Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 137 Crazy Thursday of Conquest and Reopening

Chi chi chi chi chi!

As the giant bats flew towards Rogers and the others, an inevitable battle began.

The shield in Rogers' hand swung out, hitting the heads of different bats among the bats, circling in a circle, and then accurately flew back to Rogers' hand.

Rogers held up the shield that had just flown back and rushed to the front of the team, helping everyone attract attacks from the bats.

Scott directed the ants crawling out of the ant nest to form a formation and block the side of everyone.

The laser beam in Tony's hand swept past and directly cut off the bats in the sky.

Harry, Peter and Gwen were free to play among the team, each using their familiar abilities to eliminate the endless swarms of bats in the sky.

The scorpions and centipedes that were originally surrounding the big names turned around when they saw this, and rushed towards Rogers and the others. At the same time, their bodies gradually enlarged at this moment.

By the time they were about to approach Rogers and the others, each scorpion had swelled to the size of a truck, and the centipedes were as thick as the long-distance train that started with a bang in the train station.

The dark giant claws of the giant scorpions slammed towards Rogers and the others, causing a roaring wind.

Back off! Rogers shouted to everyone in a low voice.

Everyone followed the formation and quickly retreated.


The giant scorpions' giant pincers hit the ground, and the huge force made the entire cave begin to tremble.

While the laser beam in Tony's hand was shooting towards the giant scorpion, the spider silk in the hands of Gwen and Peter also sprayed out towards the giant scorpion and the giant centipedes behind the giant scorpion.

This made these giant scorpions and centipedes furious and chased Rogers and the others.

This is exactly what Rogers wanted to do.

Attract the attention of these big guys and give Su Heng enough time to conquer the big names.

Su Heng's figure gradually emerged from a wall. He looked at the big guys who were attracted by Rogers and the others and sighed helplessly.

If Su Heng were to come alone, it would be very easy to deal with these big guys, whether using sleep cards or other Clow cards.

But Tony and the others wanted to reflect their own value, and Su Heng couldn't refuse.

However, Su Heng did not object to their doing so.

This is much better than carrying a few dragsters who always pin their hopes on themselves, isn't it?

Su Heng came to the big card, and the sword card in his hand appeared.

The big shot held an emerald green magic wand in his hand and looked at Su Heng quietly with his almost amber eyes, without choosing to resist.

The big name stood up quietly, her tall figure not very intimidating under her gentle temperament.

Su Heng also understood what the big card meant, fixed the sword card in his hand in front of the big card, and shouted in a low voice.

Here, seal!

Following Su Heng's low drink, the big card turned into a faint light and turned into a Culuo card, falling into Su Heng's hand.

And as Su Heng subdued the big names, this huge cave also began to make a trembling sound.

Rogers and others, who were originally attracting the attention of the giant scorpions and giant centipedes, also noticed that under such tremors, the figures of the big guys behind them began to gradually shrink.

It looks like everything went well. Tony looked at the scene behind him and whistled softly.

No, I think we might still be in some trouble.

Rogers looked at the cave wall getting closer and closer above his head and murmured in a low voice.

Is this cave also the product of enlargement?

When everyone was waiting to break through the cave above their heads, Su Heng had already appeared in front of everyone.

Let's go! Su Heng's figure flashed rapidly, and each flash took away two people in the team.

In just a few breaths, Rogers and others disappeared into the cave.

Before everyone could react, Su Heng used the moving cards to take them to the National Forest Park.

At this time, the Forest Park, after Su Heng conquered the big names, was slowly shrinking back to its original distance.

Gwen watched with her own eyes as the grass that was half the height of her body turned back into shallow grass, and the surrounding trees also changed from towering to the clouds back to their basic height.

Captain? The calls of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents came from Rogers' headset.

According to satellite maps, the National Forest Park has now returned to its original size. Have you solved the factors that triggered this incident?

Yes. Rogers pressed the earpiece and responded to the agents: Yes, it has been solved.

If nothing else happens. Rogers glanced at Su Heng, nodded towards him and continued: This matter should not happen again.


Just when the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents outside Forest Park were preparing to close the team, a wave of unwilling curses came from their ears.

damn it!

Dr. Pim had just stepped out of the car carrying the instrument, but before he could measure the enlarged Forest Park, the Forest Park returned to its original state.

How could Dr. Pim be willing to do this?

If I had known, I would have come with Scott just now. Dr. Pym looked a little depressed. He sighed softly. Looking at the SHIELD agents who were packing up and preparing to evacuate, he felt suddenly in his heart. Got some idea.

Maybe, these S.H.I.E.L.D. agents will have the environmental comparison data of Forest Park that was just enlarged.

Dr. Pym hesitated for a moment, but finally made up his mind.

Let's find a chance to ask the captain.

In the forest park.

Since everything is alright, I will evacuate first! Tony said hello to everyone, then closed the mask again and flew away into the sky.

Scott saw the message Hope sent him and learned that Dr. Pym had also arrived at the scene.

Such news made Scott look bitter. In his opinion, this little old man was probably here to destroy the relationship between him and Hope.

Store manager. Just when Su Heng wanted to say hello to Rogers and leave, Gwen sneakily came to Su Heng's side.

Behind her were a somewhat embarrassed Peter and Harry.

Tomorrow seems to be Thursday, right? Gwen asked Su Heng in a low voice.

Yes. Su Heng was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

What about the previous discounts? Are there any more?

Well, this? The expression on Su Heng's face seemed a little hesitant.

Su Heng has not updated the Crazy Thursday activities for a long time.

