Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 186 What Does Spider-Man Have to Do with Me, Spider-Woman?

It was as if nothing happened, and as if something had happened.

When Gwen woke up again, what she saw when she opened her eyes was still the building she was in before.

The only difference is that the so-called "Spider-Man: Into the Parallel Universe" storybook originally held by Gwen has disappeared.

"Did I have a dream?" Gwen rubbed her swollen head. She didn't know why, but her intuition kept telling her that the place she was in now was not the original world.

Gwen poked her head back and found that the place where her backpack should have been was empty, as if someone had taken it away.

"Spider-Man Peter Parker!"

At this moment, from the light screen above the building, a deafening sound of yelling and cursing scared Gwen. The figure that had fallen backwards failed to stabilize its balance and fell on the rooftop. .

"A cruel executioner!"

"He killed Mysterio in an attempt to take over the Stark Industries legacy as his own!"

"Not only that, even though we are now standing at the pinnacle of justice, there are still people defending him. Even though the facts are so clear, the police still have not brought him to justice! So this is a waste of our taxpayers' hard-earned money. Where is it?"

"We, the Daily Bugle, will never give in to evil! From now on, I will voluntarily pay to bear the cost of light screens in various shopping malls in the city at noon, so as to broadcast Peter Parker's crimes in turn! Until the police arrest him. !”

"Hiss—" Gwen quickly covered her ears as she listened to the deafening sound coming from the light screen in front of her.

If she heard correctly, the person who said this should be Uncle Jameson, the owner of the Daily Bugle.

Although the Daily Bugle usually looks down upon Gwen, Peter and other superheroes, what he said just now shocked Gwen.

Listening to what Jameson said, Peter Spider-Man's identity was exposed, not to mention that he seemed to be involved in a murder case.

What surprised Gwen the most was the legacy of Stark Industries mentioned in the report.

"So Mr. Stark finally passed away due to excessive drinking?" Gwen muttered a few words in a low voice.

Then he pressed a hidden button somewhere on the arm of his spider armor.

"Hey, Veronica."

Gwen awakened the artificial intelligence hidden in the armor.

Because of Dr. Zola's fusion with Ultron, Tony slowed down his research on artificial intelligence.

In addition, Gwen is not very accustomed to using artificial intelligence, so the artificial intelligence on this spider suit designed by Tony is rarely awakened.

"Hello, Miss Spider-Woman." A softer voice came from Gwen's spider mask.

"Please help me find out what happened to Peter and Mr. Stark?" Gwen sat on the edge of the rooftop and ordered Veronica.

"Okay, please wait, trying to connect to the Stark Industries network."

"The secret key connection has expired, trying to reconnect"

"Warning! Warning! The host Jarvis disappears and Stark Industries artificial intelligence changes! The new artificial intelligence is unauthorized and the access is disconnected!"

"Start enabling emergency backup mode."

Gwen only heard Veronica's constant warning voice and a bunch of messy nouns in her ears, and then Veronica's voice began to disappear.

"Ah." Gwen didn't expect that so many things would happen just by connecting to Stark Industries' network.

"Emergency filing mode is on." Not long after, Veronica's voice reappeared in Gwen's ears.

"Miss Spider-Woman, according to the analysis of the suit system, now the Stark Industrial host artificial intelligence Jarvis has disappeared. Although the new artificial intelligence has Mr. Stark's code, during the detection process, it was found that Stark Mr. Grams has no sign of life on earth."

"According to emergency filing mode 1 (artificial intelligence preparedness program), when Tony Stark loses signs of life and Stark Industries artificial intelligence undergoes changes that are not recorded in the program, the suit artificial intelligence will respond to Stark Industries Artificial intelligence in it cleans and takes over.”

"The takeover process will take about an hour. During this time, the artificial intelligence program of the suit will be shut down. Please protect your own safety, Ms. Spider-Man."

