Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 154 It’s the Manhattan Bridge again

“Welcome everyone to the Daily Bugle’s morning news.”

"Genius scientist Reed Richards and his three teammates were hit by a cosmic storm while conducting research in a scientific research spacecraft."

"Fortunately, the rescuers of Doom Industries found it in time and sent it back to the earth."

"According to reports from people related to Doom Industries, Reed Richards and several other teammates are currently in good health and are expected to attend the press conference of Doom Industries tomorrow to show everyone his latest research results, and Personal experience conducting research in space.”

"Please wait and see."


After a murmur from the radio.

"Sorry, we have an urgent news break now."

"A serious traffic jam caused by a car accident occurred on the Manhattan Bridge. According to reports from people on the scene, the cause of the jam was an extremely strong-looking stone man who knocked over a truck in the center of the bridge. caused."

"Now that Spider-Man has appeared on the scene, I hope they can deal with the weirdo on the Manhattan Bridge as soon as possible."

On top of the Manhattan Bridge.

"Hey, sir, can you put down the one you're holding?" Peter opened his hand and tentatively said to the stone man opposite.

At this time, the stone man was holding a truck driver's seat in his hand. In the driver's seat, a panicked middle-aged man was looking pale.

Just now, this stone monster suddenly jumped off the bridge and smashed his truck into pieces.

Just when the middle-aged man thought he could not escape, the stone monster opened the door that was deformed by the impact and pulled himself out along with the driver's seat.

"I don't mean any harm." The stone monster said in a rough and low voice.

He slowly put down the driver's seat and helped the middle-aged man unbuckle his seat belt. Then he looked at Peter, who was wearing a spider suit, and asked Peter with some confusion.

"So is this some kind of performance art?"

"Performance art?" Peter felt the strange look in the stone monster's eyes when he looked at him, and quickly shook his head: "Of course not, sir, this is my suit."

"War clothes?" Just when the stone monster was puzzled.


A can was thrown at his head from a short distance away.

The unfinished soda inside flowed directly on his body, making a "sizzling" sound of bubbles.

"" Just when the stone monster was silent.

"Hey, Spider-Man, defeat this monster quickly!"

Around Peter and the stone monster, the crowd of onlookers let out a loud roar.

"That's right, if it weren't for this damn monster, we would have already arrived at the company and started working."

"Spider-Man! Defeat this monster!"

"" The stone monster listened to the shouting and cursing in his ears, and then remembered that when he sneaked out to see his wife last night, the way she looked at him was exactly the same as the way the people watching looked at him now, A sense of grievance and anger emerged from my heart.

"I'm not a monster!" The stone monster took an angry step forward and shouted loudly at the surrounding onlookers.

"I'm not!"

"" The people around seemed to be shocked by the roar of the stone monster, and the originally noisy environment began to become quiet.

But the stone monster didn't notice it, because his step forward caused the truck that had fallen to the ground to leak oil and the dozen or so rear-end cars to tremble, creating a chain reaction.


The pungent smell of gasoline is connected with the sparks emitting from the car.

"!" Peter was suddenly startled and shouted loudly to the crowd watching behind him.

"Go away!"

boom! ! !

The explosion followed closely followed by the flames, spreading directly towards the surroundings.

The stone monster also reacted at this time, and quickly spread his body to block part of the flames and explosion debris from the crowd not far in front of him.

At this moment, the spider silk in Peter's hand quickly sprayed out towards the surroundings, forming a web of spider webs to block the debris from attacking the crowd behind him.

But just the two of them couldn't completely stop all the explosion debris from spreading around.

"It seems like you need help?" At this moment, Gwen's figure sprang out from high in the sky, and the spider silk in her hand turned into a spider web to block the remaining fragments.

boom! ! !

However, the explosions between the vehicles continued one after another, and the waves of fire caused even Gwen and Peter to frown.

"Ah!!" The crowd who were still watching screamed and hurriedly retreated towards the rear.

Just as the explosion became more and more violent, a translucent light curtain suddenly appeared, surrounding the flames generated by the explosion.

"What is this?" Not far away from the stone monster, a beautiful blond woman wearing ordinary casual clothes looked at the light curtain in her hand, looking somewhat confused.

But just when the blond woman began to be in a daze, the translucent light curtain began to loom, and then dissipated in the flames.


As the translucent light curtain disappeared, the originally suppressed flames began to erupt again, and several cars were directly lifted off by the explosion, pressing towards the crowd behind them.

"You're in charge of this side, and I'm in charge of that side." Gwen nodded towards Peter, and sprayed the spider silk in her hand onto the cars that were smashing towards the crowd. Then she pulled hard with her hand and pulled it away. Those cars pulled back directly.

On the other side, Peter's arm turned into a sharp blade under the blessing of venom, directly cutting the cars into pieces.

"Damn, it would be great if Harry were here." Peter looked at the increasingly raging fire at the center of the accident, with an expression on his face that looked a little anxious.

If the fire is allowed to continue to spread, whether the bridge can withstand the explosion of these vehicles is another matter.

"Susan, try again that feeling you had just now." By chance, Peter heard the conversation coming from the stone monster.

"Shut up, I'm looking for that feeling too." With the blond woman's low voice, she seemed to have found that feeling.

As she pressed her hands forward, the translucent protective shield that appeared earlier appeared above the central flame.

As the protective shield advanced, the flames began to gradually die out.

