Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 164 Declaring War on the Whole World

“I’ve really admired your name for a long time, Professor X.

After Professor X explained the reason clearly to Su Heng, Tony and Rogers came to the dessert shop one after another.

Tony looked up and down at Professor

"Tony." Rogers shook his head towards Tony.

After all, from the perspective of outsiders, Tony's words were really rude to Professor X.

"It's okay, Captain." Professor

"Huh." Tony snorted coldly, sat on a chair in the guest area, crossed his legs on the table, and raised his chin nonchalantly towards Professor X and Su Heng: "Well, everyone is already here. , can you expand on it? Regarding the crisis mentioned in the text message, what exactly is it?"

"Let me tell you, Professor." Su Heng glanced at Professor

"I don't know much about the concept of the mutant you mentioned that is much stronger than you."


"According to the levels of mutants in the world in my memory, mutants are divided into six levels according to their abilities."

"Alpha, Beta, Delta, Ypsilon, Gamma and Omega."

"Among them, Ypsilon-level mutants are the weakest mutants. Their abilities have major flaws or their bodies have a monster-like appearance. They cannot integrate into society on their own and find it difficult to live."

"Delta-level mutants are the most common mutants among all mutants. They have the appearance of normal people, and their abilities are not outstanding but are extremely controllable."

"The abilities of Beta-level mutants are much higher than those of Delta-level mutants. They have powerful abilities and can be controlled, but their control is not very good."

"Alpha-level mutants are one step above beta-level mutants and can control their powerful mutant abilities at will."

"In addition, Gamma-level mutants have the powerful abilities of Alpha-level mutants, but also have the shortcomings of Ypsilon-level mutants. They are unable to control their own abilities, or have life obstacles."

"Finally, there are Omega-level mutants. There are very few mutants of this type. They have the power to destroy the world. They can control matter and energy. They also have unlimited potential and near-immortality."

"I and my kidnapped student Qin are both Alpha-level mutants, and the mutant who kidnapped my student is an Omega-level mutant."

"Do you have the ability to destroy the world?" Tony touched his chin, readjusted his sitting posture, pointed at Su Heng curiously, and asked Professor X: "Then Mr. Professor X, if this If this guy were one of your mutants, what level would he be rated as?"

"Mr. Su Heng?" Professor Mutant."

"Oh, if you calculate it like this, I probably understand." Tony flexed his fingers and calculated in a low voice: "According to your classification, Su Heng should be an Omega level, Thor and Wanda Also, Quicksilver should be considered an Alpha level, and the out-of-control Hulk should be considered a Gamma level."

"As for the little girl." Tony glanced at Gwen, who was staring at them curiously: "And that little bug, they should be Delta-level."

"What, I should be considered a beta anyway." Gwen said a little unconvinced.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Tony waved his hand towards Gwen: "It's just a glimpse of our current combat power."

"So, since the Omega-level Su Heng is here, what are you still worried about? Wouldn't it be over if you just ask him for help? Wouldn't it be unnecessary to ask us?" Tony asked Professor X.

"It would be true if we were just dealing with that mutant." Professor

"In the confrontation last night, although I lost, I still noticed the ambitious desire in his mind."

"He wants to destroy the world today and establish his own dynasty."

"It's just ambition, how can you believe that he can do it?" Tony looked at Professor X with some doubt.

"Yes!" Professor X nodded firmly.

"Mr. Professor, I still said what I said before." Tony shook his head: "Your words alone are not convincing at all."

"." Professor X sighed silently.

Sure enough, there is still a lack of trust.

"What I said just now is true." Rogers, who had been listening to the conversation between Professor got up.

"So Professor X." Rogers enlarged the picture on his phone, then placed the phone on the table in front of Professor


"Okay." Rogers sighed helplessly: "Guys, it looks like we are really here to survive this time."

"Just now, all the US military troops stationed in Africa have been killed, and Wakanda, which had been hidden for many years, was destroyed by this mutant in a high-profile way."

"This picture, and this report, were uploaded to the Internet by a mutant reporter."

"Wakanda was destroyed?" Tony couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in surprise after hearing these words.

After all, this country possesses vibranium, a rare resource unique in the world. Tony had heard that this country's technology was quite advanced, but he didn't expect it to be destroyed so quickly.

"Yes." Rogers' face was solemn: "In this report, Apocalypse invites mutants from all over the world to go to Africa to establish a country with only mutants."

"And directly threatened to declare war on all countries in the world."

"Hey, are you breathing so loudly?" Tony sat up and looked at the jet-black bald head on Rogers' phone.

"Is this this guy?" Tony said with a weird look on his face: "Where did he get the courage to declare war on the whole world?"

"Although this is just his unilateral declaration of war, governments of various countries may not necessarily pay attention to this guy." Rogers sighed: "But this is not necessarily true for our country."

"After all, this guy killed US military troops stationed in Africa and publicized it widely. This is undoubtedly a direct slap in the face to the leader in the White House in front of all the countries in the world."

"If that person doesn't take this seriously, I'm afraid all Americans, including us, will become the laughing stock of other countries."

