Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 148 The Seal Broken

The wailing resentful soul, the shattered Asgard, and on the lonely throne, the man stepped on Loki's head and stared into the distance with indifferent eyes.


Thor suddenly sat up from the regeneration cradle, frightening Wanda who was using chaos magic to awaken Thor and took a few steps back.

"Calm down, Thor!" Rogers walked up to Thor, held Thor's shoulders, and comforted him.

"You are safe."

"Huh-huh--" Thor took a few deep breaths, and his vision gradually returned to consciousness from confusion. He looked at the familiar faces around him, and the originally tense expression on his face began to relax.

"Have I come to Earth?"

"That's right." Rogers nodded and asked Thor, "So what happened, and why did you come to Earth that way?"

Hearing Rogers ask this question, Thor's expression tightened after he had just relaxed, and he quickly stood up from the regeneration cradle.

"Asgard is in danger now, I have to go back quickly."

"Is Asgard in danger?" Rogers frowned, looked at Thor who was staggering towards the door, and continued to ask him.

"Need help?"

"This is not something you can handle." Thor took two deep breaths weakly and stood outside the rooftop with his hands raised.

"Heimdall!" Thor raised his head and called Heimdall's name into the sky: "Let me go back quickly!"


There were light clouds and gentle wind in the sky, and there was silence.

"Heimdall! Are you still there?"


"Thor." Rogers couldn't help but sigh when he saw Thor shouting to the sky with all his strength, but still getting no response.

"Although I don't know what happened in Asgard." Rogers walked up to Thor and whispered to him: "But in your current state, even if you return to Asgard, I'm afraid nothing will happen. Can't do it."

"My suggestion is that you first adjust yourself well at SHIELD, and then tell us what happened to you and Asgard. If we can help, we will not stand idly by. .”

Thor looked at Space, who still had no response, and nodded in frustration.

"Sorry, I didn't want to drag you into this."

In the SHIELD conference room, Thor held a cup of hot cocoa in his hand and spoke to everyone in the conference room with a bitter look on his face.

"But now that Heimdall has not opened the Rainbow Bridge to take me back, this shows that Asgard has reached a very critical moment."

"So what happened in Asgard?" Rogers asked Thor.

"Asgard." Thor's hand holding the cup tightened, recalling the information Loki had just conveyed to him in the illusion: "A few days ago, when my father fell into a deep sleep, there were many lords of the dark dimension. Mumu and the Hell Lord Mephisto teamed up to invade Asgard, and my mother teleported my father to a place unknown to anyone in order to protect his safety."

"But my mother was imprisoned by Mephisto and Dormammu. In order to save his life, my brother Loki was waiting for an opportunity to collect intelligence and was forced to join their plan."

"Mephisto." Agent Hill and Rogers looked at each other.

Among the information Su Heng once gave, there was news about Mephisto.

It is said that this hell lord has a grudge against a ghost rider in California.

As for Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension.

Although Agent Hill and Rogers have never heard of this name, it is definitely not a simple character who can be compared with Mephisto.

"What's their purpose?" Tony's voice suddenly came from the loudspeaker on the side.

"Hey, Tony." Rogers looked at the camera that suddenly looked towards everyone, and said to him helplessly: "How many times have I told you not to hack into SHIELD's cameras."

"Don't you think someone here needs help?" Tony's frivolous voice came through the loudspeaker: "And I happen to be in Su Heng's dessert shop now. If the matter is really serious, I might as well drag this guy over to help.”

"Did Mephisto actually go to Asgard?"

Su Heng's voice also sounded from the loudspeaker.

"And there's Dormammu."

In the dessert shop, Su Heng recalled the riots in the Holy of Holies in the past few days, and murmured in a low voice with some doubts in his heart.

"But the goal of these two guys should be the earth. Why did they suddenly turn their focus to Asgard?"

"Because my father's eldest daughter." Thor looked at the camera and explained to Su Heng: "That is my eldest sister, Hela."

"According to the information obtained by Loki, their purpose of invading Asgard is to break my father's seal on Hela and use her power to invade the earth together."

"Then the trouble will be big." Su Heng scratched his face helplessly.

The reason why those two guys did this was probably because they were afraid of Master Gu Yi.

Although the ancient mage is indeed dead in a sense, it is certainly impossible to hide this from Mephisto and Dormammu, two cunning guys.

But Su Heng also knew that Master Gu Yi would never show up and intervene in this matter so easily.

After all, Strange has just taken over as the Supreme Mage. This is not only a test for him by the Ancient One after taking over, but also a battle for Strange to establish his prestige as the Supreme Mage.

"But..." Su Heng narrowed his eyes: "If those guys really plan to invade the earth, maybe I can really find two more helpers."


Thor in the SHIELD conference room suddenly had an expression on his face, as if he noticed something at this moment.

"Those guys." Thor looked at everyone with a solemn face and said in a low voice: "They started to break the seal."


Thor walked to the world map in the conference room, closed his eyes and felt where Loki and the others were now, and then pointed his finger at a country on the map.

"it's here!"

Everyone looked at the map location pointed by Thor, which was the legendary origin of Nordic mythology - Norway!

"It's actually on Earth." When Rogers saw Thor walking towards the world map just now, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

After all, as we all know, Odin always likes to stuff random things on the earth.

