Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 196 The decisive battle begins

The rare leisure time made the Spider-Men in the Sanctum Sanctorum feel particularly idle.

Fortunately, the middle-aged Parker also knew that the Sanctum Sanctorum alone would not allow these active Spider-Men to completely calm down.


Although there are differences in age, they are all Spider-Men, and the middle-aged Parker cannot let everyone stay in the Sanctum Sanctorum honestly in the attitude of an elder.

Although the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, it puts everyone in a passive position, but it also gives the Spider-Men more freedom.

When the middle-aged Parker went out to secretly investigate Reed Richards' current location, he also told everyone that everyone can move freely in the next few days. As long as they do not leave the scope of New York, with the mobility of the Spider-Men, no matter who encounters a crisis, they can go to rescue in the first time.

With the words of the middle-aged Parker, everyone's hearts that have been unable to be restrained for a long time are completely released.

Except for Zhang Parker who stayed in the study to discuss research experiments with Dr. Otto, the other Spider-Men formed teams of twos and threes, went out to relax and fight criminals.

Thanks to Iron Parker's help in solving the public opinion crisis of "killing Mysterio", Spider-Man was finally able to return to his home as a superhero.

Now, there are still a group of people who are good at doing good outside Spider-Man's house.

The only difference is that this group of people who are good at doing good have changed from being scorners to being fanatics of Spider-Man.

"I have read your information, and I can only say that you are lucky." Iron Parker and Spider-Man squatted on a tall building, looking down at the group of fanatics who were standing outside Spider-Man's house, holding banners.

"The Avengers in this world have helped you attract a lot of hatred, and after you became Spider-Man, you didn't catch many evil criminals fighting alone."

"So your relatives and friends have not been affected by those guys with ulterior motives for the time being."

"But now doesn't mean in the future, unless you decide to give up the identity of Spider-Man, otherwise, you should let Aunt May find a place where she doesn't know you as Spider-Man to live again."

"You should know that I am a bloody example." Iron Parker warned Spider-Man.

"Well, I will make it clear to Aunt May." Spider-Man looked at the group of fanatical fans below and nodded a little annoyed.

Spider-Man's memory is not bad. Among the fanatical fans now, there are several guys who cursed him before.

Looking at the live broadcast they are doing, Spider-Man knows what those guys are doing no matter how slow he is.

"So you're not going back?" After Iron Parker warned Spider-Man, he was going to leave here, but found that Spider-Man was motionless and had no intention of going home at all.

"Huh..." Spider-Man breathed a sigh of relief and put the message on his phone in front of Steel Parker.

"It seems that Aunt May has been annoyed by these fake fans who are trying to get attention."

"She rented a house near the rescue center a few days ago and has not returned home in the past few days."

"It seems that Aunt May in this world is still somewhat vigilant." A little smile appeared in Steel Parker's voice.

"Vigilance?" Spider-Man recalled his Aunt May's carefree appearance and murmured in a low voice with some distrust: "If that's the case, it would be great."

On another street, a robbery was happening on the street.

A gangster sat on the back of a motorcycle and directly robbed an old lady's wallet on the street.

"Woohoo, it worked!"

Amid the gangster's cheers, he patted his companion who was driving the motorcycle, signaling him to step on the accelerator and leave the area.

But just as the gangster's companion squeezed the accelerator and the motorcycle made a roar, as if it was about to speed away, two spider silks sprayed from the buildings on both sides, directly hanging the two gangsters and the motorcycle on the high-rise building.

"Hmm?" Gwen looked at the Spider-Man wearing an ordinary red spider suit on the opposite building and couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Parker on the opposite side noticed Gwen, waved to her slightly, and then jumped down from the high building and came to the old lady whose wallet was robbed.

"This is your wallet." Parker took the wallet from the gangster's hand and handed it to the old lady who had not yet recovered from the shock.

"Thank you." The old lady looked at Parker's spider suit and said hesitantly, "Are you, Spider-Man?"

"But I remember that your clothes shouldn't be like this."

"Well, just think of me as a change of clothes." Parker smiled, looked at the hooligans who were hanging in the air and wailing, and said to the crowd around him.

"Can you please help me call the police? I probably have something else to do and can't stay here any longer. Please call the police and let the police handle these two hooligans."

"No problem, Spider-Man!" Voices came from the crowd.

"Leave it to us!"

Parker nodded to the crowd, and with the spider silk in his hand, he jumped up the tall building and came to Gwen.

At this time, Gwen was sitting on the steps of the rooftop, swinging her legs, looking at Parker who appeared in front of her, and said in amazement.

"I didn't expect you to have the same idea as me."

"After all, this is not our universe." Parker took off his spider mask and turned his head to look at the streets below that had restored order.

"There is no one familiar with us in this universe. I feel that apart from wearing a spider mask to help the weak, there seems to be nothing else to do when I go out."

"That's true." Gwen smacked her lips in annoyance.

During this period, Gwen has been trying to contact Su Heng, but she has never been able to contact him.

But for some reason, Gwen didn't think that Su Heng would encounter any danger.

This also led to Gwen, who should have had familiar people in this world, always being alone as Spider-Woman.

Although the word "alone" is not accurate, after all, there are many Spider-Men in this universe.

"Mr. Zhang Parker is really amazing." Gwen said with emotion: "I was already struggling to calculate Dr. Otto's research data in the middle stage, but I didn't expect Mr. Zhang Parker to be able to completely keep up with Dr. Otto's ideas."

