Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 179 Requests that are difficult for others to make

The employees of Doom Industry took their families and walked towards the building one after another.

Although the reform measures implemented after Doom returned to the company made many employees miserable, Doom has always been generous and never demanded overtime pay for employees.

Especially on the day of the annual meeting, every employee's family member will receive a small gift and a raffle ticket for the annual meeting. The guaranteed prize amount of the raffle ticket is at least US$500.

Moreover, there is no limit on how many family members employees can bring to this annual meeting.

In other words, as long as an employee is thick-skinned enough, it will be no problem even if all three generations of the family are brought to attend this annual meeting.

After all the employees and their families had entered the venue, a car slowly drove from the darkness to the gate of Dumu Industry.

Reed, who was on the roof of the building, naturally knew that this must be Doom's car.

Want to take action?

There was a flash of struggle in Reed's eyes, but after seeing Doom open the car door and walk towards the gate of the building, he still became determined.

"Sorry, Doom!"

Reed, muttering to himself, jumped off the roof and appeared behind Doom almost instantly.

At this time, Doom opened his hands and was walking towards the door of the building.

The two sides of the gate were already filled with employees who came to greet Doom.

Amid the shocked gazes of the employees, Reed fell behind Doom, and a brick he had picked up before was thrown at Doom's head in full view of everyone.


The brick hit Doom's head with a muffled sound.

Doom turned his head in shock and looked at Reed, whose eyes were full of guilt.

"You" Doom opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but as the blood flowed from his head, he finally rolled his eyes and fell towards the ground.


The employees inside the building let out a cry of surprise and hurried towards the direction where Doom fell.

With this intensity, it should be successful.

Reed glanced at Doom who was surrounded by the crowd, dropped the brick in his hand, stretched his hands, and disappeared from everyone's sight.


In SHIELD, Tony angrily pushed down the computer in front of him.

"What on earth does this guy want to do!" Tony asked angrily at Johnny and Ben who rushed to SHIELD.

"If I had known that this guy would go crazy, why did the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and I bother to help him resolve those public opinions last night?"

Tony had just returned from vacation in Canada. He was in a rare good mood and wanted to help Reed solve his current predicament.

As a result, Reed seemed to be going crazy. He first robbed tens of millions of dollars from the headquarters of the Manhattan Bank, and then beat his own creditor until he was lying unconscious in the hospital.

Yesterday, Reed was just a superhero with low morals in the eyes of New Yorkers.

But when these two things happened today, Reed can no longer be regarded as a superhero. To be precise, this guy has become a complete criminal!

"Mr. Stark." A SHIELD agent in charge of information security technology hurriedly walked to Tony's side and said to him.

"Based on the tracing of Mr. Richards' mobile phone messages, we have found out why he acted so erratically today."

The agent projected the traced information onto the big screen in the conference room.

What is shown above is exactly what the "Doctor of Doom" threatened Reed last night.

"!" Johnny looked at Susan's photo on the big screen and stood up from his seat with excitement.

"My sister Susan is not dead?!"

"No wonder Reed is so abnormal." Ben looked at the information on the screen and couldn't help but sigh.

"Idiot!" Tony cursed in a low voice through gritted teeth.

"Doesn't he usually claim to be a genius? Why does his mind turn to mush when something like this happens?"

"Hasn't he thought about contacting us?"

Tony slapped the table angrily.

"Or is it that in his genius mind, we are not as trustworthy as a guy who threatens him?"

"I have to thank him!" Tony gritted his teeth and said, "Now my good mood when I come back from vacation has been completely ruined by this guy!"

"Rob the Manhattan Bank Head Office and kill Victor von Doom."

Ben's eyes looked at the third thing Doctor Doom asked Reed to do in the message.

"Kidnapped all the students at Zhongcheng Middle School and escaped intact after demanding ransom."

"What?" Tony, who was still angry, looked at the projection screen.

"Let that guy kidnap students from Midtown Middle School?" Tony seemed to suddenly think of something. He turned his head with a strange expression and asked the SHIELD agent in charge of information security technology.

"What day of the week is today?"

"Uh." The SHIELD agent was stunned, looked down at the time displayed on the computer, and responded to Tony.

"Today is Thursday."

"So Doctor Doom asked Reed to kidnap the students of Midtown Middle School today? And he also wanted him to demand a ransom and escape unscathed?"

The expression on Tony's face became a little weird.

Johnny, who was originally in the corner and was glad that Susan was not dead, seemed to remember something when he listened to Tony's words.

"Is this..." Johnny murmured in a low voice, hesitating to speak.

"Is it too much to force others to do something difficult?"

Thursday, a workday that should have been very ordinary.

Those who should go to work still go to work, and those who should go to school still go to school.

For most people in New York, this is an extremely ordinary working day.

But for the students of Zhongcheng Middle School, this is an extraordinary war!

From the moment the bell rang, most of the students were like hungry wolves rushing towards the school gate, hoping to win the first place in today's Crazy Thursday.

"It's broken, it's broken!"

Gwen trotted anxiously on the way to the dessert shop.

Today, because of her graduation project, Gwen was kept in class by the substitute teacher for a while.

As a result, Gwen, who was supposed to show up at the dessert shop an hour ago, had to wait until the end of get out of class with all the students.

In full view of the public, it was naturally impossible for Miss Stacey to reveal her identity as Spider-Woman, so Gwen could only pretend to be an ordinary person and trot away in the direction of the dessert shop.

But heading to the already congested road section made it impossible for Gwen to continue moving forward.

This is a section of road outside the gate of Zhongcheng Middle School that is bound to be congested every week.

