Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 194 Conversation

The night was over, and a faint white light appeared on the horizon.


Although the middle-aged Parker asked everyone to have a good rest, it was almost dawn when everyone arrived at the Sanctuary of the Holy.

Although they had been tired for a whole day, for several Spider-Men, everything they encountered today did not allow them to sleep so easily.

Peter the Spider looked at the extinguished street lights outside the window and the sparse vehicles hiding on the street, and recalled the Iron Spider's armor in his mind.

It was really similar to Mr. Stark's armor.

For Peter the Spider, Tony Stark in this world is nothing more than his guiding light and life mentor.

In the past few years of his superhero career, as Su Heng said before, he had caused a lot of trouble because of his youthful character.

But thanks to Tony Stark, the troubles caused by Spider-Man did not lead to any serious mistakes.

This may not be a good thing for Spider-Man, but it is not a bad thing either.

Compared with other Spider-Men, Spider-Man is undoubtedly lucky.

Tony Stark, like a tree that can cover the sky and the sun, helps Spider-Man block all kinds of wind, rain and thunder, and also gives him many opportunities to make mistakes.

If Spider-Man can be given more time, he may become a great superhero like Tony Stark in the world.

But unfortunately, before he can fully grow up, the tree that covers the sky and the sun for him died in the war to protect the entire universe.

Apart from Tony's wife Pepper and his daughter Morgan Stark, the saddest person is Spider-Man.

This is why, when Spider-Man sees the armor similar to that made by Stark on Iron Spider-Man today, he always thinks of Tony in a trance.

With a little regret and nostalgia, Spider-Man turned over from the window and wanted to go to the roof to take a good look at the sky and rest.

But obviously, he was not the only one who had the same idea as Spider-Man.

"Hey, hello." Spider-Man looked at Peter Parker, who was lying on the roof, who was only a few years older than him, but had a face full of vicissitudes.

At this time, Peter Parker was not wearing the Iron Spider suit that was used to show his identity, but was wearing a simple home outfit.

"Uh." Spider-Man looked at this Parker's face and compared his face with the Iron Parker who was wearing the Iron Spider suit in the hall before: "If I remember correctly, you are Iron Parker?"

"Yeah." Iron Parker nodded silently.

"Wow, that's a coincidence." Spider-Man looked at Iron Parker and was so excited that he was a little incoherent.

"What's the matter?" Iron Parker looked at Spider-Man's appearance and asked in a low voice.

"Nothing." Spider-Man calmed down his excited heart and said to Iron Parker.

"Sorry, it's mainly because your Spider suit is exactly the same style as Mr. Stark's Iron Suit, and the functions seem to be similar!"

"So when I see you, I always feel like I see Mr. Stark."

Listening to Spider-Man's words, Iron Parker, who was originally lying on the roof, looked extremely ugly.

He sat up, glanced at Spider-Man, who had no ill intentions, took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and said to Spider-Man in a low voice.

"I know you have no ill intentions, and I know you respect Tony Stark very much, but in front of me, please try not to mention that guy's name."

"I hate Tony Stark, and I hate this suit even more!"

Spider-Man looked at Iron Parker who said this in astonishment.

"Sorry, I couldn't control my emotions." Iron Parker rubbed his head and said to Spider-Man, "This is probably the sequelae caused by the failure to match the body and memory during the crossing process."

"So what happened in the world you are in?" Spider-Man looked at Iron Parker's somewhat bored look and couldn't help asking him.

"Although we are in different universes, since we are both Peter Parker, why don't you try to speak out your frustration? Maybe you will feel better."

"If you really want to talk about it"

Iron Parker looked at the sincere Spider-Man, his face eased, and a little bit of reminiscence emerged in his thoughts.

"Although our experiences are different, they are actually somewhat similar."

"For example, the exposure of Spider-Man's identity. In my universe, I also experienced a similar thing."

"The difference is that your identity was forced to be exposed, while my identity was exposed voluntarily under the instigation of that guy."

In the narration of Iron Parker.

He came from the "Civil War" period, which was slightly earlier than Spider-Man.

In the "Civil War" period where Iron Parker was, although the "Civil War" was also a conflict between Iron Man and Captain America, it was not as simple as the "Civil War" in Spider-Man's universe.

Because the "Civil War" in the universe where Iron Parker was, not only superheroes were involved, but also mutants.

The scope of such a civil war is naturally much larger than the civil war on Little Spider's side.

And it was during that period that Iron Parker, because he was bewitched by Tony Stark of that universe, and in order to support the "Superhuman Registration Act", took off his spider mask in front of the media, and declared in public that Peter Parker is Spider-Man.

It was because of this move that Steel Parker encountered a series of troubles in the following days.

Among them, what made Steel Parker regret the most was that after his identity was revealed, Aunt May was penetrated by a bullet that was supposed to be aimed at her heart. She was seriously injured and lay on a hospital bed, hanging on by a thread.

It was also because of this incident and the fact that Iron Parker discovered the program used to detect and study Spider-Man's abilities in the Iron Spider suit given to him by Tony Stark.

And all the subsequent events made Iron Parker see clearly what kind of person Tony Stark was in his universe.

This caused Iron Parker to tear up the Iron Spider suit and rejoin the Captain America camp that opposed the establishment of the bill.

Then, Iron Parker traveled to the universe where the little spider lived.

But after crossing over, he was still wearing the Iron Spider suit that he tore up.

Iron Parker also immediately realized after traveling through time that his body functions and the time recorded in the Iron Spider suit were exactly the time Tony Stark gave him the Iron Spider suit on the eve of the Civil War. Night.

"After I came to this world, this armor should have told me that I would never see him again." Iron Parker said lightly.

