Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 181 Doctor Destruction

"I don't want to hurt you!" Reid growled at Peter.

"Can't you just let me get the ransom and leave?"

"Sorry, sir." Peter stopped in front of Reed.

"From the moment you trapped teachers and students at the school and started making liquid high explosives, everything you said has lost credibility."

"." Reed glanced at the playground where the commotion started again, and his heart was filled with anxiety.

You must know that the students and teachers on the playground are the bargaining chips that Reed uses in exchange for ransom. If Peter hinders them and causes these students and teachers to escape, then what Doctor Doom asked of him will be considered a complete failure.

That's when Susan.

Reed thought of this, with a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

I saw his hands extending in the direction of Peter, as if he wanted to tightly bind Peter in his hands.

Peter originally wanted to escape, but suddenly he remembered the high-explosive liquid explosives behind him, and spider silk shot out from his wrist, entwining Reed's arms together.

Seeing this, Reed took advantage of the situation and turned his wrapped arms into a long whip, swinging it towards Peter.

Peter turned around and continued to spray the spider silk in his hand towards Reed's body, as if he wanted to completely trap Reed in the spider web.

Reed's arms became gradually slender, and he freed his hands from the spider web. His whole body swayed back and forth like a rubber band to dodge Peter's spider web attack.

He twisted his whole body into a knot, and then used the rebound force to fiercely wave his fist at Peter.

Peter turned around to avoid Reed's blow, but he didn't expect that the seemingly powerful move was actually a feint.

Reed seemed to have guessed that Peter would dodge his supplies. His rubber-like arms continued to extend, skipping past Peter who was dodging, and aiming directly at the pile of high-explosive liquid explosives behind Peter.

"Wait!" Peter turned around sharply, and the spider silk between his wrists shot towards Reed's arm.

Just when Reed was about to touch the tubes of high-explosive liquid bombs, his arm happened to be pulled aside by the spider silk shot by Peter, causing Reed to knock down the tubes of high-explosive liquid bombs that were standing up. .


Under the gazes of Peter and Reed, the tubes of high-explosive liquid bombs roared from their bottles and fell from the stands.

"Not good!" Peter and Reed felt bad at the same time.

Now because of the fight between the two, the students and teachers who had been forced to stay in the playground by Reid had begun to walk toward the exit of the playground in confusion.

Among them, more than a dozen more courageous students took the exit near the stands.

If those bottles of high-explosive liquid explosives exploded together, the stand would not be saved, and more than a dozen students would most likely be affected by the aftermath of the explosion.


Peter and Reed shouted to more than a dozen students at the same time, and at the same time, they also rushed in the direction where they were.

But the speed at which those bottles of high-explosive liquid explosives fell to the ground was definitely much faster than the speed at which the two of them rushed toward the dozen or so students.

boom! ! !

The fierce explosion was deafening, and it directly knocked out Reed and Peter, who were still in mid-air trying to protect the dozen students.

The stands were turned into pieces of rubble in the explosion, and the aftermath spread out in all directions.


Just when the aftermath was about to affect the dozen or so students, a translucent round shield enveloped the entire explosion area.

The scattered gravel fell to the ground under the resistance of the translucent buckler.

Reed, who was knocked away by the blast wave, hit the trunk of a big tree and looked up at the translucent buckler that suddenly appeared, as well as Su Heng and Gwen floating above the buckler.

Reed wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, covered his chest and stood up from the ground unsteadily.

Finally disappeared from the sight of Su Heng and Gwen.

"Store manager, don't we need to catch up?"

"Of course not." Su Heng seemed to have already made a plan in his mind. He nodded slightly towards Peter on the ground and then ordered Gwen.

"I have something to tell you and Peter later."

In the dark and damp sewer, Reed held up his cell phone staggeringly, as if trying to find a weak signal in the sewer.

Finally, in a dim light, Reid looked at the signal that appeared on the phone, with a trace of joy on his face.


As Reid's cell phone vibrated, he quickly answered the call.


"You failed." Doctor Doom's mocking voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I could have succeeded." Reed quickly said to the other end of the phone: "It's just that I wasn't prepared enough this time! And there are Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, and the Night Magician here!"

"If you can, please give me another chance. In a little time, I will prepare explosives that those guys will be afraid of."

"No, the failure I'm talking about is not just about Midtown Middle School."

Doctor Doom said to Reed.

"Even if I asked you to kill Doom, you couldn't do it."

"How is that possible!" Reed recalled the brick that he had hit on Doom's head.

According to the feel, there was absolutely no way Doom could survive such a heavy blow.

"But the fact is that he is not dead." Doctor Doom's voice seemed very indifferent.

"Not only did he not die, he was just in a coma and was discharged from the hospital after a few stitches."

"I heard that the diagnostic report showed that he only suffered a few skin injuries and a moderate concussion at most."

"." Listening to what Doctor Doom said, Reed fell into silence for a while.

"Sorry." Reid's voice seemed a little hoarse and helpless.

"Although I know my request is a bit unreasonable, can you give me another chance?" Reed begged Doctor Doom.

"Next time I will definitely complete the task you gave me successfully."

"I just want Susan back safe! Please!"

"Hmm hahahahaha."

Doctor Doom couldn't help laughing loudly when he heard Reed's plea.

"Since you have begged me like this, what if I give you another chance?"

"I heard that in half an hour, Doom will leave home and prepare to attend a charity dinner. When he is on the way, it will be your last chance to make a move."

