Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 156 Professor X

The car driven by Coulson slowly drove into the SHIELD headquarters. In the parking lot, Melinda May had been waiting for a long time.

"Sir." Melinda nodded slightly towards Colson who came out of the driver's seat, and then turned her attention to Reed, Susan, who came out of the passenger seat and the back seat, and the whole body curled up in the Ben in the back seat.

As Ben stretched somewhat uncomfortably, the already overwhelmed car made a "click" sound, and the back seat broke apart.

"Sorry." Ben, whose head broke through the roof of the car and whose feet broke through the bottom of the car, looked at Coulson with some embarrassment: "Sure enough, I shouldn't have followed you here. If you need to compensate, um."

"I hope Agent Coulson can wait until I pay off the compensation from the Manhattan Bridge."

"No need." Colson rubbed his head with a headache as he saw two big holes in the new car he just bought.

"Fortunately, I have insurance on my car, so I should be able to pay part of the claim."

"Furthermore, it is my official duty to receive you. SHIELD has a rule that any damage to private property while performing official duties can be reimbursed."

"Then your S.H.I.E.L.D. sounds really great." After Ben heard Coulson say this, he finally stretched his body boldly and directly tore a hole in the car for him to get out of the car.

"Hiss—" Colson looked at the scene in front of him and covered his chest with some distress.

Although it is said that reimbursement is possible, the reimbursement progress is slow.

Moreover, he had only bought this car less than a month ago, and just watching Ben ruin his car like this, no matter how good-tempered Colson was, he couldn't help but feel his blood pressure soar.

"Sorry, I didn't mean any harm." Susan saw the distressed expression on Colson's face and quickly explained to Colson.

"Of course I know that." Coulson sighed.

"But rather than my car, you should first think about how to compensate Mr. Su Heng."

"" Susan nodded silently.

This time Susan and the others went to SHIELD. They were first invited by Coulson to register their abilities with SHIELD.

Secondly, it was the trouble caused by that guy Johnny.

Susan couldn't help but feel a headache when she thought of this.

Johnny doesn't want to mess with anyone, but he wants to mess with the mysterious magician who is even the guest of SHIELD.

If it weren't for the fact that this guy was her brother, Susan wouldn't want to wade into this muddy water!

With a feeling of complaint, Susan followed Coulson and others into SHIELD.

On the rooftop of SHIELD, Tony slowly landed here in his suit.

"Tony." Natasha, who greeted Tony on the rooftop, nodded towards him.

"Wow, isn't this Agent Nomanov whom we haven't seen for a long time?" The suit slowly opened, and Tony walked out of the suit.

"Uh-huh." Natasha shrugged: "After all, your consultant's time at SHIELD is really pitiful, isn't it?"

"You said I'm a consultant. If you don't want to see me, why would I come here?" Tony put on his sunglasses and asked teasingly: "Is it possible that I want to drink tea with you?"

"It's not impossible." Natasha smiled: "But you don't seem to like drinking tea."

"Let's end the small talk." Tony walked ahead with his hands behind his back, and continued to ask Natasha without looking back: "So it's rare for you to call me over this time. Is there something urgent that happened? ?”

"Well," Natasha said, "Let's wait until everyone is here and let Director Hill explain it to everyone."

"Tsk, you know how to sell it." Tony curled his lips.

At this time, Tony and Natasha had arrived at the conference room on the top floor.

As Natasha pushed open the door to the conference room, the familiar faces inside the door made Tony whistle.

"It seems like something big happened recently."

In the conference room at this time, in addition to Rogers, Barton, Wanda, Pietro and other SHIELD agents.

Peter Parker, Gwen, and even Dr. Banner, who had been reclusive for a long time, all appeared in front of Tony.

Among them, the one who surprised Tony the most was Su Heng sitting next to Gwen.

"You're not guarding your dessert shop?" Tony walked over to Su Heng and sat down opposite him, smiling at him.

"The store needs to be renovated recently." Su Heng held his chin depressedly: "I have nothing to do anyway, so I just stopped by to take a look."

