Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 176 Disgraced

"Are you talking about the seal of the fire-breathing boy?" Su Heng, who was far away in Canada, answered Reed's call from SHIELD and closed his eyes slightly, feeling the seal that the fire card had placed on Johnny. , and then said to Reed on the other end of the phone.

"Well, in my perception, the seal has not been loosened."

"So there shouldn't be any situation where the ability is out of control."

"Is that so?" Reed, who was in SHIELD, looked happy: "I feel relieved with your words."

"Hey, don't worry so early." Su Heng leaned on the railing of the hotel and said casually: "What I said won't work in court. You'd better find evidence."

"Don't worry, I just called you to confirm whether it was Johnny's fault."

"Now that it's determined that it's not his problem, it shouldn't be difficult to find the real suspect!"

He nodded to Susan beside him, his eyes showing a little confidence, which was the confidence of a highly intelligent person.

"Well, since you already have an idea in your mind, that's fine." Su Heng touched his chin and said a little strangely: "But, did you just say that the fire-breathing boy was imprisoned in the police station?"

"That's right." Reed heard the strange meaning in Su Heng's words and quickly asked him: "So is there any problem, sir?"

"If I'm not mistaken," Su Heng smacked his lips, "That guy is constantly moving around New York right now."

"Move." Reid didn't quite understand what Su Heng meant.

"Mr. Reed." At this moment, an agent from SHIELD ran up to Reed and handed him a tablet.

"You'd better take a look at this first."

Reed took the tablet and looked at the content on it.

This is a news report from the Daily Bugle titled "What is Justice?"

In the report, the reporter interviewed the mother of the victim Sher and his relatives.

In their tearful accusations, Reed and Susan were described as two selfish people who ignored the lives of others for their own selfish desires.

Just when Reed and Susan were confused, they saw the paragraph under the report.

"Less than twenty-four hours after their family was imprisoned in the police station, Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman used their connections to take Johnny, who was supposed to be the murderer of Schell's case, out of the police station."

"And as the lawyer who picked up Johnny, he kicked the victim's mother to the ground in front of the police station in full view of everyone, and even threatened the victim's mother, telling her not to pursue the case again, otherwise It will make her suffer."

"A superhero who is supposed to be in the spotlight, but is covering up a crime committed by his family member. Can a person like this really be called a superhero?"

After Reed and Susan saw this, the expressions on their faces were shocked.

It had only been a few hours, but Reed and Susan felt like they couldn't understand what was written in this report.

Johnny was picked up? Or was it because of his relationship with Susanto that he was picked up from the police station?

Why does Reed feel like he has no memory of this incident?

Could it be that he has lost his memory?

"Mr. Reed." The SHIELD agent smiled bitterly and continued to move the tablet downwards.

“What’s even more important now is the comment section.”

This report was published less than two or three hours ago, but it has already received over 10 million views, and the comments section was full of curses.

And there are even employees of "Dum Industries" who call themselves "Dum Industries" in the comment area, accusing Reed of owing hundreds of millions of debts to Dumm Industries due to failed experiments.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Su Heng. I seem to have to clear up my side of things now." Reed's voice trembled, and he hung up the phone in his hand. He licked his dry lips and asked the SHIELD agent. road.

"What exactly is going on?"

"It's just like what the report said." The agent smiled bitterly: "Someone took Johnny away from the Manhattan Police Department in the name of you and Ms. Susan."

"Moreover, the mother of the deceased was publicly humiliated."

"If we guessed correctly, the other party is most likely coming for you and Ms. Susan."

"What about Johnny?" Susan next to Reed asked the agent quickly.

"Then where is he now?"

"Sorry." The agent shook his head: "We only saw it after the reports were fermented. Although we called New York's road cameras to find out where the car that took Mr. Johnny went after discovering something was wrong. But so far, there are no traces.”

"It was like the car just disappeared after leaving the police station."

"." Reed patted Susan's hand and comforted her: "Don't worry, if those guys across the way are really coming for us, then Johnny is still safe now."

"Mr. Reed, do you need us to help you two block this report?"

the agent asked toward Reed.

"It can't be blocked." Reid shook his head and whispered: "If we block the report at this time, it will make us feel guilty."

"Okay." Before the agent could take back the tablet, he found that the report suddenly disappeared.

The message "This content is suspected of violating regulations" displayed on the web page made the agent stunned.

"Did any of you block the post?" The agent pressed the Bluetooth headset next to his ear and asked his colleagues in the same group.


"We are also curious about who blocked this report."

"The problem is serious now." The expression on Reid's face became more serious.

Just as Reed thought.

When viewers who were browsing or forwarding this report discovered that the report had been blocked, their original dissatisfaction with Reed became even higher.

Especially with the secret encouragement of some people, various platforms on the Internet are full of curses against Reed and Susan.

All kinds of unsavory remarks made Susan blush even more.

"." Now Reed has no good solution. He can only wait in confusion for the next move of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Although Reed didn't know what the mastermind wanted to do, he believed that the current situation was definitely not the mastermind's ultimate goal.

Soon, Reid's cell phone rang.

Reid looked at the caller ID and frowned slightly.


"Reed." On the other end of the phone, Ben rubbed his head helplessly: "So what happened? How come in just one afternoon, your reputation has become so bad that even the beggars on the roadside want to spit on you? The situation?"

"Do you believe me?" Reid asked Ben.

"Nonsense, we are friends." Ben said without hesitation: "Don't I understand what kind of character you are?"

"Someone is definitely setting you up."