"If you still can't kill Doom tonight, then don't blame me for killing your girlfriend."

"It will definitely happen, it will definitely happen."

Reed listened to the sound of the phone being hung up, and couldn't help but squat in the sewer.

"Susan." Reid held his head, his face full of bitterness.

At Doom's house, Doom threw the hung up phone on the sofa, with an expression on his face full of sneer.

"After tonight, this matter should finally come to an end."

Doom looked at the close-fitting iron armor placed in the display cabinet in the living room and whispered in a low voice.

"Then, the legend of Mister Fantastic finally disappears, and with it comes me, Doctor Doom!"

"." In the corner of this house, Su Heng, who was hiding himself with the help of magic cards and static cards, listened to Doom's narcissistic soliloquy and looked at him with an expression full of disgust.

Just when Doom called Reed, Su Heng had already searched the entire house.

He did not find any secret rooms or secret passages in this house, nor did he find Susan imprisoned by Doom.

Next, we can only see if there is any good news from SHIELD.

Su Heng sighed softly, watching Doom put on the iron armor and plan to leave the house, he could only follow him with a look of helplessness.

Before getting the exact information, Su Heng felt that he had better follow Du Mu to prevent this guy from having any evil ideas.

In Doom Industries, Ben and Johnny wore maintenance staff's clothes, lowered their hat brims, and searched for traces of Susan in the basement of Doom Industries.

"Still not?" Johnny leaned against the wall with a depressed expression.

They took great risks, starting from the president's office on the top floor, searching for traces of Susan one floor at a time, but they continued to the third floor of the basement, but still could not find any trace of Susan.

"If it's true as that gentleman said, Doom is Doctor Doom." Ben touched his chin: "Then where will he hide Susan?"

"At least we have finished looking for Doom Industries." Johnny shook his head and clenched his fists unwillingly.

"I didn't expect that after searching for so long, I still found nothing."

"You found nothing?" Ben said in a low voice as he gradually recalled the dusty machine he had seen while searching the basement warehouse.

"Although we didn't find Susan, we may not have found anything."

In a warehouse belonging to Doom Industries at a temporary parking spot for containers on the oceanfront in Manhattan, a middle-aged man wearing a turtleneck sweater was playing with a clay doll in his hand.

As the middle-aged man played with it, dozens of invisible transparent threads were trying to spread toward the various joints of the woman who was bound behind him.

But with some kind of invisible force field emerging around the woman, these threads had no way to get close to the woman.

"Tsk." The middle-aged man smacked his lips and finally gave up the idea of ​​continuing to control Susan.

"That's true." The middle-aged man shook his head and looked at the restrained Susan.

"Fortunately, I discovered it early that day. I didn't expect that my puppet would be completely unable to function in front of you."

At this time, Susan was too weak to speak. She just looked at the middle-aged man warily. Although the invisible force field on her body flickered, it never disappeared.

The middle-aged man shrugged helplessly, then suddenly his expression froze and he began to mutter to himself.

"Have you still been found?"

In his perception, several dolls set up outside the warehouse have lost news.

The middle-aged man quickly looked at the monitor on the table beside him.

During the surveillance, a man wearing a star-striped outfit and holding a buckler in his hand, and a woman wearing a tight leather jacket showing off her good figure were rushing towards the warehouse with serious faces.

The visitors were none other than Rogers and Natasha.

"This is this?" the middle-aged man said with some surprise as he looked at Rogers' attire under surveillance.

"I've heard about Captain America being resurrected before, and I always thought it was a joke."

"I didn't expect to see it today."

The middle-aged man squeezed the clay doll in his hand, and after a while, he molded the clay doll into something like Rogers.

"I don't know, is this the legendary and authentic Captain America, or is it just a poor counterfeit?"

The transparent silk thread emerging from the middle-aged man's hand began to wrap around the Rogers clay doll, with an expression of interest on his face.

"Let me wait and see."

Outside the warehouse, Rogers and Natasha looked at each other, and then Rogers held up the shield in front, Natasha held the gun behind, and opened the door of the warehouse vigilantly.

After the warehouse door opened, what came into view was Susan who was restrained in the center of the warehouse.

When Rogers and Natasha saw this, they did not relax their vigilance, but watched carefully.

I want to find the enemy hidden in this before solving Susan.

But what makes Rogers and Natasha feel very strange is that they have a panoramic view of the surrounding situation, but they have never seen any ambush.

When Natasha saw this, Rogers continued to guard the surroundings, while she was responsible for coming to Susan and rescuing Susan.

But just as Natasha began to untie Susan, Susan's face showed a hint of panic.

She quickly said to Natasha: "Quickly, get away quickly!"

Natasha reflected through Susan's frightened pupils that behind her, Rogers was hitting her neck fiercely.

"!" Natasha quickly squatted down, rolled to the side, and shouted loudly towards Rogers.

"Captain! What are you doing?!"

Rogers's eyes turned numb at some point. He looked at Natasha again, the shields in his hands were squeezed together tightly, and then he rushed towards Natasha.

Looking at Rogers's appearance, Natasha couldn't help but recall the report that Reed and Johnny had previously observed in SHIELD on the night Susan disappeared.

If she remembered correctly, those hostages seemed to look like Rogers now.

So, when did you get tricked?

Natasha dodged Rogers' attack, still looking left and right.

But still couldn't find any clues.

But Natasha forgot one thing.

The opponent she faced at this time was no small group of people!

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