"Renovation?" Tony noticed Su Heng's depression and raised his eyebrows at Gwen beside him: "So, little girl, what happened to your store manager?"

"Is this it?" Gwen smacked her lips, with a somewhat depressed expression on her face: "I met a troublemaker during closing time today and burned down the door of the dessert shop."

"Hahahaha!" Hearing Gwen say this, Tony couldn't help but laugh loudly with schadenfreude.

"How could you actually meet such a blind guy?"

"Humph, that's right." Gwen said angrily: "That guy is like a lunatic. The store manager told him nicely that the discounted desserts were sold out, and the guy kept insisting that he would be exposed on the Internet. Our store!”

"The store manager and I didn't want to deal with that guy at first, but in the end, the guy burned down the store door and even rushed in to threaten us."

"That's true." Tony smiled and shook his head: "You know how to pick a place."

Just as Tony was teasing the blind guy, Coulson opened the door to the conference room from the outside and walked in with Reed and the others.

"Isn't this our genius scientist?" Tony raised his chin towards Reid.

After Reed saw Tony, his face couldn't help but stiffen.

"Long time no see, Tony." Susan stood between Reed and Tony and quickly smoothed things over.

Susan naturally knew about the grievances between Reed and Tony, but after all, they came here today not to resolve conflicts, but to solve problems.

"Long time no see Susan, you are still so beautiful." Tony nodded towards Susan with a smile, and then looked at the most conspicuous Ben behind them.

"So this is the result of your research in the universe? A stone alien?"

Ben looked at Tony a little unhappy.

"Tony, this joke is not funny." Reed frowned and said to Tony: "This is my friend, Ben!"

"Ben?" Tony tapped his head with his finger: "Is he the pilot who was traveling with you in the plan?"

"If I remember correctly, he doesn't look like this."

Reed opened his mouth and looked at Ben behind him who looked a little disappointed.

"Because something unexpected happened"

"Okay, I'm sorry, Mr. Ben." Tony shrugged at Ben: "The main reason is that your outfit is too confusing."

"It's okay, Mr. Stark." Ben looked at Tony with some surprise, while Susan and Reed also had equally surprised expressions.

You must know that in their impression, whether it is media reports or personal experience, Tony Stark has never been so polite.

Especially apologizing to others was something that was unthinkable before.

"Ahem." Colson coughed slightly, interrupting Susan and others' surprise. He whispered to Susan: "The person sitting opposite Tony is Mr. Su Heng."

Susan looked in the direction Colson said.

At this time, Su Heng also looked over as if he noticed something.

"So you are that kid's family?" Su Heng held his chin in one hand and knocked on the table with the other.

"Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Su Heng." Susan nodded awkwardly and pulled Johnny, who had a bruised nose and trembling face, out from behind Ben.

"Johnny! Apologize!" Susan yelled at Johnny.

"Yes, I'm sorry, sir." Johnny felt Su Heng's gaze and whispered towards him with a trembling body.

"I've already taught you a lesson." Su Heng said boredly: "Just remember to settle the decoration expenses of my store in the past two days."

"Yes, yes" Johnny felt the burning sensation coming from his back and could only nod his head repeatedly.

After Johnny was beaten violently by Su Heng in the store, Su Heng also used the fire card to impose a seal on Johnny.

Under the seal, Johnny is now unable to use the fire in his body and can only return to the peaceful life of an ordinary person.

"I'm done." Su Heng shrugged towards Rogers and Hill standing at the front of the conference table.

"Yes." Hill nodded towards Susan and the others at Rogers's signal: "Guys, since your personal matters have been settled, please take a seat."

"The next business is also the reason why I asked Coulson to invite a few people to SHIELD."

Susan and others nodded doubtfully and sat down at the conference table.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is really humane." Ben sighed in a low voice as he sat on the seat that was just right.

After all, before coming to SHIELD, Ben thought he could only sit on the ground because he was overweight. He didn't expect that SHIELD would prepare such a suitable chair for him.

