Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 177 Fermentation

In mid-air, Susan endured the tingling sensation in her lower abdomen, hugged Johnny and quickly fell towards the bottom of the tall building.

"It's okay, Johnny." Susan gritted her teeth, and the invisible force field emitted from her body enveloped her and Johnny in it, hoping to use this method to slow down the damage caused by falling from the tall building.

"Huh?" A confused voice came from a building not far away.

Immediately, Johnny's eyes, which were held by Susan, returned from dullness to clarity.

He felt Susan's embrace for a long time, the whistling sound in his ears, the weightless feeling caused by falling downwards, and the blood flowing from the corner of Susan's mouth.

At this moment, Johnny's thinking seemed to become slower and slower.


Something in Johnny's body seemed to make a crisp sound, as if some switch had been turned on.

He hugged Susan with his backhand and shouted softly.

"Come on fire!"

Just as Susan and Johnny were about to fall to the ground, a ball of flames erupted from Johnny's body.

Flames surrounded Susan, carrying her from the ground to the sky.

On the landing gear in the distance, Reid stretched his limbs and rolled himself into a twist shape.

His arms shuttled through the surrounding iron cages, firmly tying them in mid-air.

He glanced at the flames soaring into the sky not far away, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Very good. Next, just slowly put down these iron cages." A little sweat appeared on Reed's forehead, and he slowly moved his body like a rubber band. Lower these iron cages gently toward the ground.

But in the iron cage, Sher's family members suddenly stood up from the iron cage. They each took out various knives, screwdrivers and other weapons from their waists with dull eyes, and then moved towards Reed and wrapped around them. A part of the body in the iron cage was pierced or chopped off.

"Hiss!" Reed grinned and twitched the corners of his eyes, but he never let go of the entangled iron cages.

Although today's super elastic body is not afraid of these physical attacks, the pain still exists.


A line of fire flashed across the sky. Johnny carried Susan and flew towards Reed. Susan took advantage of the situation and released the invisible force field in her hand towards the iron cages.

Sure enough, under the cover of the invisible force field, the eyes of the Schell family members who were originally dull, just like Johnny who was controlled before, their eyes gradually returned to a clear state.

"How come I'm here?"

"This is!?"


In the iron cage, there were waves of exclamations and wails.

"Hey, gentlemen and ladies." Reed looked at the iron cage that began to shake violently due to everyone's panic, and quickly warned them loudly.

"If you don't want to fall from this place, you'd better be quiet!"

Amid Reed's warning, the cage gradually became calmer.

"Can we help?" Johnny, who turned into a burning man, floated in front of Reed while holding Susan, who was isolated from the flames by the invisible force field.

"Yes." Reed nodded, looking around.

"If I guess correctly, the guy who can control people should be nearby."

“You can see the rooftop of Times Square, and you can also see the landing gear here.”

Reed slowly lowered the iron cage downwards, and began to conduct complex data research on spatial geometry in his mind.

"The best sight line should be around the 33rd floor of that building over there!" Reed calculated the enemy's current direction through calculation.

Reed pointed towards Susan and Johnny in the direction of the building not far away.

"Susan, Johnny, you go to the building over there now, about two floors above and below the 33rd floor. Pay attention to which room has a high-power telescope. That is probably the room where the enemy is."

"Okay! Then be careful." After Johnny gave Reed a rare warning, he hugged Susan and flew towards the building Reed pointed to.

In a room on the 32nd floor of the building that Reed pointed to, a middle-aged man looked at the puppet whose puppet wires had been cut off, and looked up at the puppet that was flying towards the building. Johnny and Susan sighed with regret.

"Sir, it seems that I can't see the ending of this drama." The middle-aged man stood up, put on a peaked cap, and said to another person in the room.

"For my own safety, I'm leaving first."

"Do you think you would like to come too?"

The middle-aged man asked that person.

"No need." Doom, who was wearing a tight-fitting iron armor, shook his head and said in a hoarse voice: "I am an important character at the end of the script, how can I leave here."

"Okay then." The middle-aged man shrugged, looking towards Reed in the distance with pity in his eyes.

I don't know what made this genius scientist so angry that he could let this great god deal with him so hard.

The middle-aged man said nothing more and left the room.

In the room, Doom gently touched the high-powered telescope leaning against the window and looked at Johnny and Susan who had arrived outside the window.

boom! ! !

The sound of violent explosions coming from the building made Reed, who was paying attention there, tense up.

If he read correctly, the one who flew backwards in the explosion was Johnny.

What about Susan?

Reid suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

But he looked at the iron cage beneath him that had dropped to half its height, and licked his dry lips helplessly.

Under the condition of ensuring absolute safety, it will take at least five or six minutes to send these iron cages to the ground, but five or six minutes

Reed looked at Johnny who was flying towards the building again, and then was knocked away again.

Reed had a feeling Johnny and Susan might not last that long.


Just when Reed was extremely anxious, a figure followed the black spider silk and came directly in front of Reed.

"Hey sir." Peter, who was passing by after just finishing fighting the crime, asked Reed.

"Need help?"

As black spider silk formed a spider web with a spider pattern around the building, the iron cage Reed was entangled in was officially taken over by Peter Parker.

Reed stretched his arms and grabbed towards the room where the building was located.

In the room, Doom's hands were tightly grasping Susan's neck, but due to the invisible force field, no matter how hard his hands were, he could not break the seemingly delicate girl in front of him. Lady's neck.

