Eliminated the threat, the moment I felt that way, the tension would be relieved and my body would lose its strength.

I was about to fall off my knees, and I could rush into my legs, but my body rocked about.


Girl approaching me screaming like that. Illuminated by the moonlight, blue.

She avoids falling asleep vampires and runs in a hurried face, mindful of the rough road.

Eventually, when you get to our side, you support your body, like you hold my shoulder right away.

"Sui. That was helpful earlier"

"... you're welcome"

At that last moment, it was the magic of the wind that played Trias' arm.

I have no idea who can unleash magic with such precise aim in that wild place but Sui.

"Really, thank you"

I thank her and put my strength into my legs. I finally could afford to look around.

I didn't seem to be the only one who lost track of Sui's appearance.

"... over"

"... it's over"

My brothers and sisters, who have so far kept moving at full force, whine at the same time.

The two slowly dampen the magic they were circulating into their bodies, causing the wings that were stretching out of their backs to disappear.

At the same time he collapses from his knees, hands on the ground and breathes with his shoulders.

Really to the limit, I knew right away that I was draining my magic.

"Wait! Because I'm serving a cocktail now!

I reach for the porch in a hurry.

I don't know what attribute you need, but it's an emergency.

You can use an example cocktail.

"The waves of life, the ancient intentions, what I set out to be in this world."

I take out two cups of [Long Island Iced Tea] and offer them to Phil and Sally, respectively.

They grabbed the glass so they could take it away from me, and drank it up in one breath.

"... Phew"

"... you recovered..."

They still remained sweaty on their foreheads, but they mostly soothed their expressions and were exhaling.

If I borrowed Sui's words, would the danger zone have left?

"Both of you, thank you. Looks like he managed to survive."

I bend my knees and gaze at the two of them with hands on the ground.

At first, they looked at each other with a decent look, but immediately they smiled and said it all together.

"" I'm not thanking you. Until I did what I deserved as a disciple. "

Saying, they thumbed up a lot.

Keep it up, stand up with all your strength on your feet and pay the dirt on your hands.

"Well, what do we do now"

Turns out the two of them can move now.

If the fire is no longer required, how do we fit in this place next?

I ask Sui, who stood there leaning against me.

"Why is Sui alone? And the others? So why are you here?

"Don't ask me again"

Sui stands up and blocks my words, answering to break his fingers one by one.

"First of all, when I said why I came here, I found [Cuba Libre], which wasn't the total" Firewall "made. I thought something was wrong and I ran."

"... Oh, well, you keep it out"

"Neighborhood annoyance"

I can't say anything to Sui's hospitable voice.

No, it was definitely an emergency, so I can't help it. Still, at night, I was just going to take a little walk, and don't bother if the flaming walls are blocking the way.

"So, Rye and your father aren't here because we went to contact the Knights. I broke up with the two of you, and I was the only one who came here first."

Sui said more or less well.

I feel like my spine is freezing against her.

"Hey, idiot! Still, if you were involved in a major incident, Suey would be in danger."

"So who was helped?

"............... it's me"

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I swallow words.

I want to say the words that led me to Sui, but I can't say it strongly with my help.

In the end, I keep it just to say a word with Blur.

"But stop doing anything as dangerous as you can. You'll worry about it."

To be honest with you, Sui only rounded her eyes a little.

After that, turn away from your gaze and return the blur, as if only slightly illuminated.

"... ok. Sorry."

"... oops"

I can't say anything strong either, only words like that remain unobtrusive.

The moon-lit night lane filled with indescribable silence.

"... so! What are you going to do from here on out?

I heard Sally's somewhat strong voice irritated by such a subtle space.

I rushed back to her and roared hmm.

"I guess it's impossible to get this far and settle it more peacefully now."

Seeing the vampires lying on the ground, I said somewhat bitterly.

Of course, I'm the one who got his life targeted, and I'm sure he didn't take anyone's life. If you believe in the healing power of vampires, you're talking about.

Nevertheless, the insects are too good to leave so openly hostile and leave no remorse.

I was just thinking, a man who fell and slept on the ground lifted up his body, Gugu.

"... who are you...?

Compared to the first, the hegemony has clearly fallen. But still, with the strength of a strong will, Trias is staring at me.

"Trias!? You, can you still move!?

Phil also stands forward to shelter me, with a startling look on the boulder.

But even though I say I can move, it doesn't look like the fight can be satisfactory.

I put my hand on Phil's shoulder and let him step aside.

"Who are you talking about?

"Don't be silly! What have you two been given to drink!? Obviously the magic was almost depleted how can you two be moving!?

He was a crisp, temperamental caged voice.

I'm just a little lost, but honestly I decided to tell you.



Trias seems to have further doubts about the unfamiliar language.

I'll assume what happens to him after this.

He finds out about cocktails.

From there, would it be possible to change attitudes by seeing a new path: a change in the relationship between humans and vampires?

As it stands, it seems difficult.

The purpose of Trias is only to bring Phil and Sally back.

Perhaps it is trivial otherwise, and whatever added value it may have, it will do nothing but serve its purpose.

In previous exchanges, that is fully conceivable.

When that happens, there is no point in explaining the current situation.

That's what he was told, unless someone showed up.

"... I'd like to hear more about that."

It was as if you had read my thoughts.

It was as if they didn't make you feel any sign, and the woman showed up before us.

A demonic beauty of unknown age.

A body that feels feminine softness at the same time as the strength it holds within.

And above all, she was a woman with beautiful silver hair, like a blade glowing in the dark night.

"... Mother...?

"... why, here...?

The woman had all her brothers and sisters with silver hair, and she was leaking her voice.

The voice is trembling, and weak.

Some of them seem to have feelings that I don't quite understand, like respect, fear, or fear.

"Oh, ma'am! Why!? Those two said I'd take you!

Trias shows a panic at the sudden appearance of a woman.

From that mouthfeel, would it mean that she is the master of Trias and likewise the mother of Phil and Sally?

The woman said to Trias' words, sending a sharp gaze.

"Shut up, Trias. I don't remember ordering you to make things bigger."

"Ha, sorry!

As if there was pressure in the word, Trias kneels, and drips his head (like this).

For the first time in this world, I realized what I should call an 'identity' to that perfect relationship up and down.

The woman then said, with a voice that comforted the failed child.

"But good. Apparently, they were finding something more interesting than the sin of running away."

The woman's gaze turned on me.

I have goosebumps in my gaze like a lick.

It has been determined. They're measuring who I am. Looking down at my very existence from the top.

It was as unpleasant and blatant as a new customer's gaze more or less.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I can't condone what interests me."

The woman laughed lusciously, guessing that I was up to it.

And name the name, as if to do an answer match.

"I, Rasquil Kirishvasser. The two mothers, the master of this Trias."

Nicole laughs with a friendly look, woman.

But the back of my heart told me not to let that smile bother me.

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