


Speaking to Phil walking next door, he reacts vividly.

As it was, he looked at me in a frivolous motion and asked.

"Hey, what is it, Mr. General!?

"No, you've been walking weird."


From what I've pointed out, Phil looks at his hands and feet. At that stage, he finally realized he was putting his hands and feet forward on the same side at the same time.

Now, when we were getting ready to open up, we were on our way to the market to buy some of the fruit we needed.

It's me and Phil who are in the buyout.

"Are you nervous?

"Well, that's true."

Asked slightly worried, Phil affirms with a stiff look as ever.

"Because today, for the first time, it's just us."

I get a bitter laugh at such a beefy attitude.

Even when I was first entrusted with the store by myself, maybe it was like this.

When I first tried, Phil and Sally were both worn out 'three glasses at the same time' exams, but they both finally passed the challenge the other day.

The method, in a sense, might have been the opposite.

Phil wrote down all the actions he should have taken in that test.

What do you think you're going to pick up first or in what order you're going to serve the bottle?

Anyway, I was rewashing the behavior I needed to meet my order from scratch.

When it comes to what happens, it's about optimizing things.

You think there's a lot of waste in this order, or this behavior can be put together? I was able to objectively grasp my actions and handle them more rationally.

As a result, even in everyday sales, I had a little more time to think just before the operation, but the operation after that was much smoother.

Ultimately, Phil gave out a time of twenty minutes and forty seconds.

So what happened to Sally?

I stole Phil's move.

No, Phil wasn't the only one, and I stole my move once I showed him as an example.

In Sally's case, she was taking the form of letting her body remember everything anyway.

If Phil's calculating move after thinking about it, Sally chose to practice until she could move through experience without thinking about it.

As a result, Sally can move faster than Phil if it's a pattern he's dealt with. Before you think about it, your body moves optimally.

But on the other hand, Phil can move more accurately if he finds himself in a situation he's never experienced.

Nevertheless, this is a test of meeting a determined order.

Sally's time surpassed Phil's by two minutes and twenty-three seconds.

And, where I gave a commentary, these two, both sides survived the exam.

So I decided to move on to the next step.

That's right.

It's business without me.

"Yes, even though we don't know yet, suddenly we're alone."

"Don't be nervous, it's okay, we're still practicing today"

I deliberately gave a soft voice to Phil, who looked like a puppy desperately desperate to be abandoned.

"Me and Sui, we're waiting at the counter today, and I've informed the regulars. Yeah, well, there's no problem."

"Ho, is that true?


When I snorted, Phil seemed a little relieved.

As a matter of fact, I've been waving a little intentionally to both of you lately.

Try to wait for the two of you deliberately at the right time to connect the conversation, or wait for the two of you to even notice the glass situation.

Little by little, I was spontaneously encouraging them to move. They may not have noticed, but the store was already ready for both of us to turn.

All you have to do is make the two of you feel confident in the time I have left before I go to training.

"Anyway, today, just be careful what you do to your newbie and you'll be fine as usual"

"Yes. I know that."

"Only at times like this, you can apprentice Sally's wasted confidence, okay?

"Aha, haha"

As mentioned earlier, it is now being bought out.

It's just me and Phil making the buyout.

Sally said what she was doing,

"We're the stars today, so why don't you come and buy us out?

and is preparing to use me physically for parsley.

Well, I was going to take a big look at him today or so, so I took Phil outside to change his mood, which was beeping next to Sally.

"Oh, but"

"What is it!?

When he raises his voice like I thought he would, Phil stands tall.

I went on after I prefaced that it wasn't a big deal.

"For the most part, the first day of a rookie is about one funny tease."


I said it as lightly as possible, but Phil seemed even more nervous.

I just expose myself to a little shame so I can laugh off his nervousness like that.

"Haha, you want to hear my teasing or something?

"Oh, even Mr. General!?

Phil looked surprised when I told him I used to make a big mess of him.

"Naturally. I haven't even been a bartender for two years."

"And I can't believe it."

Whatever Phil thinks, it's the truth.

As I recall, I told you about the day I first stood alone in the store.

I won't forget, that was just in the early summer.

The first time I opened up on my own, I panicked and tempered, and that already exposed me to ugliness.

First of all, I can't count removing the cap from the bottle.

Defeat the prepared glass, defeat the bottle, and take the wrong steps you practiced.

Hook a bar spoon in the glass, or I think I'll serve a cocktail that I forgot to steer.

Forget the order after the food menu and forget to fill in the slip.

It was the end of the day when he came to see me worried and even instructed me to act.

"You're lying to a boulder, aren't you?

"This is the horrible thing, it's all true. Even the customer cared, turning his eyes around and closing the day."

"... well, you are"

Phil seemed to calm down a bit when he made him listen to his failures in a slightly overwhelming way.

Yes. For people who fear that they may fail, it is what makes it normal to fail that leads to real measures of failure.

What scares me is not failing. Because that's where you freeze and you can't salvage your failures.

"So keep Phil a little distracted, too. I'd rather worry about that one, because Sally's going to soften it up."

"Right. Sally's with you, right?"

Putting Sally's name out, Phil looked even calmer.

Yeah. I was alone when I was, but they're two. You can also share the tension.