Only through this section of the road can Gwen reach the dessert shop smoothly.

Gwen took out her phone and looked at the time. There were still five minutes until the dessert shop officially started selling desserts.

"Please give way! Please give way!" Gwen desperately wanted to squeeze into the crowd, but she was worried that she would use too much force and hurt the surrounding students.

"Why are you so crowded? Don't you know how to line up?" Some students with bad tempers in front felt the push from Gwen behind them and cursed angrily at Gwen.

"We are all students from Zhongcheng Middle School. Can we have some quality and morality?"

Gwen listened to the angry curses coming from the students in front, and clenched her fists angrily.

"Hey, everyone, please give way!" At this moment, Su Heng's helpless voice came from the front.

"If you block our employees outside like this, who will pack the desserts for you?"

As Su Heng squeezed a path through the crowd, he stopped in front of Gwen.

"Let's go." Su Heng stretched out his hand towards Gwen.

"Yes." Gwen nodded, held Su Heng's hand, and followed him towards the direction of the dessert shop.

"Ahem." The student who had previously been saying that Gwen had no qualities or morals coughed twice in embarrassment.

"Although your words are unpleasant, they are not unreasonable." Gwen made a face at the student.

"However, please let me go first next time."

"Ah, okay!" The student looked at Gwen's lively and quirky appearance, and was a little stunned, as if there was some kind of tremor in his heart.

But when he moved his eyes downward and saw the hands held by Gwen and Su Heng, his originally trembling heart seemed to be broken at this moment.


The surrounding students looked at this student's expression as if he was riding a roller coaster, and hid away in disgust.

"Huh——" Su Heng and Gwen finally squeezed into the dessert shop from the crowd, and they each let out a long sigh of relief.

"Finally come in." Su Heng wiped the sweat from his face, looked at the eager eyes outside the dessert shop, and ordered Gwen.

“Let’s stick to the old rules, I’ll do the cashiering and you’ll serve the food.”

"Okay!" Gwen stretched, took the dessert shop apron handed over by Su Heng, and put it on herself.

Su Heng stood at the cashier and nodded towards Gwen who had put on her apron and was ready to open the door.

But just when Gwen was about to open the door of the dessert shop, from behind many students, two objects that were like ropes and intersecting were wrapped around their respective waists.

"Huh?" Amidst the surprised sounds of many students, the door of the dessert shop had just opened. They were about to rush towards the dessert shop, but the sudden restraint around their waists completely stopped their progress.

"What's this."

Before some students could finish their words, they felt a force of contraction coming from their waists.

Under the shock of everyone and Gwen's astonishment, these students flew back to Zhongcheng Middle School at extremely fast speeds.

"Store manager." Gwen stared at the scene in front of her with wide eyes, and pointed out the door towards Su Heng who was counting money at the cashier.

"Huh?" Su Heng raised his head in confusion, looking at the suddenly deserted street, he was suddenly a little dumbfounded.

"Did his fingers snap?" Su Heng muttered in a low voice.

"What snap?" Gwen looked at Su Heng strangely and said to him: "Just now I seemed to see a strange thing wrapped around the waists of those students, and then they were taken back to school by that thing within."

Gwen couldn't help but lick her lips when she thought of this.

"So, is it finally time for Spider-Woman's grand debut?"

"Then I advise you to hurry up." Su Heng looked at the message from Tony on the phone and said casually towards Gwen.

"Don't forget, besides you, Spider-Woman, there is also a Spider-Man in Midtown High School."

"Ah, it's true." Gwen looked at the deserted street and quickly took off her apron and coat, revealing the inner spider suit.

"I hope Peter can leave me one who can fight." Gwen ran away from the dessert shop, spider silk sprayed from her wrist, and soon disappeared in front of Su Heng.

"Hmm, I hope so." Su Heng shrugged, looked helplessly at the dazzling array of desserts in the store, and sighed softly.

"We finally managed a promotional event, but we can't let that guy Reed ruin it like this."

Su Heng slowly walked out of the dessert shop, closed the door, and disappeared from the street.

In the playground of Midtown Middle School, Reed took back the arms that were wrapped around the waists of these students.

"Strange, why do these students go outside the school after class?"

Although Reed knew that Su Heng was the owner of the dessert shop, he also knew that Johnny had been blocked from using fire by Su Heng because he was beaten in the dessert shop.

But he didn't know that Su Heng's dessert shop was actually opened outside Zhongcheng Middle School, nor did he know that he had disturbed Su Heng's crazy Thursday promotion plan.

Reed came back to his senses, looked at the anxious students and teachers in front of him, and said to them.

"Sorry everyone, you were kidnapped by me."

"Please ask the teacher on the playground to call the police and tell the police that you have been kidnapped." Reed turned on the loudspeaker on the playground.

"By the way, if you want everyone to be safe, please ask the police to prepare the same amount of U.S. dollars that I robbed at the Bank of Manhattan headquarters this morning."

"Also, please stay where you are and don't move."

Reed's right arm quickly stretched out and stopped several students who wanted to escape from the playground.

"Here, let me introduce myself first."

"I'm Reed, a former scientist and superhero."

"And now, he is a criminal with a long history of crimes!"

"So if you want to ensure your own safety, please don't move."

"Besides." Reed grabbed the student closest to him.

Reed looked at the student's trembling appearance, with a smile on his face.

"This classmate, do you know where your chemistry laboratory is?"

"This, this?" The student nodded with some fear.

"Then could you please bring a few classmates to help me move all the materials from your chemistry laboratory?"

Reed's arms stretched around the student's waist.

"If it's possible, then I'll beg you."

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