Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 166 Picking up the leaks

Death Knight, Warren Kenneth Worthington III, codenamed Angel.

When he first transformed into a mutant, he had a pair of white wings on his back, with which he could fly freely in the sky. He had extraordinary strength and speed, and had super vision like a bird of prey.

The appearance of flying in the sky is like an angel in the Bible, which is also the reason for his code name.

Before he had the memory of another world, Warren was just a wealthy young man who was about to inherit tens of millions of wealth.

But the emergence of mutant memories changed all this life.

The company's board of directors refused to allow Warren to receive his father's inheritance in the company because he had become a monster, and tried every means to kill him.

Of course, Warren cannot be captured without hesitation, and the power he possesses at this time cannot be solved by the killer sent by the board of directors.

But after a fierce battle, Warren successfully killed the directors who prevented him from receiving his father's inheritance, but this also brought him into trouble with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Warren, who was red-eyed, believed that those SHIELD agents were also killers invited by the remaining directors, so he fought back.

Until Rogers and Wanda appeared and severely injured Warren.

If Warren hadn't escaped from the scene with the help of his wings, he might have been captured by Rogers and thrown into SHIELD's prison.

The turning point of things was that after Warren fled the scene, he met Apocalypse who was preparing people to form a mutant nation.

Apocalypse not only healed his injuries, but also further enhanced his mutant abilities, turning the white wings behind him into steel, and gave him a new name - Death!

If nothing else happens, Warren, now the Death Knight, should follow the great Majesty Apocalypse to conquer all countries in the world and establish a great kingdom of mutants.

But unfortunately, at this time, Warren suddenly felt that he might not be able to survive until that time.

The worst decision Warren made in his life was getting too close to the man in front of him just now.

The ground continued to rise and fall, and the protruding thorns turned into dragons, biting towards Warren.

The yellow sand in the sky obscured Warren's sight, and from time to time it condensed into cones of sand, attacking Warren in mid-air.

Whenever Warren wanted to rise into the sky, away from these attacks, countless vines rising from the ground would always knock him down.

The flames turned into meteorite flames, falling in the direction of Warren.

Such a large battle was only coming to deal with him alone, which made Warren feel powerless in his heart.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Warren actually felt that the lazy-looking guy not far away might be much stronger than His Majesty Apocalypse.

"Hmm" Su Heng looked at Warren flapping his steel wings, dodging left and right, and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He looked around, picked up a bowl-sized branch from the ground, stretched out his hand and held the branch in his palm.

"Replace!" Following Su Heng's soft shout, Warren's figure in the sky, which was still dodging the attack, suddenly disappeared, and then a branch the size of a bowl fell from the sky.

And what Su Heng was holding in his hand was the branch the size of a bowl, which had been replaced by Warren's neck.

"Wow, this is a good method." Su Heng squeezed Warren's neck harder and murmured casually.

"Perhaps, I seem to have found a way to deal with those two little guys wandering around."

"Ugh!" Warren felt the suffocation coming from his neck. The steel wings behind him slowly opened. Tens of thousands of sharp feathers were ready to go. All it took was Warren's thoughts. It can directly pierce Su Heng's body.

But Su Heng did not give Warren the chance to counterattack. As he waved the sword card in his other hand, Warren felt a chill on his back and his body became light.

As the two steel wings were slashed to the ground by Su Heng, what Warren immediately felt was the heartbreaking pain of severed limbs.


Su Heng let go of Warren's hand and couldn't help but shake his head when he saw Warren kneeling on the ground and screaming.

"Tony, what's going on over there?" Su Heng pressed the headphones hidden in his ears and asked Tony who was deep inside the enemy's army.

"The current situation is a little unexpected." Tony's voice sounded a little strange.

Tony looked at the devastating battle in front of him, and the steel armor in his hand turned into a steel wall, blocking the aftermath of the battle.

"You might not believe it."

"We guys spent a lot of effort to sneak in, only to find that we have no way to intervene in the current situation."

"Can't you intervene?" Su Heng listened to the whistling sound coming from the earphones and looked in the direction of Tony and the others.

Over there, two tornado-like existences were confronting each other.

"So, who's fighting Apocalypse now?"

"Well" Tony looked at the sky with some emotion.

"It's the student we plan to rescue this time, Professor X's student."


"Yes." Tony nodded, looked at Qin with a bright red light in the sky, and whispered: "But according to Professor X, it seems that we should call this Ms. Qin the Dark Phoenix. right."

"That was really, really lively." Su Heng raised his eyebrows and looked at the storm in the distant sky.

In the storm, that light was like a black phoenix reborn from nirvana, powerful and full of destruction.

In the sky, Tianqi wiped the blood flowing from his lips and looked at Qin opposite with some annoyance.

"You've been lying to me! Lying to me to inspire your power!"

"The word lie is really unpleasant." Black Phoenix Qin's eyes were full of contempt: "You are not the same as you, you plan to swallow my power."

"He claims to be one of the oldest mutants, but turns out to be as slow as a primitive man."

Qin glanced at Professor

"You!" At this time, Tianqi's heart was filled with rage.

No one had ever dared to fool him like this.

"So what if I inspire your power." Tianqi said angrily: "It takes time to get used to the surge of power. You are still too young to want to fight me now!"

In the words, Apocalypse activated his own power, violent winds and flames invaded each other, thunder emerged from it, and turned into a hurricane tornado of thunder and fire, covering Qin's direction.

