"It's easy to pass the ball back and forth. But it's hard to turn it into a threatening attack after passing it back and forth several times." Wei Le was talking about tactics in front of a projection screen.

Wei Le attaches great importance to tactical classes. During the pre-season training, every tactical class was taught by Wei Le himself. After this transfer window, 70% to 80% of the team's new lineup will be new players. In this way, the team's running-in is a very urgent task.

"What's the difference?"

Wei Le played a video in which the midfielder passed the ball directly to the forward, but the forward had to turn his back to the defender and couldn't turn around. There were two or three defenders surrounding him, so he could only pass the ball back, and the midfielder then returned the ball to the central defender. Wei Le paused here.

"Why didn't this attack take place?"

"Because there was no chance." A player answered subconsciously.

"No chance, why no chance?" Wei Le continued, "Because the space is not big enough."

Wei Le pointed to the screen, where the attacking forward leaned on a full-back, and another central defender was also interfering behind him, and a midfielder of the opponent also retreated to grab the ball.

"See, the distance between their three lines is very short. He can bump into someone after running a few steps. It's good that this forward can pass the ball back." Wei Le enlarged the screen, and the defense line, midfield line and forward line of the field defense looked very compact.

"So do you think there is still a chance for this attack to continue to develop?"

"It's passed back to the defender, right?" said the forward Ziro, but Rodri shook his head.

"This ball should still be there." Rodri was a little uncertain.

Wei Le didn't say anything, he continued to play the video, the attacking central defender stopped the ball at his feet, and the opponent's forward then joined forces to grab it, and the opponent's midfield line also pressed forward slightly. The center back then passed the ball horizontally to the side back, and the side back passed the ball straight back to the midfielder, who was now standing behind the defensive midfield line, directly facing the opponent's back line.

Rodri's eyes lit up, this was almost what he thought, and then the midfielder passed the ball straight, giving the winger a chance to cross the ball in front of the goal, but in the end the center forward failed to receive the ball.

The video ends here.

"The fact is, the opportunity has appeared. We will not talk about whether it is a good choice for the midfielder to split the field. We will only think about one question now, why does this midfielder have the opportunity to pass this straight pass?"

This question was asked very cleverly. The players began to think about it. After a while, Rodri raised his hand and said, "Because he stood behind the opponent's midfield line."

Getting Wei Le's affirmative eyes, Rodri said, "Because the full-back's straight pass penetrated the opponent's midfield defense line, allowing the midfielder to stand behind them and get the ball, and he got enough space to handle the ball."

"That's right, and it's also between the two lines. Why didn't the forward just now handle the ball well?" Wei Le asked again. This time Rodri didn't think about it. He said, "Because the previous back pass allowed the opponent to stretch the formation."

Wei Le gave him a thumbs up, which was the answer he wanted.

"This is what I hope everyone does. In the positional battle stage, our goal is to lure the opponent out and let the opponent give us the space, and then we use direct counterattacks to penetrate them. What we want is speed!" Wei Le made a knife-waving gesture, which was very vivid.

During the tactical classes during this period, Wei Le consciously arranged a lot of such video-based analysis opportunities. He gave more analysis to the players. Sometimes he would give homework to the players, asking them to divide into groups of two, and then each group would be responsible for a video. They had to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the players of the two teams in offense and defense, and explain the reasons why the attack was successful or not.

Sometimes these videos are some top leagues such as the Premier League and La Liga, and some are low-level leagues or niche leagues. Wei Le even found some videos of African teams with direct playing styles. These teams are also different, and the playing styles and tactics they adopt are even more different.

Sometimes, there will be variant questions in the "homework". For example, Wei Le gave two videos of players in the same position, hoping that the players can analyze the differences and similarities in the technical characteristics of the two players from the video.

More advanced, let the players think about the ability characteristics shown by the game styles of these two players. Can they support them in the current Wolves?

Wei Le hopes that the players can quickly understand the tactical playing routines of a team from the analysis and think about what to do. The same is true in the game. Wei Le and the coaching staff cannot be all-encompassing, and how to break the deadlock often depends on the players' own understanding of the game.

It must be said that the ballThe players benefited a lot from this. They haven't encountered this kind of homework since they started playing professional football.

It was even more unusual for Wei Le to ask the players to report their research results. The players had never made a report before, and they were all blushing and incoherent when they went on stage.

In the first few times, everyone didn't say anything good, and the tactical class was often full of laughter. I didn't mean to laugh at anyone. After all, except Wei Le, everyone present was not very good at analyzing the game, and had never analyzed the game independently. In this case, who could laugh at anyone?

Goalkeeper Martin laughed the most. Originally, he didn't have to "do homework", but Wei Le glanced at him and said, "Since you laugh the most, then you can complete the homework in a group and report tomorrow."

Martin stopped laughing, and the others laughed even more happily.

As a result, Wei Le did what he said and really asked Martin to start analyzing the game. Although Martin joked, he was very serious about doing business.

When analyzing the game, he often looked at the problem from the goalkeeper's perspective, and sometimes he could give some different ideas.

Gradually, the players' reporting level gradually improved, and Wei Le needed to point out fewer and fewer mistakes. Assistant coach Celars, who had experience as a scout, nodded frequently when listening to their analysis of the players.

"Why do I feel that they can all be coaches?" Celars joked with a smile.

Wei Le nodded, "If these guys can be coaches, it means that this is really meaningful."

Wei Le did not want to instill the football he wanted to play into their minds, but hoped that the players would think about the game and football in Wei Le's way, so that they could play the football that Wei Le wanted imperceptibly.

Wei Le also gradually showed his coaching talent to the coaching staff.

Especially Celars, at first, sometimes still had some ideas about Wei Le taking over the coaching position, because he, as the head coach of U23, should have taken over the coaching position.

But later, Wei Le began to participate in training, and most of the tactics he arranged were very efficient and particularly clever. At first, Celars didn't think anything of it, but watching the players' performance in training, he could feel the uniqueness of Wei Le's design.

If he were to do it himself, he wouldn't be able to come up with these tricks.

For example, arranging homework to talk about tactics was a shock to Celars.

"You really should be the head coach." Celars said sincerely.

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