"Well, I'm just getting better, so let's just get back and get ready."


That's where Phil became positive about sales.

"Whoa, lady. I know it's sincere, right?

There was a small crowd ahead, which obviously smelled like a gimmick.

"... what is it?

"... I don't know. Just see how it goes, okay?

"... Yes"

We interact in a whisper and mingle with the crowd just a little bit.

I knew the atmosphere was not immediate, but things seemed heavy.

"What are you talking about? You're the ones who bought the directions and left even though I didn't ask for them?

"Oh? So I'm gonna show you around, so you're just telling me to give you the money, right?

Rubbing are multiple daughters of about fourteen or five years old and men of about twenties with slightly worse patterns.

The girl seems to be a good figure, upper-class person or quite rich. Glossy dark hair with small, well-decorated pieces.

On the other hand, the poor pattern also appears in the outfit. Things like the slightly poor house-patterned people to see from the atmosphere?

Nevertheless, they are not involved in whomever he is. From the base of residents near here, the girl would be more disproportionate.

"If you show up even though you didn't ask for it and they ask you to pay them without obligation, wouldn't it be natural to be offended?

The girl is resolute and tells men who are clearly older than herself.

Its grandeur is brilliant, but it's not the one to be frightened by it.

"You're welcome. You wanted directions once. That's why we have a contract. You're the one who said it was a mess after that, lady?

"Anyway, let me out. Let me out."

Anyway, it seems like a schematic that men are causing and scaring money on girls.

I don't know the details of the situation, but it seems to the guys that it's bad to look at them all the time.

"... what will you do, Mr. General?

"... I don't care what you do. If no one's moving, you should contact the Knights as a vigilante sooner."

"... right"

This crowd.

No matter how many men go for money, sometimes a girl is kidnapped.

All we can do now is report it to the right place.

"Lady. Neither do we want to be abusive. Why don't you just let me out and show them around?

"You're persistent. If you refuse, you've said so many times."


Especially if it keeps heating up, it's not surprising that it develops into a violent shakedown.


Yeah, I came to the conclusion, and Phil raised his voice.



When I saw it, as I feared, one of the men was holding his hand up against the girl.

Beaten, that moment everyone thought.

From next to me, I can play intense pressure.

When I realized that Phil had freed the magic, there was no such thing as Phil next to me.

Then I wonder where it disappeared.

Phil was sheltering the girl in the middle of the crowd and taking a man's fist.

"Hey, what the heck!? You are!?

The men cursed at the silver-haired boy who suddenly appeared.

But Phil is blind to such men, and turns first to the girl who took refuge.

"Are you all right? Are you hurt?

"... uh... yes"

The same is true of girls who have not been able to cope with sudden events.

Phil asks me, and I grab it and I give it back.

When Phil made sure the girl was safe, he glanced at the men with a guillotine eye.

It's usually unusual for him to be warm and he looks pretty angry.

"You guys. Don't you find it embarrassing to imitate a grown man hitting more than one girl?

"Hey, what?!? I know it's none of your business!

"Even if it doesn't matter, I'll do enough to stop a person from waging violence against a girl"

Phil took a step forward there.

That's not all, he infused that step with considerable magic.

Along with the sound of zun, the vibration spreads.

One leg makes even the wild horses around him squirm.

Not to mention the men in front of us.

The men involved would not know that Phil was a vampire. Still, it's a step that makes you feel the overwhelming difference in race.

"If you're going to be any more violent, I'll be the one to deal with you."

Phil, with that one word, smiles nicely and sparingly.

The men who took it.

"Hih, nah, be, I don't mean that!

"Oh, you're going to teach that kid common sense!?

The way my instincts outstripped my reason, I rushed to a glance.

As the men leave, the crowd also scatters slightly.

But there were also a large number of wild horses still watching Phil and the girl.

"Yo, that's cool, honey!

"You're so small!

They were uniformly sending praise to Phil, yay yay yay.

Phil, the target of his attention, starts panicking that he was aware of a situation that was staring at him as soon as the trans state ran out.

And I let my gaze wander, and the focus matched my eyes.

"Oh, my lord!

Why did you call my name, Phil?

That or do you mean help me in this situation?

I got caught up in a big deal from myself, and you're the guy...

"Yes, yes! I'm done fighting! The Knights will be here soon. Scattered!

I raised my voice a little and urged the wild horses to disperse.

I don't know if the Knights humans will come, but if you say so, people will leave too.

As you can imagine, it was me and Phil who left a lot of words behind. And only the girl who was entangled.

At that stage, Phil's tension also seemed to have eased a little.

"Uh, are you okay once again?

Phil hit and changed from earlier and asked the girl with a calm look.

The girl just seemed to stare at Phil, something that had happened since Phil showed up earlier.

Does Phil realize that his eyes are blurry and his cheeks are slightly red?

"Um, ma'am?

When Phil overlapped his voice again, the girl spoke clearly, as if she had regained consciousness all the time.

"... I found it"


Where Phil is confused, the girl grips Phil's hand tightly.

And with a look like a fever, I called Phil.

"I found it! My prince!

No, so, Phil.

That's how you stop looking at me when you're in trouble.

Even for me, I don't know what to do.

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