Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 184 Arrested and brought to justice

Doom felt the sharp edge coming from his neck, and slowly raised his hands, but his figure began to become ethereal.

Seeing this, Su Heng slashed at Doom's neck with the sword in his hand mercilessly. The sword in the void brought up a trace of scarlet blood.

Doom covered his neck and staggered into everyone's sight.

"Damn it." Dumu's hand glowed with light, and he barely sealed the wound on his neck. His eyes were full of fear when he looked at Su Heng.

Previously, Doom wanted to use space to teleport away from here, but he did not expect that Su Heng's sword could cut through the void and forcefully teleport his own space to cut off.

"Surrender, Doom." Reed shouted towards Doom: "You should be able to see the current situation, you will definitely lose."

"Lost?" Doom looked directly at Reed and smiled in that deep voice.

"Are you kidding me!"

Following Doom's voice, a huge dark purple magic circle suddenly appeared above the ground. The deep and evil energy continuously highlighted in the magic circle, making everyone present feel chills.

The first thing to emerge from the magic circle were two huge scarlet arms. These two huge arms were propped on the ground, as if they wanted to pull their bodies out of the magic circle.

But as Su Heng drew his sword and stood up, he waved the sword card in his hand towards these two arms.

With a continuous sword light, two arms were cut off by Su Heng.

"Roar!" A huge wailing sound came from the magic circle, but because of the broken arm, it could only fall back into the magic circle.


A ray of light was thrown out from Su Heng's hand, and the shadow of the ingot appeared above the magic circle.

The ingot card landed on the magic array, and chains appeared from the ingot card, wrapping around the magic array that originally exuded a deep dark purple light.

A glimmer of light spread from the body of the ingot to the chains wrapped around the magic circle, making the magic circle begin to grow dimmer.

"Hey." Dumu on the side saw that the situation was not good, turned around and wanted to leave here.

"Dum!" But how could Reed, who had been staring at Doum, watch him leave.

Reed let out a loud shout and rushed towards Doom.

"Hmph." Doom snorted, and a magic circle appeared in his hand, and he smashed it towards Reed's body.

Reed looked at the magic circle that was close at hand, and Doom who left without looking back after showing a mocking look on his face. He felt hard in his heart, and without any thought of dodge, he directly planned to break through the magic circle. , stepped forward to catch Doom.

But at this moment, a huge figure flashed behind Reed and directly hit the magic circle first.


Amidst the violent explosion, Ben turned his head and smiled at Reed.

"My brother, there are actually a lot of things you don't have to bear alone."

"That's right!" Johnny grabbed Reed's arms and led him quickly towards where Doom was.

Doom, who did not turn around, listened to the sound of explosions coming from behind, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

Just when he thought the magic circle had seriously injured Reed, he suddenly heard a whistling sound coming from behind him.



Following Reed's loud shout, Doom turned around and saw Reed falling from the sky, rolled up into a twist at some point, and the fist in his hand was getting closer and closer to Doom's eyes with the force of the spin.


Reed's fist hit Doom's iron-masked face, knocking Doom away dozens of meters.

Reed, who had been feeling aggrieved for a while, had already accumulated endless anger. When he landed on the ground, his two hands quickly extended one after another, and the forward hand clasped Du in mid-air. On top of Mu's shoulders, he pulled Doum's entire body back.

Reed's other hand, after extending to an equal distance, quickly contracted and struck Doom again.

As the two hands joined each other, Doom was hit hard by the punch and fell to the ground again.

Reed rode on Doom's body and punched Doom's face one after another, taking this opportunity to vent his anger during this period.

The mask on Doom's face was already bent and deformed under Reed's waving fist.

"Have you beaten enough?" Doom took Reed's hands, with a cold light shining in his eyes.

With an invisible explosion, Reed was directly knocked away.

Doom dropped the mask on his hand, spat out bloodshot saliva, wiped the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth with his fingers, and stared at Li who stood up again from the ground with gloomy eyes. Virtue.

"Do we still want to fight?" But at this time, Su Heng had already appeared in front of Doom, and the cold light flashing from the sword card in his hand made Doum feel afraid.

Doom took two steps back, but it was too late to leave at this time.

The ingot card in Su Heng's hand had been attached to Doom's back at some point, causing the chains extending from the ingot card to tie Doum in place.

The restrained Doum felt the power flowing through his body and asked Su Heng angrily.

"what did you do to me?!"

"I didn't do anything." The sword card in Su Heng's hand dissipated and he said calmly towards Doom.

"It's just blocking your power."

"Damn it!!!" Doom kept struggling in place, but still failed to break through the shackles of the ingot.

"Huh--" Reed looked at Doom who was struggling on the ground, exhaled a long breath, and his originally tense body began to gradually relax.

"Mr. Su Heng." A lizard man in a suit trotted up to Su Heng's side.

"Who are you?" Su Heng asked him with some doubts, listening to the hoarse voice of the lizard man that was slightly familiar.

"Ah." At this time, the lizard man reacted and waved to the lizard man who was injecting reagents to throw a tube of the same reagent at him.

As the reagent was injected into the lizard man's body, the first thing that appeared in front of Su Heng was his shiny forehead.

"Ah, Agent Coulson?" Su Heng looked at Coulson who had returned to his original state, and nodded in realization, but then asked Coulson with some doubts.

"But aren't you supposed to be in the command position? Why are you injecting lizard potion and rushing to the front?"

