Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 139 Undercurrent

In the darkness, the underground laboratory of Osborne Industries was still brightly lit.

Professor Connors drank all the coffee in his cup, rubbed his aching head and sighed softly.

Is there less than half a year left?

Ever since he learned that Norman's condition was getting more and more serious, Professor Connors began to work overtime to continue developing drugs that could treat genetic diseases.

Although both Norman and Harry are victims of familial genetic diseases, due to Harry's younger age, the genetic disease is still in the recessive stage. Norman, on the other hand, was on the contrary. His genetic disease had already shown symptoms in the middle and late stages half a year ago.

This also resulted in the potion that could have been used to treat Harry, but could only play a easing role for Norman.

As a result, it is completely impossible for Professor Connors to develop a drug that can cure Norman's genetic disease within half a year.

But Professor Connors still decided to give it a try.

After all, Norman is an old friend he has known for many years. They have helped and supported each other. Although they had differences, they have reconciled.

After so many years of friendship here, Professor Connors could not remain indifferent and just watch Norman die.

Go on. Professor Connors glanced at the experimental data on the table, patted his face, cheered up, and sat on the chair intending to continue his research.

Professor. But at this moment, Harry's voice sounded from the door of the laboratory.

Professor Connors turned around and found Harry and Peter standing outside the door.

Why are you here? Professor Connors closed the computer screen on his desk calmly, turned around and asked Peter and Harry jokingly.

So is there any thrilling crime happening somewhere in New York tonight?

Of course not. Harry and Peter walked into the laboratory. Peter spread his hands towards Professor Connors and showed off his ordinary casual clothes.

We can't fight crime in these clothes, can we?

Oh? Professor Connors nodded and asked the two of them with some confusion: Then what are you doing here tonight?

I'm just curious, Doctor, why are you still working overtime in the laboratory during this time.

Harry calmly bypassed Professor Connors and came to the computer that Professor Connors had just turned off.

not good!

Professor Connors had a sudden thought and wanted to turn around to stop Harry's movements, but was held down by the silent Peter on the shoulder.

As expected. Harry looked at Professor Connors's somewhat violent reaction, turned on the computer monitor, looked at the documents About late-stage treatment of familial genetic diseases displayed by the computer voice, and murmured in a low voice: Has father's health never recovered?

After Harry had successfully recovered physically and mentally, Harry once asked Norman, who was getting thinner.

Since it is a familial genetic disease, has Norman's genetic disease been successfully treated by himself?

Norman's answer at that time was naturally successful, and the body weight loss was a sequelae of treatment.

Harry didn't think so much at the time, and felt that Norman didn't need to lie to him, so after a period of recuperation, he continued to play the game of superheroes saving New York with Peter.

But it wasn't until today that Harry realized how wrong he was.

Professor. Harry asked Professor Connors with a trembling voice, Can you cure my father?

. Professor Connors fell into silence. He looked at Harry's pleading eyes and sighed: The time left for me and Norman is too short.

I will do my best, but I cannot guarantee you that the treatment potion will be developed before he collapses.

Harry heard what Professor Connors meant and asked him in a low voice: So how long does my father have?

No more than half a year at most. Professor Connors shook his head regretfully: But according to Norman's current lifestyle, it may not be possible for half a year.

As Professor Connors said, their time now is too short.

In particular, Norman was too busy with the company's affairs on weekdays, which made his already weak body even more severely overdrawn.

Harry. Peter walked up to Harry and patted his shoulder gently in a comforting manner.

Then what if I take over the job that my father is currently doing and let him relax. Harry raised his head and asked Professor Connors with a hint of hope: If this is the case, can my father be free? A little more time?”

It's okay, Professor Connors said to Harry hesitantly, but you should know that the effect is not obvious.

But it's better than doing nothing.

The next morning, Norman, wearing pajamas, walked out of the room and looked at the open door of Harry's room with confusion.

Harry? Norman walked into the room confused, but Harry was not in the room.

Are you out again? Just when Norman thought Harry was acting as a vigilante with Peter in New York again, he found Harry sitting in the living room.

I thought I would see a picture of you and Peter in the newspaper again today. Norman looked at Harry and the Green Goblin armor placed on the coffee table in front of Harry, and asked Harry half-jokingly : So is there something wrong with this armor?

Of course not. Harry stood up and looked at Norman: Father, I thought about it last night. I don't want to be a superhero anymore. I want to help you manage the company!

The smile on Norman's face narrowed. He looked at the determination in Harry's eyes and sighed softly: Did you notice something?

That's right, so I want to make it easier for you.

If it were the original you, I might let you take over my job. Norman shook his head towards Harry.

But the abilities you have now should not be limited to a small company, Harry.

And no company is led by a superhero who turns into a flaming skeleton.

What if I am no longer a superhero? Harry seemed to express his determination to Norman, and a flame suddenly ignited in his hand.

In Norman's horrified gaze, the flames condensed into a flaming skeleton next to Harry.

This is the fire of revenge that Johnny placed in Harry when he sent him away from hell.

But now, Harry has let this fire of revenge escape from his body.

The Fire of Revenge nodded towards Harry and Norman, and then dissipated in front of them.

