Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 163 Professor X’s request for help

As the moonlight hid in the clouds, the night began to gradually become hazy.

In Westchester County in northern New York, a mysterious rich man bought a manor and in just a few days, he repaired the manor into something like a high-end college.

Xavier's Academy for Gifted Youngsters, or X Academy.

This is a school in another world that Professor X worked hard to establish.

But in this world, everything has to start again.

I don’t know if this is lucky or unfortunate.

Because this world is too peaceful, the mutant people in this world are not oppressed by the same world they remember.

This also leads to the fact that some students who belong to X College in that world are not willing to return to X College in this world.

So far, the only ones who have responded to Professor X's return to X Academy are Cyclops Scott, Phoenix Jean Grey, Storm Ororo, and Colossus Piotr.

For Professor X, this is a bit regretful, but more importantly, it is gratifying.

After all, Professor

Under the hazy night, Qin, whose memory was confused, was walking alone in the corridor of the college, quietly looking at the hazy moonlight on the horizon.

The memories of the two worlds merge with each other, making it easy for people to lose themselves. This is probably a common problem for all mutants at the beginning.

This is also the reason why when mutants first gain memories, there are always individual mutants causing riots in the city.

But Qin's problem is much more serious than theirs.

Because in Qin's memory, in addition to the memory of Qin Gray in that world, there is also the memory of a person named "Dark Phoenix".

Qin wanted to tell Professor X about this when she found Qin in this world, but the dark phoenix in her body kept preventing her from doing so.

Professor X, out of respect, generally would not pry into the memories of those around him.

This also caused Qin to be worried about this matter for who knows how long.

She discovered that as long as she used her mutant abilities, the Dark Phoenix would have a deeper and deeper influence on her.

However, Qin was unable to tell others about this because of Dark Phoenix's control.

Qin looked at the sky with a little confusion in her eyes.

It was hard to express, and the feeling of being unable to control herself made her have no idea what she would become in the future.

"I seem to have seen someone confused." A soft voice sounded from behind Qin.

And this voice never appeared in Qin's memory.

"Who!" Qin turned around and looked at the person who suddenly appeared behind her.

It was a bald man who looked very much like an ancient Egyptian.

"Hello." The bald man smiled at Qin.

"I can feel that there is great power in your body."

"." Qin looked at the bald man warily and took two steps back slightly: "So who are you? What is the purpose of coming to X Academy?!"

"I am an ancient person who has just awakened. You can call me, Apocalypse." Apocalypse nodded slightly towards Qin.

"As for the purpose of my coming here, it is to feel the powerful power in your body." Tianqi buried the greed in his eyes deeply, and looked at Qin with eyes full of sincerity.

"And you seem to be troubled by this powerful force in your body."

"Perhaps, I can teach you how to control the power in your body."

"." Qin couldn't help but take a few steps back. For some reason, although the guy in front of her who called herself Tianqi looked very sincere, she actually felt a little threatened.

"I know it's natural to be wary of a stranger." Apocalypse extended his hand towards Qin's kindly: "But you have to believe in my sincerity."

"I can really help you suppress the power within you."

At this moment, Qin was not deceived by Apocalypse's superficial kindness. While retreating very vigilantly, she was thinking about how to wake up her resting companions.

But just when Apocalypse's eyes flashed with impatience, Qin suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Can you really help me suppress the power in my body?" A strange smile appeared on Qin's face, and she asked in a low voice towards Tianqi in front of her.

"Of course." Tianqi looked at Qin who suddenly changed her expression, thinking that she had finally succumbed to her personality charm, and nodded with some satisfaction: "As one of the oldest mutants, I can Say, no one understands the abilities of mutants better than me."

"Oh, is that so?" Qin nodded slightly and asked Tianqi curiously: "So, how do you plan to help me suppress the power in my body?"

"Suppressing power is a long-term process." After listening to Qin's question, Tianqi's expression became a little deeper: "During this process, I need you to follow me, and I will teach you in the following days. "

"Is that so?" Qin nodded gently: "Are you leaving now?"

"?" Tianqi looked at Qin who was so decisive all of a sudden, and couldn't help but be stunned.

He also thought that if he wanted to take Qin away, he might need to spend more words or use force.

But he didn't expect Qin to agree so quickly.

This made the words Tianqi had prepared in his heart completely in vain.

But this is not a bad thing for Tianqi.

"Do you need to say hello to your friends?" Tianqi asked Qin.

"No need." Qin pointed to her head, the smile on her face looked a little weird: "Friends in this place are just friends in that world and have nothing to do with this world."

"Is that so?" Tianqi nodded clearly.

Tianqi naturally knows what Qin means.

At the beginning, there was some confusion in his memory, but in just a few breaths, the memory of that world had taken over, causing his current memory to be completely shattered.

But Qin in front of Tianqi seemed to be his opposite, and the memory of this world took over.

But for Tianqi, this makes no difference.

"So, madam." Tianqi smiled and stretched out his hand towards Qin: "Welcome to join my camp."

