"So what happened?

I went back to the store and gave Sally the item I bought out, and I told Sally earlier.

Sally listens to the story sounds funny and then glances at Phil, who was silently cleaning it.

"I can't believe you're a prince about Phil. You have a pretty good eye for it."

Give me a break.

Phil doesn't even try to hide his sense of impatience, but brushes the counter in his mind.

Always clean the counter once every day, before opening.

It's not an exaggeration to say it's the most important thing.

I felt Phil's character as I cleaned the place to use that kind of nerve and tried to blow Moya Moya away.

Phil says Bossoli, staring at the counter, without even looking at Sally.

"Anyway, after introducing herself lightly, she immediately went somewhere because she thought she had plans."

"But they gave you my contact information, and you gave it to me."

"Oh well."

"Mr. General!

To my supplementary explanation, Phil finally looked up.

The girl left the spot right after that.

No, it looked like he ran away, to be exact.

That would be because as much as she heard Phil's name and introduced herself, a Knights person appeared who heard the noise.

When she admitted to that appearance, she forcefully exchanged contacts and left at first sight.

When the Knights find us, it's like saying it's a mess.

For that reason, all we know about the girl is that her contact details are big enough for the inn.

And the fact that his name seems to be Cravel Safina.

That is all.

"Anyway, I'm not going to call you from me, and I'll deal with it then if anything comes from her. From a standpoint, I can't do anything with her."

"I can't believe I'm in a position, because I'm being impatient right now, so don't worry about it. That it's boring Phil."

"Sally, you're like a mother."

"... stop it, it's not even close."

Phil tells me Sally blues her face a little before she shuts her mouth on the matter.

Phil said Phil was finished, but he went back to cleaning.

Hmm, bad for Phil, but he's got some problems with the girl, and he looks like he's completely relieved of tension.

There's nothing more I can do.

"Then it's time for me to leave."

"" Huh?


When I declared and tried to leave the store, the twins rarely reacted the same way.

He's staring at me.

"Oh, General, what now?

"So it looks like there's nothing more I can do to help, and I thought I'd take my seat off"

I return to Phil's, bewildered look like the end of the world.

Shortly afterwards, Sally seemed in a bit of a hurry, leaving the counter and coming at me.

And like a puppy just before she was dumped, you two swarmed me.

"Hey, why not!?

"No, nothing. I'm off today."

"So, you'll see, won't you?

"Oh, yeah. So go check it out on the way."

"... and on the way...!

Sally had a much more noticed look on her face.

Phil sank deeper and darker from there.

... Could this be my transmission mistake?

"No, I haven't said I've been watching you since the store opened."

To that word, the twins looked desperate.

Surprisingly, it is rather Sally who stands out for it.

Apparently, the reassurance that me and Suey were watching was connected to Sally's wasted confidence.

"I did say I would wait at the counter. I told you, I didn't specify from when."

"" I didn't ask!

The twins have reacted beautifully again.

He was poked at abrupt facts and seemed to be in a mild hurry.

Before the store opens, isn't this a good idea?

For some reason, I rush around more to follow the two of you.

"No, no, 'cause it's okay. Because if you have any questions, you should talk to me later. And there's Mr. Oyaji and Rye."

"Well, yes, but"

Sally has a rather fine voice and gives a verbal answer.

But even if it's just the two of us, we're talking about the counter department. The cafeteria department is no different from normal sales, and you don't have to worry about anything.

That's why my heart should be out of step compared to the old me who decided to turn the store around alone.

"Anyway! You can still fail, as long as you calm down!

For once, I make a big declaration and slap them on the shoulders.

The two of them react to it and raise the face they were letting down.

"Even if we have trouble, we can help each other. That's okay! Nothing to be afraid of!

He called out to cheer him up and smiled at him.

Phil, who was buying out with me, just remembered the conversation earlier.

"Oh, right. Sally and I are together."

"Yes, yes. Hey, Sally's gonna be okay, right?

Following Phil, who has been a little relieved, I also ask Sally for her opinion.

But Sally had a frigid eye for my words.

"So you say the right thing, and you don't say one specific thing?

Is this it? Am I pointing out that my earlier remarks are flawed?

Anyway, Sally looks like she's got some kind of distrust for me.

