In the conference room of SHIELD, the figures of Su Heng and Tony slowly appeared in front of everyone.

"Huh -" Tony loosened his tie and murmured in a low voice, pretending to be relaxed: "Does this feel good?"

"Mr. Stark, Mr. Su Heng." The agent quickly stood up after seeing Su Heng and Tony.

Tony nodded, looked at Reed who was looking gloomy beside him, and couldn't help but mocked: "You were so proud, how come you look like a lost dog now?"

Reed had no intention of arguing with Tony and was still sitting in the corner with a depressed expression.

"Tsk." Tony looked at the unresponsive Reed and smacked his lips in displeasure.

"Hey buddy." Tony put his arm around the agent's shoulders and asked him, "So what happened in the past few days, and how did this guy become like this?"

"Mr. Stark, it's like this."

With the agent's explanation, Tony finally understood what Reed had been through during this time.

"Tsk, is this actually a war of public opinion?" Tony shook his head.

“That’s the consequence of not having a PR department.”

"So you came here specifically to laugh at me?" Reed stood up from the corner with a haggard look on his face.

"If that's all, then I'll leave first."

"Reed." Tony looked at Reed's back leaving the conference room and shouted loudly to Reed, but Reed did not look back and continued walking forward.

"Mr. Richards." In the conference room, the SHIELD agent showed an apologetic expression towards Tony and Su Heng, and then chased after Reed.

"This guy's temper hasn't changed yet." Tony shrugged indifferently and turned to look at Johnny, who was still sitting on the ground: "So why didn't you go with Reed?"

"Go? Where?" Johnny smiled sadly.

"I'm homeless."

"In that case." Tony touched his chin and said to Johnny: "Then let's find something for you to do first."

The SHIELD agent drove Reed outside the community where Reed lived.

"Mr. Richards, if you need anything, here is my business card." The agent handed his business card to Reed, who looked numb and miserable.

"I hope you can contact me as soon as possible after you recover, so that we can continue to find countermeasures to defeat the mastermind behind the scenes."

"." Reed silently took the business card from the agent's hand, then got out of the car and walked towards the community.

"Alas." The agent couldn't help but sigh when he looked at Reed's current state.

He also knew that such pain would probably not be healed for a while.

"Have you heard, that guy is Mr. Fantastic."

As Reid walked in the community, the whispers of the surrounding onlookers could be heard in his ears.

"Are you talking about the guy who used his status as a superhero to engage in corruption?"

"I heard that a lot of the charity money we donated to Africa was embezzled by this guy and the bunch of losers in Congress!"

"Not only that, but also the Middle East."

The crowd pushed the wall down, and the masses were obviously more interested in this untrue rumor than the truth.

Although Reed knew that the group of whispering guys around him were smearing him, he had no intention of refuting.

Now, he just wants to return home, take a good bath, have a good sleep, and see Susan again in his dream.


A small rock hit Reid on the head from a short distance.

Reed looked at the small stone that rolled down to the ground from above his head, and turned to look at the culprit who threw the small stone.

It was a little boy in his teens.

In front of him, a parent was protecting the little boy and looking at Reid warily.

"Even if you are a superhero, I may not be afraid of you!"

The parent shouted at Reid with a stern expression.

Obviously, the act of throwing stones just now was definitely something that the parent taught the little boy to do.

Reed turned his head and continued walking towards the building where he lived.

At the door of Reed's house, Ben looked at Reed who looked haggard and raised the beer in his hand towards him.

"Brother, I won't ask you what happened." Ben said to Reid: "I was just looking for someone to drink with me when I was idle."

"So, do you want to drink?"

Reed looked at Ben's face full of smiles. The calm expression on his face could no longer be maintained. With a trembling voice, he nodded heavily towards Ben.


The two walked into the room, and Ben opened a can of beer and handed it to Reid.

Reed was not polite at all. He sat on the ground, picked up the beer and poured it into his mouth.

Ben sat next to Reed, placed all the beer he bought in front of Reed and him, picked up a can of beer and started to drink it slowly.

Just now, Ben had already learned from Johnny's mouth what happened last night.

He knew that Reed needed a better outlet now, but Reed, who was stronger by nature, would never vent his inner emotions so easily.

That's why Ben decided to find Reed with wine.

Sometimes communication between two men does not require verbal or physical expression.

Everything is in the wine.

The drinking lasted until midnight. This was probably because Reed's health was different from that of ordinary people. He was already drunk and fell to the side, but Reed was still able to maintain some sobriety amidst the drunkenness.


The phone vibrated, causing Reid's hand that had continued to reach for the bottle to stop in place.

He looked at the screen of his mobile phone that he had thrown aside.

The sender of the text message displayed on the screen turned out to be Susan!

Reed quickly picked up the phone, unlocked it and opened the text message.

This is indeed a message sent from Susan's mobile phone, but the sender is not Susan.

Because among the messages sent, the first thing that caught Reed's eyes was a photo.

A photo of Susan imprisoned in a strange transparent cube.

Under the photo, there is a message.

Hello, Reed Richards.

Although it has only been less than a day, I still want to tell you, long time no see.

Just like you can see in the photo.

The woman you love most is not dead. Last night, I just played a little trick with space. I was able to trick you into being so haggard. It’s really interesting to think about it.