"I believe that in the coming days, you will definitely find out how correct the decision you have made now is."

"I hope so." Qin put her hand on Tianqi's hand, when their figures began to become increasingly illusory.

"Qin?" But when the two were about to be transferred by space, Professor X in a wheelchair was shocked to discover the scene in front of him.

He looked at the stranger in front of him and couldn't help but frown.

The mental power was instantly transmitted in the direction of Tianqi, but Tianqi just glanced at Professor X with his eyes, and Professor X seemed to feel a heavy blow in his mind.

"Interesting ability, but this time, I'll let you go." Tianqi glanced at Qin beside him and showed an interested expression towards Professor X.

As for Professor X's ability, what he is more interested in now is Qin's ability.

Under Professor

"That guy". Under the collision of mental powers just now, Professor X has already felt Apocalypse's extremely greedy desire.

And the person targeted by that greedy desire is more targeted at Qin than Professor X himself.

"Qin is in danger," Professor X wiped the blood flowing from his nostrils with his hand and murmured in a low voice.


The next day, a special guest came to the dessert shop.

Professor X pushed his wheelchair into the dessert shop alone.

"Ah, welcome!" Gwen, who was taking a nap in the guest area, heard the doorbell ringing when the door opened, and quickly stood up to welcome the guests.

"Uh, do you need help, grandpa?" Gwen looked at Professor asked the professor.

"No need, Miss Stacey." Professor X smiled at Gwen: "I'm here to see Mr. Su Heng."

"How do you know my name?" Gwen looked at Professor X with some confusion.

"Because we met once." Professor X said with a smile, "When we were in SHIELD."

"Sorry." Gwen scratched her head and said awkwardly, "I don't seem to have any impression at all."

"Oh yes, I was borrowing Agent Coulson's body at the time, so it's normal that you don't recognize me now."

"Ah, are you that Professor X?" Gwen recalled the scene that day and looked at Professor X's current appearance with some surprise.

"It turns out you are really physically inconvenienced."

"So, can you call Mr. Su Heng for me?" Professor X asked Gwen.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll be there right away." Gwen nodded repeatedly, turned around and ran towards the backyard of the dessert shop.

“Store manager!!!”

Not long after, Su Heng, who was counting the goods, was called out by Gwen.

"Professor X?" Su Heng looked at Professor .”

"So do the elderly also like desserts?"

"Mr. Su Heng, please stop teasing me." Professor X shook his head and smiled.

"But haven't I heard that the business of your dessert shop should be very good? Why?" Professor X looked at the crowded dessert shop and the deserted street outside the dessert shop with some confusion.

"Because of the big earthquake two days ago." Su Heng sighed helplessly: "Although the incident has been resolved, most New Yorkers decided to stay in cities other than New York for two more days for safety reasons. Observe and observe the specific situation.”

"And Zhongcheng Middle School even waved its hand and gave us a whole week's vacation."

"No matter how good the business is, there is nothing we can do about this situation."

"That's such a pity." Professor X said to Su Heng with some regret.

"It's nothing to regret, you just get used to it." Su Heng shrugged: "So you actually dare to come to New York to find me alone? It seems like something terrible has happened, right?"

"That's right." Professor X nodded with a wry smile.

"Because this matter is so important, and to show my sincerity, I think it would be better for me to come to New York in person to meet with you, SHIELD, and Mr. Stark."

"This sincerity is indeed quite great." Su Heng said with some emotion.

Just after Professor

Spend more time making "anti-Professor X device", or it would be better to call it "anti-spiritual intrusion device".

To put it bluntly, this is the only successful countermeasure device Tony has made.

He temporarily installed the "anti-psychic intrusion device" on the top of the Stark Tower, the tallest landmark building in New York.

Then, the new Ark reactor in Stark Tower is used as the energy source to spread out to counter the "spiritual invasion wave" at a frequency of once per second.

The scope of this counterattack is centered on Stark Tower and covers a large area of ​​​​the center of New York.

This also makes Professor

This is why Professor X talks about sincerity.

If SHIELD is willing, they can subdue Professor X directly in the area close to the countermeasure device and imprison him here forever.

In other words, in this area, even a small gangster can kill Professor X.

"So, you came to me because you want me to contact Tony and SHIELD?"

"Yes." Professor ”

"Okay." Su Heng shrugged: "Since you said so, then I will help you contact them."

Su Heng took out his mobile phone and sat in the guest area while editing text messages. He asked Professor X curiously.

"So what happened that made you take such a big risk to come to us?"

"Because of mutants" Professor X sighed helplessly.

"Just last night, one of my students was kidnapped by a mysterious mutant."

"Huh? Can't you find it?" Su Heng looked at Professor X in confusion.

He still knows Professor X's ability. If he wants to find a mutant, it should be easy for him.

"I can find it, but I can't bring my students back." Professor X shook his head helplessly.

"Because that mutant's ability is superior to mine."

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