And as Thor pointed out the location where Hela was sealed, Rogers' heart finally became colder.

"Then, everyone, get ready to go!" Although he felt helpless, Rogers quickly adjusted himself and ordered the people in front of him.

"As for the Bureau, Wanda, me, and Thor will set off together."

"Tony, do you and Su Heng need us to come and pick you up?"

In the "Norway" dessert shop, Tony and Su Heng looked at each other.

"You guys go ahead and we'll be there soon."


The Rainbow Bridge carries Loki, Mephisto, and Malekith controlled by Dormammu and appears on a coast near Norway.

"Strange." Dormammu looked around warily.

"That guy Gu Yi really didn't show up."

"So do you want to try it first?" Mephisto encouraged Dormammu: "Anyway, we haven't unlocked the seal yet. You first use your power in the dark dimension to corrode the earth. When you see the ancient time, Won’t you react?”

"Then why don't you go." Dormammu squinted at Mephisto, who had no good intentions.

How could Dormammu not know about Mephisto's charm.

Now there is only one step away from Hela breaking the seal, so it is just a matter of convenience for him to come to help.

But if Dormammu gives up helping to break the seal, and instead fully mobilizes his power in the dark dimension to corrode the earth, what if Ancient One is really not dead, and then Dormammu will betray his agreement with Hela to break the seal. Mu will never get support from Hela.

And what about Mephisto then? This guy was able to get help from Hela and monopolize the resources on the entire earth just by talking a little bit.

Which one is more serious, Dormammu can at least tell the difference.

"Then let's get ready to break the seal." Mephisto changed the topic and looked towards the coast.

"It seems that Ms. Hela is really tired of waiting."

"I can only say that it's fortunate that your father does not have much power now." Mephisto smiled and patted Loki on the shoulder: "Otherwise, just you, me and Dormammu's two substitutes The strength is simply not enough to open the seal.”

"Then let's start quickly." At this time, Loki seemed a little impatient.

"I already want to see my sister as soon as possible."

"Hehehe, Hela would be so happy if she knew that someone was thinking about her all the time before she broke the seal."

While talking, Dormammu and Mephisto had led Loki to a calm cliff on the coast.

"This seal is really interesting." Mephisto said with emotion: "Obviously this island is sealed with the legendary goddess of death, but this island has been full of vitality for who knows how many years, and there is no trace of death at all. Traces of invasion.”

"Where do you get so many emotions?" Dormammu glanced at Mephisto with a sideways glance, and the power of darkness in his hand became more vigorous at this moment.

"Come quickly and help break the seal."

But just when Dormammu used the power of darkness in his hand, a bright halo of light suddenly appeared not far from them.

Strange's figure walked out of the circle of light. He panted and looked at Malekith, who was using the power of the dark dimension and did not look like an earthling at all. He asked loudly to Dormammu and Mephisto. road.

"You are not from Earth, are you? What do you want to do here?"

Strange felt very tired.

After all, he had just defeated Casillas in the battle to defend the Holy Sanctuary in New York. Although he didn't know why Casillas clearly destroyed the Sanctuary, Dormammu did not appear.

But it also happens to give him a chance to beat Casillas.

But before Strange could immerse himself in the joy of defeating Casillas, he sensed that someone in Norway was using a very pure power of the dark dimension.

Dormammu glanced at Strange, who was wearing a cloak, and shook his head in disappointment: "Is this the heir chosen by the Ancient One? He doesn't look very good."

"Maybe he just knew that we would think this way, so he specially found the worst guy to take over as the Supreme Mage." Mephisto said with a sly smile: "Otherwise, how can we fool those guys who don't know why?"

Strange frowned. Although he didn't know what their purpose was, he knew from the tone they used to arrange the Ancient One Mage just now that these two people were definitely not a friendly team.

"Three of you, if you don't tell me the purpose of your coming here, then don't blame me for being rude." Strange frowned, and two spells composed of runes emerged from his hands. curse.

"Loki, go and fight him." Mephisto raised his chin and said towards Loki: "Dormammu and I will continue to unblock him."

"Okay, sir." Loki nodded respectfully, and a dagger appeared in his hand.

"Hey people on earth." Loki said to Strange with a arrogant expression: "If you don't want to be tortured, it would be better to leave here as soon as possible."

Before Loki finished speaking, he stepped on the halo of light that suddenly appeared on the ground.

"Ah——" Along with a scream, Loki began to fall continuously in this circle of light.

"." Mephisto closed his eyes speechlessly.

"What a waste, this guy." Dormammu also gave his own evaluation of Loki.

"So you two, are you still unwilling to speak?" Strange warned Dormammu and Mephisto again: "If you don't speak, I will let you taste the same taste as your companions later. "

"Hmph." Dormammu snorted, and withdrew his hand together with Mephisto, who suddenly had a smile on his face.

Amid Strange's solemn expression, the originally calm Norwegian coastline suddenly became violently windy. As a black crack appeared in mid-air, the vegetation on the cliff where Dormammu and Mephisto were located changed from its original shape. The green began to turn yellow.

"What a long-awaited fresh air." Accompanied by a cold and arrogant voice, a slim woman walked out of the crack in the air.

"You did a good job." Hela looked at Mephisto, who was smiling on the ground, and Dormammu, who was calm, and nodded with satisfaction.

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