"Brothers, you all had a good holiday!" The players sat around the training ground, and Wei Le stood in the middle.

This feeling was a bit strange. It's not that he had never spoken to these players individually. But this time, he spoke as the head coach.

Now almost half of the team are new players, plus the players who were already in the team, the oldest is only 30 years old, goalkeeper Aikemai.

Wei Le himself is only 21 years old, and he gets along very well with these young people.

"Are you particularly unhappy to return to your hard work?" Wei Le asked with a smile.

"Yes!!" Big Martin yelled.

Wei Le rolled his eyes at Big Martin, "Then I'll give you a year's vacation, and you can go back to London."

So Big Martin began to beg for mercy while denouncing Wei Le for being a bad person.

Amidst the laughter and joy, Wei Le gradually entered the role of head coach, and the players began to get familiar with the arrival of the new head coach.

"As I told you on the phone, I will be the head coach of the team. And we have only one goal this season." Wei Le paused for two seconds and continued, "We have been in the second-tier league for too long. It's time to go back to where we should be!"

"Good!" Hearing Wei Le's bold words, the players cheered. The goal of promotion has always been the direction of the team's efforts. Several players who had experienced the Premier League era a few years ago shouted the loudest.

"In order to be promoted to the Super League, we need to prepare more and make more efforts. Therefore, whether in the pre-season preparation stage or in the season, I hope you can give your 100%." ​​Wei Le's tone became serious, "The basis for my arrangement of the lineup is not your nationality, origin, or time to join the team, but your performance in training."

"If someone can't keep up with the team, even if you are a player I strongly request to introduce, I will unswervingly send you away."

The players also became serious. They all knew that this was a young and competitive team.

After briefly explaining the next arrangements, Wei Le asked the new players to stand up one by one and introduce themselves. Wei Le specifically requested that if there are players who don't know English, they should at least use English when introducing their names and greeting each other. Including the new Spanish fitness coach, in addition to greeting the coaching staff, Wei Le also invited him to the locker room to greet the players, of course, he also used English.

"This is an English team. In the future, we will definitely introduce more players of other nationalities, but in any case, I hope that the only language used in the team is English."

Let the team speak English, not only to make the players better understand the tactical instructions, but also a good way to help new players integrate.

Language and nationality often become the most obvious points of distinction between players.

Therefore, the news describing some internal disputes of the team may mention that the "Spanish Gang", "Portuguese Gang" and "Brazilian Gang" in the team attack each other, and these small groups were only two or three new players who spoke the same language at the beginning of their establishment.

In addition, Wei Le may also introduce some players who speak minority languages ​​in the future. If these players cannot quickly master common English, they will most likely be isolated in the locker room. There is nothing they can do about it.

Wei Le does not want the Wolves to have such a situation in the future. As the head coach, he must ensure that the team is a complete whole, not a whole made up of a group of small groups.

Watching the young people in front of him stumbling to introduce their names in English, the team captain Edwards found that the team had changed a lot without realizing it.


While the team was preparing for the game in full swing, there were many rumors about the Wolves outside the stadium.

Everyone knows the news that Kenny Jackett, the former head coach of the Wolves, was dismissed. But there is no news about who the next head coach will be. There has been no stop to speculation about various candidates, but the Wolves have done a particularly good job of keeping secrets.

This made some reporters a little confused. Compared with who the head coach of the Wolves is, they want to ask whether the Wolves have determined the head coach?

Romano, an Italian media person with a little reputation, got some news from an agent under Mendes about the head coach of the Wolves who "reluctant to show up". He believes that the Wolves coaching bench is not empty now, but the coach is still invisible.

In 2016, Romano was not as famous as he is now.

His "HERE WE GO" method that made thousands of men bow down was just started and had not yet been fully developed. In 2012, the famous football reporter, also Italian DiMarzio invited him to join the team. He soon became a core member of Di Marzio's team.

In 2015, he accurately and quickly reported the news of Dybala's transfer from Palermo to Juventus, which brought him considerable attention. In the past few years, he has also been accumulating human resources.

"The player recommended by Mendes to Wolves was almost rejected, and the Wolves board originally supported the transfer." A word heard from others made Romano fall into deep thought.

It seems that someone directly intervened in the board's actions, so who was he?

Wolves are not a famous team, and of course they are not as well-known as top Premier League giants such as Manchester United and Arsenal. However, because the Wolves coaching seat has been vacant for too long, such an abnormal thing has attracted the attention of many people. Romano keenly sensed the opportunity. If he can seize the opportunity in reporting this matter, it may be an opportunity for him.

"Italian head coach Zenga sent his resume to Wolves, but was later rejected." The news from Di Marzio made Romano more determined that the head coach of Wolves had been determined.

"Who could he be if he didn't show his talent?" Romano was a little confused. After he checked various so-called candidates to no avail, he began to look for answers from Wolves' own coaching team.

Some coaches left the team with Kenny Jackett and are looking for new clubs, while some coaches stayed with Wolves. U23 head coach Celars is obviously one of the options to take over as coach. There are also reports that he recently went to Spain, and a few days later, Jota came.

Is it him? But it doesn't seem right.

If it was Celars, Wolves would not have to hide it, and since Wolves deliberately covered up this matter, there must be a reason. Romano thought this matter was so interesting that he even put aside some other transfer news and put more energy into investigating who the head coach of Wolves was.

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