Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 155 There is a price to pay for youth and vigour.

Under the fence in the backyard of the dessert shop, Gwen quietly looked around, and after making sure no one noticed her passing, she turned over and jumped into the fence.

"Store manager, do you need help?" Gwen put the clothes in her backpack on herself and asked Su Heng, who was picking up a bag of flour in the backyard and heading towards the baking room.

"It's Thursday today, what do you think?" Su Heng said to Gwen without looking back: "Your apron is in the same place in the staff room. Remember to put it on after you change your clothes."

"Okay!" Gwen nodded, holding her backpack and trotting towards the employee room.

Crazy Thursday is still crazy, and Peter sometimes comes to the dessert shop to help out in his spare time.

As for Harry, after learning about Norman's condition, he rarely even came to school, let alone came to the dessert shop to help.

This also resulted in the fact that in the dessert shop, there was no big change from before. Su Heng and Gwen were still busy.

Students at Zhongcheng Middle School usually finish their studies for the day at three o'clock in the afternoon, and then rush towards Su Heng's dessert shop in a swarm.

In the past, there were countless cases where some students even skipped classes in order to queue up at the dessert shop in advance and were caught by security guards.

Later, under the coordination of the school director, Su Heng's dessert shop was connected to Zhongcheng Middle School's facial recognition system, and school rules were issued, stipulating that students who skipped classes were not allowed to purchase desserts from the dessert shop. Now these students are so well-behaved and sensible.

Johnny was in a very bad mood today, or he hadn't been in a good mood since last night.

He originally managed to escape from the nursing home in Doom Industrial in the middle of the night last night, but before he could spend the evening with his new girlfriend, he was called away by Susan with a phone call.

Johnny thought it was something important, so he pulled up the pants he had just taken off, abandoned his girlfriend who was taking a shower, and quickly drove in the direction Susan had located.

After the results arrived, Susan told him with a serious face that it was Ben who was missing.

Please, who is her brother?

I was in the sanatorium for most of the night, and you didn't notice that I was missing.

The big guy just smashed through a wall and ran away, and you were so nervous.

Johnny was holding back his anger, and accompanied Susan and Reed to look for Ben on the street. They found him from early morning until dawn.

I finally found that guy on the Manhattan Bridge, but it turned out that just because I said a few words to the Spider-Woman, Susan, Reed and Ben reprimanded me.

Forget it about Susan, she is her sister after all.

Where did these two guys, Ben and Reed, get the face to reprimand themselves?

I won’t say it at all. Everything from last night to today was all caused by his disappearance. The guy who didn’t feel any guilt at all had the nerve to scold himself.

And Reed, does that guy really regard him as his brother-in-law? Just because of his genius brain with no emotional intelligence at all?

It’s not a matter of not even mentioning the eight characters, tui!

Thinking of this, Johnny couldn't help but spat hard on the ground.

After consoling himself fiercely, Johnny raised his head and looked at the bustling street outside Midtown Middle School.

"Is this the value of a popular dessert shop on the Internet?" Johnny looked at the long queue and secretly smacked his tongue.

Although in Johnny's opinion, this kind of store looked like the kind of store that was marketed, but Johnny happened to have nothing to do, so he was at the back of the queue.

"I want to see if this dessert is really as delicious as the online reviews say!" Johnny flashed a flame in his hand.

"If it doesn't taste good, look at me and smash this shabby shop!"

Obviously, Johnny, who had nothing to do, didn't really come to taste the desserts, but came to stir up trouble.

"Sorry, today's discounted desserts have been sold out." When Johnny was about to queue up at the entrance of the dessert shop, a slightly apologetic voice sounded in the ears of everyone around him.


The surrounding Zhongcheng Middle School students let out a cry of mourning.

"We've obviously come so early, but the result is still a little bit worse?"

"Damn it, it's obviously about to be queued up, why did it sell out so fast today?"

"Sorry, sorry." Su Heng walked out of the store and said with an apologetic smile to everyone: "The store didn't have enough people today, so we didn't make many desserts. I will try my best to make more desserts next time, so that everyone can enjoy it." Get your wish.”