"But speaking of it." Ben tilted his head, put the phone to his ear with his shoulder, and tore open the letter he had just brought home.

"I have a letter here that seems to be for you and Susan."

Ben looked at the contents of the letter, and his originally relaxed expression became serious.

"What letter is it?" Reed asked Ben.


But on the other end of the phone, Ben suddenly fell into silence.

"Ben?" Reid looked at the phone in confusion and found that Ben had not hung up the phone.

"Hey brother, you seem to have really gotten into some big trouble." Ben said to Reed on the other end of the phone with a solemn face: "The guy in the letter asked you to go to the top floor of the building in Times Square, New York tonight."

"Said he would throw Johnny right off the building if you didn't come."

"Tonight?" Reid murmured in a low voice: "With such a complicated method, it seems that tonight we will know what the guy is doing."

"Brother, do you need help?" Ben asked Reed.

"Thank you for your kindness." Reed sighed: "But now you are just an ordinary person. For your safety, it is better to pretend that nothing happened."

"Is this so"

"After I finish solving this matter, let's have a drink sometime." Reed said to Ben.

"Okay." Ben nodded: "Then we will see each other."

"See you there or see you."

Ben looked at the hung up phone and gently put the letter and phone in his hand on the table. He spread his hands, lowered his head and looked at his fleshy palms. He didn't know what was going on for a while. What are you thinking about.

Times Square in New York is almost one of the iconic attractions in New York. It has multiple buildings integrating dining, entertainment, leisure, shopping and other functions.

This also resulted in this square being a lively and prosperous scene from morning to night.

But in a building under renovation in this square, several cranes lifted several boxy objects that were similar to containers but were completely covered with black cloth.

At the top of Times Square, Johnny was tied to a sign on the top of the building with dull eyes, and next to him sat a guy with light clown makeup and the same dull eyes.


The iron door on the top floor of the Times Square building was opened, and Reed and Susan's figures appeared from inside.

"Johnny!" Susan saw Johnny tied to the sign at a glance, and quickly wanted to rush towards him, but was stopped by Reed.

"Susan." Reed motioned Susan to look at the guy sitting by the wall next to Johnny.

"You guys came a little too early." The guy with dull eyes stared blankly at the sunset on the horizon and spoke to them without looking back.

"We clearly made an appointment in the evening, but now it's still a few hours away from the evening."

"Sorry, for me, arriving early is a sign of punctuality." Reed took a deep look at the man who still didn't look back.

"So you went to all the trouble to call me and Susan here. What do you want to do?"

"I didn't want to do anything, I just happened to see a good script." The guy continued calmly.

"Script?" Reed looked at him doubtfully.

"That's right." The man nodded slightly: "This is a script about a superhero who is reduced to a street rat, but must continue to live even if he is spurned by others."

"I don't quite understand what you mean." During the conversation, Susan had turned invisible and came to Johnny and the man.

The tip of Susan's index finger was released from the invisible state, and she drew a circle toward Reid in mid-air.

"!" As soon as he said it, Reed's hand quickly stretched out, like rubber, and his arm directly wrapped the man and pulled him to his side.

Susan also came to Johnny's side, used the knife in her hand to cut open the rope that tied Johnny, and released Johnny, who was blind-eyed, from the sign.

"Nice trick."

A voice exactly the same as before came from the arms of the man restrained by Reed's hands.

"!" Reed felt bad in his heart.


The sound of the sharp weapon piercing the flesh resounded on the already quiet rooftop.

Reed watched helplessly as Johnny, whose eyes were blank, stabbed Susan directly in the abdomen with the knife in his arms.

"Susan!" Reed's eyes were filled with tears.

"It's a good show." The voice continued to come from the arms of the man who was restrained by Reed's hand, and not far away, Johnny put the knife on Susan's neck. The calm Reed began to become a little panicked.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Reed took out the walkie-talkie from the man's arms and gritted his teeth unwillingly.

"Didn't I tell you, I just want to watch a show."

"Mr. Reed, you have two choices now."

Johnny held Susan hostage and stood at the edge of the rooftop.

"When the time comes, this little guy will jump off the rooftop with his sister."

"And behind you."


Reed turned around according to the instructions of the voice and looked at the black cloth that had been hung high not far away, revealing the iron cage like a container inside.

Inside the iron cage, there was a New York citizen with the same dull eyes.

"Let me introduce you."

came the voice from the intercom.

"Contained in these iron cages are the families of the victims."

"You should know what I mean, right?"

"I know you have the function of rubber."

"But the question now is, did you choose to save your future wife and future brother-in-law."

"Or should you choose to save the relatives of the victims who are constantly accusing you online?"

"You have ten seconds to make your choice."


Listening to the content on the walkie-talkie, Reed was deeply entangled in his heart.

The distance between the landing gear over there was really too far. If he really wanted to save the families of the victims, he wouldn't be able to take care of Johnny and Susan.

But if he only saves Susan and Johnny, Reed has already guessed how he will be arranged in tomorrow's news reports.

"Mr. Fantastic assassinated the victim's family for his own selfish purposes!"


But if you think about it further, it may really be too late.


"Reed!" At the edge of the rooftop, Susan saw Reed's tangle. She covered the wound in her lower abdomen with a pale face, nodded towards Reed, and then looked at the person holding her hostage, her eyes always Godless Johnny.


Before the intercom could continue counting, Susan hugged Johnny and jumped off the rooftop together.

Reed also understood what Susan meant at this time, gritted his teeth, and quickly rushed towards the place where the landing gear was.

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