Okay, no more nonsense.

You should have guessed that the message I sent you this time was not as simple as greeting you.

So, according to the words of an evil person:

If you want to save your girlfriend's life, you need to do the following things in the next few days:

Yes, it's a threat.

You don't have to do what I ask, but I can guarantee you that you will receive a random portion from your girlfriend on the day you fail.

Signed: Doctor Doom.

As Reid continued to read, the expression on his face began to become a little serious.


The next day, with the help of Tony and SHIELD, the negative news about Reed and Johnny began to decrease sharply.

But just when Tony was planning to hide his merit and fame, return to Stark Tower to continue studying the armor.

"Something happened!" The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who was in charge of Reed and others ran towards the crowd with an anxious expression.

"What happened again?" Tony yawned impatiently.

You know, he stayed up all night last night.

"Mr. Richards, he seems to be crazy." The agent picked up the remote control and turned on the TV in the conference room.

On the TV, the Daily Bugle is broadcasting the daily temporary news.

"According to the head of the Manhattan Bank, all the $20 million that was to be distributed to various branches this morning was stolen by a person wearing a black uniform."

"Although the current guard did not see clearly who the man in black uniform was, through the slowdown of the surveillance footage, the bank has learned the specific appearance and name of the criminal."

"Unexpectedly, the suspect in the surveillance camera looks exactly like Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards, whose reputation has soared in the past few days."

"Currently, the police have gone to the place where Reed Richards lives for questioning."


On the TV, the host pressed the Bluetooth headset next to his ear, as if listening to some news.

But soon, the host changed to a solemn expression. She raised the microphone in her hand and said to the audience in front of the TV.

"According to the news from the reporters ahead, all the stolen money from the bank is currently piled up where Reed Richards lives."

"When the police asked Reed Richards about the reason, Reed Richards did not give the police a reasonable explanation. Instead, he simply fled out of fear of crime as if he had a guilty conscience."

"Currently, Reed Richards is wanted by the police."

"If anyone notices Reed Richards, please report it to the police as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary harm."


As the TV turned off, Tony punched the table and said angrily: "Is this guy crazy because of poverty?!"

"Mr. Reed's phone is turned off now." The agent took back the remote control in his hand and said to everyone: "So we have no clue what happened to Mr. Richards."

"However, according to intelligence, Ben Graham went to look for Mr. Richards last night."

"Furthermore, it was only after Ben Graeme left the residence of Mr. Richards this morning that Mr. Richards began his journey to the Bank of Manhattan."

"I have Ben's contact information." Johnny quickly took out his cell phone.

"Let me ask now what happened last night??"

As Johnny dialed the phone, Ben's voice on the other end of the phone also sounded a little anxious.

"When I left this morning, Reed was fine. Why did Reed start doing this kind of thing after I left?"

"That guy's phone number is completely unreachable now. What should I do now?"

"So Reed didn't say anything?" Tony took Johnny's call and continued to ask Ben: "Or did you find anything wrong when you left this morning?"

"If you put it this way." Ben was deep in thought.

Suddenly he seemed to remember something.

"When I left this morning, there was something really wrong with the expression on his face."

"Especially when it's time to say goodbye."

Ben's voice became a little heavier.

"The guy said goodbye as if he was never going to see him again."

"Now it seems that that guy is probably trying to do something stupid."

Tony scratched his head, sighed helplessly, and turned to look at the agent beside him.

"Please go and ask Hill to come over. I guess we will be busy later."


On the top floor of Doom Industries.

Reed looked calmly at the peaceful New York in front of him.

Due to his good malleability, Reed can shuttle back and forth among high-rise buildings in New York like Spider-Man, while also avoiding the surveillance of cameras on the streets.

As for why Reed appeared on the top floor of Doom Industries

This is the reason for the text message I received last night.

The guy who calls himself "Doctor Doom" asked Reed to steal money from the Bank of Manhattan this morning in full view of the public.

Second, he asked Reed to go to Doom Industries and kill his friend and creditor, Victor von Doom.

As Reed's friend and creditor, Doom has no grievances or enmities with Reed on weekdays, and Doom even owes Reed a debt of gratitude.

Thinking about it, if Doom hadn't loaned Reed the money, Reed wouldn't have been able to continue going to space to conduct experiments.

And unlike those capitalists in New York who want to suck human blood.

Although Doom was urging Reed to pay off the debt quickly, he did not take any substantive action.

But now, that Doctor Doom actually asked Reed to kill his recognized friend.

This was too difficult for Reed.

But if Doom is not killed.

Reed thought of the picture of Susan he saw in the text message last night.

If she didn't do what the guy said, Susan's life might really be in danger.

For the sake of Susan, Reed had no choice but to be ruthless and kill Doom! Kill Doom, who has long been regarded as a friend by Reed!

Reed looked down at Doom Industries.

At this time, people were bustling outside Doom Industrial.

It is said that today is the company's annual meeting of Dumu Industries, and all employees and their families will attend.

In order not to cause psychological burden to employees, Doom will enter Doom Industrial's building last after all employees and their families enter the building.

At this time, Reed only needs to wait for everyone downstairs to enter the building, then find Doom, and then kill him to complete the second mission requested by Doctor Doom.

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