Under Su Heng's comfort, everyone could only leave the dessert shop with regret.

Johnny was left alone standing at the door of the dessert shop with an unhappy look on his face.

"This guest?" Su Heng looked at Johnny suspiciously and reminded him: "Our discount desserts have been sold out."

"Hunger marketing, right?" Johnny stretched out his hand, trying to push Su Heng away, but Su Heng dodged it slightly.

"This guest, you should speak carefully if you have something to say." Su Heng looked at the unkind Johnny and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I've seen too many of you unscrupulous shops!" Johnny said angrily when he saw Su Heng dodge his push, "Isn't it just that you arranged a bunch of people to queue up in front of your store and then teased the customers?" Do you have an appetite?"

"I thought things would improve in New York after I came back from space, but I'm so disappointed."

"No, I have to post it on Instagram and scold your store!"

An indignant Johnny took out his phone and started taking pictures in front of the store.

"Store manager, what are you doing?" Gwen held a broom, poked her head out of the store, and asked Su Heng curiously.

"It's nothing." Su Heng turned around and shook his head: "There was only one customer who didn't buy dessert, so he lost his temper there."

After all, Su Heng had never seen any kind of crazy customer when he opened his business. Su Heng had long been used to customers like Johnny.

After all, the reputation of the dessert shop has always been there. No matter whether Johnny is barking on the Internet or in real life, it will not affect the business of the dessert shop.

But Johnny, who had just returned to the earth, did not know this. He still thought that he had a handle on this store, and he was complacent in acting as the network's justice judge and sentencing the store to death.

Just when Johnny had just edited a long list of copywriting and was about to post it on Instagram, he noticed Gwen who was talking to Su Heng. This made his original actions pause and his eyes It started to light up involuntarily.

At this time, Gwen was wearing an apron from a dessert shop, and her face was still stained with a little dust. But in Johnny's eyes, the girl in front of her was full of vitality, and her bright expression made Johnny even more excited. My heart was touched by it.

"Hey, this store manager." Johnny waved the edited copy in his hand towards Su Heng.

"If you don't want your dessert shop to be ruined by the copy I posted, maybe we can have a good chat?"

"For example, let your clerk lady accompany me to have dinner or something."

"?" Su Heng and Gwen looked at Johnny like they were looking at fools.

"Store manager, do you know this guy?" Gwen glanced at Johnny with some disgust. If Johnny hadn't suddenly spoken, Gwen wouldn't have noticed that the person standing in front of the store was actually the same guy from the morning. Arrogant guy.

"I don't know him." Su Heng glanced at Johnny: "Don't worry about him, let's go in."

"Yes." Gwen turned sideways, letting Su Heng walk in, and then gently closed the store door without looking back at Johnny.

It was obvious that neither Su Heng nor Gwen took Johnny seriously.

"." Johnny, who originally wanted to continue to say something, looked at the two people's attitude of ignoring him, and his face couldn't help but turn red.

"You guys!" Johnny looked at the closed dessert shop and became angrier as he thought about it. The flames that ignited unconsciously in his hands melted all the mobile phones he was holding.

Feeling that his self-esteem had been insulted, Johnny brought flames to his feet and kicked open the closed door of the dessert shop.


Gwen, who was cleaning the store, and Su Heng, who was lying on the counter settling accounts, looked at Johnny who broke in through the door.

"What a shabby dessert shop, you treat customers like this!" Johnny's arm ignited with flames and he shouted at Su Heng at the counter.

"Look at me smashing up this shabby shop of yours!"

Su Heng frowned and looked at the door of the dessert shop that Johnny had kicked open. His eyes towards Johnny were full of danger.

"You like playing with fire, don't you?" Su Heng's eyes couldn't help but twitch, and he tapped his fingers lightly on the counter.

The magic cards drive the illusion, blocking the outside world from looking into the store.

Huopai crossed his arms and looked at Johnny in the store from above.

"Fire!" The angry Johnny was planning to use the flames in his body to burn the entire dessert shop.

But when the dessert shop owner in front of him suddenly flashed a light, and after the light appeared above Johnny, the elf covered in flames.

