Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 147 Saving Asgard

In Asgard, Loki was half-kneeling in the palace of Asgard, with his head lowered and his hands holding two bloody eyeballs high.

Mephisto sat on the steps under the throne, holding his chin in one hand, looking quietly at Loki below.

"Yes, you passed." Mephisto chuckled softly and praised Loki: "Congratulations, you can join us now."

"Since you have given us sincerity, then I should return it to you." Mephisto looked at Loki's respectful look and continued to ask him: "So, what do you want? ?”

Loki held Heimdall's eyes, and his eyes full of hatred never dared to look at Mephisto. He could only continue to lower his head and say to Mephisto in a calm tone: "I hope, You can let me see my mother.”

"If I remember correctly, this Queen Frigga is not your biological mother." Mephisto looked at Loki who made this request funny: "I really didn't expect that someone from Asgard would call him You are the god of lies and mischief, but you value friendship so much."

"Because in Asgard, the only relative I identify with is my mother." Loki raised his head and looked at Mephisto with calm eyes.

"Oh? What about Odin?" Mephisto asked Loki with interest.

"Odin?" A hint of resentment appeared on Loki's face: "That's just a utilitarian with a false reputation as his father."

"When he adopted me, he just wanted to establish a connection with the frost giants in Jotunheim."

"Such a person cannot be called a qualified father at all, or it is almost enough to call him a qualified politician."

"What about your brother Thor?"

"Didn't you already see it?" Loki asked Mephisto who continued to ask questions: "That's just a brainless fool."

"I've had enough of these reckless Asgardians who only trust their own muscles!"

Having said this, Loki seemed to be unable to suppress the resentment in his heart. When he stood up, he crushed the eyeball he was holding in his hand.

Loki ignored the sticky feeling in his hands and asked Mephisto: "So can you let me go see my mother?"

Mephisto looked at Loki's hysterical look and nodded with satisfaction: "Of course."

"Just in time, after you meet your mother, we can go welcome the new owner of Asgard back."

Although Frigga was imprisoned in her palace, Mephisto and Dormammu did not cause her any harm except restricting Frigga's freedom and preventing her from communicating with the outside world. .

When Loki entered Frigga's bedroom, Frigga was sitting on a chair worriedly, worried about her husband and two sons.

"Loki, why are you here?" Frigga saw Loki appearing in front of the door and stood up quickly, checking whether Loki had been hurt by Mephisto and Dormammu.

"Let me see you, mother." Looking at Frigga's energetic look, Loki finally let go of his worries.

"How could those two evil gods let you come to see me so easily?" Although Frigga did not notice any harm to Loki, Frigga naturally knew the evil ways of Mephisto and Dormammu. at.

"Is it easy?" Loki smiled bitterly at Frigga and shook his head: "It's not easy to see you."

"I have joined the camp of Lord Mephisto and Lord Dormammu to welcome my sister I have never met back to Asgard."

Loki quietly held Frigga's hands and said softly to her something that made her pupils tremble.

"Loki! Do you know what you are talking about?"

Frigga felt the small piece of paper that Loki put into her hand when he held her hands, and calmly scolded him.

"You are completely seeking skin from a tiger!"

"Do you know why your father sealed Hela in the first place? If you really released her, even your father would have nothing to do with her now!"

"So what?" Loki pushed away Frigga who was standing in front of him and said loudly to her: "I've had enough of Asgard's current rule system that values ​​strength! If I had a different leader and a different system, maybe my experience would be much better than now!”

"Loki!" Frigga stumbled and fell to the ground. Looking at Loki who turned around mercilessly, she quickly screamed his name loudly.

But Loki did not look back, but left the palace angrily.

It looked as if there was a dispute between a mother and her son, which caused the two to break up on bad terms.

"Wow, it looks like you've broken down the relationship?" Outside the palace, Mephisto looked at Loki who walked out of the palace with a deep expression and smiled happily.

"." Loki shook his head in silence, then turned to Mephisto and asked in a low voice: "So Lord Mephisto, when are we going to welcome back my sister Hela?"

"Sister?" Mephisto smiled softly: "I didn't expect that your ability to accept is quite fast."

"Is this it?" Mephisto closed his eyes slightly, feeling the impatience coming from the sealed place, and said leisurely.

"In order to prevent the lady from getting impatient with waiting, it's better for us to set off now."

When Loki followed Mephisto slowly towards the Rainbow Bridge, in the palace, Frigga, who had fallen to the ground and looked very sad, opened the paper that Loki had secretly thrust into her hand. strip.

In today's environment, using this most primitive method to convey information is not easy to detect.

Frigga looked at the contents of the note, and the expression on her face looked very sad.

Frigga understood that this was Loki's plan to use himself as the most dangerous pawn.

Frigga really didn't want to agree with Loki's plan, but at this time, Loki's plan was already the best solution to Asgard's dilemma.

Frigga clenched the note in her hand, stood up and began to pack her luggage.

This is not the time to hold back your two sons! ——

On Earth, two SHIELD agents were leaning leisurely on the rooftop railing, drinking coffee in their busy schedule.

"I heard that the situation in the bureau has finally stabilized." An agent sighed leisurely.

"Before, I was worried that our SHIELD would be forced to disband, and then we would be transferred to the FBI or CIA, which are unfamiliar agent organizations. You know, I just came to SHIELD not long ago, so early. It would be a shame to be transferred.”

"Isn't this thanks to the hard work of Director Hill, Captain Rogers, and other senior agents?" Another agent said with emotion: "If it weren't for our level being insufficient, we would really like to help them share some of their burdens. "

"Yes, yes." The agent nodded with deep feeling: "Although the atmosphere in the bureau is good, as an agent, it is too boring to always stay in the office sorting out files and documents."

