"So, may I ask your name?

I decided to respond politely to the voice of Rasquil, the silver-haired woman who suddenly appeared.

"I am the total evening mist. Now, these two masters are like guardians."

"Oh yeah. You two were taken care of. Thank you."

I also return a loss and a grin to the grin that captivates the beholder.

Between us like that, the blue-haired girl just keeps coming in.

"So I, Sui Vermut. Because I'm the guardian of this whole thing."

"... yes"

Well, I'm certainly protected by Sui, but don't get caught up in that way.

But it was Rasquil's reaction that caught me more than that. When she glanced at Sui, she narrowed her eyes carefully at first and immediately loosened her gaze without interest.

"Well, it looks like my men have caused a lot of trouble."

"The way I say annoyance, to the extent that I'm sorry,"

"Honestly, I'm sorry."

Rasquil said, bowing his head too lightly.

Trias, who was kneeling, reacts more to that behavior than I do.

"Ma'am! You bow your head, etc!

I said shut up, Trias.


Trias is hobbled by her mistress, but still eats down.

To him like that, Rasquil told him in a voice with no temperature, like the air cooling down.

"I'm not gonna tell you three times, am I?

Moments, Trias shrinks. I grabbed my fist for a long time, pulled my mouth together and then stopped saying anything.

Satisfied with how it went, Rasquil also gives a gentle grin.

"I'm sorry you're too loyal to be a slightly accommodating subordinate"

"... Fair enough. So, how do you intend to take responsibility?

I said it, and then I held the gun in my right hand.

The person's intentions are unreadable. She also seems to be the type who won't let this one look for thoughts.

If you think about it with the expression on your face, you look in a good mood, but that can't be good.

The other said quietly after putting his hand on his cheek, troubled.

"Once this place doesn't fit?


I'll put this place away. I mean, let's just say we didn't have a fight temporarily?

"You don't know who those kids are, do you? If so, I was wondering if it would be better if you could ask for a detailed explanation and then decide how to shake yourself."

Rasquil is certainly right.

I don't know what's going on between you two, and I got away with it, and that's what's causing it.

If it had been before the battle, it would have jumped at that suggestion without one or two.

But things are just a little different now.

"That's good...... leave that for the occasion, darkness later, it's not an idea, is it? If you fight at this time, it's self-evident which one will win."

Yes, we're only supposed to be in a position to offer the terms now.

This one was about to be unilaterally killed until earlier, and I made fun of the situation. Giving the opponent time to recover is synonymous with letting go of the advantage of this occasion that he made because of it.

To be honest, I don't think the same maneuvers as earlier will ever make it through.

If you can, anyone will think you want to proceed in a favorable situation.

"... hey"

The other guy seemed to tell me as much as I was thinking.

The woman thought only a little, then pounded, and slapped her hand.

"Let's do this, then. Let them take responsibility for the harm done to you and make Trias hurt himself. So, what do you say we hit him?


For a moment, I couldn't understand what I was talking about, and there was a voice of doubt with vegetables.

Rasquil's face, as always, smiles with Nico, and yet there's no sign of any jokes.

In other words, all of the earlier suggestions are sincere.

"You got it, Trias." Do yourself harm. "

"If you have orders."

Before my understanding caught up, Trias stood up and waved up to drop a knife on his own neck.

I'm distracted and I can't say anything.

Are you sure you're going to hurt yourself? Huh?


From next to me, a voice sounded like a rush.

Seeing, Sui changed his blood phase and was desperately pinching the difference in the act.

Rasquil raises his hand and stops Trias from moving.

"Oh? What is it? If we don't do this, won't it tell you that our words are serious?

A silver-haired woman who answers only with a calm look. At that stage, the situation finally passed to my brain.

As follows Sui, I rush to release my words too.

"I get it! If you don't have the will to attack us anymore, that's fine! So stop doing that!

To my serious words, Rasquil nodded and said after a proper time.

"Trias, I rescind your earlier order."

What Trias thinks, he remains faceless long after he is ordained.

But he lowered the hand he was shaking up and returned to the position of kneeling to his husband again.

At that stage I finally get my chest down. The woman kept talking, as if she knew what it was like over here or not, and nothing happened.

"Okay, that's right. Tomorrow -- no, maybe today. I come to you this evening for a reply. If you can get your thoughts together by then."

"... where is the place to discuss it?

"Was it indeed your name 'Easys'?

In a tone like asking, but I'm sure.

I snort at something I'm not supposed to find, feeling like I'm being grabbed by a heart.

"Yes, the store closes at twelve o'clock, so I don't think there are many guests around."

"Well, let me take that time."

The woman thanks her there by spreading the dress she was gracefully wearing.

Then he broke the gentle look he had on me, and with the face of a ruthless queen, he told him.

"Well, you guys. How long are you going to be asleep when your husband says he's here? Wake up."

