Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 165 In a hurry

In eastern Africa, in what is now the site of Wakanda, a glorious pyramid now stands. A group of ragged black slaves are carrying baskets on their backs and transporting soil from the pyramid in the most primitive way.

"Move!" A mutant with a whip in his hand whipped the black slave in front of him fiercely.

The black slave, who had no strength to begin with, was caught off guard and ran forward two steps as if under stress. Finally, he staggered and fell to the ground, looking helplessly at his fellow compatriots around him.

But the black compatriots around them seemed to have not seen this scene, and they continued to walk forward mechanically and expressionlessly.

You can't stop, and you can't help him, otherwise you will be the one who dies.

This is what they have learned over the past few days.

Obviously this group of mutants has the power to directly build the pyramid in front of them, but they still let their defeated slaves use the most time-consuming and labor-intensive method to transport the debris.

Obviously, this is the punishment given to them by Master Apocalypse.

A punishment for these sinners who still have a desire for revenge even though their country has been destroyed.

In the past few days, all those who were able to resist have been killed by Tianqi's knights. What is left now is just a group of cowardly people who dare not resist at all.

"Are you trying to be lazy?" The mutant straightened the whip in his hand and walked toward the black slave who fell to the ground in front of him with a look of despair.

Amidst the whippings and screams, blood flowed on the path of the slaves, and the slaves indifferently stepped on the sticky road covered with blood and continued to move forward. Go.

At this moment, a dazzling golden light emitted from the top of the pyramid.

After seeing the golden light on the pyramid, the mutants who were still whipping the corpse and the group of slaves around the mutants quickly stopped what they were doing and knelt down toward the ground.

This is the "great" His Majesty Apocalypse performing a baptism ceremony for the new mutants who have joined this country.

Since the Four Horsemen under Apocalypse directly defeated the two US fleets, some mutants from all over the world seemed to have found their destination, and they made pilgrimages to Africa, hoping to join the country Apocalypse was creating.

In fact, in this period, Apocalypse is indeed open to these mutants who come to their doorstep.

Not only that, he will also "baptize" the new mutants who joined the previous day at noon every day.

"Baptism" is one of Apocalypse's abilities, which can help mutants strengthen their abilities and enable them to master stronger power.

This is also one of the methods Tian uses to recruit mutants.

Above the pyramid, Apocalypse slowly opened his eyes, lowered his raised hands, and showed a kind smile to the mutants around him.

"My compatriots, congratulations, your abilities have been further enhanced."

"I hope you can master this stronger power as soon as possible and become the most useful hero in our mutant nation."

The mutants standing around Apocalypse happily felt the powerful power emanating from themselves, and then under Apocalypse's gaze, everyone knelt down in front of Apocalypse.

"Thank you, His Majesty Tianqi, for your gift!"

Tianqi nodded slightly, and then slowly walked into the pyramid from the top entrance of the pyramid.

Every five steps in the long and narrow tunnel, there was a torch used to dispel the darkness. Apocalypse slowly walked towards the inside of the pyramid, and soon came to a hollow secret room inside the pyramid.

Inside this secret room, Qin's hands and feet were bound in mid-air by four chains. She raised her head and looked at Tianqi who walked in with a weak expression.

"It seems that you are in good condition." Tianqi smiled at Qin, walked in front of her, and gently pinched her cheek.

"In a few days, I think I should be able to enjoy your delicious food."

"Despicable guy." Qin used all her strength to throw away Apocalypse's hand holding her chin, and said intermittently: "You clearly agreed that you are here to help me control my power, why!"

"You can help those mutants outside, why don't you help me!"

Tianqi looked at Qin with a look of resentment and smiled in a low voice.

"Of course you are different from them."

"The abilities of the guys outside are mediocre. At best, they are just throwaways."

"And you" Tianqi raised his head, as if enjoying the power in Qin's body.

"I can't even bear to let you become my knight. Only by completely eating you up can I be worthy of the huge power in your body."

"Wait a minute." Tianqi looked at the dark light on the four chains that bound Qin's limbs.

"When your power is fully stimulated, I can enjoy your delicious food."

"Damn it!" When Qin heard Tianqi say this, she couldn't help but struggled crazily in mid-air.

"You monster!"

"Your Majesty Apocalypse." Just as Apocalypse was admiring Qin's helpless struggle, a mutant's voice came to his ears.

"A group of strangers have arrived in the northwest area of ​​the border."

"According to hostile detection, these guys should be enemies."

Tianqi frowned and scolded in a low voice: "Since you are an enemy, do you still need me to teach you what to do?"

"It's because of plague and famine, Lord." The mutant's voice became a little nervous.

"What happened to them?" Tianqi asked persistently.

"They're dead."

"!" After hearing the mutant's voice, Apocalypse's figure instantly disappeared into the secret room.

In the secret room, Qin, who originally looked hysterical, returned to a calm expression after seeing Apocalypse leave.

"Guess whose scent I smelled." Qin lowered her head and smiled to herself in this secret room where she was the only one.

"Yes, that's the professor." Qin looked at the thick stone wall in front of the secret room, as if she wanted to see through the stone wall the group of people in the northwest area who were moving forward cautiously.

"I didn't expect that he actually dared to come here and brought so many people with him."

"I hope the professor won't ruin my good deeds. Otherwise, I'll be really sorry."

On the observation deck of the pyramid, Apocalypse suddenly appeared and grabbed the neck of the mutant who had just sent a message to him.

"His Majesty, Tianqi." The mutant blushed and looked at Tianqi with eyes begging for mercy.