"Hill, General Ross of the military, and members of Congress have all been summoned to the White House. They are probably discussing how to punish this mutant."

"But with the weapons of the current military," Professor X shook his head: "Unless nuclear weapons are used, it should be difficult to cause harm to that guy."

"Is it really that mysterious?" Tony raised his eyebrows in disbelief: "Although Stark Industries has closed its weapons manufacturing department, this does not mean that the military does not have exclusive weapons from Stark Industries stockpiled."

"Especially the Jericho Missile I made before I closed down the Arms Manufacturing Department."

Tony said matter-of-factly: "The military's reserve of Jericho missiles is more than enough to level Wakanda to the ground."

Professor X sighed and shook his head: "It would be great if it were really that simple."


And the fact is just as Professor X expected.

In the White House, because all the US troops stationed in Africa were killed, the furious General Ross took the initiative to ask for help from the leader of the White House, issued a military order, and took down Apocalypse within two days. He was bound to shock all countries with the power of thunder. .

For this purpose, General Ross specially mobilized two aircraft carriers capable of accommodating more than a hundred fighter jets of various types to the African region.

Such a big battle was just to deal with Tian Qi alone.

In fact, this is not because General Ross takes Apocalypse's strength seriously.

Rather, it is out of the deterrence of a great power, letting other countries know that although they are now in a peaceful era, they are still the country with the strongest military strength on earth.

In addition, there is another reason - Wakanda is destroyed, but

The vibranium is still there.

As an extremely rare metal on earth, it is now left unattended.

How can this prevent the bald eagles from feeling "pity"?

They wish they could just use those two aircraft carriers to move all the vibranium in Wakanda back to the United States, so as not to be coveted by those "lawless elements".

In fact, everyone understands it.

But unfortunately, the vision is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

The US fleet, which did not take Apocalypse too seriously, suffered another heavy blow.

And this time, Apocalypse did not take action.

The ones who took action were four mutants recruited by Apocalypse from all over the world.

In reports by mutant reporters, these four mutants are called the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."

Plague, war, famine and death.

Plague can spread germs, war can cause explosions, and famine can turn organic tissue into dust.

Death, on the other hand, has a pair of metal wings, has super maneuverability, and has extremely strong strength and speed.

In this battle, Death shot down nearly seventy fighter jets directly in the sky.

The other three Knights of the Apocalypse used their abilities in the sky to infect the people on the aircraft carrier with diseases. After death, they turned into dust and sank to the bottom of the sea with the explosion of the aircraft carrier.

Two aircraft carriers, more than a hundred fighter jets, and countless combatants died in a foreign country just because of carelessness.

When the news came back to New York, everyone was shocked and speechless.

This is the first time in peacetime that the military has suffered such a heavy blow.

General Ross was forced to resign under pressure.

Hill, who had been discouraging everyone from acting cautiously during the meeting, took over the heavy responsibility of General Ross under the instructions of the leader of the White House and the International Security Council.

And was appointed to completely capture Apocalypse and all the mutants under Apocalypse within a week.

Although he was ordered to do so in a critical situation, in fact, this was not a good thing for Hill and SHIELD.

After all, Tianqi has only shown the tip of the iceberg of his strength now, and he has already beaten the US military to the point of distress.

For SHIELD, this job is not easy to handle.

If it is not done well, SHIELD, which has finally regained its strength, may be severely damaged again.

This is not something Agent Hill wants to see.

But take down Apocalypse.

This is something that even SHIELD in its heyday couldn't do, let alone SHIELD now.

"I don't know why Thor can completely contact him. Even if I follow the method Thor said and call his name while standing on the mark left by the Rainbow Bridge, I can't get any response."

In the SHIELD office, Hill pinched the bridge of his nose tiredly, and then looked at the people he had summoned.

The Fantastic Three, Mr. Fantastic Reed, Invisible Woman Susan, and Ben the Stone.

There are also Dr. Banner, Ant-Man Scott, Professor X, Cyclops Scott, Storm Ororo, Su Heng, and Tony.

As well as Wanda the Scarlet Witch and Pietro Quicksilver of this S.H.I.E.L.D.

As for Peter Parker and Gwen, SHIELD followed its original practice and did not include them in the plan.

"So, for now, I can only leave it to you." Hill sighed.

"After all, this is a matter of life and death. I am not qualified to ask you to participate. I can only hope that everyone can clearly see the danger of the apocalypse before it is too late."

"Apocalypse" Due to Doom's disappearance, Reed, who was freed from endless debt, began his superhero career again.

Maybe it's the confidence that just becoming a superhero brought him, or maybe he really understands the dangers of Apocalypse.

Reed nodded towards Susan and Ben, and after obtaining their consent, Reed said to Hill.

"For this matter, please add our three names."

After Reed signed up, everyone else raised their hands.

"Count me in on this!"

Reed felt the burning fighting spirit of everyone around him, and turned back to look at Ben with a somewhat apologetic look.

"Sorry, brother, the device that transforms you back can only be activated after you come back."

"It doesn't matter." Ben shrugged: "It's not a day or two away anyway."

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