In physical terms, it may be close to being obstinate.

Just a decent encouragement, is it ineffective?

But I can tell you something specific.


"Sally, is that you? Are you anxious that we don't have manuals like this to deal with situations like this?

"... no, not like that"

When I say it back just a little, Sally's a mess.

Well, there's just something I think about me, so confidence itself, it's got to be underlying.

Now, should I rock it?

"So what do you mean? No way, I can't open without me - what a childish thing, Sally wouldn't say, would she?

"Oh, of course. But all of a sudden, it's not what I planned..."

"I think you'll find out after working for a while that there's no business as planned."

Think of it, this might have been the right way to get Sally on board.

Phil isn't confident enough, so he's quick to encourage him with a positive offense.

So what about Sally?

"Well, if Sally says, 'I couldn't help but be scared,' you can stay and do what Sally asked you to do from the beginning."

"I wouldn't say that! I get it! I'll do it!

There are two ways to stir it up or rebel it.

So, this time, I tried to rebel.

Sally stares at me like a guillotine after a rough exhale.

"Hmm, watch it! Even if the general is not around, we will try to have a better business than usual!

"Sa, Sally. That's too much."

"Shut up, Phil. Are you okay with being ridiculed that far? I can't tell you how well you behave. We'll show the boss what we can do."

"... I'm not being ridiculed."

Phil's modest advice doesn't seem to reach Sally's ear.

Then Sally changes the attitude and attitude she was trying to impress on me, and she makes sure she pays me well.

"Come on, get out of here! I'm in the way of getting ready!

"Yes, sir. Have a nice day."

"I know, I know!

As it turns out, Sally didn't try to look me in the eye.

Later Phil's troubled face.

And I still have Rye's squeaky face listening to me from the edge.

Rye sees that our story is over, and he comes up to me.

"... follow up on Sally later. I don't like it. That's the way it works."

"... I know. He said he would praise you if he did."

Sally is prone to anger, but she is also prone to getting on well.

If you give him a proper compliment, he'll get back to normal as soon as he forgets that he was angry.

"If you know what I mean. Where are you going now?

"Hey, Iberis and Suey called me. Anything, he wants to reveal a new machine."

"Ah. The one you and I were making so much shit about."

Rye seemed to have something in mind, too, roaring hum.

There is currently no Sui in this space.

So where are you, it's Iberis' lab? This past month, Suey seemed to be coming in and out there every time something happened and cooperating.

What you're making, you didn't tell me it was a secret.

After many adjustments, I repeated my trial and finally got to the stage where I could reveal it?

"Be careful, total. I'm sure Iberis will be fine."

"... what?

"Your sister's experiment, because I don't have a good image"

Rye has a distant eye to remember the past, then he stays put and doesn't come back for a while.

Slightly, after I shudder, pound and tap my shoulder.

"But it's okay. Because I never died."

"Wait, so what happened?

"Yeah, it's okay, it's okay"

"It's not okay, dude, answer me"

I shake Rye's shoulder according to a suddenly budding sense of crisis, but Rye only returns a strangely mild laugh with Ahaha.

Fu reminds me of Sui's cooking.

No, she, I can make a decent flavor if I want to, but if I let her do it, here's the thing, it's me. Not yet.

God, give her back her normal taste.

"It's okay, because the longest was Mr. Viola's three days. It's okay."

"What happened for three days!? Hey!"

"It's okay, it's okay"

Why are you telling me that just before all this, Rye?

I normally, okay, go. - What a reply.

"Oh, you were still there? That you won't just leave? There you go."

Where I'm trying to pull information from Rye, Sally approached me and said:

She holds a candle in her hand and sweeps it for me alone.

"Surprisingly! Stubborn! That's rubbish!

"Who's garbage! All right, man! Because I'll be here before it's that late!

"You don't have to come anywhere! There you go!"

I will free Rye and take him to the exit so he can escape the attack.

Looking back before I left the store, I saw three faces.

Phil seems a little anxious, but still a determined face to do it with confidence.

Sally is clearly not in the mood, but she is also angry at my unfair appreciation of her abilities. Motivated enough.

And Rye has a sad look, like seeing a calf to be sold.

So what is it?

Hey, is this really okay? Can I come to the store without any problems with my apprentice's first sales?

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