"Ah, no." Gwen listened to Veronica's voice getting smaller and smaller, and anxiously pressed the hidden button on her arm, but there was no response.

"Ahhh!" Gwen scratched her head in a frenzy.

"What happened? Why did it suddenly become like this?"

The mobile phone placed in the backpack disappeared due to the inexplicable disappearance of the backpack.

After finally activating the artificial intelligence in the suit, the artificial intelligence also experienced inexplicable problems.

And also said that Mr. Stark has lost signs of life on earth?

But if Gwen remembered correctly, Tony, the store manager, and SHIELD agents subdued the villain named Doctor Doom last night.

How could he suddenly lose all signs of life?

"Wait." Gwen suddenly seemed to remember something.

She sprayed spider silk from her hand and swung the spider silk to the opposite side of the building where she was originally located.

She watched quietly as Peter Parker's crimes and appearance were rotated on the light screen of the building.

That was a Peter Parker he didn't know.

Seeing this, Gwen finally understood what was in her heart.

"Spider-Man Parallel Universe" Gwen murmured softly: "So is this a parallel universe?"

"But I'm not Spider-Man." Gwen clenched her fists.

"I'm Spider-Woman, you bastard!" Gwen thought of the old man who gave her the book, and her fists clenched.

I originally thought that the old man was very kind-hearted, but now it seems that he is simply disgusting!

"So how can we go back now?"

Gwen lay weakly on the rooftop, gradually recalling her father, mother, store manager, Mr. Stark, and everyone else in her mind.


Just when Gwen felt extremely frustrated, the sound of noise not far away made Gwen get up from the ground.

Gwen looked in the direction of the noise.

On the overpass not far away, with the two intertwining figures in the thick smoke, the overpass has begun to deform and collapse slightly.

If nothing else happens, the overpass should still be able to hold on for a few more minutes.

"This is really true." Although Gwen was a little depressed, her body still reacted first when she saw this critical situation. As the spider silk spewed out from her hand, her body was already moving in the direction of the overpass. Keep getting closer.

Spider-Man Peter Parker, in this world, is still a talented high school student at Midtown Middle School.

The only difference is that the Peter Parker of this world does not have a good brother Harry Osborn, a lover Mary Jane, or a "Gwen Stacy".

Yes, it’s just Ned Leeds who grew up playing.

And her lover Michelle Jones, but people who are familiar with her will call her MJ.

Peter, who was wearing a spider suit, felt the tight feeling from the steel tentacles between his neck, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes.

As for why he got into a fight with this man wearing mechanical tentacles on this overpass?

This goes back to a few days ago.

After the end of the Endgame, he had originally lived a peaceful life again, but because of a guy named "Mysterio", he coveted the inheritance left by Mr. Stark and used virtual projection technology to deceive everyone. Let everyone think that Mysterio is a superhero from another dimension.

At the beginning, even Peter himself believed his coaxing and handed over the legacy left to him by Mr. Stark, the artificial intelligence "Edith" that can control most of Stark Industries' weapons. Mysterio.

After obtaining "Edith", the true identity of the mysterious guest was revealed, and Peter finally understood what a big mistake he had made.

After several fierce battles, Peter finally regained control of "Edith".

However, due to negligence, Mysterio's companions re-created a last message after Mysterio died of his own consequences, falsely accusing him of killing Mysterio, and also exposed his real name.

From the time Mysterio appeared to his death, except for a few people, most people thought Mysterio was a superhero who saved the earth again.

This has also made most people resist Spider-Man and Peter Parker.

Whether it is from life or study.

The place where he and Aunt Mei originally lived together would always have people throwing various objects and breaking the windows from time to time, and even yelling insults at him and Aunt Mei.

In school, he, his girlfriend MJ, and his good brother Ned, who were supposed to be admitted to MIT together, all had their admission qualifications canceled due to pressure from public opinion.

All of this was too bad for Peter.

"If I could turn back time, none of this would have happened."

