─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

It was the season when the rainy season dawned or not.

Temperatures continue to rise, and thin-wearing humans begin to stand out on university campuses.

That is remarkable in certain places. For example, if there are a limited number of copies, they can be copied free of charge on the condition that the back side is an ad, in front of the Raw Cooperative's copier.

The heat coming out of the machine goes hand in hand, with summer temperatures where thinly dressed humans gather.

I didn't even want to get anywhere near a crowd of people, so I was arranging a convenience store a little further from college and taking a copy of my notebook.

Because there are only a few of them, it is good to have a place where no one can see them and take time. Cool is best than anything.

The automatic door of the convenience store opens, where enthusiasm and people enter the store along with electronic sounds.

"Oh, isn't it Misty Evening?"

The new customer turned a blind eye to me.

I remembered that the brunette was a woman who had a conversation in the library before.

"... uh, name..."


"Oh, was it Torisu"

"Well, good."

When I remembered his name, Torisu nodded satisfactorily.

And when he comes near me once, he peeks into my hand.

"What are you copying?

"... Notebook"

I give little attention to her and give her back the answer softly.

But she looks like she doesn't care about the answer, and she puts her face even closer to me.

"No, I can see that. What lecture?

"... notes in the algorithm preface. Because my friend slept with me, for today."


Explained that much, Torisu nodded with a translating face.

It fit the rhythm of Gashako Gashako and the moving copier, and it was just a little crazy.

"I get it. It's a vicious combination of lectures but compulsory. I'm a sleeper, too."

Ha ha, and a grinning bird su.

She should be taking a lecture at her limit today, so I guess so.

But I didn't even think a woman coming to the convenience store at this hour was going to make it to the limit.

"Sleeping boy, it's noon. Two limits are over."

"Shouldn't college students sleep till noon?


Well, it's none of my business.

He takes his eyes off Torisu when the story is over and grabs a bunch of paper from the copier that stopped him from moving.

Then he put it all together and offered it to Torisu.

"Hmm? What is this?

"Notebook for today. You were a sleeper. I'll do it."


Torisu receiving a confused copy of my notebook.

She puts her eyes patchy and stares at me to question the sincerity of my actions.

I was ashamed to give an explanation, and I answered blurtly.

"Thank you so much."

"Before this?

"So what was pointed out in the library. Fine, thanks for the appreciation."

"... haha"

When he found out what I intended, Torisu smiled funny with Niyaniya as soon as he got there.

I don't like the look on her face a bit, and I stare at her.

"What the fuck?

"Bezu. There are some pretty cute things about Evening Mist."


"Ha ha, don't light this"

Torisu is in good shape, sticking his finger on my shoulder.

I hate being touched by people.

I stared at her, reluctantly avoiding her.

But she snaps her throat out of my gaze.

"But I'm sorry to hear that. I can't tell you how thankful I was."


"Because I'm in my second year. I've already finished my notes for this lecture, and this is it."

Torisu shakes the copy I gave him.

I was embarrassed by the unfamiliar compassion I did.

"Well, give it back."

"I don't like it. Because of this, I'll get it for you."

"You're kidding me. If you don't have to, you don't have to pay for a copy."

Reaching for the copy I gave him, Torisu smiled with a fuzzy grin, flickering his hand.

Repeated actions like that make the clerk's eyes harder and harder.

Maybe it's just about time you neglected me for arraying in front of the copier.

"Well, let's do this. Evening Mist, are you free after school today?

"It doesn't matter now."

"Answer because it's good"

After school.

I ended up on three limits today. After that, I normally planned to go home.

"I'm going home and I'm going to play a game. That's why I'm not available."

"Aren't you going to tell me you're free for that?

Apparently Torisu was unwilling to admit that he had time to play the game.

She makes four numerals with her hands and sticks them out in front of me.

"Well, meet me at 4: 00 today, before the raw union."


"You'll thank me, won't you? I have a store I'd like to go with."

"... Why me, my troublesome. Ask someone else. I'm not rich."

I don't know what thoughts you have, but it's troublesome, so I try to say no.

Torisu was a little upset that you didn't think he'd say no.

"Don't you think it's strange that I refuse to invite such a beautiful sister?

"You say yourself beautiful, and if you're over-conscious, you say no."

"Huh? Hey, tell me what?

Torisu nodded a little as he was convinced when I told him with a face he didn't like.

But look back and turn your back on me in a way that doesn't admit any of my objections.