Johnny suddenly found that the fire in his body seemed to be completely out of control.

Fire Card waved, and the flames in Johnny's body quickly gathered towards Fire Card's hand.

Johnny felt the exhaustion in his body when the flames disappeared, and quickly withdrew the flames in his body and returned to his normal state.

"What, what is this?" Johnny, who was still arrogant at first, began to become more and more panicked at this moment.

He swallowed, looked at the fire sign above his head, looked at Su Heng who was staring at him with an unkind expression, and Gwen who was holding a broom in the guest area watching the excitement, and quickly turned around. Wanted to run towards the door.

There’s something weird about this store!

Call the police. When I get out, I must call the police!

At this time, Johnny was already panicking, but just when he was about to escape from the dessert shop, Su Heng's palm pressed on his shoulder at some point.

"Why are you running? Weren't you quite arrogant just now?" Su Heng's vicious voice sounded in Johnny's ears.

"It's really embarrassing for you, isn't it?" Su Heng kicked Johnny to the ground.

"You are said to be fat and you are really out of breath?"

"Aren't you going to destroy my shop?"

Johnny's screams were accompanied by the sound of punches hitting the flesh. The sound resounded throughout the dessert shop, but due to Jingpai, it was not leaked outside the dessert shop at all.

In the reception room of the Manhattan Police Department, Coulson nodded towards Ben, Susan, and Reed who were released in front of him.

"Hello you three, I'm Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Please don't be nervous, you three." Coulson smiled gently at the three of them: "As long as the three of them don't cause any trouble in New York, our SHIELD will not exercise any control over the three of them."

"Huh? But looking at the expressions of the three of them, you're not surprised?" Coulson looked at the calm and even slightly enlightened expressions on the faces of Reed and others, and couldn't help but touch his chin: "It looks like it should be How many people has someone introduced us to SHIELD?"

"That's right." Ben nodded: "When we were on the Manhattan Bridge this morning, the spider girl told us about your organization."

"Oh, Spider-Woman?" Coulson couldn't help but feel relieved after hearing what Ben said, and continued with a smile: "She is the most popular superhero in New York and even the United States."

"Superhero?" Reed touched his chin: "It seems that the earth has undergone many changes during the time we have been in the universe?"

"Of course." Colson smiled: "If you know what happened to the earth during your absence, maybe you will feel a little regretful."

"Tsk, it sounds like a lot of interesting things have happened on Earth."

"That's right." Coulson shrugged: "At least, special cases like you are already accustomed to us at SHIELD, and even in the eyes of most New Yorkers."

"Including me?" Ben pointed at his current stone-like appearance with some self-mockery.

"That's right, including you, Mr. Ben." Colson saw the slight disappointment in Ben's self-deprecation and comforted him softly: "At least when you became like this, you still had your own reason. Is not it?"

"If I, sir, are free, maybe I can introduce you to a gentleman who once had the same problems as you now."

"Am I not a special case? This is really true."

When Ben heard what Colson said, he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

After all, although Reed, Susan, and Johnny all underwent unknown changes like him, he was the only one who had his appearance changed.

Even though this change only occurred in one day, Ben already felt extremely lonely.

At this time, I heard Coulson say that there were people on earth who had the same experience as him, which instantly broke the loneliness in Ben's heart.

Susan and Reed looked at each other and looked at Coulson who started talking softly to Ben. They both also saw that this SHIELD agent did not have any malicious intentions.

Such a discovery made both Susan and Reed breath a sigh of relief.


"Sorry." As Colson's phone vibrated, he glanced at the caller, nodded apologetically towards Ben, and then picked up the phone.

"Melinda? What's wrong?"

"Huh?" Following Melinda's voice on the other end of the phone, Colson glanced at Susan and others with some embarrassment.

"Well, okay, I'll take his family there right away." Colson hung up the phone and looked at Susan hesitantly.

"?" Susan and Reed looked at Coulson, who suddenly had a strange look on his face, with puzzled expressions.

"Well, Ms. Susan." Colson said to Susan: "Your brother is currently detained by our SHIELD agents because he is suspected of destroying other people's property. You see"

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