Two pumpkin grenades were thrown in the dusty ruins.

The glare from the grenade explosion made Parker and Gwen stretch out their hands to block themselves, but they both crouched down at the same time, alert to the attack of the Green Goblin Norman.

But what Peter and Gwen didn't expect was that the Green Goblin Norman, who had previously looked crazy and wanted to kill Parker, would be so decisive.

He seemed to have realized that he couldn't beat the combination of Gwen and Parker. After throwing two pumpkin grenades to block their sight, the Green Goblin Norman stepped on the glider and flew towards the horizon with the flames coming out of the glider.

In Gwen and Parker's gradually recovering sight, they finally saw Norman's figure that had become as small as sesame seeds.

Gwen and Parker looked at each other.


Neither Gwen nor Parker could let the mentally insane Green Goblin Norman mess around in this city.

69 Book Bar → 69𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙭.𝙣𝙚𝙩

The glider fell like a meteor in an alley in Queens.

Norman the Green Goblin took off his Green Goblin mask. Under the mask, his thin face was already covered with sweat.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo." Norman the Green Goblin panted heavily while stripping off the Green Goblin armor on his body.

"I'm..." Norman felt the weak feeling coming from his body and murmured in a low voice: "It shouldn't be, why am I so tired?"

"Because human power has its limits." A very magnificent voice came from Norman's mind.

"Who!" Norman straightened his body and looked around vigilantly, but in this alley, there was no one else except him.

"Don't be nervous, I'm here to help you." In space, Reed sat in a strange space capsule and used his mind to speak to Norman.

"I'm Reed Richards, or you can call me the Creator. I'm communicating with you through my mind now."

"Help me?" Norman covered his head, with a little madness in his eyes. He growled towards the empty alley: "What can a guy who pretends to be a ghost do to me!?"

"I'm not a ghost." Reed chuckled: "What I believe in is science."

As the two were talking, a ray of light fell from the sky to Norman's feet.

"This is my gift to you. It can relieve your current symptoms." Reed said to Norman: "If you trust me, you can try it."

Norman looked at the medical box that fell from the sky to his feet, and his face twitched a little.

But just as Norman opened the medical box and looked at the only reagent in the medical box, a little decision appeared on his face.

"You can also find a cat or dog on the street to inject and see if they have any rejection reaction." Reed seemed to have guessed Norman's thoughts and continued to say with a smile.

"I can also tell you very clearly that if you do this, I will also give you a second reagent, but whether you dare to use it or not is a question."

"But I don't have to hurt you, right?"

Reed's last sentence kept circling in Norman's mind, making his eyes start to wander.

And Norman's hand had touched the reagent in the medical box unconsciously.

Just when Norman, under Reed's mental suggestion, picked up the reagent and was about to stab his heart, he suddenly stopped at this moment, and his body began to flicker constantly.

And Reed, who was far away in the space station capsule, suddenly stopped his movements at this moment.

In a place where the two people, and even everyone in the world, had not noticed, the originally written time trajectory changed again at this moment.

According to the original time trajectory, after being bewitched by Reed's consciousness, Norman stabbed the tube of reagent into his heart.

While Norman's body did begin to improve, the good thoughts that were already in danger in his body were completely swallowed up by evil thoughts. Green Goblin Norman put on his Green Goblin armor again, and then fought with Parker and Gwen who were chasing him again.

This time, Gwen and Parker were not the opponents of Green Goblin Norman. If it weren't for Steel Parker and Spider-Man who came to support, Gwen and Parker would have suffered from the hands of Green Goblin Norman.

Green Goblin Norman fled again, and was then taken to the space base by Reed for genetic improvement.

Until the day of the decisive battle, the enhanced Green Goblin Norman used the glider to kill the extraordinary Parker who protected Gwen and Spider Gwen, and then drowned in the collapsed building.

The picture froze at this moment.

The collapsed building was restored, and the glider retracted from the chest of the extraordinary Parker.

It was like a reversed movie.

"No, you can't do this!!!"

Accompanied by a scream-like roar, the scene was played back to the moment when Norman held the reagent.

An invisible pen began to rewrite the content of this story at this moment.

Norman's eyes began to regain clarity. He looked at the tube of reagent in his hand and smashed it hard on the ground.


"You want to control me!"

The sound of broken reagents, accompanied by Norman's roar, sounded in the alley.

Amidst Norman's angry shouts, Reed in the space station withdrew his thoughts, feeling Norman's final anger that was like an eruption of flames, and couldn't help but rub his stinging forehead.

"That guy's mental power when angry is so strong." Reid sighed with emotion.

"Sure enough, every villain in the universe is not so easy to control."

Following Reed's words, he gradually turned his attention to Kingpin and Olivia who were busy in the space station on the screen monitor.

But in the training chamber behind Reed, through a little light, you can see many villains, including Electro, Abomination, Venom, and Pyro who were already imprisoned in the space station.

There are also figures of Jin Bin and Olivia.

"It's a pity. It seems that we are missing one of our generals."

In the alley, after the angry Norman roared, a little pain and confusion appeared on his face again.

He staggered out of the alley, not caring about the Green Goblin armor that was abandoned in the alley.

Just when Norman walked out of the alley and saw some glimmers of light in the street, a figure riding a battery car accidentally bumped into Norman who had just walked out of the alley.

"God!" The lady on the battery car looked at Norman who was knocked out by her, with a look of panic on her face.

She hurriedly ran towards the place where Norman flew out. Looking at Norman who had fallen into a coma, a slight look of annoyance appeared on the woman's face.