A woman's voice spread like a ripple in the moonlight.

Shortly afterwards, the deacons and maids, who had groaned without being able to move until now, stood up uniformly as they seemed to suffer.

And they aligned themselves undisturbed, one by one, and turned behind the woman.

"Well, good day to you"

After that word, all around them, suddenly sumptuous as Moya.

It gradually encloses the contours of man and melts into the darkness of night.

By the time I realized it, it was invisible to me.

"... ahhh"

At the same time as the women disappear, the tension that has been stuck is loosened.

Clearly, it was harder than when we were fighting. If I lost my mind at all, I was in the mood that they were going to take me somewhere with every heart.

"............ good. Nothing."

"............... you've gone, you've given me"

It seems that the tension was lifted, as were the siblings.

Of all these, only Sui was relative to Rasquil with a cool face.

She turns to me out of her shoulder and speaks out to worry.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh. I was just as nervous as the day I first stood at the bar."

"There's plenty of room for a comparison."

My thoughts make me laugh like I'm stunned.

That was about it, and I heard dodgy footsteps from afar.

Perhaps Rye and Mr. Oyaji told me to call, the Knights face has arrived.

If I stared, I could barely see a brunette running who saw the beginning of a group.

"Total! And both of you! Are you all right?

When we get there, the best thing we can do is talk about Viola worrying about me and my siblings.

I waved and replied that there was nothing, and then I thanked him honestly.

"Sorry, in the middle of the night like this. In the first place, today was off duty."

"I don't mind. I'm sorry more than that. Our knights have failed to protect your citizens and have fallen behind in arriving."

Viola looks so sorry, she bows her head to me and my siblings.

"No, originally, it's a problem we brought in."

"Sorry for the inconvenience."

The two broke their hips politely and apologized to the Knights face, including Viola.

The technique looked different from that of the bartender I taught you.

As a matter of fact, the viola on the receiving side looks a little cheeky, too.

"... so you have nothing to say to me?

Sui, who was at that stage and just wasn't worried about Viola by one person, narrows her eyes softly.

The opposite viola, with her eyes like she made a fool of herself, said.

"Oh, last but not least, sui. Did you make the problem bigger?

"I didn't. Or not. Any worries about good citizens?

"As for you, I'm more worried about the damage around you"

"Excuse me."

When Sui points her lips softly, Viola finally says it's a joke.

And he put the word of worry through the street once, making sure there was nothing, and he was exhaling a little.

"So, can you explain this tragedy?

Upon settling down, Viola finally asked about the trail of the battle.

Well, that's it. The vampires stepped on the ground with full power, and the magic of the wind ravaged the ground. A beautiful cobblestone path had become tragic by the way.

"Who the hell am I going to charge for this repair..."

"The stories that accumulate are somewhere different, you know!

Speak untouchable and deceive the increasingly sinking viola.

So where are we going to talk?

Viola said she's asking Rye and Mr. Oyaji to open 'Easys' to talk more about it.

For one thing, we decided to go back to the store, and we decided to walk out.

Viola and a few others follow in the Knights, and the others appear to be on the lookout for damage and perimeter protection.

"... Speaking of which, total"


Sui, who was walking next to me on the road to 'Easy's', cut out words like that as she tried to say it.

When I turned my gaze to her, the blue-haired girl had a rare and serious face, I said.

"Sorry about earlier"

And I bowed my head clearly.

Just now, I think about it a little bit. What the hell are you talking about?

Then a few seconds later, I finally thought of it. I guess we're talking about the salary earlier.

"Hmm... so no cuts, huh?

"Yeah. I'm so sorry. I did cheat."

Cheats, huh?

What Mr. Oyaji was scolding me about, I'm sure he did.

He told me to stop doing things that way, like using the owner's position.

"No, me too. Well, I thought it was a joke on my own. Nothing good."

I desperately bow my head to Sui, giving back my troubled face.

I did get a little angry, but if they apologize like this, it's not even enough to hold onto the roots.

When he heard my words, Sui showed him how relieved he was to put his chest down.

"... your father told me. If you don't apologize here, the total will go somewhere."

"... no, well. I wouldn't think about that once or twice."

I only have a bitter face for that word.

I don't want to leave because of that.

But I don't even know what that means, and if they repeatedly cut my salary, I'd think boulders.

Yes, I guess the problem in the first place is why Sui got angry.

"So. I have something to say to you in general, too."

Thinking like that, he stared at me with a stabbing gaze and said:

She grabs my hand all the time and forcefully brings it to her own head.

She told me in a strong voice that I was wondering about the act.

"stroking my head, apologizing for being sorry"


"... I'm sorry."

"Yeah. Forgive"

I said, "What have I been allowed to do?"

I responded to the 'Reconciliation after a quarrel with my lover' style in an aggressive fashion, is that correct?

... because the sui caressed his head looks happy, well, it's good.

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