Harry, why are you doing this! Norman looked at Harry who turned pale because of the fire of revenge.

This is my own choice. Harry smiled at Norman: After all, New York will not lack a superhero like me, but I only have you as a father.

. Norman's inner defense was finally broken by Harry's words, and he sighed towards Harry.

Being a leader in a company can be very hard. Now that you have really decided, there is no turning back.

Don't worry, father.


From a certain dimension of hell, there was a painful scream.

Damn Johnny Blaze! You're going to get your comeuppance sooner or later.

Johnny, who had turned into a flaming skull, was riding on a flaming motorcycle, holding the incarnation of Mephisto in this dimension in his hand.

Perhaps, but don't worry, it will be after I kill you completely. The fire of revenge in Johnny's hands grew higher and higher, directly surrounding this incarnation of Mephisto.

The incarnation of Mephisto was unable to even send out its last scream, and was completely annihilated in this dimension.

After doing all this, Johnny looked at the ruins around him that had become dilapidated due to the battle, and his originally empty eyes suddenly looked towards the sky.

Huh? Did this little guy actually send his power back? Johnny murmured in surprise as he felt the power of the fire of revenge coming back from Harry.

I didn't expect that I could resist the temptation of strength? A smile appeared on Johnny's skeleton face: If you have time, I really want to see what made that little guy make such a determination.

The law——

The sound of the horse's neighing came towards Johnny from far to near.

Phantom Rider's Carter Slade rides up to Johnny on his old pal.

Did you encounter something good? Carter looked at the smile on Johnny's face and asked him doubtfully.

Nothing, I just found a little guy I met before who seemed quite interesting. Johnny squeezed the accelerator on the handle of the motorcycle, causing the motorcycle to make a buzzing sound.

Speaking of which, this has something to do with you.

Oh? Carter became interested for a moment, and just when he wanted to hear Johnny continue, Johnny released the brakes, letting the motorcycle turn into a line of fire and drive towards the distance, leaving only Johnny's body. The sound echoed in place.

If you want to know, catch up with me and I'll tell you.

Carter looked at Johnny who had galloped far away and turned into a small dot. He chuckled and shook his head, gently swinging the reins in his hand.


The horse turned into a white silver light and quickly chased Johnny.

The two rays of light chased each other and finally disappeared into this dimension.

Damn Johnny Blaze!!!

In a tavern in another hell dimension, a humanoid creature with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks punched the table in anger.

Kukuku!! Next to this humanoid creature, a mysterious man shrouded in a black cloak looked at the appearance of this humanoid creature and couldn't help but let out a burst of gloating laughter.

Mephisto, you are truly the most inferior lord of hell I have ever seen in thousands of years!

Ha, no, you have been deprived of all the authority in hell. You are not even worthy of the title of Lord of Hell.

Let me think about it, what should I call you? The poor guy who was chased by the Ghost Rider like a lost dog?

Shut up, Dormammu! Mephisto glanced at the cloaked man next to him hatefully: I didn't invite you here just to make you laugh!

Kukuku! Dormammu, the ruler of the dark dimension, mockingly asked Mephisto: So are you planning to let me help you deal with that little skeleton?

Do you think this is my fault alone? Mephisto suppressed his anger and said in a low voice: Can't you see? Johnny Blaze was sent by that guy from Ancient One. Test us!

Tsk. Dormammu sneered: Back then, I gave you a chance. Let me use your hell as a springboard, and then we can carve up the earth together.

But out of greed and selfishness, you wanted to monopolize the earth's resources all by yourself. Now that something happened, you thought of asking me for help. Isn't this a bit unreasonable?

Hmph! Mephisto snorted coldly: Stop talking nonsense, just tell me whether you can help or not.

How can I help? Dormammu glanced at Mephisto, although Mephisto in the tavern was still his incarnation in this dimension.

But through the incarnation, Dormammu still sensed Mephisto's increasingly weak power.

Now, even if you gather all the power of incarnations from other dimensions into one body, you may not be able to defeat that skeleton, right?

As you just said, behind that skeleton, there is the figure of that guy Gu Yi.

It's not like you don't know how difficult that guy Gu Yi is.

Of course I know this. Mephisto snorted coldly: But I'm not a fool. I naturally made a foolproof plan before looking for you.

Oh? Dormammu looked at Mephisto with interest.

Then tell me, how do you plan to deal with Gu Yi?

Is this it? Mephisto clapped his hands gently.



From outside the tavern, there was a sound of heavy footsteps.

Dormammu followed the direction of the sound of footsteps and looked outside the tavern.

Several ugly-looking orcs were walking towards the direction of the tavern with some difficulty carrying a sarcophagus.

This breath. Dormammu noticed that every time these orcs took a step, the breath on their bodies would become weaker by two points.

And this kind of weakness is entirely caused by the death and decay brought about by the sarcophagus.

By the time these orcs came in carrying the sarcophagus, the originally strong orcs had become old and extremely weak.

Why is she here? Dormammu asked Mephisto curiously.

No, no, no, she's not here.

This sarcophagus is just a body with a trace of her soul.

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