"If I had known better, I wouldn't have been on the phone while riding the bike."

"Aunt Mei, what happened to you over there?" Little Spider's doubtful voice came from the lady's earphones.

"Because I was on the phone with you, I accidentally knocked down a gentleman." Aunt Mei from this universe complained to the little spider with some resentment.

She felt Norman's increasingly short breathing, and said to the little spider in a panic.

"Peter, did you just say you were around here? I need you to take this gentleman to the hospital."

"I'll be right away." The little spider on the tall building in the distance put on his spider mask and said to Steel Parker beside him: "Hey, man, there's some trouble over there with Aunt Mei, I have to go and help. ”

"Let's go together." Iron Parker said to Little Spider: "There's nothing else to do now anyway."

When Spider-Man and Steel Parker came to Aunt May, Aunt May was startled.

"This is Mr. Stark, no, that's not right." Aunt May couldn't help but swayed as she looked at the golden-red suit on Steel Parker, and then noticed the difference between the Iron Spider suit and the Iron suit.

"Aunt May, this is my friend, uh, you can call him Steel Parker." Little Spider explained to Aunt May.

"This name." Aunt Mei looked at Steel Parker with some surprise.

"Cough." Steel Parker looked at Aunt Mei who was so young in this universe and coughed twice in a daze.

"That's right, it's okay for you to call me that."

"Okay, Mr. Parker." At this time, Aunt May didn't have time to think too much about why Steel Parker had this strange name. She said to Little Spider and Steel Parker, "Can you think of a way to put them together?" Send this gentleman to the hospital. This is the person I injured after all, in case something goes wrong."

"Don't be nervous Aunt Mei, my spider armor has a life-saving device." After comforting Aunt Mei, Steel Parker scanned Norman's whole body.

Under Aunt May's nervous gaze, Steel Parker stopped scanning Norman.

"There is nothing serious about this gentleman. He was probably knocked unconscious by you. We can just send him to a nearby clinic. There is no need to go to the hospital."

"But." Aunt Mei looked at Norman who fell on the ground with some worry.

"No problem. After this gentleman wakes up, if he feels uncomfortable in any way, we can take him to the hospital."

"Okay then." Aunt Mei nodded reluctantly: "As for the nearest clinic, it should be the one next door to the shelter where I work now."

"If possible, could you please help me send him there? I'll be there in a moment."

"Leave it to us, Aunt May." Little Spider breathed a sigh of relief when Iron Parker said he didn't need to go to the hospital.

Although Spidey is the Spider-Man of this world, he has never used his identity as Spider-Man to seek any benefit for himself beyond money.

Aunt Mei works in an asylum, and her salary is not very high, so it would be great if this gentleman could be cured without going to the hospital.

With the help of Iron Parker and Spider-Man, Norman was sent to the clinic Aunt May mentioned.

Not long after Steel Parker and Spider-Man left with Norman, Gwen and Parker found the alley following the previous movement path of Norman the Green Goblin.

"This is..." Gwen looked at the Green Goblin armor and glider abandoned in the alley, and murmured in a low voice with some confusion: "He actually took off the armor?"

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to find him now." Parker said helplessly.

The Green Goblin armor and glider should be regarded as the iconic equipment of Norman the Green Goblin. Now that Norman has lost the armor and glider, he is almost like an ordinary middle-aged man.

Looking for an ordinary middle-aged man among all kinds of New York is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"What now?" Gwen asked Parker.

"Let's notify the other Spider-Man first and ask them to pay attention to see if they encounter anyone who behaves abnormally in the past few days."

"Yeah." Gwen nodded and looked at the Green Goblin armor abandoned aside. As if he thought of something, he quickly picked up the Green Goblin armor.

"What are you doing?" Parker looked at Gwen who was picking up equipment in confusion.

"I'm thinking that if Mr. Norman doesn't have armor on his body, his strength will definitely be weakened by more than half." Gwen said with a thief smile: "Then let's take the Green Goblin armor back and dismantle it, Norman Isn’t it completely impossible for you, sir, to regain your strength?”

"It seems." Parker couldn't help but be stunned when he heard what Gwen said: "It seems to make sense!"

Without stopping, Parker joined Gwen's equipment-picking queue, planning to pack the Green Goblin armor and glider, take them back to the Sanctuary, and destroy them.

The two formed a large web with spider silk, wrapped all the armor and glider in the spider web, and then climbed towards the tall building.

In the clinic next to the shelter, Norman felt the stinging pain on his forehead and gradually began to regain consciousness.

"Did you help clear Peter's suspicion?" Aunt May's surprised voice came to Norman's ears.

Peter? Peter Parker?

Norman opened his eyes and found that in front of him, a woman with a good figure was looking at another man with a somewhat shaken expression in surprise.

Opposite the woman, there seemed to be another person sitting, but from Norman's perspective, that person's figure was completely blocked by the woman.

"Thank you so much!" Aunt May said to Steel Parker: "If it weren't for you, Peter might have had a hard time getting admitted to college."

"It's nothing, it's just convenient." Iron Parker tilted his head unnaturally.

He was still not used to such a young and enthusiastic Aunt Mei.


But fortunately, Norman's moans made Steel Parker finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Aunt Mei, that gentleman seems to be awake." Steel Parker quickly said to Aunt Mei.

"Ah, are you awake?" After hearing what Steel Parker said, Aunt May quickly turned around and walked towards where Norman was.

"Sir, are you okay?"

"Peter, Peter Parker" Norman croaked, whispering Peter's name.

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