This is because some time ago it happened to be the middle school holiday in Midtown, so the business of the dessert shop was not very good.

Although after the holidays, the store's business has picked up.

But since the senior students of Zhongcheng Middle School have graduated, Gwen and the others who are sophomores and seniors in high school have gone to various places for internships according to their own learning progress.

The students who have just entered the first year of high school do not know the relationship between Su Heng's dessert shop, so the only ones who can support the sales of the dessert shop are the current high school students.

Under such an environment, Su Heng did not make many desserts, and the original Crazy Thursday activities had been discontinued since the holiday.

By the way, store manager, you don't know that our senior students have returned to school, right?

Gwen raised her eyebrows at Su Heng.

Ah? When? Su Heng was stunned. He was probably used to being lazy during this period, so when Su Heng got up in the morning these days, it was already after class at Zhongcheng Middle School.

Su Heng really didn't know much about what Gwen said about high school seniors returning to school.

I knew it. Gwen sighed and muttered to Su Heng in a low voice: I just said that I didn't seem to hear you recently saying that you were going to start Crazy Thursday activities.

Well, since you senior students have returned. Su Heng touched his chin and looked at Peter and Harry who were following Gwen.

How about we start the Mad Thursday activities again tomorrow?

Peter and Harry looked at each other, and then Harry lightly touched Peter's shoulder, and then Peter plucked up the courage to walk to Su Heng's side.

Mr. Store Manager. Peter said to Su Heng with some embarrassment: I would like to ask, do you still need help?

I heard Gwen say before that during Crazy Thursday, your manpower is already too busy.

It just so happens that Harry and I don't have anything else to do on Thursday. Please see if we can help if you need help.

Help? Su Heng glanced at Harry and Peter suspiciously.

But let's talk first. This dessert shop of mine is a small business. Even on the busiest Crazy Thursday, the hourly wage won't be too high!

It's okay, it's okay! Peter waved his hands repeatedly: Harry and I don't need hourly wages. We just hope that you can leave us two desserts as reward at the end.

Huh? Remuneration? Su Heng looked at Peter in confusion: Do you need to spend so much money?

I also heard the news that Osborne Industries went bankrupt recently. Or is it that Mr. Norman stopped Harry's pocket money? Is that why you are so poor that you can only come to my place to do odd jobs?

No. Peter shook his head: The main reason is that my financial situation is not very good. Harry's words are just to accompany me.

Is that so? Su Heng nodded clearly.

If that's the case, then you two can come and help tomorrow. It just so happens that we haven't held a Crazy Thursday event for so long, so Gwen and I might really be too busy.

Thank you! Mr. Store Manager. Peter looked at Su Heng and agreed, with a hint of surprise on his face.

Crazy Thursday? Scott listened to the exchange between Su Heng and Peter in confusion, and asked Rogers in a low voice.

Captain, what kind of activities are they talking about?

Is this it? Rogers pondered for a moment: If I remember correctly, Su Heng and Tony said before that this is a half-price event held by Su Heng Dessert Shop.

That's it? Scott looked at the surprised expression on Peter's face inexplicably: Listen to what the little guy wants, he would rather work in vain to get the sweet skin from Mr. Su Heng's shop. Isn't that right? It would be a bit too exaggerated.”

Of course not. Rogers, who had been lucky enough to taste the desserts made by Su Heng before, shook his head and said to Scott with a smile: If you haven't tried the desserts made by Su Heng, maybe you can try it tomorrow. .

But the premise is that you can win over those students.

Lucky Dessert House reopened its Crazy Thursday event, and word quickly spread throughout Midtown Middle School.

The first-year students looked very confused as they looked at the seniors in the second- and third-year schools gearing up.

Especially when they asked the seniors why they were so excited, everyone kept silent, which made the first-year students even more puzzled and curious.

It wasn't until their teacher told them that they learned about the Crazy Thursday event at the dessert shop outside Zhongcheng Middle School.

For some smart people in the first year of high school, they felt that this was just some ridiculous marketing strategy and not worth mentioning at all.

But for some freshmen, the actions of the sophomores and juniors aroused their curiosity.

With such curiosity, after school at noon, they walked towards the dessert shop, wanting to see how crazy Crazy Thursday, which was praised by so many seniors and teachers, could be.

Facts have proved that the so-called Crazy Thursday is indeed very crazy in the eyes of these high school freshmen.

As soon as these high school freshmen walked out of school, they were blocked by seniors on the street.

All the second and third grade students crowded together and walked crazily towards the direction of the dessert shop.

This behavior left the freshmen in high school completely stunned, unable to believe that a small piece of dessert could have such great magic power.

But in fact, for the second and third grade students in high school, it is not the delicious taste of desserts that drives them crazy.

It's this kind of atmosphere that I haven't seen for a long time.

Senior high school students began to participate in various research and internship activities after the holidays until the start of school.

You must know that these high school seniors may not be as relaxed as Gwen or Peter.

After all, there are still a minority of smart people. Most of the senior high school students, due to their lack of knowledge during research and internship activities, are working as servants serving tea and water.

Days like this continued until the end of the survey.

This activity after returning to school allowed students who should be the most active age to liberate their nature.

For high school sophomores, this is a rare opportunity.

After all, Su Heng's store hasn't even been open for a year. From the time it first opened, it has been occupied by seniors from the second and third years of high school.

After finally waiting until they reached the second year of high school, it was time for them to enjoy the treatment that should have been theirs.

The Crazy Thursday scramble begins with the different thoughts and concepts of high school sophomores and seniors!

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