Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 153 The fusion of world lines

On the Norwegian coastline, everyone's figures slowly returned from the mirror dimension world to reality.

"It seems it's time for me to leave again." Johnny sighed in a low voice as he leaned beside the motorcycle, watching the sunset slowly setting on the sea level.

"Mr. Johnny, why don't you take a rest?" Su Heng sat on the withered grass and looked at Johnny who was riding the motorcycle again.

"No." The fire of judgment burned faintly on Johnny's body. While looking at the sunset in the distance, he whispered: "Until I clean up all Mephisto's clones, it will never be possible to stop and rest. Appear."

"So, goodbye everyone." Johnny nodded towards everyone and took one last look at the sky.


With the roar of the motorcycle, a flaming tire mark was left on the ground, and Johnny drove the motorcycle towards the cliff.

Under everyone's gaze, the moment Johnny rushed out of the cliff, a purple portal appeared in front of him. Johnny drove his motorcycle and rushed into the portal that appeared in front of him. , and then disappeared from everyone’s sight.

And as Johnny left, a familiar steel armor flew out from the Norwegian town, drew a line of fire on the sky, and then descended from the sky and landed in front of everyone.

"Looks like it's finally solved?" The mask of the steel armor popped open, revealing Tony's face in front of everyone.

"Yeah." Rogers nodded towards Tony.

"Tsk, that's such a pity." Tony smacked his lips with regret: "If it hadn't been for the purpose of evacuating the residents of nearby towns, how could I have gotten through so late."

"It's true that it's a good thing you didn't come." Rogers smiled bitterly at Tony and shook his head: "The feeling of having your life force sucked out is really uncomfortable."

"Hey, does that feeling turn out to be life force being sucked out?" Tony raised his eyebrows: "I am in a town more than ten kilometers away, can I actually feel this?"

"It seems that this battle is not easy for you." Tony couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the fatigue on everyone's faces.

"So, do you want to take Stark's exclusive passenger plane back? At least it will be much more comfortable than taking your S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter plane, and you can also have a good rest."

"No." Rogers sighed: "There are still many things to do in the bureau. When Wanda and I go back and submit the report here, we still need to rush to other places to continue performing tasks."

"Tsk." Tony smacked his lips, turned to Wanda and said, "You must be quite tired with such a boss."

"Yeah" Wanda nodded silently.

"In that case, let's say goodbye here now." Thor shook the hammer in his hand and said to everyone.

"Are you even leaving Thor?" Tony made a strange cry: "Why does it feel like everyone has become busy recently?"

"After all, Asgard still has a lot of mess to deal with, and that guy Loki..." Thor shook his head.

According to Thor's intuition, he felt that Loki would not die so easily.

Although this guy is on his side in times of crisis, in times of peace, Thor has no doubt that Loki will cause some trouble for him.

So the best way now is to return to Asgard early to deal with the overall situation.

Moreover, Mephisto said that "Hela is a product created by Odin to resist Ragnarok", which also made Thor a little worried.

Obviously Surtur's crown and eternal fire have been put into Asgard's treasure house, and the eldest sister Hela has also been sealed by Su Heng and Strange.

But for some reason, Thor's heart still flickered with some uneasiness.

"Then, I'll say goodbye first." With this uneasiness, Thor nodded towards everyone. While holding the hammer high, the Rainbow Bridge suddenly appeared, teleporting Thor back to Asgard.

"Mr. Su Heng." Strange looked at Su Heng.

"In the coming time, I should be stationed at Karma Taj. If you need anything, you can come to me at Karma Taj or the New York Temple at any time."

"According to the last words left by the ancient master, we, the masters of Kama Taj, will get along well with you."

Following Strange's words, a teleportation circle began to appear behind him.

"Wait a minute, sir." Rogers called to Strange, who was about to enter the teleportation circle.

"I'm Rogers from SHIELD, and I thought we might be able to chat sometime."

"I know you, Mr. Captain." Strange glanced at Rogers: "Your S.H.I.E.L.D. is responsible for dealing with the scientific side of the problem, and we, Karma Taj, are responsible for managing the magic side of the problem. We have different intelligences. It should be an overly familiar relationship."

"If you really want to see me for something, you can go directly to Mr. Su Heng first and ask him to contact our magician from Kama Taj."

After Strange said these words, he stepped into the teleportation circle, waved to everyone, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Speaking of which." Tony touched his chin, suddenly turned his head and asked Su Heng: "Does this guy who looks like a magician use the same teleportation circle magic as the Ancient One mage? "

"That's right." Su Heng introduced to the unaware Tony, "That person just now is the current Supreme Mage."

"The current one? I seemed to be the Ancient One Master before?"

"That's right, it's just that Master Gu Yi passed away."

"That's true." Tony shook his head with regret.

"But let's get down to business." Tony said with a weird look on his face: "If he can also use the teleportation circle magic, he can definitely send us back to New York first, and then he can go back by himself, right?"

"." Everyone was silent for a moment.

"It seems, it's true."

They will forget everything, they will be reborn, they will start over.

Until Ragnarok happened again, the world was shattered again, and everything was forgotten again, and he was reborn again.

Since then, it has been an endless cycle!

This is the final chapter of the Asgardian Ragnarok fable.

