Natasha Romanoff, codenamed Black Widow, is good at karate, judo, ninjutsu, aikido, French boxing and other styles of martial arts.

But on weekdays, Natasha uses jujitsu, joint techniques and twisting techniques the most.

Use flexible movements to avoid the enemy's attacks, and in the process look for the enemy's weaknesses in order to defeat the enemy with one strike.

With this, in her ordinary career as an agent, she was able to not fall behind even when facing criminals with extraordinary powers.

But Rogers is different from the enemies Natasha has faced before.

Even though he had lost his self-awareness at this moment, with his body's instinctive reaction that had experienced many battles, he was able to fight Natasha reciprocally.

"Captain!" Natasha shouted to Rogers, hoping to awaken his original consciousness.

I don't know if Natasha's awakening is indeed effective, or if Rogers' iron will is fighting something that is now controlling his body.

Rogers' originally numb eyes showed a little struggle.

Natasha looked at the change in Rogers' eyes, and a little joy appeared on her face, but Rogers' fist was still mercilessly swinging towards Natasha's head.

Natasha grabbed Rogers' arm, her slender legs jumped up, and wrapped around Rogers' neck like a spiritual snake.

"I'm sorry, Captain." Natasha wrapped her legs around Rogers' neck, exerting force on her waist and abdomen, and slammed Rogers to the ground.

She half-knelt behind Rogers, held Rogers' hands upside down, and stopped his actions.

Just when Natasha breathed a sigh of relief and thought she had a chance to win, a trace of confusion suddenly flashed in her eyes.

In the darkness, in the hands of the middle-aged man, at some point he had made another clay doll that looked exactly like Natasha.

With the misty look in Natasha's eyes, her hands that were holding Rogers upside down unknowingly let go.

As Natasha rolled off Rogers' body, Rogers stood up at the same time.

"Natasha?" Rogers stood up and his eyes returned to normal. He looked at Natasha, who was standing opposite him, with numbness in her eyes.

"!" And Rogers suddenly discovered that, for some reason, he seemed to be completely unable to control his body.

He watched helplessly as he raised the shield hanging on his arm, and then walked slowly towards Natasha's position.

"." At this moment, Rogers suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

And the fact was just as he expected, he saw himself raising the shield with both hands and aiming at Natasha's neck.

"Damn it!" Rogers' eyes began to tremble as he looked at the scene in front of him.

But at this time, he wanted to control his body to retract the next attack, but in his perception, his body seemed to be tightly bound by chains, and he could not move at all.

It was as if he could only watch his body make actions against his will!

"How can you do this!" Rogers roared as he looked at the scene where he was holding a shield with both hands and waving it towards Natasha's neck.

"This is my body!!!"


Under Rogers' super strong willpower, a few faint crisp sounds sounded in the warehouse, and several transparent threads that no one could see except the middle-aged man emerged from Rogers' body. Break apart.

"Huh-huh--" A little sweat broke out on Rogers' forehead, and his heart was already beating like a galloping horse.

At the last critical moment, Rogers finally regained control of his body.

He withdrew the shield that was close to Natasha's neck and looked around.

Relying on his own intuition, he waved away the shield in his hand.

The vibranium shield swirled in the air, knocking down the camera with a faint red light above the warehouse, and then flew back to Rogers' hand.

"This is really true."

In the darkness of the warehouse, the middle-aged man looked at the damaged surveillance camera, the broken silk thread and the broken doll in his hand.

"Is it possible that this is really Captain America?" The middle-aged man smiled bitterly and took back the puppet that looked like Rogers.

To be able to break through the puppet's control with willpower simply shocked the middle-aged man more than anything Susan did that night.

After all, Susan's abilities can be attributed to something impenetrable such as metaphysics or the supernatural.

But Rogers, no matter how strong his physical fitness is, it is still only in the human category.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man already felt a little timid.

"It seems it's time to leave." The middle-aged man murmured in a low voice: "It just so happens that the gentleman's show is coming to an end soon."

"Then sir, you probably won't be able to leave."

Tony's slightly indifferent voice sounded outside the secret room where the middle-aged man was.

Following a burst of red laser beams, a golden-red steel armor appeared in front of the middle-aged man.

"Captain, they are really careless." Tony's voice of admiration rang out from the steel armor.

"Didn't they notice that the interior and exterior spaces of the warehouse are not the same size?"

Just as Tony said, the interior of the warehouse where Rogers and Natasha were located was actually smaller than the outside, about the size of a small room of about five square meters.

As for this small area, it is hidden in a secret room on the side of the warehouse.

"Tony Stark" the middle-aged man looked at the steel armor in front of him and sighed slightly.

"I didn't expect that you would still find me."

Although the middle-aged man's words showed some disappointment, the hands hidden behind his back were frantically kneading the Rogers clay doll that had been slightly broken.

Within a few dozen seconds of speaking, the middle-aged man had already shaped the steel armor in front of him in his hands.

As the transparent silk thread in the middle-aged man's hand moved, his originally lost expression began to become a little bit crazy.

"It's a pity, you shouldn't have come alone." The middle-aged man smiled softly and began to control Tony with silk threads and clay dolls.


The steel armor spread its hands.

"." The middle-aged man fell silent.

"Why." He looked at the scene where the thread that only he could see fell on the steel armor and then disappeared, his face full of incomprehension.

