! Su Heng looked at the darkness around him and summoned the lamp sign.

The light sign gently moved the fluorescent grass in his hand, and the fluorescent grass released a faint light, illuminating the path forward for everyone.

Hiss— But just this glance caused everyone to take a breath of air instantly.

In their sight, ants were swarming in the ant nest, and their trembling tentacles collided with each other, as if they were communicating.

When these ants noticed this faint light, the originally unpeaceful ant colony emitted a burst of commotion.

Fortunately, with Scott's comfort, these ants did not attack everyone, but stayed away from the route they wanted to take.

This way. Under Su Heng's instructions, everyone rushed towards the depths of the ant nest and kept moving forward until they seemed to have penetrated the entire ant nest and came to an extremely large underground cave.

Under the light of the light sign, a woman wearing a witch costume was sitting quietly on a stone pier.

Wait. Everyone stopped and looked at the various creatures surrounding the woman.

In addition to scorpions and centipedes that are about the same size as humans, what is even more terrible is the giant bat hanging upside down from the top of the cave with scarlet eyes.

It looks really weird. Gwen felt the sight of those giant bats, clasped his hands together and rubbed his arms.

Now that they have reached an open area, Su Heng released the magic power exerted on everyone by the small card, causing everyone to return to their original size.

Is that her? Rogers looked at the big name sitting quietly and asked Su Heng.

Yes. Su Heng nodded, looked at the increasingly restless creatures around the big names, and whispered towards Rogers and the others.

Captain, how about you go back to the anthill first? I can handle this on my own.

What nonsense are you talking about? The palm cannon in Tony's hand gradually glowed.

I won't let you do this kind of publicity thing alone.

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