"Thank you for waiting. Blue Moon."

Iberis, drunk and slightly reddened her cheeks, gave a delightful voice to the glass I offered.

"Yay! It might be nice to have Parfetamur today."

"Excuse me. I'm buying from an acquaintance, and it's a little difficult to manage my inventory"


Without showing my apology or the bareback I cared about in particular, Iberis took that glass in his hand.

Light purple liquid is poured into a slightly lower, wider mouth, regular glass.

It's not that triangular glass, that cocktail glass, that I've been used to.


"What's the matter, total?

Iberis, who included a bite and was satisfied to close her eyes, noticed my gaze and called out.

I shake my head to regain consciousness and fix it.

"No, anything"

"Hmm? No, sometimes you look at a glass and you're confused."

"... have you found out?

Move aside a little and say it, Iberis nods. Plus, the customers around us who seemed to have our conversation in their ears nodded, yeah.

Apparently, I'm making you feel more for the glass than you think.

"All told, the truth is, short cocktails -- they drink a small amount of cocktails in a special glass."

That's what I said, the blue-haired woman in the position of owner of this store, Sui.

She was giving Chaser (in this case water) to Iberis, whilst complaining that I usually zero.

"Originally, cocktails are an important element in appearance, so even a glass can change your rating dramatically."

"Ah. No, when you get something made 'appropriately' all in all, it's often decorated with mints and fruits"

Iberis told me to remember my previous cocktails.

Speaking of which, Iberis often orders at your disposal without looking at the menu because she's also been with me for a relatively long time.

When that happens, it remains not just the standard, but also the improvisation to make a cocktail to suit that time.

And it's like my habit, when I make an original cocktail, I often do some sort of decoration.

The most common is the easy addition of mint leaves. The refreshing fragrance goes hand in hand with the carbonated cocktail, which looks quite good in any shade.

The next most common thing is to sink lemon, or lime fruit. Alternatively, decorating the edges of the glass.

It's easy when you want a little sourness to tighten the flavor, and the citrus fragrance also leads to a better impression.

Others may also use their own 'maraschino cherries' (about decorated red cherries) or 'mint cherries' (about decorated green cherries).

Fruits bought in the mood of the day, etc., are often turned into ornaments without discarding the skin.

Anyway, cocktails are something to enjoy with your eyes, feel with your nose and taste with your mouth.

While the shade of the cocktail itself is reduced, the impression that the glass gives cannot be ridiculed.

"So why don't you just buy me that triangle glass?

Where my brain was tripping a little again, Iberis hit me with a simple question.

In a moment, I hold my hand, bitterly, telling.

"No, sir."


"I don't even have a workshop to make me a glass."


It wasn't until the store was on track to some extent that I genuinely found the glass.

But it was something I knew somehow.

There was still no such thing as a 'cocktail glass' in this world.

In the first place, I don't know exactly where the cocktail glass came from.

Not who invented it or anything, but as the cocktail became popular, it seemed to have appeared in history at some point.

In one theory, that triangular glass is a development system for wine glasses.

Cocktails made from modern ice have become widely consumed since an ice maker was invented with the power of science.

Naturally, they weren't popular with the average family at the beginning of their appearance, and it was the upper-class people who could enjoy those cocktails.

If such a drink becomes preferred, a glass for it is inevitably desirable. And you think that the shape of that glass is the result of being engineered to naturally drink liquid just at your fingertips, even if you don't bother to turn your face up?

For a gentleman and lady, the way she drinks to show her throat probably seemed to lack smartness. In fact, older women sometimes care about the neighborhood.


"Cocktails are not popular in this world, so naturally there is no production line. Not to mention the fact that a guy who doesn't know any horsebone suddenly said, 'These glasses are going to be popular' or something, and it's a good place to pay up front"

When I first visited the city's glass workshop, I didn't even get to listen to much.

Even after a good performance at the potion review, I tried to visit again.

But they also have a life. We were busy producing bottles and daily glass products, and in the end, the conversation didn't go well.

"Yeah, really, you've greatly updated your stubborn naughty record since you came to this world. That glass factory mustache dad."

"Total. Because there's a little bit of personal grievance leaking. Even."

"... excuse me"

I rubbed a little around my temples, and then I turned to Iberis.

"So now I just have to put up with this glass. So one day, at dawn, when the cocktail spread all over the world, it was finally..."

"... uh, actually, I might have an idea. Even so."


I was unwittingly reacting to a word Iberis leaked.

Uh, you know what?

"I mean, do you have any idea what a glassmaker is?

"Yeah. It could have just been a little rumor among the droids. Out of town in the woods, there are artisans as strange as they are, apparently."

Such rumors, they had not arrived at all.

Really? Is this the separation between humans and droids?

I mean, how could I not have asked such a familiar person about the habits I've been asking so many people about? You're an idiot.

"Well, how can I meet that craftsman?

I was riding out and asking Iberis.

Occupationally conscious, salutations and all that are blowing me out of my head. I'm aware of that but I can't stop it.

