Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 193 Nine Spider-Men

The alarm bells outside Hell's Kitchen rang loudly, and SHIELD and the New York Police Department arrived late. By the time they arrived at Hell's Kitchen, Kingpin and Olivia had already completely evacuated Hell's Kitchen with the Child of Tomorrow.

"Agent Hill." Peter, who returned to the Sanctuary of the Holy of Holies in New York, answered the call from Agent Hill.

"Thank you for your concern, we have escaped."

"Specific details."

Peter glanced at the familiar golden and red steel color of Iron Spider falling on the windowsill, and a little trance appeared in his eyes,

Mr. Stark.

"Peter?" On the other end of the phone, Agent Hill listened to Peter's silent voice and asked him in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Peter came back to his senses and said to the other end of the phone: "I'll talk to you about the specific situation after I return to SHIELD. I still have some things to do here."

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"Okay." Agent Hill listened to Peter's somewhat hurried voice, and did not ask him too much about what happened on his side. He just reminded him: "If you need anything, remember to call us in time."

"I will." Peter hung up the phone and looked at everyone in the room.

At this time, in the room, the Spider-Mans took off their spider masks and greeted each other curiously.

"I think the current self-introduction should make everyone more and more confused." Spider-Man with four mechanical tentacles behind him nodded calmly to everyone.

"So my suggestion is that it would be better to call each other according to their respective characteristics."

"For example, me." The Spider-Man manipulated the mechanical tentacles behind him and greeted everyone.

"I think you should understand it after seeing this."

"This is the mechanical tentacles from Doctor Octopus Otto Gunther Octavius. I got these mechanical tentacles from him and was called the Ultimate Spider-Man in the city where I live."

"In front of outsiders, you can call me this title. When there are no outsiders, you can call me Zhang Parker to distinguish me."

"Zhang Parker?"

"Iron Spider-Man." Spider-Man in a golden and red spider suit said silently.

"Peter Benjamin Parker." Iron Spider-Man pointed to the Spider-Man who seemed to be the most ordinary: "But that guy has the same name as me, so you can call me Iron Parker."

"I'm sorry to have the same name as you." The Spider-Man who seemed to be the most ordinary sighed helplessly.

"In addition, I don't have so many strange abilities like these two brothers. I only have the ability to spit spider silk and a little more strength. You can call me ordinary Spider-Man, or ordinary person Parker."

Benjamin Parker said self-deprecatingly.

"Well, what should I call myself?" Peter touched his head a little awkwardly: "Spider-Man?"

"You are the youngest, so just call me Little Spider." Benjamin Parker said to Peter.

In addition, Spider-Gwen continued to use the previous name, Ghost Spider or Spider-Gwen, and Gwen was the name of Spider-Woman and Gwen.

"So how did you know we were there?" Gwen curiously asked the Spider-Men about this most critical reason.

"Well." Benjamin Parker spread his hands and said, "That's the matter of another Peter Parker."

"Speaking of which, you may not believe it. Before we went to rescue you, we didn't know each other. It was that guy who found us, and then we united together."

"Is there still Peter Parker?" Gwen rubbed his head.

"I feel like I'm about to be confused by so many Peter Parkers."

"Don't worry, at present, there are only so many Peter Parkers." A very mature voice sounded in everyone's ears, and then three figures appeared beside everyone.

"You can call me Ultimate Spider-Man or Ultimate Parker." Among the three figures, a middle-aged man who looked very mature greeted everyone: "I come from the 6160V3 Ultimate Universe."

"The reason why I came to this world should be related to the leader of the group of guys you met in Hell's Kitchen before."

"Why do you know which world you come from?" Gwen looked at the middle-aged Parker in surprise.

"Maybe it's because there are some special reasons in my world."

The middle-aged Parker took two steps back and gave his sight to the two people beside him.

"Uh, so do I need to say something?" Peter, who was wearing ordinary clothes, looked honest and full of vicissitudes, looked at the eyes of everyone and stretched out his hand a little silly.

"So, hello everyone? I'm Peter Parker."

"Hey man, most of the people here are Peter Parker." Benjamin Parker said to this Peter Parker: "You have to be a little bit original."

"Sorry, but I don't seem to have anything to say," Parker said helplessly.

"Or you can just call me Parker."

"Please don't embarrass him." Peter, who looked a little younger than Parker, said to everyone.

"I am also Peter Parker. You may call me the Amazing Spider-Man or the Amazing Parker."

"Well, although it sounds like something is not quite right." Super Parker shrugged towards the crowd.

"Okay." Gwen muttered and counted: "Then here now, there are Ultimate Spider-Man Chapter Parker, Iron Spider Iron Parker, ordinary Spider-Man Benjamin Parker and Parker, and Little Spider Peter, Ultimate Spider-Man Middle-aged Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Amazing Parker.”

"Hey, I'm Ultimate Parker." Middle-aged Parker protested.

But the protests were ignored by Gwen.

"And Ghost Spider-Man Gwen, and Spider-Woman Gwen." Gwen counted them on her fingers.

"There are nine Spider-Men in total, as well as Mr. Negative and Mr. Matt."

"This is really true." Gwen shook her head and exclaimed in amazement.

"What a big scene."

"Gwen." Listening to Gwen introducing herself like this, Extraordinary Parker looked at Gwen and Spider Gwen in a daze.

"So when will your store manager, Mr. Strange, and the owner of this place, Doctor Strange, come back?" middle-aged Parker asked Gwen.

".I don't know." Gwen sighed.

"I don't know why, but I can't contact the store manager."