Dr. Banner on the side looked at Ben who was sighing with emotion, and showed him a kind smile.

"Hello." Ben touched his head awkwardly and greeted Dr. Banner.

"Hello, I'm Bruce Banner."

"Ben Graeme, you can call me Ben." Ben nodded quickly and introduced himself again.

I don't know why, but I feel like it's my first time to meet the gentle and gentle Mr. Bruce in front of me.

But the way this gentleman looked at him didn't have the same fear or surprise that others looked at him.

Instead, he was full of goodwill, as if he had seen someone of the same kind.

Ben shook his head.

Just kidding, this gentleman looks so gentle, how could he think of himself as the same person?

"Since everyone is here, I won't hold back." Hill put his hands on the table and said to everyone with a heavy face.

"The reason I have called you here this time is because something extremely strange has happened on Earth."

"According to SHIELD's investigation, just three days ago, some people in different countries and regions experienced unusual changes in their bodies."

"Penetrate through walls, become invisible, cast fire, cast ice"

Hill pressed the remote control, and dozens of pictures from the past few days appeared on the conference table.

In the pictures, people from different countries and different skin colors are showing off the different superpowers they have acquired in the areas where they are located.

three days ago

Reed and the others looked at each other. That was the day they were hit by a cosmic storm in space.

"Not only that, but according to reliable information, some people who have gained superpowers seem to have received a copy of their own memories from another world."

"Ah?" Gwen's eyes widened. Isn't this the reason why she gained the spider ability?

"Although the memory is not perfect yet, it is said by some agents in the bureau who have also obtained corresponding abilities and memories."

"In that world, people like them who use superpowers are collectively called mutants!"

"And the reason why we called you here this time is to consult with you and see if you have any clues or if you have any better opinions."

"Wait." Tony frowned, raised his hand, and asked Hill.

"What you just meant is that there are such superpowers in every country now? And there are quite a few of them?"

"That's right." Hill nodded.

"So crime incidents are also increasing?" Tony narrowed his eyes: "After all, sudden power often confuses the minds of some people."

Johnny, who was sitting in the corner, shrank his head, feeling that Tony had something to say.

"So in the past two days, agents from various countries have been really busy." Agent Hill rubbed his head and continued: "Even the big shots in the Security Council were alarmed by this incident."

"Is that so?" Tony couldn't help but fell silent, as if thinking about something.

Hill looked at Tony who was lost in thought, and then turned to look at Reid.

"So does Mr. Reed have any clue?"

"I understand what you mean, Miss Director." Reed frowned and shook his head: "But I can confirm that when the four of us gained different abilities, we did not gain any memories of ourselves from other worlds."

"In addition, I can confirm that the abilities of the four of us are all caused by that cosmic storm, but as for those mutants you mentioned."

Reed continued to shake his head: "Before I saw those so-called mutants, I'm not sure whether their acquisition of superpowers has anything to do with cosmic storms."

"Is that so?" Hill nodded slightly and continued to ask Reed: "Mr. Reed, if I ask a mutant agent to cooperate with you, when will you be able to confirm that this matter is related to the cosmic storm? Is there any contact between them?"

"Well, if there are such so-called mutants." Reed touched his chin: "One day."

"Okay, after the meeting is over, I will ask the mutant agent in the bureau to cooperate with your work."

"Actually, maybe there's no need to go to such trouble."

Just when Hill was about to continue asking everyone present if they had any clues, an older voice suddenly came from the mouth of Coulson sitting aside.

"Perhaps I can give you a clear answer about this matter, Miss Director."

"!" Everyone looked at Colson at the same time. From his words, they had discovered something was wrong with Colson.

"Who are you!" Hill shouted directly at Coulson.

"I'm very sorry. If it weren't for my physical inconvenience, I wouldn't be meeting you in this state. But please believe me, I don't mean any harm." Colson smiled apologetically at everyone. .

"So, please answer my question." Hill frowned.

"who are you?!"

"Charles Francis Xavier." Colson, or Charles, stood up and bowed to everyone.

"Or, you can call me Professor X"

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