And he moaned his black hair, and turned his face only towards me, and said half-eyed.

"If you don't come, shall I tell my friends? Evening Fog said to be careful because he's going to use a copy of his notebook to numb the girl."

"Huh! You're kidding me!

"Ha ha! I'm waiting for you!

Torisu then went straight to the beverage corner without leaving the spot.

After a little trouble, I bought mineral water and finally ran out of use for the convenience store.

Meanwhile, I've been in front of the copier, taking copies for my friends.

Then, if you want to leave the store, you have to get close to me again.

"Oh, you know. Well, I'm not dressed up for a lot of discarding dialogue earlier."

Torisu said with a shameful, bright red face, staring at me a little.

I said it after I laughed with my nose, as well as giving it back.

"Nothing. Tori-su was just wondering which way to blackmail a man to buy mineral water in a convenience store."

"Come on! Remember when it's 4: 00!

Torisu dashed out of the convenience store this time.

I'll open my phone once and check the time. It's 12: 20. Do I really have to go before the Raw Cooperative at 4: 00 pm and in this case at 16: 00?

There's nothing to answer the questions in my head.

All I could get pointed at was a sharper gaze than the clerk had just done and a screen of the copier that stopped the sound.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

"I feel like I've been having weird dreams lately."

"Weird dreams?

That's what I said to Sui, who was walking next to me.

It's Sunday. It's the rumoured day of the week when the glass maker's edge was coming to the city, which I was hearing rumors about.

"I mean, I'm kind of not sleeping well, I'm supposed to be dreaming, but I don't remember the content at all. You think I'm just gonna have a headache?

Probably dreaming of something. I am sure of that.

But I can't remember what it is. It was as if there was a hole in my heart, and when its contents did, I was swallowed up in it.

"I don't think it's a big deal that you don't remember."



I joke lightly and make him laugh, but Sui pressed him with a serious look as soon as possible.

And all of a sudden you put your hand on my forehead.

"Hey, what is it?

"... yeah. I don't think I have a fever."

"That's all I know."

"... but worried. Because I don't know what's gonna happen to the disease in this world."


I leaked a slightly touching voice that Sui was worried about.

When Sui takes his hand off my forehead, he becomes a little bit of an imaginary face.

"Excuse me for a second"

And then he reached into every corner of my shoulder, chest, hips, belly, feet, etc.

"Hey, what the fuck!

"A little palpation. At this time, I will see if there are any magical abnormalities in the body."

"... does that have to be touched?

"I think that's more certain."

I'm refreshed when it comes to magic, but I guess that's what Sui says.

I stood still for a while, feeling something awkward where Sui touched me.

"The total doesn't like being touched by your body?

"I mean, I hate you, I'm so ashamed of you. It's so sweet."


Sui nodded a little and then stopped touching my body and stared into my eyes.

"Well, for example, if I say I want you to hold hands, don't you?

"... hmm?

I wonder what the intention is to say.

I just thought a little bit about what she wanted to say.

In this case, it would be good in the sense that you want to hold hands with me.

But why?

That much thought reminded me of her family structure.

Indeed, Sui has lost her mother at an early age.

And all that was left was a strict father and a younger sister.

That's how I lived until I was this age.

Ha-ha. I see.

"If that's the case, I'd love to. Sui Lady."


I respectfully took her hand and walked straight out.

Sui blushes a little, but gets his hands on me as he does.

"Total, why all of a sudden? Oh, that's crazy."

"It's not weird. It's weirder to turn down the wishes of such a beautiful girl."

"Bi, beautiful girl, already!

I pulled Sui's hand gently, laughing.

Yes. Perhaps she is hungry for her mother's affection.

Perhaps, from a young age until now, there was no situation in which she would be gently asked to withdraw her hand from the existence she could rely on. I don't really think I can care for Mr. Oyaji like that.

That's why I admire these opportunities a little.

I'll take her wish for you.

You won't have enough power to replace your mother, but I hope you still get a taste of it as much as you feel.

It's not like Sui wants to hold hands with me for no purpose.

"... I regret it, but I'm a little happy"

Sui blushed and leaked as he turned red and leaned.

"Ha, you can always tell me if this is a good thing"

"But it's a little annoying"


Sui says so in words, but it still seemed to shine somewhere, and she seemed happy.

Even if I was wrong about something, if that's for her, that's fine.

For the girl I've been looking after ever since I came to this world, I thought so.

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