Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 185 Birthday Gift

Gwen was wearing a spider suit and squatting on a tall building. Under the white spider mask, she looked depressed.

"This guy, the store manager, completely forgot that today is my 18th birthday." Gwen muttered depressedly.

"Did you think there would be any surprises today? Sure enough, I was overthinking it."


Along with a buzzing sound, Gwen noticed something was wrong with the speeding bus below.

"That speed?" Gwen squinted his eyes. The speed of the bus had obviously exceeded the speed stipulated by the city. Moreover, through the continuously magnifying function of the eye mask, Gwen could clearly see the top of the bus. The horrified expressions of those passengers.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Gwen saw the situation and jumped directly from the rooftop of the building. As the spider silk swayed, he quickly reached the ground.

"Woohoo——" Gwen, who was in mid-air, used the spider silk to pull up an old man who happened to be crossing the road. The spider silk launcher on the wrist of the other hand kept spitting out, weaving directly in the center of the road. A big, resilient net.

The speeding bus fell into the big net, and the rotating tires kept rubbing against the ground, as if trying to break through the big net.

Gwen glanced at the crazy-looking weirdo in the driver's seat of the bus, and while slowly putting the old man down, she immediately came to the bus, smashed the locked driver's seat glass with a punch, opened the driver's seat, and While knocking out the crazy-looking weirdo, he turned off the bus and stopped.

"Gentlemen and ladies, it's okay." Gwen, who was sitting in the driver's seat, popped her head and comforted the passengers in the back seat.

"For now, please get out of the car in an orderly manner and wait for the police gentlemen to arrive."

"It's actually Spider-Woman!"

In the bus compartment, the passengers who had finally calmed down from the crisis looked at the hero who had saved them, with a hint of fanaticism on their faces.

"Looks like I have to retreat." Gwen looked at the passengers running toward her, quickly shrank her head, and slipped out of the driver's seat.

Gwen retracted the spider web that blocked the bus, placed warning signs on the front and rear of the bus, waved to the passengers getting off the bus, and then raised her wrist, preparing to spit spider webs at nearby buildings.

"Wait, Spider-Woman." At this time, the old man who had been rescued by Gwen from the road stopped Gwen.

"What's wrong, grandpa?" Gwen paused, turned around and asked the old man.

"Thank you for saving me." The old man smiled and took out a book from his arms.

"In return, I hope you will accept this."

"Book?" Gwen looked at the book handed over by the old man in confusion.

"This is a second creation by my descendants based on the story I once created." The old man smiled: "Although it is a bit unsatisfactory, I think this should be a very good thank you gift for you."

It's just a storybook, it shouldn't be anything.

"Well" Gwen pondered for a moment before taking the book that the old man handed over with its cover wrapped in black kraft paper.

"Thank you very much, grandpa." Gwen held the book and waved towards the old man.

"If I have time, I will take a closer look."

"Yes." With the old man's smile and nod, Gwen disappeared in front of him.

The old man was left standing alone, watching Gwen's figure constantly moving in front of the tall buildings.

"Well, happy birthday, Miss Spider-Gwen."

The old man touched the thick beard above his lips, put on his sunglasses, turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

"Spider-Man: Parallel Universe?" Gwen sat back on the high-rise building and opened the first page wrapped in black kraft paper. She looked at the title of the book and was stunned in place.

"Spider-Man?" Gwen blinked: "Parallel universe?"

With a little curiosity, Gwen turned to the next page of the book.

After a burst of light, Gwen disappeared from the building, and the book she was holding in her hand disappeared with her.

The moment Gwen disappeared, Su Heng, who was looking for Gwen, suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart.

The elimination card suddenly appeared in front of Su Heng, shaking out the ether particles that had been hidden in it towards Su Heng.

(Previous summary, Chapter 107, Su Hengqiao used double cards to copy ether, tricked Odin into a weak state, and collected the true ether particles into the card-eliminating cloak.)

"This is." Su Heng held the flickering ether particles in his hand and the throbbing feeling he felt before, but suddenly he felt that something bad had happened.

"Can it be so fast?" Spineru emerged from Su Heng's body in disbelief. It looked at the ether particles in Su Heng's hand, its face like a rag doll filled with seriousness.

"What happened, Sibi." Su Heng asked Spineru.

"Oh, I originally thought this would happen after you collected all the Clow cards." Spineru crossed his arms and sighed helplessly.

Under Su Heng's puzzled gaze, Spineru began to explain the course.

"For example, take this thing in your hand, you should know what it is used for, right?"

"Well, if I remember correctly, this thing should be called the Reality Stone. It seems that it can be used to change reality?" Su Heng looked at the ether particles in his hand and said to Spineru.

"To put it more accurately, it should be to ignore all realistic logic, natural laws, and scientific laws, and change or create what you want to create out of thin air." Spineru continued.

"The power that can achieve this level is generally called the power of rules on the magic side."

"Then the question came." Spineru continued to ask Su Heng.

"Did you notice something?"

"Among all the Clow cards, there is one Clow card whose function is almost the same as the ability of this reality stone."

"You mean Chuangpai?" Su Heng frowned, as if he had some understanding in his heart, but it was not clear yet.

"That's right." Spineru scratched his head helplessly.

"You should know that most of the power of the Clow card comes from the use of different rules."

"But strictly speaking, we are outsiders who belong to this world."

"It would be okay if there were no realistic rule objects in this world, but if there are two concrete objects with the same ability, then there will definitely be a battle between the two."

"And now." Spineru looked at the ether particles that were constantly flashing.

