Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 138 The hidden truth

Please also line up and enter the store in an orderly manner to make purchases! Gwen held a loudspeaker and stood outside the store with her hands on her hips to maintain order.

If you are found to be suspected of queue-jumping, our store will disqualify you from purchasing in the store. Please don't take any chances. Thank you!

The originally chaotic crowd gradually became more orderly after Gwen called out a few students who wanted to take advantage of the troubled waters and jump in line.

In the dessert shop, Harry was responsible for cashiering, Peter was responsible for packaging and packaging, and Su Heng was responsible for continuing to make desserts in the bakery.

There was an endless stream of customers in the dessert shop, and the coming and going lasted for a full three hours. It was not until Su Heng put up the sold out sign that the shop began to slowly become quiet.

I didn't expect to be so tired. Harry sat on the ground with a tired expression, his hands so weak that he couldn't use any strength at all.

Although his family was wealthy, Harry, who was in charge of the cashier, had his hands cramp for the first time in a real sense of counting money.

Peter on the side was too tired to speak at all. Although Peter had flexible hands and feet and kept mechanically helping to pack, it was too much for him.

I can't help it, business seems to be particularly good today. Gwen placed the loudspeaker at the front desk, picked up the water glass and started pouring water into her mouth crazily.

Obviously, maintaining order is not an easy job.

Thank you for your hard work, you two. Su Heng placed the two packaged desserts in front of Peter and Harry, and said to them with a smile.

Thanks to you two for your help, otherwise Gwen and I would have been too busy today.

This is your dessert.

Thank you, manager! Peter and Harry saw the dessert handed over by Su Heng, and quickly cheered up and took the dessert from Su Heng's hand.

After all, this is the result of their labor, which is more memorable than the desserts bought with money.

Peter couldn't wait to let Uncle Ben and Aunt May see the happy expression on his face after bringing the dessert back.

In addition to desserts, there is also this. Su Heng took out two envelopes from his arms.

This is this? Peter and Harry took the envelope in confusion. After opening the envelope, they found that there were two hundred-dollar bills inside.

Store manager, this... Peter originally wanted to refuse, but saw Su Heng wave his hand.

This is the income from your labor. Su Heng walked into the counter and said to Peter: I don't have the capital to pay you this afternoon's wages by just giving you two pieces of dessert.

Don't worry, accept it. Your treatment will be the same as Gwen's. It will be a share of the total amount of desserts sold today.

Take it, Peter. Gwen put down the water glass in her hand and waved her fist at Peter and Harry: We can't let the evil capitalists take advantage of all the benefits alone. It's ours, then. It must be ours!”

Then, I'll accept it. Peter looked at Su Heng and Gwen's gestures and finally accepted the envelope.

Thank you, Mr. Store Manager.

Harry, on the other hand, put his envelope into his arms after Peter accepted it.

This money may be considered a good income for Peter, but for Harry, it can only be said to be better than nothing.

As for whether to accept it or not, it all depends on Peter's will. If Peter doesn't accept it, Harry will also hand over the money; if Peter accepts it, then Harry will also accept it.

Such a choice would at least not embarrass Peter.

Since the desserts and rewards have been given to you, then you can get off work. Su Heng saw that Peter was eager to return home, waved his hands and said to the two of them: Leave the rest of the game to me and Gwen That’s it, you go home first.”

Ah? Do I want to stay? Gwen's face suddenly dropped.

Otherwise. Su Heng pointed to the messy scene in the guest area: You can't leave me alone to clean the store.

But I also want to go home and rest. I'm obviously maintaining order outside, but I'm yelling until my voice is hoarse. Gwen muttered.

It's just that my voice is hoarse. I won't need my voice for cleaning later. Su Heng said without mercy.

Besides, cleaning is your job.

Hey, damn it, you know how to exploit people! Gwen curled her lips, but she still ran to the utility room and picked up the broom very honestly.

Do you need my help? Peter looked at Gwen's reluctant expression and asked her.

No need. Gwen held the broom in her hand and waved it around: It is enough for me and the store manager to clean the store. Since you have something to do, you should go back first.

Okay. Seeing what Gwen had said, Peter could only nod his head. After saying goodbye to Su Heng again, he walked out of the dessert shop with Harry.

This dessert is for you.

Outside the dessert shop, Harry handed the dessert in his hand to Peter.

Harry, don't you? Peter took the dessert in his hand with a look of astonishment.

Harry shook his head: I can't finish such a large dessert by myself.

Mr. Norman, is he still unable to eat? Peter looked at Harry worriedly.

You can eat it, but my father doesn't eat much desserts.

Harry sighed softly.

A few days ago, Norman suddenly fainted in the office and was sent to the hospital by Professor Connors for emergency treatment.

After Professor Connors relayed what the hospital doctor said, Norman had worked too hard recently and needed a good rest.

But Norman seemed to be obsessed with his work. He would go back to the company and continue working even though he was taking nutrient solution.

It took Professor Connors and Harry a long time of persuasion before Norman agreed to work from home.

After a period of rest, Norman's health gradually improved.

But for some reason, Harry always felt as if his father and Professor Connors were hiding something from him.

But didn't Mr. Norman eat all the desserts you brought back last time?

Peter's confusion brought Harry back to his senses.

Peter placed the dessert that Harry had handed over to him again in his hand.

Perhaps eating something sweet will make Mr. Norman feel better.

Yeah Harry nodded silently.