"Cool, what is this." At this time, Gwen also walked to Peter's side, looked at the scene in front of her, and turned her eyes to the blond woman.

"Huh..." As the blond woman slowly exhaled, the incident finally came to an end.

"Hey sir, there's this lady." Peter and Gwen walked to the stone monster and the blond woman. Next to these two people, there was a young man who looked a little careless, and a young man who looked a little careless. A very mature and stable middle-aged man.

"A warm reminder, if an organization called SHIELD comes to ask you to report recently, please don't refuse." Gwen said to the stone monster and the woman.

"SHIELD?" The blond woman frowned: "What is that."

"Uh." Gwen and Peter looked at each other.

"An official organization used to deal with extraordinary events." Gwen shrugged.

"So, young lady, are you also in this report?" Next to the blond woman, the seemingly frivolous young man approached Gwen and asked Gwen with a smile: "So, Do you think that if I also report it, I can know your name?"

Gwen frowned, took two steps back slightly, and looked at the smiling guy in front of her with some displeasure: "Sorry, no comment."

"Spider-Man! Spider-Woman!"

At this time, people who found that the crisis had been calmed down ran towards the direction of Peter and Gwen with mobile phones in their hands.

"Let's take a photo, Spider-Woman, I'm your fan!"

"Spider-Man, can you give me your autograph?"

"Can we take a photo?"

Gwen and Peter couldn't help but feel numb when they looked at the enthusiasm in the eyes of the crowd rushing towards them.

"Okay, madam, and this gentleman, if we are destined, we will meet again next time." After Gwen quickly said parting words to the blond woman and the stone monster, she shot the spider silk in her hand towards the sky. , and then disappeared from everyone's sight while dangling the spider's thread.

After Peter nodded towards the stone monster, the spider silk in his hand spurted out at the same time, and he chose to leave in the opposite direction to Gwen.

"Ah, gone." The young man with a frivolous expression looked a little disappointed as he looked at Gwen disappearing in front of him with a cobweb.

"But was she originally called Spider-Woman?" The young man touched his chin: "I really want to know her name."

"Johnny!" The blond woman frowned and yelled at the young man: "You'd better put away your dirty thoughts!"

"That's a normal thought on my part, Susan." Johnny raised his eyebrows at his sister Susan.

"After all, that Spider-Woman sounds good and has a great figure, right?"

"Susan, maybe your brother should be disciplined." Listening to Johnny's words, even the stone monster frowned in disgust.

"Sorry, Ben." Susan said apologetically.

"Susan, why are you apologizing to this big guy?" Johnny looked at the stone weirdo with some dissatisfaction: "If this weird guy hadn't run out without authorization, how could something like this happen today?"

"" Stone monster Ben Grimm fell silent.

"Johnny, please stop saying a few words." The middle-aged man standing next to Susan whispered to Johnny: "Ben may not feel good right now."

"Are you trying to teach me a lesson?" Johnny took the middle-aged man's last words of comfort as a scolding. He stretched out his finger and tapped the middle-aged man's chest with some dissatisfaction: "Don't forget, Mr. Reed, You’re not my brother-in-law yet! Isn’t it a little too early to teach me a lesson now?”

"Johnny! You'd better shut your mouth!" Susan glared at Johnny, her voice getting louder and louder.

"I've had enough of you!" Johnny became increasingly dissatisfied. He pushed Reed away and walked out against the crowd.

"Johnny!" Susan looked at Johnny who left angrily, and quickly wanted to chase him, but was blocked by the police officer who rushed over.

"This lady, and this, um, gentleman." The police officer looked at Ben and Susan: "I need your help in investigating the car accident on the Manhattan Bridge."

In the Manhattan police station, Reed was sitting in the living room.

Reed was not arrested, but accompanied Susan and Ben to the police station.


With the sound of the door opening, a lawyer opened the door to the parlor.

"Mr. Lawyer, how are Susan and Ben?" Reed quickly stood up and asked the lawyer employed by Doom Industries.

"Susan is fine. As for Ben, he needs to bear the main responsibility for the car accident on the Manhattan Bridge."

"But I have communicated with the Manhattan police, and I can come out after paying the bail."

"Is that so? Thank you." Reed wanted to hold the lawyer's hand gratefully, but the lawyer leaned away and avoided him.

"Ben's matter is nothing." The lawyer looked at Reid coldly: "After all, your matter is the big one."

"Although cosmic storms are uncontrollable factors, as a scientist, you were not aware of this danger at all, causing serious damage to Doom Industries' spaceship."

"The boss is very angry about this matter." The lawyer continued towards the sweating Reed: "He happens to be coming to New York recently, and maybe he will ask you about this. I hope you will Able to withstand the boss’s criticism.”

"Or, you'd better give everyone a shocking experimental conclusion at tomorrow's press conference, otherwise we, Dum Industries, as an investor, will definitely hold you accountable!"

"I got it." Reed wiped the cold sweat on his head and said to the cold-faced lawyer: "I will give Mr. Doom a reasonable explanation."

"Hmph, that's perfect." The lawyer snorted coldly and left the living room.

Reed sat back on his seat. Thinking of the accident, he couldn't help but clench his hands together.

In this cosmic storm, he indeed failed in his duty.

If it weren't for him, Ben wouldn't be like that.


Reed silently opened his hands.

Driven by his thoughts, his palms began to extend continuously like rubber.

Not only Ben, but also Susan, Johnny, and himself seemed to have undergone unknown changes in that cosmic storm.

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