"I asked Agent Hill just now, and she said there seemed to be some trouble in outer space, so Mr. Nick Fury asked Mr. Strange and Mr. Su Heng to go deal with it."

"Is that so? No wonder the phone can't be connected." Gwen muttered.

"Did you actually go to outer space?" Middle-aged Parker murmured with some disappointment: "I originally said I wanted to see if I could borrow their power."

"So, middle-aged Mr. Parker." Spider-Gwen asked middle-aged Parker.

"What do you mean by what you just said, that the reason why you came to this world should be related to the leader of the group of guys we met in Hell's Kitchen before?"

Following Spider-Gwen's question, everyone turned their attention to middle-aged Parker again.

"Besides, if it weren't for middle-aged Mr. Parker, we might still be wandering aimlessly on the streets." Benjamin Parker also looked at the middle-aged Parker.

"Is this it?" The middle-aged Parker looked at the glances from everyone and had no intention of hiding what everyone meant.

"Except for Kingpin and the female Doctor Octopus Olivia, the other weirdos in white tights you met in Hell's Kitchen are called the Children of Tomorrow."

"It's a brand new human being created by Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards in another universe, the 1610 universe."

"And the boss of the Children of Tomorrow, as well as Jin Bing and Olivia, is obviously Mr. Fantastic, or the Creator Reed Richards."

"Or, that Reed Richards slicer."

"His purpose should be to use this world as a benchmark to annex other worlds in order to find a way back to the 1610 universe."

"Then what does this have to do with you in the 6160 universe?" Iron Peter asked the middle-aged Parker.

"Of course it does matter. The alias of the 1610 universe is the Ultimate Universe."

"Wait, if I remember correctly, the universe you just said is also the ultimate universe, right?"

"That's right." Middle-aged Parker nodded.

"For some reason, Reed Richards was sliced ​​into pieces by "Molecular Man" Owen in the 1610 universe, and his slices were exiled to other universes."

"And the 6160 universe is the new ultimate universe that one of his slicers travels through time and space to guide and control."

"In that universe, my friends and I just expelled that guy, and ended up in this universe in the blink of an eye."

"As soon as I came to this universe, I smelled that guy's stink. Even if our time travel has nothing to do with him, he will definitely not do anything good."

"But if I was alone, I probably wouldn't be able to do anything to that guy. That's why I'm searching for everyone's traces everywhere."

"Is that guy very powerful?" Zhang Parker's eyes flashed a little.

"I feel that if I am given some time to develop my own invention, that guy may not be my opponent."

You must know that Zhang Parker founded Parker Industries in his world, and used his clever brain to protect New York alone and fight against crime.

It's no wonder that Zhang Parker is so confident.

"Man, you really may not be able to beat that guy." The middle-aged Parker looked at Zhang Parker's eager expression and tried to dissuade him.

"That guy is not an ordinary enemy we have faced before. In the 1610 universe, he used the Children of Tomorrow to destroy Asgard, a country full of gods."

"The Avengers in this world are busy saving the world now, and Dr. Strange and Miss Gwen's store manager are not on earth."

"Only the few of us here can solve this big trouble."

"If that guy succeeds, it will not only endanger the current universe, but also the universe where everyone originally lives may be harmed."

"Now that you say so." Benjamin Parker smacked his lips.

"Well, I've already saved the world many times, and I don't care if I save the world one more time."


The middle-aged Peter paused and continued to speak to everyone.

"In the Holy of Holies, I have communicated with the Supreme Mage King of this world before. He can lend us this place to live temporarily."

"So during the next period of time, please take a good rest and recharge your batteries."

"When I find out where that guy is hiding, that's when we take action."

Many Peter Parkers and two Gwens nodded.

Only Mr. Negative and Matt beside him remained silent.

"Now that you have a temporary place to live, it's time for me to retire." Matt, with his eyes closed, touched his cane and said softly to everyone.

"After all, I am a native of this world. In addition to fighting crime at night, I also have legitimate jobs during the day."

"Is Mr. Matt leaving?" Spider-Gwen looked at Matt, her face full of regret.

"Yes, Miss Gwen." Matt nodded towards Spider-Gwen: "If you need anything, you can contact me, but I probably won't be able to stay with you all the time."

"Since Matt is leaving, I will go with him." Mr. Film also stood up.

"As for the reason, I shouldn't need to say more, right?"

All Spider-Man's were silent.

When they first met Mr. Negative, the warning in their hearts told them that they must not have too much contact with this gentleman. Although they don’t know the reason, for Spider-Man, the spider sense has never failed. Pass.

Mr. Negative smiled slightly.

His negative energy can control the emotions of others, causing relatives to turn against each other and fight each other. Although in the previous battle, his negative energy did not play a big role.

But his ability seems to have a special effect on Spider-Man.

At least in the world he lives in, as long as Spider-Man comes into contact with him, his original kind character will be greatly reversed. If it weren't for the fact that there is not much hatred and interest between Mr. Negative and Spider-Man , this may lead to a big mistake.

"I mean the same thing as Matt." Mr. Negative said to everyone.

"Although our camps are different, our goals and tendencies are the same, so if there is a need, feel free to contact me at that time and I will not refuse."

In regret, everyone bid farewell to Matt and Mr. Negative. It was already getting late, and the Parkers and the two Gwens each found a rest room and took a rare and comforting rest.

But for some Parkers, they may not be able to have a good rest tonight.

For example, Spider-Peter encounters Iron Parker on the rooftop, or sees two extraordinary Parkers called Gwen.

Another example is the middle-aged Parker, Benjamin Parker and Parker who met in the kitchen because of hunger.

Another example is Zhang Parker who accidentally entered Dr. Otto's study.

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