Cough cough cough! In the Osborne Manor, the thin Norman covered his mouth and coughed feebly.

Every cough seemed to use up all the strength in Norman's body.

Hoo ho! Norman, who finally stopped coughing, breathed heavily and tremblingly threw the handkerchief, which was already stained with blood, into the trash can.

Time seems really running out.

Norman lay on the sofa and stretched out his trembling hands.

In his blurred vision, his hands were so thin that only skin and bones remained.

This is the disease caused by familial genetic diseases.

I think back then, Norman looked at his grandfather like this. His father was seriously ill and then passed away painfully from the illness.

I didn’t expect that time would fly by so quickly. Will I soon follow in their footsteps?

Norman's head was tilted back on the sofa, but a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth at this moment.

But in the end, he still won.

This genetic disease will no longer bother Harry.

Norman felt the discomfort in his body and murmured softly.

Let this evil source of disease end in me.



At this moment, the door was opened from the outside, and Harry's shout came from the door.

Norman sat up from the sofa and quickly reached out to cover the lid of the trash can. Then he stood up and smiled at Harry who had already walked into the living room.

Are you back? Norman looked at the dessert in Harry's hand and asked clearly: So when you came back so late today, did you and Peter go to buy discount desserts from the store manager's shop again? ?”

No, I paid for this dessert today with my labor. Harry placed the dessert on the coffee table and told Norman about helping Peter in the dessert shop today.

Norman looked at Harry's satisfied smile during the conversation and couldn't help but sigh in a low voice: You have grown up.

Huh? Harry was stunned and asked Norman, Father, what are you talking about.

It's nothing. Norman shook his head, looked at the desserts on the table, and said with a smile: You may not feel anything, but this is the first time you have been rewarded for your labor.

It seems, that's really the case. Harry then reacted: I just said that I feel that my mood is indeed a little different.

Then I wonder if I will be lucky enough to taste the dessert cake that Mr. Harry earned with the fruits of his labor today? Norman joked towards Harry.

If I remember correctly, don't you rarely eat desserts? Harry was a little confused.

People always have to learn to change, right? Norman smiled: Besides, this dessert is indeed delicious.

Since you want to eat it. Harry opened the dessert box in a hurry, but accidentally dropped the knife and fork outside the box to the ground.

The knives and forks given by Su Heng did not have a packaging bag, but were a set of pure wooden knives and forks, so they would easily collect dust after being dropped on the ground.

I'll go to the kitchen and get another knife and fork. Harry said awkwardly, looking at the knife and fork that fell to the floor.

It's better for me to go. Norman shook his head: If you say it, it would be better to continue unpacking this dessert cake.

Okay. Harry sat on the sofa and continued to compete with the cake packaging.

Norman looked at Harry's appearance, shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

Finally untied. Harry looked at the package that he had completely opened, and regretfully picked up the knife and fork on the ground, turned around and threw it into the trash can.

This is... But the moment Harry opened the trash can, he smelled a strong smell of blood.

Harry looked into the trash can. A handkerchief stained with blood was inside the trash can.

Harry, what's the size of that dessert cake? Do you need me to get a bigger cake knife?

Norman's voice came from the kitchen.

It doesn't need to be too big, father. Harry came back to his senses, glanced at the cake on the table, and quickly responded to Norman: This cake is just enough for the two of us.

Is that so? Norman nodded and began to look for a cake knife in the cupboard.

Harry, on the other hand, gently closed the trash can and returned it to its original position.

The knife and fork that had been thrown to the ground before were placed on the table by Harry.

When Norman brought the knife and fork from home, Harry was squatting on the ground, staring at the dessert cake on the table in a daze.

As a souvenir, you can cut this cake. Norman handed the cake knife to Harry's hand.

Okay. Harry took the cake knife, divided the cake on the table into two, and put the two cakes of the same size into the trays.

Father. Harry handed the cake to Norman.

Yeah. Norman took the cake and inserted the fork into the cake.

Harry looked at Norman who was savoring the cake, but he kept thinking about the bloody handkerchief he had just found in the trash can.

Under all the worries, the cake that was supposed to be delicious in my hand became tasteless at this moment.

Harry? Norman looked at Harry who had only eaten a small bite of the cake in confusion, stretched out his hand and waved in front of him: What's wrong with you?

It's okay. Harry reluctantly shook his head: It's probably the aftereffects of work. I don't know what's going on now. I feel a little tired.

You're pretty good. Norman smiled: In addition to a dessert, Mr. Manager also gave you two hundred dollars each.

You know, when I made my first pot of gold, it wasn't as easy as you. Not only was it a lot of money, but I also gave away desserts.

If you and Peter are good friends, you should know that for an ordinary working-class worker, these two hundred dollars can support their family's life for several days.

Yeah Harry nodded absently, but in the end he couldn't eat the cake in his hand.

I'm sorry, father. Harry put the cake on the table and said apologetically to Norman, I feel like I'm a little tired.

Then go to bed early. Norman smiled and nodded understandingly: My suggestion is that maybe you can experience this kind of thing a few more times and accumulate more valuable experience.

Yeah. Harry nodded, stood up and walked towards the room.

After arriving in his room, Harry closed the door to his room and took out his mobile phone thoughtfully.

When he saw the bloody handkerchief in the trash can, he already had a very bad feeling in his heart.

And for some reason, Harry always felt that his father had been a little too kind recently.

He was so kind that he even had time to chat with him about daily life and reminisce about the past.

This is completely different from my previous father.

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