"I still want to carry out the mission with the captain and Agent Nomanov."

"Good boy, Nomanov, right? Are you sure you want to go on a mission with her and not do anything else?"

"Hehehe, you know everything."

While the two were chatting, the agent who wanted to perform the mission with Natasha suddenly noticed something strange in the sky when he looked up at the sky.

The originally clear sky suddenly became distorted, and a colorful beam of light descended from the sky toward the viewing platform outside SHIELD.

"Hey, look what that is?" When the agent saw this scene, he nervously pulled the sleeve of the agent next to him.

"Should we make a report or sound the alarm or something?"

"Huh? It's not necessary." The agent next to him glanced at the light beam in the sky and shook his head in surprise.

"You just came here, so you don't know much about it. This is Asgard's Rainbow Bridge. You should know about Thor, the God of Thunder, who has records in the Bureau, right?"


"This is how Thor, the God of Thunder, travels from Asgard to Earth." The agent smacked his lips: "There hasn't been much happening on Earth recently. Maybe this is just Thor coming to Earth to visit his doctor girlfriend. It's just a habit. alright."


While the two were talking, the light beam brought by the Rainbow Bridge had already fallen on the viewing platform.

The new agent looked strange and tugged on the sleeve of the agent next to him again.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course." The agent nodded without looking back and said matter-of-factly: "If something really happens on Earth, shouldn't we, SHIELD, be the first to know about it?"

"But." The agent pointed to Thor who fell to the ground on the viewing platform after the light beam dissipated: "Is this way of appearing really okay?"

"Huh?" The agent turned around, looked at the scene before him, and dropped the coffee in his hand in shock: "Of course there is a problem, it's a big problem!"

As the two agents contacted the current Director Hill, under the instructions of Director Hill, everyone hurriedly sent Thor to SHIELD's exclusive medical hospital.

Rogers, Normanoff, Barton, Quicksilver Pete and Scarlet Witch Wanda, who were originally sent abroad, all quickly returned to SHIELD under Hill's instructions.

Immediately afterwards, the entire SHIELD began to enter a state of martial law.

This cannot be said to be Hill making a fuss. After all, Thor is Asgard's only contact on the earth. Not only is he injured and unconscious, but he has also landed on the earth.

This already shows that Thor must have encountered some difficult-to-solve crisis that made him take this step.

And although the storm of SHIELD's disintegration has just passed, in fact there are still undercurrents surging between the inside and outside. In this uncertain period, Hill can only try his best to be fully prepared.

Dr. Helen Zhao, who happened to be on a business trip in New York, was invited to S.H.I.E.L.D. with her regenerative cradle equipment to treat the wound on Thor's back.

But after everyone put Thor into the regeneration cradle equipment, Dr. Zhao Hailun, who was controlling the equipment, looked at Thor in the equipment controller and frowned.

"How's it going? Doctor, is Thor's injury difficult to treat?" Rogers asked Dr. Zhao Hailun nervously as he looked at Thor in the regeneration cradle equipment, who was frowning and sweat dripping from his forehead.

"No, it's just the opposite." Helen Zhao shook her head in confusion: "The data from the regeneration cradle shows that Mr. Thor's vital characteristics are intact and he is completely unaware of his injuries."

"But that dagger on his back."

"Perhaps." Dr. Zhao Hailun had some kind of guess in his mind, walked to the side of the regeneration cradle equipment, and gently pressed his hand on the dagger at the back of Thor's heart.


With a slight breaking sound, Dr. Helen Zhao's hand passed through the dagger without any hindrance and pressed directly on the back of Thor's heart.

"It's true." Dr. Zhao Helen took back her hand and looked down.

And everyone also noticed that Dr. Zhao Helen had clearly put his hand to Thor's wound just now.

But when she retracted her hand, the blue medical gloves were not stained with any blood.

"I think this dagger, including the tragic scene when the dagger penetrates into the wound, is just a disguised illusion." Zhao Hailun explained to everyone.

"Then why did Thor appear unconscious from the Rainbow Bridge?" Barton asked the question that everyone wanted to know.

"I'm not a detective, so I don't know about this aspect." Dr. Zhao Hailun shook his head slightly, looked at the tablet in his hand again, and frowned slightly: "But."

"Although Mr. Thor's body did not suffer any physical damage, his mental fluctuations seemed extremely excited at this time."

"This feels a bit like the report "Abnormal brain waves of those who control the mental scepter" that SHIELD sent to me."

"Spiritual scepter?" Everyone looked at each other.

Regarding the spiritual scepter, it was related to Thor. At this time, they could only think of one person.

Loki, the second prince of Asgard and younger brother of Thor, is known as the God of Lies and Mischief.

In fact, this is indeed Loki's masterpiece.

In Thor's spiritual world, Thor looked at Loki, who was smiling in front of him, and couldn't help asking him angrily.

"Loki, what do you want to do?"

"Stupid brother." Loki looked at Thor's appearance and shook his head in disappointment: "Obviously you have been through so much, but in the end you still look brainless."

"Hey, you're scolding me! I heard it!" Thor clenched his fists and walked towards the indifferent Loki.

"If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, I'm afraid you will be beaten black and blue by me like you were when you were a child."

"Tsk." Loki smacked his lips: "But this is your consciousness space, and I am just an illusion. Are you sure your fists can beat this illusion of mine to a bruised face?"

"." Thor looked at Loki's fearless look, and finally put down his clenched fist, and asked Loki in frustration.

"So what do you want to do?"

"Me?" Loki smiled.

"Of course I want to save Asgard!"

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