"My colleagues are all fighting. It would be too shameful for me to huddle back like a turtle, right?" Colson touched his hairline, which was receding more and more, feeling filled with excitement. It means bitterness.

It seems that lizard medicine can't cure hair loss either?

Su Heng looked at Colson, who suddenly looked sad, with a puzzled expression.

"Oh." Colson sighed, adjusted his mood and looked at Doom who fell on the ground.

"What about Mr. Su Heng?" Colson pointed at Doom and gestured towards Su Heng.

"Then Victor von Doom, we will take him away and imprison him?"

"Yeah." Su Heng nodded and reminded Colson.

"But you guys have to be careful. This guy has weird abilities. Although I have temporarily sealed his power, this seal is not long-lasting."

"Or, when the time comes, before this guy's seal is about to expire, I can reapply it for you?"

"How long will your seal last?" Tony walked over and asked Su Heng.

"If it's safe, it should take about a week."

"A week?" Tony thought for a moment, then nodded: "That should be enough time."

"?" Su Heng looked at Tony suspiciously.

"Mr. Stark helped SHIELD build a prison specifically for super criminals like Doom some time ago." Coulson explained to Su Heng.

"It will probably be finished in just a few days."

"Is that so?" Su Heng shrugged: "Then I wish you good luck, but if you need me, remember to let me know."

"With your words, I feel at ease." Colson smiled.

"Then, let's continue to deal with this matter now." Tony looked at Reed, who was standing aside and didn't know what he was thinking.

"So, Mr. Former Superhero." Tony asked Reed.

"What do you want us to do to you?"

At this time, Reed looked very tired. He reluctantly raised his eyes and looked at Tony, and then at Doom, who was being put into the prison car by SHIELD agents.

"Reed!" Doom also noticed Reed's gaze. He struggled frantically in the hands of the SHIELD agents and shouted towards Reed.

"Although I lost, I definitely didn't lose at your hands!"

"You're just lucky!!!"

Listening to Doom's roar, Reed seemed to have made some kind of decision in his heart.

"Put me in that prison too." Reed asked Tony.

"Reed!" Ben and Johnny looked at Reed who said this in shock.

Reed shook his head at Ben and Johnny.

"I have made too many mistakes in the past two days. Maybe going to jail to calm down is the best choice, and this can also give a reasonable explanation to the citizens of New York."

"Being able to say these words shows that you have really calmed down a lot." Tony smacked his lips and said with some regret.

"I'm still wondering if I should give you a few punches if you want to pretend that nothing happened."


"But since you are so honest." Tony patted Reed on the shoulder: "Then you can live in it for a while. I will let you out after this period of public opinion has passed."

"Thank you." Listening to Tony's words, a smile appeared on Reed's tired face.

It can be seen that the experiences during this period have indeed caused a great transformation for this talented scientist who was once full of confidence and arrogance.


"Morning news from the Daily Bugle, an extremely bad fight between superpowers occurred under the Financial Island overpass in Manhattan last night."

"The incident caused more than 30 innocent people to be injured, dozens of vehicles were damaged, and the road under the overpass was damaged."

"Then SHIELD, which specializes in dealing with superpower crimes, came to take over. In just a few minutes, the two criminal superpowers were detained and brought to justice."

"According to reliable sources, one of the superpowers on both sides of the fight who helped people escape was none other than Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards, who rose to fame during this period and received mixed reviews."

"Now, Mr. Fantastic and the other superpower have been imprisoned by SHIELD. What awaits them will be the trial under the latest superpower registration bill."

"This is the first time that the Superpower Registration Act has shown the trial of superpowers. I believe it has also alerted many superpower criminals."

"The establishment of the Superpower Registration Act is not only a benefit for their superpowers, but also a restriction on them."

"And SHIELD's quick response also allows us New Yorkers to see that New York will develop into a more peaceful state in the future."

"That's not fair, manager!" Gwen slapped her hands on the counter and said dissatisfiedly to Su Heng, who was lying on the couch behind the counter.

"How come Peter and I were working so hard yesterday to help you sell desserts and clean the shop, but you were able to go out and fight crime leisurely!"

"Obviously this should be the era of Spider-Woman and Spider-Man!" Gwen protested.

"An old antique like you should disappear from everyone's sight as soon as possible."

"Hey, what do you mean by an ancient antique?" Su Heng looked at Gwen with squinting eyes.

"I'm only a few years older than you, okay? And I wasn't leisurely at all yesterday, okay?"

"Whether it was spying on Doom or the rescue last night, I never stopped."

"Huh." Although Gwen knew that Su Heng was right, she was still angry that Su Heng didn't tell her yesterday about his plan to capture Doom.

"Huh." Gwen picked up her schoolbag and threatened Su Heng: "I'm going on strike and going home today!"

"Just go home, don't talk about a strike." Su Heng waved his hand.

"The store isn't too busy today anyway, just go back first."

Gwen saw that Su Heng showed no intention of retaining her, and left with a groan and walked out the door.

Su Heng was left lazily yawning on the recliner.

"Finally my ears can be quieter."

Just when Su Heng was about to take a good rest, he heard the vibrating sound from his cell phone.

Su Heng picked up the phone and glanced at it, and quickly sat up from the recliner.

"It's broken!" Su Heng looked at the information on his phone and rushed out of the door, but by this time Gwen's figure had already disappeared.

"How could I forget this day?"

Today, December 31st, happens to be Ms. Gwen Stacy’s 18th birthday

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