Abelis, suddenly stopped by, grinned troubled as she pulled herself back a little.

"Uh, I don't know such a firm thing, do I?

"I don't mind."

Iberis groans, yes, and searches out the information from the corner of his memory, just a little above the sky. Meanwhile, I kept staring at Iberis in the face of tension.

No heart or even my surroundings are getting drunk and quiet by my force.

Iberis slapped Pong and his hand to give the answer.

"That's it! I remember! It's called a Japanese costume."

"... Japanese-style?

What the hell was Iberis worried about?

Before I figure it out, she moves on.

"Yes, the woman in the Japanese costume comes to the city about once a week. So, when I told him that I wanted to meet the artisan, he would make an appointment, maybe."

"So you're saying we should look for a woman in Japanese costumes?

"Sort of. But you know what a Japanese costume is?

"... nothing I can tell"


If it wasn't my mistake, it would be about the kimonos that are anciently handed down to Japan, the Veterans, the half blankets and the outfits around there.

And from what I've seen, there's no one in this world dressed like that.

Certainly the power of my translation is replacing the things in this world with my recognizable forms and translating them.

That means first of all, when it comes to Japanese costumes, I guess it's what I think Japanese costumes are.

On the contrary, I'd rather ask.

"I mean, there's Japan in this world, too."

"... Nihon?

To my answer, Iberis tilted his neck more.

Yes, it was. Speaking of which, even when I first asked Sui, she didn't know Nihon.

This means that there is no 'Japan' country in this world that can be replaced by my perception.

... On a good note, so is that.

Because there is no magic in Japan that I know of, and there are buildings lined up all over it. People rarely see Japanese costumes everyday, and the way the country works is modern.

If there was a country like 'Once upon a time Japan' in this world, it would certainly not be translated as' Japan '.

Because that's not what I know of Japan.

They may have come from a country called Japon.

Therefore, it seems a little familiar, so it is the name of a country with Japan.

"Okay. Anyway, now I want to meet the artisan from that 'japon'. There's no certainty that you'll get the job, but it's possible."

I was starting to spit out the heat on my head.

Recently, I was about to give up on wanting even a cocktail glass.

It's been a long time since I've seen the possibility. The bar itself appears to be doing well, and the glass relationship is quite laborious because it is ordering bins or reusing them.

Now by handing it over to Iberis, reuse problems such as washing and bottles can be solved. But she doesn't specialize in glass either, so she can't make glasses.

"So, do you know when that Japanese woman is coming to the city?

"Uh, I wonder how it went. Like Sunday, maybe it was a decided day of the week?

"Isn't Sunday... tomorrow!

The calendar of this world is clear and easy to understand.

January is the thirtieth, twelve months. 360 days a year. The week is seven-day inscriptions: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Wind Week and Saturday: Friday. Subtle miseating, well, I don't think.

And now it's the second Friday in September. A weekend of thriving restaurants.

If that's why, it's probably because most of the work will be off on Sundays and only today will it affect my work if I drink deeply.

"Anyway, look for that guy tomorrow during the day, and you manage to meet with the glassmaker."

I just decided to schedule an appointment for tomorrow first and get more information from Iberis.

"Total. Tomorrow"


Sui spoke to me modestly.

When I turned my gaze inside the counter, each of the disciples, who seemed to have listened to me at some point, looked subtle.

Phil smiles slightly unfortunately.

Sally has a slightly irritating stare.

Before I asked, Sally, who looked unfaithful, explained the situation to me.

"Hmm. Really? - The general takes more glasses than he promises his pretty apprentice. Heh. Nothing good, though."

"Sa, Sally. I don't know what else to do. It's the general's wish."

"So - it's nothing good though -. Hmm."


Speaking of which, it was a promise to hang out with the two of us during the day tomorrow.

And, but I can't stay or stand here listening to this.

of, but until I broke my promise to my disciples is never a very praised act as a master.

Yes, but!

"Mr. General, I'm fine. It's mainly the repetition of what we've been taught, and we can practice alone. So don't worry about it. Come on."

"... Phi, Phil..."

Phil's tenderness stains his dirty heart, which was seriously weighing his disciples and glasses on the balance.

Is it good, as a person, to really nod here?

"Look, Sally too. Isn't that good? It's the hope of the general."

"So I'm not saying it's good from the start. Well, that one-way cocktail gaze is a good place, a bad place, a bad place."

Phil prompted me, and Sally seemed reluctant to admit it while making her nose rough.

I think they said something bad twice, but if you care, you lose.

"Sorry...... sorry. It helps."

In the end, I decided to be sweet with both of them.

This is for both of us eventually, too. To get used to the equipment as quickly as possible, it's better to have a glass ready as soon as possible.

"... total cocktail idiot"

"... forgive me, Mr. Sui. Because I know best."

I should have convinced you that, but Sui's gaze hurt so badly.

It was supposed to be my shop, but the slightly awesome air around it was hard.

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