"Next time, remember to talk about the key points first!" Apocalypse felt the sight of the mutants who had just joined under the observation tower, and gritted his teeth and threw the mutant out.

"Huh." Tianqi snorted coldly and asked the mutant who flew upside down and hit the wall.

"So what about war and death?"

"Cough, cough, cough!" The mutant touched his neck and coughed twice. Feeling the murderous gaze from Apocalypse, he quickly knelt down on the ground and said to Apocalypse: "Master War and Master Death are here. After knowing that Master Plague and Master Famine were killed, we have already rushed towards where the enemy is."

"Okay." Apocalypse nodded and continued to give instructions to the mutant.

"Call Nathaniel over to me."

The mutants couldn't help but tremble when they heard what Apocalypse said.

Even though he had not taken over the detection work for a long time, he still felt very familiar with this Lord Nathaniel.

Nathaniel, nicknamed Mr. Sinister, although he is a mutant, his body and behavior are no different from the devil in hell.

Moreover, this Mr. Sinister is a confidant under His Majesty Apocalypse, whose strength far exceeds that of the Four Horsemen.

"Why are you still standing there?" Apocalypse frowned and looked at the mutant who was standing there, and yelled at him: "Hurry up and go!"

"Yes, yes, yes." The mutant nodded repeatedly and walked toward a villa area outside the pyramid in a panic.

Apocalypse, on the other hand, sat on the observation deck, looking toward the northwest full of annoyance.

He didn't care who killed the plague and famine. The reason why he was upset was just because the lineup of four knights he finally assembled was now missing two more members.

"It just depends on whether Nathaniel has a suitable candidate as a substitute for plague and famine."

At the border of this mutant country, the only remaining war knights and death knights among the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were flying in the air, looking at the man on the border.

"Didn't the investigator say it was a group of people?" The war knight looked at the man sitting casually on a tree stump on the ground, and looked at the death knight with some confusion.

The death knight shook his head and looked coldly at the man on the ground: "Since this guy dares to appear here, shouldn't we just ask him directly?"

After saying that, the death knight waved the wings behind his back and approached the man on the ground.

"Are you finally here?" Su Heng, who was so bored with waiting that he began to cut his nails with a sword card, looked at the figure that appeared in front of him and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You don't seem to be surprised by our arrival?" The death knight looked at Su Heng's confident look and asked him with some confusion.

"Of course." Su Heng stretched his body: "After all, two of your colleagues died. If you don't come and take a look, the relationship between your colleagues will be very bad."

"So can you answer my question?" the death knight asked Su Heng.

"Where are the people who came with you?"

"Yes, where have you been?" Su Heng spread his hands and said, "Is it possible that they asked me to hold you here, and then go to your lair from another way, intending to capture the thief first and capture the king first?"

"Are you serious?" The approaching war knight heard Su Heng's words and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, as if he was suppressing a smile.

"Don't you know that the strongest among us is His Majesty Tianqi?"

"Of course I know this, and they know it too." Su Heng sighed: "It's not their damn pride that's causing trouble. It would be great to just let me rush over and cut off that guy's head directly, but I still want to challenge my own limits. , proving that they can beat that guy without me."

"Do you mean you can cut off His Majesty Tianqi's head?" The war knight sneered and looked at Su Heng.

"What a loud tone!"

While the war knight was speaking, his hand was already pointed in the direction of Su Heng.

Just a gentle squeeze.

The explosion brought dazzling light and scorching temperature, and Su Heng's location turned into a ball of black smoke.

"The clown." The war knight retracted his hand, turned around and walked towards the direction of the pyramid.

It's no wonder that the War Knight is so confident. After all, as far as he knows, no one can catch his explosive attack.

But the war knight was very lucky, and he met him today.

"Hoo ho!" Su Heng, who was sitting there, took a few breaths, fanned the black smoke filling the air, and said helplessly: "Before you do anything, can't you say hello first?"

"This guy!" The war knight suddenly turned around and looked at the unharmed Su Heng in front of him. The expression on his face began to become serious.

"Come on, continue!" Su Heng waved to the war knight.

"Stop looking down on others!" Such actions obviously stimulated the originally very confident war knight. He clenched his fist, rushed towards Su Heng's direction, and punched the man in front of Su Heng. One meter ago.


A powerful explosion sounded from the spot. The war knight looked at the translucent shield that appeared in front of Su Heng in a flash, and the expression on his face began to become ferocious.

He punched the protective shield in front of Su Heng one after another. Each punch was accompanied by a fierce explosion. The pungent smell of gunpowder smoke quickly enveloped the place where Su Heng and the Apocalypse Knight were. Location.

The explosion was still fierce, but no matter what, the war knight was still unable to break through the protective shield in front of Su Heng.

"Damn it!!!"

Amidst the furious voice of the war knight, the death knight who was originally staying in mid-air was suddenly startled, and quickly flapped the steel wings behind him, as if he wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.


Sure enough, when the death knight flapped its wings and galloped away into the distance, a deafening explosion sounded behind the death knight.

This move was a unique move used by War Knight to blow up two aircraft carriers. Its power was comparable to that of a small nuclear bomb.

But what puzzles the Death Knight is that the power of this explosion is somehow much smaller than before, and even the duration of the explosion is much faster than before.

With such doubts, the death knight slowly turned his head and looked at the location where the war knight and Su Heng were previously.

Still at the previous position, Su Heng and the War Knight were still standing.

But the difference is that the chest of the current war knight is pierced by a sharp sword.

Su Heng took back the sword card in his hand and gently pushed the silent war knight in front of him to the ground.

"Are you next?" Su Heng waved to the death knight in the sky.

"Well, I'm in a hurry, so come quickly."

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