"Dr. Otto." Parker heard Gwen mention this name, and his already plain face became even more silent.

"In my world, there is also a Dr. Otto. Because his experiment went out of control, he was controlled by the mechanical tentacles behind him, and did a lot of wrong things."

"Coincidentally, my world also encountered a similar Dr. Otto." Gwen said with a smile: "The only difference is that when Dr. Otto in my world lost control, he was completely attacked by a weirdo, causing the suppression chip behind him to be damaged."

"After all, it is a different universe." Parker said softly: "Although the name is the same, the experience is inevitably different."

"No." Gwen blinked: "The Dr. Otto in the study has exactly the same experience as Dr. Otto in the world you mentioned."

"I heard him talk about it the other day. He said that when he was controlled by the mechanical tentacles, he did a lot of things that were sorry for the Spider-Man in his universe."

"Among them, the most difficult thing for him to let go is the original rail train."

"Rail train?" Parker was stunned when he heard this.

This scene is not exactly the original

Combined with the fact that Gwen did not come to this universe alone, Parker suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Dr. Otto in the study, could it be Dr. Otto in his universe?

During the past few days, Dr. Otto has been staying in the study to conduct his own research. Except for Zhang Parker who went up to help solve difficult problems, and Gwen who had already met Dr. Otto, other Spider-Men have not seen Dr. Otto.

If Gwen hadn't said that, Parker would have thought that this Dr. Otto was probably from a parallel universe.

After Dr. Otto's research is completed, he will visit him properly.

Just when Parker made up his mind, Gwen suddenly stood up.


"What's wrong?" Parker looked at Gwen.

"Didn't you feel it?" Gwen asked Parker with a serious face.

"What?" Parker looked around, but didn't find anything unusual, so he could only shake his head with a puzzled look on his face.

"How could it be, logically speaking, if it was spider sense, we should all feel it"

Gwen's face became more and more serious.

Since last night, Gwen has always seen the world twisted and broken from time to time. This scene only lasts for a moment. If it only appears once, Gwen may think that she has seen some illusion.

But now the frequency of seeing this scene is getting higher and higher.

What puzzles Gwen the most is that this scene seems to be seen by only herself.

She asked Spider Gwen before, and now asked Parker, but both of them answered that they did not find any abnormalities.

But what is going on?

Just when Gwen didn't understand what happened, some space fluctuations suddenly began to appear on the street under the high-rise building.

"Hehehe!" In the space fluctuations, a person wearing dark green armor and a glider appeared on the street with a strange laugh.

"I smell the most disgusting smell!" Under the armor like a green devil, Norman Osborn looked at the two gangsters in front of him who were hung in the air by spider silk.

"Spider-Man! I'm back again!!!"

"Norman?!" On the high-rise building, Parker looked at the familiar figure in shock, and his pupils dilated instantly.

He definitely wouldn't have heard that familiar voice wrong!

"Norman? Are you talking about Norman Osborn?" Gwen shook her head and temporarily suppressed her previous doubts.

She and Parker looked at the green devil armor flying over the street.

"So in your world, Mr. Norman Osborn is using the Green Devil Armor?"

Parker nodded. He listened to the evil laugh of Norman Osborn and had a bad feeling in his heart.

He didn't have time to say anything more to Gwen, but jumped down from the tall building.

Just as Parker thought, Green Goblin Norman took out pumpkin grenades from his waist, pressed the switch, and began to throw them at the crowd on the ground who were curiously looking at him.

"Norman!!" But just as the pumpkin grenade was about to fall to the ground, several spider silks shot out from the sky and stuck to the pumpkin grenade.

Green Goblin Norman turned back suddenly and saw Parker who was kicking him.


While Parker kicked Green Goblin Norman away, the sticky spider silk in his hand threw the pumpkin grenades that were about to explode into the sky.

The explosion sounded in the air.

Although the explosion shattered the glass on the surrounding streets, fortunately, no casualties were caused, which made Peter have to breathe a sigh of relief and began to focus on Green Goblin Norman who was kicked into an abandoned shop by him.

"Peter Parker!" As the Green Goblin Norman's angry roar came from the abandoned shop, spikes appeared on the top of the glider suspended in the air, as if trying to pierce Parker in front of him.

Parker turned over in the air with the help of spider silk, watching the glider fly into the abandoned shop, but his expression did not relax at all.

"Mr. Norman, calm down." Parker shouted at Norman in the abandoned shop.

"Don't let the evil thoughts in your heart control yourself!"

"Swish!" The glider with the Green Goblin Norman appeared in front of Parker at a very fast speed.

Green Goblin Norman grabbed Parker's neck and pushed him hard against the wall of the opposite building.

"I didn't know Peter Parker was so eloquent." Green Goblin Norman whispered to Parker.

"I failed to kill you before, that was my mistake, but next time, I won't make the same mistake again."


Along with the voice of Green Goblin Norman, a sharp claw emerged on his arm armor, and then stabbed fiercely at Parker's chest.

But at this moment, another spider silk was entangled on the arm armor of Green Goblin Norman, stopping his next move.

"Who!" Green Goblin Parker turned his head in disbelief, but what came into his eyes was a fist that was constantly enlarging.


Norman was knocked out again.

Gwen patted the dust on his fist and asked Parker.

"Are you okay?"

"Ahem, it's okay." Parker touched his neck, looked at the direction where Green Goblin Parker was knocked out, and whispered.

"Be careful."

"Don't worry." Gwen shrugged and said with a little ease: "At least Mr. Green Goblin won't be on fire."

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