The birth of this idea made Peter suddenly think of Mr. Strange, who fought side by side in the previous Endgame. Maybe he could do this.

When he went to find Doctor Strange with great expectations and told Strange his idea, Strange rejected him verbally.

Time is not such a child's play, and the time gem is no longer with him at this time.

Just when Peter was disappointed, Strange came up with another solution.

This is a forgetting spell.

A forgetting spell that makes everyone forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man.

Originally, if it went according to plan, the casting of the spell should be very successful.

However, due to Peter's selfishness of constantly adding demands like Party A, Strange kept changing the spells that had been cast.

As a result, the Forgetting Spell failed to be cast, causing unimaginable changes in the world.

For example, this uncle is currently strangling his neck with a mechanical tentacle.

"Peter Parker!" Dr. Otto smiled ferociously: "Finally I caught you!"

"Sir, do we really know each other?" Peter blushed, panting and asked Dr. Otto.

"What are you pretending to be!" Dr. Otto angrily asked Peter loudly: "Where is my tritium energy device!"

"Where did you get it!"

Following Dr. Otto's angry roar, the remaining three mechanical tentacles behind him began to dance crazily in the air, hitting the surrounding buildings again and again.

The piers supporting the bridge were already crumbling due to the previous battle between the two, and now the movements of those mechanical tentacles were further destroying the support ability of the bridge piers.

As a result, large-scale cracks have occurred on the overpass, causing people in the vehicles to scream and pray loudly in fear.


Several cars finally collapsed on the most vulnerable part of the overpass.

"What's wrong!" Peter looked at the scene in front of him and tried to stretch out the spider silk in his hand, but Dr. Otto discovered it in advance.

The other two mechanical tentacles directly grabbed Peter's wrist, causing Peter's spider silk launcher to be completely damaged.

But Peter could no longer care about so much at this time. He looked at the frightened expressions of the passengers in the falling cars and struggled hard, causing the mechanical tentacles that originally restrained him to begin to loosen a little. .

"How is that possible?" Dr. Otto felt the huge force coming from the mechanical tentacles, and his face looked particularly surprised.

But at this moment, as a white figure flashed past, several cars that were falling were caught by spider webs falling from the sky.

Immediately, the already crumbling overpass piers were temporarily fixed together by thick spider silk compressed mucus.

"Dr. Otto?" Gwen, who had temporarily solved the crisis, appeared behind Dr. Otto. She looked at Dr. Otto wearing mechanical tentacles, and Peter who was restrained by the mechanical tentacles controlled by Dr. Otto.

"I originally wanted to ask you why you are here." Gwen noticed Dr. Otto's slightly old mechanical tentacles and couldn't help but muttered: "But now it seems that they should not be used."

After all, Gwen and Dr. Otto from their own world are quite familiar with each other. In that world, Dr. Otto’s mechanical tentacles have been updated and iterated several times. They are nothing like the mechanical tentacles of Dr. Otto that Gwen sees now. So old.

"You are." Dr. Otto looked at Gwen's black and white spider suit and shouted angrily in a low voice.

"Are you with Peter Parker?"

Following Dr. Otto's roar, the remaining mechanical tentacle began to shoot away in the direction of Gwen. The ferocious mechanical claws on the mechanical tentacle obviously wanted to put Gwen at risk. To the point of death!

"Okay, okay, it seems that your symptoms are probably similar to those of Dr. Otto." Through observing the Dr. Otto in front of her, Gwen has already seen that this Dr. Otto is probably similar to those in her world. Just like Dr. Otto.

They are all controlled by mechanical tentacles, resulting in biased personalities.

"Fortunately, Dr. Otto talked to me about this matter at the beginning."

Gwen looked at the mechanical tentacle flying towards her, moved her hands slightly, and moved forward instead of retreating. She used the spider silk in her hand to wrap around the mechanical tentacle, and her whole body moved towards it. Speeding away in the direction of Dr. Otto

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