"Ha." Qin couldn't help but chuckle, activating the power in her body, and her body also turned into a flame tornado, fighting against the hurricane tornado created by Apocalypse.

The two tornadoes swept through everything around them, leaving no grass growing wherever they passed.

Tony and the others hid in the basement, with Wanda reinforcing the shaky iron door in front of them.

"So Professor, are you sure your student needs us to save him?" Tony felt the power of destroying the world and asked Professor X in disbelief.

Professor X sighed silently: "Qin is in this state now."

"If I'm not wrong, her personality has been controlled by that guy for who knows how long."

"Why didn't I discover this earlier?"

Professor X's eyes were full of regret.

Although Qin is now fighting against Apocalypse under the control of Black Phoenix, after Black Phoenix kills Apocalypse, I am afraid they will also be killed by Black Phoenix.

Professor X has no doubt whether Dark Phoenix can kill Apocalypse.

In the professor's mind, although Apocalypse's strength is unfathomable, it is still a little inferior to Dark Phoenix.

In the sky, two hurricanes collided and rubbed against each other, but at this time Tianqi discovered that Qin, who was supposed to be at the center of the storm on the opposite side, had disappeared without knowing it.


Tianqi's heart tightened, feeling the violent energy coming from behind, and a protective light shield immediately emerged around him.

An arm like a jet-black flame penetrated directly through the protective light shield and pressed firmly on Tianqi's neck.

Like a meteor from the sky, Apocalypse was knocked directly to the ground by the Black Phoenix Piano, which pressed his neck.

Tianqi felt the power coming from the back of his neck that seemed to destroy him completely, and slapped his hands hard on the ground.

Two earth cones drilled out from the left and right sides of Apocalypse's body, heading towards the black phoenix behind Apocalypse.

Black Phoenix raised his hand and shattered the two earth cones, but at this time, Apocalypse's figure merged into the earth.

What immediately appeared in front of Black Phoenix was a rock giant rising from the ground.

The giant stretched out his giant hand and smashed crazily towards the location of the Black Phoenix.

"Joker." Black Phoenix sneered, sensing the power of Apocalypse in the rock giant's body, he jumped onto the rock giant's shoulders.

The power of the Phoenix surrounded his whole body, and finally condensed into a sharp air blade in his palm, and his figure shone on the body of the rock giant.

In just a few breaths, the rock giant that was still frantically waving its arms stopped, and then turned into pieces and smashed to the ground.

In the center of the rock giant's abdominal cavity, Apocalypse's face was pale, panting and looking at the black phoenix that appeared in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel a hint of fear in his heart.

He turned around, split his body into three parts, then three parts into nine parts, and finally turned into dense clones and fled around.

Qin opened her hands, and endless energy spread from her body and swept towards the clones around her.

The clones surrounded by energy were all frozen and motionless, and then turned into pools of flesh and blood.

But Qin couldn't help but frown.

"Did he still escape?"

Qin sensed the direction Apocalypse left, flew into the air, and chased in the direction Apocalypse left.

"Huha, Huha—" Tianqi emerged from under the ground, breathing heavily.

"Damn it!" He murmured angrily, feeling the weak feeling coming from his body.

"If I hadn't been attacked by her just now, how could I have ended up in such an embarrassing situation!"

Just before, Tianqi felt that Qin's power had been fully stimulated by the energy chain bound to him, and he couldn't wait to move back to the secret room, wanting to enjoy Qin's power first.

But as soon as he appeared in the secret room, what was waiting for Tianqi was not the helpless Qin, but a sneak attack full of destruction.

This blow directly reduced Tianqi's strength by at least 30%.

If it weren't for this reason, how could Apocalypse be so embarrassed.

"When I recover again, I will absolutely, absolutely let that guy taste my power!" Tianqi murmured angrily in a low voice.

But just when Apocalypse was about to continue escaping, he found a figure blocking his way.

"Human!" Tianqi looked at Su Heng who appeared in front of him with gloomy eyes.

"Even if I am seriously injured now, I am definitely not something you humans can defeat!"

Apocalypse waved his hand, and a flame rose out of the air and swallowed up Su Heng's entire body.

"Hmph." Tianqi snorted coldly and planned to continue escaping forward.

"So, are you Apocalypse?"

From the burning flames, Su Heng's sound of safety suddenly came out.

"!" Tianqi turned around in disbelief, and saw that all the flames originally burning on the ground were taken by Su Heng into his hands and turned into a ball of fire.

"Are you a mutant?! No, that's not right!" In Tianqi's perception, Su Heng is not a mutant: "You are obviously an ordinary person, why do you have such power!"

Tianqi looked at Su Heng in disbelief.

"Yeah, why?"

Su Heng smiled slightly and took steps toward Tianqi.

When Qin followed the perception to catch up with Tianqi, she found that the originally arrogant Tianqi had fallen to the ground, and sitting next to him was a very casual looking guy.

"Are you Qin?" Su Heng looked at the violent power surrounding Qin and couldn't help but touch his chin.

"Or should I call you Dark Phoenix?"

"I know you, Su Heng." Black Phoenix looked at Su Heng quietly.

"The professor once reminded us not to provoke you."

"Hmm." Su Heng stood up, the sword card in his hand already revealed.

"Although Professor X said so, I think you wouldn't be happy if I asked you to follow me back to Professor

"Of course!" Black Phoenix looked at Su Heng, the cruelty in his eyes becoming more and more serious.

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