Doom angrily used magic again to fly away Johnny, who was flying over again, and looked at the big hands that suddenly appeared at the window, and the arms that were enough to span two buildings.

"Are you finally here?" Doom's eyes showed some excitement. He threw Susan aside casually. The magic spell he murmured in his mouth held Susan firmly in place, unable to move at all. .

When Reed appeared at the window, he saw Susan lying motionless and the Tin Man with his hands stained red.

"Susan!" Reid's eyes turned red at this moment as he looked at the scene in front of him.

He rushed towards the tin man in front of him crazily.

But at this time, Doom gently stretched out his hand and pressed down for a few minutes.

A sudden force of gravity pushed Reed directly to the ground.

"Reed Richards!" Doom stepped on Reed's face, his eyes filled with joy.

"Look at your current state, you look like a dog!"

Reed fell to the ground and tried to prop himself up, but the strong gravity prevented him from standing up at all, and even made his already elastic body press into a puddle on the ground.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you tonight." Doom said softly towards Reed.

"I will make you suffer the condemnation of the world and die alone in loneliness."

Following Doom's voice, Susan's body began to slowly disappear in front of Reed's eyes.

"No, Susan!" Reid shouted hysterically as he looked at the scene in front of him.

"Sister!" In the sky outside the window, Johnny also saw Susan disappearing from his sight. The flames on his body exploded and he rushed towards Doom crazily.

But Doom directly raised his hand, grabbed Johnny in the flame form, and slammed him to the ground.

"Speaking of which, I really want to thank you for your help." Doom clapped his hands and said lightly to Johnny.

"Otherwise, the plan really wouldn't be so easy to implement."

In Johnny and Reed's despair, Susan's figure completely disappeared in front of them.

"Goodbye then, Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards." Doom walked to the window, smiled at Reed, and then jumped off the window sill.

After Doom left, the gravity magic originally exerted on Reed and Johnny completely dissipated.

The two of them walked and crawled and looked towards the window.

Doom, who landed smoothly, raised his head and looked at them. Under the iron mask, there was a look of ridicule.

"Stay here!" Johnny's body burst into flames again, trying to chase after Doom.

"Ha." But Doom just chuckled.

As Johnny flew downward through the floors, explosions began to occur.

"!" Johnny stopped in mid-air, looking at the scene in front of him in shock, but the explosion at this time seemed to be some kind of chain mechanism, exploding layer after layer, and finally the whole building emitted an explosion. An unpleasant trembling sound.

A building collapsed.

"Tian" had just rescued the people in the iron cage and Peter, who was above the ground, had just rushed over and saw this tragic scene.

Johnny landed on the ground, and only then did he realize that he seemed to have been tricked by that guy again.

But at this time, Doom's figure had already disappeared without a trace.

"Hey friend, is there anyone in this building?" Peter asked Johnny quickly.

But at this time, Johnny's heart was full of complicated meanings. He knelt on the ground, his eyes full of remorse and regret.

"Are you okay?" Peter shook his hand in front of Johnny's face.

"Sorry." Johnny came back to his senses and said to Peter with a low expression: "I don't know if there is anyone in there."

"This" Peter listened to Johnny's words and could only helplessly pat his black spider mask.

"Hey Venom, it's time to wake up."

Venom, who fell into a deep sleep due to lack of energy, quickly woke up after hearing Peter's call.

"Is it extra food, brother?" Venom asked quickly in Peter's mind.

"." Peter sighed helplessly as he sensed Venom's hungry appetite.

"You can add food, but not now."

"You have to help me first look for anyone alive in this building."

"It's easy, just leave it to me!" Peter's spider mask began to look ferocious at this moment, and two thick arms stretched out from his back.

Peter then began digging.

Under Venom's sense of life, Reed was dug out by Peter first.

At this time, he had the same expression as Johnny beside him.

Peter shook his head strangely, and began to act as a rescue worker again, digging for possible surviving lives.

"Last night, a building near Times Square in New York collapsed. According to the footage taken by insiders, we can see that it was Johnny, the so-called murderer, who caused the building to explode with flames all over his body. "

"In addition, Sher's family members also reported the case to the police last night."

"Accuse Mr. Fantastic of stuffing them into an iron cage last night without them being conscious and hanging them on his rubber-like body."

"In the view of Scheer's family members, this is a threatening method to force them to stop the prosecution."

"If Spider-Man hadn't arrived last night, they might have succumbed to the threat of Reed Richards."

"Early this morning, the Sher family directly stated in the report that they would continue to sue Johnny Stone and Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards."

"Even if their lives are threatened, no matter what!"

As the incident unfolded, New York was already filled with curses against Reed and Johnny.

But at this time, Reed and Johnny seemed to have lost their energy and energy, sitting in SHIELD with haggard faces, completely ignoring the transmission of information from the outside world.

"Please cheer up, you two." The SHIELD agent said to Reed and Johnny.

"If you continue to be sluggish like this, I'm afraid you will be fooled by the mastermind behind it."

"That guy probably wanted to break Mr. Reed's heart in this way."

"I know." Reed said hoarsely and with a low expression, "He has succeeded."

"So I just went to Canada with Su Heng and my family for a few days. Why does the atmosphere in New York feel so strange?"

Just when SHIELD agents were trying to comfort Reed and Johnny.

Tony's off-key voice came from the speakers in this room.

"Oh my god, Reed, what did you do? To actually arouse so many people's condemnation?"

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