"Is it possible that I was not present at the scene?" As Tony's mocking voice sounded, the steel armor slowly unfolded.

There was no one in the steel armor.

"Sir, this is the time for the development of modern science and technology."

Following Tony's joking voice, the unfolded steel armor began to fly towards the middle-aged man like a predator.

"Not good." The middle-aged man quickly wanted to escape, but he couldn't match the speed of the steel armor.

In just the blink of an eye, he was locked into the armor.

As the middle-aged man was controlled remotely by Tony and locked into a steel armor, Natasha, who had lost her self-awareness in the warehouse, also regained her original consciousness.

"!" Natasha took two steps back as if she was stimulated, and then looked around cautiously.

"Natasha, it's okay." Rogers walked up to Natasha and pointed to her headphones.

"Tony has just sent us a message. He has caught the guy who can control us."

"I have to say, Captain, you are still too careless." The steel armor used a laser beam to cut open the mezzanine connecting the secret room and the warehouse, and then appeared in front of Rogers and Natasha.

"." Natasha looked at the secret room behind the armor, her eyes showing a little surprise and helplessness.

"Do you look really old?" Natasha touched her cheek: "You can even ignore such a simple secret room."

"Is it this kind of structure?" Rogers curiously walked into the secret room and looked around.

"I seem to have heard of this kind of secret room structure concept before when I was in the army, but so far, this is really the first time I have seen it."

"Tsk." Tony, who was far away in Stark Tower, couldn't help but smacked his lips when he heard Rogers' words, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say the mocking "old antique".

"Please don't dwell on your past anymore." Tony changed the subject and pointed at the weak Susan beside him with his steel armor.

"If we have the time, let's rescue the hostages first."

Natasha and Rogers nodded, walked in front of Susan, and untied the chains that bound her.

Susan's body went limp after being unbound, and when she was about to fall to the ground, Natasha held her in her arms.

"Ms. Susan, it's okay." Natasha comforted Susan, who looked weak.

"Reed, how is Reed?" Susan said hoarsely, but she was still thinking about her fiancé.

"Mr. Reed's words." Natasha looked at Susan's weak appearance with some unbearability.

"That guy is in big trouble."

Although Natasha couldn't bear to tell Susan Reed's current miserable situation, Tony, who controlled the armor, had no such taboo at all.

Tony in Stark Tower curled his lips and said to Susan.

"Because you were caught, that guy did a lot of stupid things."

"Robbed banks, murdered well-known entrepreneurs, and kidnapped school students and teachers in an attempt to demand a large ransom."

"Today alone, that guy broke half of the sky in New York."

"That's not Reed's fault." Susan said with a somewhat anxious expression: "That's, that's Doom's conspiracy."

"The Doctor Doom we saw that night was Doom! He was definitely planning a bigger conspiracy."

"Captain, Tony, Agent Natasha, you must stop him!"

Rogers and Natasha looked at each other, but there was no look of surprise on their faces.

"Don't worry, Ms. Susan." Natasha comforted Susan: "Actually, the situation is not as bad as Tony said."

"As for Doom's conspiracy you mentioned, someone has already told us. We didn't take action against Doum before, just because we didn't find where you were."

"Now that you have been rescued, it seems that we can almost close the net."

Natasha took out her phone and sent a group text message.

In the streets of Manhattan, Doom drove a car alone, heading to the destination of tonight's charity banquet.

Doom held the steering wheel with one hand and the other hand outside the car window, quietly looking at the designated spot in front of the windshield.

Three, two, one!

As Doom muttered silently in his heart, when the car drove under an overpass, the manhole cover under the car suddenly began to tremble.

boom! ! !

Along with a fierce roar, a violent fire broke out in the sewer under the manhole cover.

The manhole cover was on top of the car's chassis, and the car driven by Doom was blown away by the flames.

With this burst of explosions, the cars that were still driving on the street began to brake urgently, preferring to rear-end the car behind them rather than get close to this seemingly dangerous place.

On the overpass, Reid quietly watched the car driven by Doom being thrown away. The expression on his face was not only guilty, but also a little bit relieved.

"In this case, it's finally settled." Although Reed couldn't bear it, he had already put everything behind him for Susan.

However, in order to prevent an accident, Reed decided to see if Doom in the car could survive.

Although after Reed's rigorous calculations, it was absolutely impossible for a normal person to survive in that situation.

But, what if?

Reed jumped off the overpass and landed next to the car that was emitting black smoke, intending to check Doom's current life status.

Just when Reed was looking towards the car window, an arm covered with iron armor directly pierced the side window of the car from the inside and pinched Reed's neck tightly.

"Nice job, Reed." Doom tore open the car door and walked out of the ruined car.

Doom looked around. At this moment, the people around him were looking at Reed, filled with panic, fear, disgust and other negative emotions.

The accumulated negative emotions filled Doom's heart with joy.

"So, are you ready to be killed by me next?" Doom asked Reed in a low voice with a smile on his lips.

Reed, who was being choked by Doom, looked at Doum's attire, and the original feeling of suffocation was broken by shock.

How could Reed not remember that that night, it was the guy wearing this iron armor who teleported Susan away, and also used Susan to threaten him to do many things that were against his original intention.

"It's you!" Reed asked Doom with red eyes.

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