"The battle for the rules has clearly begun."

"Battle for Rules" Su Heng frowned and looked at the reality gem in his hand.

"But don't I have the Reality Stone in my hand now?"

"You can try to see if you can activate the reality gem in your hand now?"

Spineru spread his hands towards Su Heng.

"." Su Heng tried it and found that, as Spineru said, there was no way to drive the Reality Stone.

"Right now, it's equivalent to a stalemate between the Reality Stone and Chuangpai." Spineru said with some worry.

"Fortunately, you can't drive the Reality Stone. If you can, it means that the Reality Stone is gaining the upper hand now, and the situation will only get worse by then."

"What will happen if Clow Card loses during the competition for rules?" Su Heng continued to ask.

"Then this Clow card will no longer exist in this world." Spineru continued to say towards Su Heng with a solemn expression.

"Besides, I have some sad news to tell you."

Amidst Su Heng's confused expression, Spineru said slowly.

"Now that little girl named Gwen is involved in the world of creating cards."

"!?" After hearing this, Su Heng finally knew where the throbbing in his heart came from.

It's not the original card that is competing equally with the real gems, but Gwen!

"Where is she now?" Su Heng asked Spineru with a solemn expression.

"Over there." Following the direction Spineru pointed, Su Heng immediately rose into the sky and flew towards the building where Gwen disappeared.

On the top floor of the building, Su Heng picked up Gwen's schoolbag that was placed in the corner, his brows tightly knitted together.

"Sibi, can we rescue Gwen?" Su Heng asked Spineru who flew to the steps of the rooftop.

Spineru flew back to Su Heng and spread his hands towards him.

"Lend me the magic book."

With Su Heng's permission, Clow's Magic Book appeared in Spineru's hands.

"Well" Spineru opened the magic book, looked at the Clow card in the magic book, and fell into deep thought for a while.

"If that's the case" Spineru took out a few Clow cards from the magic book and handed them to Su Heng.

"Using these Clow Cards, I should be able to enter the world created by Chuang Card and rescue that little girl."

What appeared in front of Su Heng were the Shi card, the Shi card and the Draw card.

"In order to avoid the emergence of parallel universes, we have no way to change the established facts. We use the Shi Pai and Xu Pai to directly prevent the little girl from entering the world of Chuang Pai."

"But we can use the Shi Pai and Xun Pai to reverse time to when the little girl was absorbed into the Chuang Pai world, and then use the pulling cards to extract the adsorption ability of the Chuang Pai at that time, thereby achieving the purpose of entering the Chuang Pai world."

"But I have to remind you." Spineru warned Su Heng.

"We still don't know who wrote what story on the creation card."

"In other words, we don't know what the world that Chuangpai is in is like."

"What if we meet a science fiction novelist or something like that? We may not be able to get out once we get in."

"So you really want to go in?"

"Otherwise." Su Heng sighed: "After all, the Chuang card is our Clow card. As the Clow card magician, I should help make up for the trouble it caused."

"Moreover." Su Heng whispered: "The one who went in this time was Gwen."

Su Heng didn't hesitate too much. According to the method mentioned by Spineru, he took the lead in driving the Shi tiles and Xun tiles in his hand.

"Really." Spineru sighed helplessly, and kicked the Clow's Magic Book in his hand into Su Heng's body, and then it also entered Su Heng's body.

"If anything goes wrong, remember to call me. I'll see if I can use my old face to get the Chuangpai guy to free us."

Su Heng nodded slightly, and the figures of Shi Pai and Xian Pai appeared around him.

As the hourglass turned back and the clock ran backwards, the scene around Su Heng also changed at this moment.

At the same time, the magic power in Su Heng's body was gradually decreasing.

This is the first time Su Heng has used the Shi Pai and Xun Pai to completely turn back time in this world.

The magic power consumed during this process made Su Heng's face turn pale.

In just a moment, more than half of the magic power in Su Heng's body had been lost.

But luckily, when Su Heng had some remaining magic power, he saw Gwen being sucked into a book with black kraft paper on the outside.

"Next" Su Heng licked his dry lips and took out the drawing card that he had prepared for a long time.

"Pull!" Along with Su Heng's low drink, the figure of the card appeared. With her gentle wave, the power used by the card to attract Gwen into its world was extracted by the card. come out.

Pulling out the cards turned this power into a ring, and gently winked at Su Heng.

Su Heng understood and jumped into the ring.

After pulling out the cards, the Shi card and the Shi card turned into three streams of light and followed behind Su Heng.

And as the three Clow cards disappeared along with Su Heng, time that had been reversed began to return to its normal state.

Strange, who was meditating far away in Karma Taj, looked at the Eye of Agamotto that suddenly glowed with light on his chest, and looked in the direction of New York with a feeling.

"Where is it, Su Heng?" Strange held the Eye of Agamotto that was shimmering on his chest and murmured in a low voice.

"The power of time"

Strange recalled what the Ancient One had told him since before he became the Supreme Mage.

"I hope you are as reliable as the ancient master said."

Strange murmured under his breath.

In addition to his trust in Su Heng, Strange actually felt a little embarrassed towards Su Heng and the people of New York.

After all, he was the guarantee to introduce Doom's big trouble to Su Heng, and then Doom would go to hell, and then cause the disaster that happened in New York a few days ago.

"But escaping won't solve the problem." Strange stood up and with a slight move of his hand, the cloak symbolizing the Supreme Mage flew behind him.

"Although I don't know where you have gone, as compensation and apology, I will help you look after New York."

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