But at this moment, those who came closer to the truth made the two crows perching on the World Tree involuntarily open their eyes.

"Are you surprised? Father." Loki, wearing ordinary clothes, spread his hands towards the two crows on the World Tree.

"I didn't expect you to be here first."

With a sigh of emotion, Odin's spirit body emerged from beside the two crows.

"Uh-huh." Loki looked at Odin who looked a little regretful, but he no longer felt the disappointment in his heart.

"I know you are still regretting why it was not Thor who came here." Loki looked at Odin, who looked a little guilty under his words, and shook his head gently: "But I'm sorry, I no longer I am no longer the same person I was back then, and I don’t feel lost for this, nor do I need your pity.”

"Loki, you know, that's not what I meant." Odin continued to sigh.

"Because I don't have Thor's potential, right?" Loki said nonchalantly with his hands on his hands.

"I understand you. In order to break this cycle, you have indeed done a lot."

"Do you know?" Odin looked at Loki in astonishment.

"Of course." Loki touched his chin: "Let me think about it, where should I start?"

"Since you succeeded as King of Asgard and learned about Ragnarok's conspiracy?"

"I think that connecting Hela and Asgard is one of your ways to deal with Ragnarok?"

"At that time, you probably wanted to continuously expand Asgard's territory and then feed it back to Hela, so that Hela's power would surpass yours and break the situation."

"But after you completely conquered the Nine Realms, you discovered that Hela's personality is not suitable for this task. If you let her grow like this, she will only become an accomplice of those hiding in the dark?"

"So you can only find a way to seal Hela, and then continue to find a way to break the situation."

"Until, Thor's birth."

Loki smiled: "You should have seen in that guy the potential to surpass you without any external force, right?"

"." Odin remained silent.

"I have to admit that although that guy is not smart, his potential is indeed much higher than mine." Loki shook his head.

"But I'm sorry, father, you made a mistake this time after all." Loki said lightly.

"?!" Odin listened to Loki's words and raised his head in disbelief.

"Loki." Odin asked the rather confident Loki, "What exactly did you find?"

"Then this is my secret." Loki stretched out his finger and shushed it to his mouth.

"I can only tell you that I will be the one to end Ragnarok in the end!"

In Odin's shocked sight, Loki's figure began to become gradually illusory, and soon disappeared from the world.

"This guy" Odin looked at the disappearing Loki and couldn't help but feel some worry in his heart.

"Just in case, let's call Thor over." Odin looked at the crow on his shoulder and shook his shoulder gently.


Fu Jin, who represents "thought", and Wu Ni, who represents "memory", these two crows circled twice above Odin's head, and then flew towards the direction of the fairy palace.

"Welcome back." By the time Loki's figure solidified, he had already appeared in a dark conference room.

In this conference room, Loki was wearing the same clothes, but his age, appearance, gender, and even species were different.

These are Lokis from different worlds and different timelines.

The Loki of Su Heng's world traveled to the place where he is now from the moment he was strangled to death by Hela.

And here he and other Lokis embarked on a wonderful adventure, and finally learned the truth that Asgard will be destroyed.

"I'm back." Loki nodded towards all the Lokis.

"So, can that matter begin?" Loki asked all the Lokis.

"Of course." The Lokis threw several thin booklets towards the conference table.

"Is this the truth about Ragnarok?" Loki touched the book in his hand and couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "I really can't believe it. As long as we tear it up, this thing won't happen."

"Although there will definitely be some risks in doing this, if it is for Asgard, we might as well give it a try." An old Loki sighed in a low voice.

"Then, let's get started." Everyone picked up the booklet in their hands and were about to tear it apart.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

In the conference room, the alarm bells suddenly rang one after another. Everyone looked up in shock at the alarm bells ringing above their heads, but the pamphlets in their hands suddenly disappeared.

"!" Everyone's astonishment turned into shock.

"What happened!?" A Loki looked at the disappearing pamphlet: "We haven't taken action yet. According to common sense, it shouldn't disappear."

"And this alarm bell"


Amidst everyone's doubtful expressions, a man with a solemn face knocked open the door of the conference room.

"Gentlemen, I have to tell you something very bad."

"The functions of the Time Variation Administration have failed!"

Time Variation Administration, where the Lokis are now.

Their function is to oversee, adjust, and ultimately balance the vast number of timelines in the multiverse that contain infinite variables.

But this function was completely ineffective just now.

Following the employee's words, all the Lokis stood up and asked the employee with solemn expressions.

"What exactly happened?"

"According to data detection, the originally slightly different timelines are being merged."

"The timelines with big differences are in the process of separation!"

"What exactly does that mean?" Loki frowned.

"That is to say, there is no main universe now." The employee said seriously to everyone: "In other words, all existing timelines will become different main universes!"

"We can no longer observe the future development of these timelines."

"What about my world?" Loki in Su Heng's timeline jumped up quickly and asked the employee anxiously.

"Well, the world you are in is originally one of the branches of the main world. Although different timelines are now being integrated, the integration time is not very fast, so it will not have any major impact in the short term. .”

"That is to say?"

"Well, the process of the main world will not change, but some products that will appear in other timelines will appear in the future."

"In addition, there is one more thing that I need to report to you." The employee continued to say to everyone seriously: "The infinite gems that were previously stored in the office have also disappeared."

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