"But the middle-aged Parker found me at that time and told me that everyone needed my strength."

"No matter how much I hate the Tony Stark of my universe, when I face myself in a different universe, I need my power."

"I'm not stupid enough to throw away such a useful armor."

"Would Mr. Stark in that world actually do this?" Little Spider couldn't believe it, but when faced with what he said in another universe, he had to believe it.

after all

"So some time ago, were you the one who helped me clear my grievances?" Little Spider asked Iron Parker.

"Did you actually notice it?" Iron Parker said in surprise.

The period of time that Spidey was talking about refers to the period when he was slandered as having killed Mysterio and his true identity was exposed.

"After all, we have the same experience, and" Little Spider looked at Iron Parker: "When you were talking about Aunt May just now, the regret on your face said it all."

"Yeah" Iron Parker murmured softly.

"If you were the only one in this world, maybe I would watch your next response, but besides you, there is Aunt Mei in this world."

"I can't bear to see something happen to Aunt Mei again."

"I can only say that you were really stupid at that time." Steel Parker shook his head: "According to the level of technological development in this world, and your not-so-stupid brain, you should be able to think that it was created virtually by AI. The video is right.ā€¯

"But your only response is to ask Doctor Strange for help?"

Having said that, there was a different look in Steel Parker's eyes.

But maybe, this is not a good idea

"Feel sorry."

Little Spider, who didn't notice Iron Parker's expression, touched his head nonchalantly.

After all, this was the first time he had to deal with such a disadvantaged environment alone, so it was inevitable that he would be a little panicked.

In the hall of the Holy of Holies.

Extraordinary Parker looked at the two Gwens opposite who were whispering in low voices. He hesitated to speak, but he didn't know what to say.

"So, Extraordinary Parker, do you have something to say?" Spider-Gwen noticed the embarrassment of Extraordinary Parker and asked him proactively.

"It's nothing, it's just that in my world, there is also Gwen." When the extraordinary Parker said this, his expression seemed a little depressed.

"It would be great if she was still here."

"It seems that Gwen's relationship with you is not ordinary." Spider-Gwen shrugged.

"Like you, the world I live in also has a Peter Parker."

"He was my best friend, but unfortunately he has passed away."

Spider-Gwen said seemingly calmly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up this topic." Super Parker looked at Spider-Gwen apologetically.

"It's okay, we always have to look forward, right?" Spider-Gwen said softly, "Although this is not easy."

"" Gwen gently stroked the back of Spider Gwen next to her as a comfort.

At this time, she couldn't think of anything to say to comfort these two guys who suddenly made the atmosphere sad.

After all, among many Spider-Man, she and Little Spider are the only ones who have not experienced such sad things as the death of their loved ones.

But Gwen doesn't know that in fact, besides her and Spider-Peter, there is another real "winner in life" who lives a happy life.

Middle-aged Parker!

"What did you say?"

The ordinary Parker and Benjamin Parker who met in the kitchen watched the middle-aged Parker say those words that made them envious. The jealousy in their hearts made them want to move towards the proud middle-aged man in front of them. The uncle punched me hard.

"Sorry, I don't mean to show off." The middle-aged Parker smiled tactfully.

"But in my world, before I became Spider-Man, I was just an ordinary middle-aged office worker who married Mary Jane and had two children, a boy and a girl."

"Hey buddy, you'd better not let everyone hear this." Benjamin Parker gritted his teeth and said to the middle-aged Parker.

"Otherwise, you may face siege from all Spider-Men!"

"Although I also married Mary Jane, that was just her copy. I haven't found the real Mary Jane yet."

"" The ordinary Parker looked at them with a slight smile on his face, but the absent-mindedness in his eyes proved that he was not stable now.

After all, in the universe where he was, his relationship with Mary Jane was very bumpy because of Spider-Man's identity.

Moreover, Harry

In Dr. Otto's study, Zhang Parker quietly looked at the scattered manuscripts in the room, picked up one at random, and looked at the formula in it.

The mechanical tentacles behind him, under his control, sorted all the scattered manuscripts into several piles of documents in batches.

"Who are you?" The door of the bedroom on one side of the study was opened. Dr. Otto looked at Zhang Parker in the study and the four mechanical tentacles behind him, and his face looked a little surprised.

"Hello, Dr. Otto." Zhang Parker put the manuscript in his hand on one of the piles of documents, and then nodded to Dr. Otto.

"I am Peter Parker, you can also call me Zhang Parker." Zhang Parker explained to Dr. Otto: "For some reasons, my partners and I will temporarily live in the Holy of Holies these days. Please forgive me if I bother you."

"Nothing, I am just a guest staying here temporarily." Dr. Otto shook his head slightly, but when he looked at the piles of documents next to Zhang Parker, his face became a little ugly.

"But Mr. Zhang Parker, it is not a good habit to touch other people's things casually."

"Sorry." Zhang Parker nodded apologetically.

"But please rest assured, I just helped you sort it out a little bit, it won't affect your reading order."

"Why won't it affect it?" Dr. Otto walked in front of Zhang Parker: "Although my manuscripts look scattered in the room, this is the layout I am most familiar with!"

"After you help me sort it out like this, I will definitely..."

The reprimanding words fell silent as Dr. Otto picked up the manuscripts on one of the piles of documents.

"Dr. Otto silently flipped through the manuscripts on the pile of documents in order, and looked up at Zhang Parker with unbelievable eyes.

The order after sorting out in this way will not affect his reading order.

"You see, am I right?" Zhang Parker showed some confidence on his face.

After all, for Zhang Parker, even Dr. Otto at this time may not understand him as well as Zhang Parker.

In other words, no matter in which world, no one understands Otto better than him!

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