I'll unlock the store and get inside.

It's still warm because people were there earlier. Still, this is the season that has kept winter close. Slowly, the cold air is starting to sneak inside the store.

I thought it would follow me. It was Trice, but once I was completely waiting for the door to close.

And he rang the door bell deliberately, and he stared at my face.

"Welcome, I'd like to hear your voice."

"... can I ask you again?

When I said it, she nodded and closed the door.

Then, just like earlier, I open the door purposefully ringing the bell.


"... oh. Heh. Me, I'm new to these stores, huh?

"... this way please"

Oh, my God, this woman, don't go crazy.

I want to complain lightly. But when I saw her giggle, I lost my mind.

Trice is transforming the atmosphere so far.

I thought it had an atmosphere of a terrible, distant being that I didn't think of as a human being, and now it moves a corny look like a girl of my age.

I put Trice in the right seat and then I went inside the counter.

I didn't feel like sitting next to her.

There was a complicated mood there with no answers, where the mind refused to do it.

"So, you have a lot to ask..."

I just thought I'd get down to business.

I wanted to ask you if "The White Haired Woman" appearing flickering around me meant you.

Are you the one who instigated Bergamo and sent him to this store to rob him?

Are you the one who came into contact with Guinura and tried to get us out of the way?

Are you the one at the potion review who worked the burglary that doesn't even know how to do it?

Are you the one who sent the vampire twins to our store?

And you're the one who led the chase?

I wanted to bump into a bunch of questions and doubts.

"─ Wait."

But she stopped my words with a compulsive voice.

"I know you want to talk a lot, but you said, 'Welcome,' and you let me in the store. Didn't you?"

"... yeah, but what's that?

"Then if you have something to ask the 'customer' who sat at the counter, don't you think?

They don't seem to be willing to make the tight air satisfactory.

It was like I was the only one feeling nervous about this place.

I'm mostly out of poison. I feel like this woman is holding the pace.

I'm supposed to regret it, but I feel comfortable with it somewhere.

"... would you like to see the menu?

"No, let's not. Actually, I've already made up my mind."

I had no choice but to prepare a squeeze and as I handed it to her, Trice said so.

But isn't that strange?

I can't believe the first person to order a 'cocktail' that shouldn't exist in this world without looking at the menu.

"I've been waiting for the day."

"... today?

I don't know what that is.

But I couldn't just imagine that it was probably important to her.

"There's no endless routine. Don't you think?

"... I don't know what you're talking about"

"Everyday is terribly special, and it's kept in a critical balance. I don't realize what a miracle that is, as long as I spend my daily routine blamelessly. Until it's broken."

Trice's eyes were glowing beautifully.

It looked so sad.

He looked very happy.

Those two emotions were intertwined and possessed uncertain, suspicious beauty.

"... I'm sorry. Maybe you don't understand."

"... sorry"

"It's good. But today was a special day for me, and I decided to. So here's the order."

I don't understand what Trice is saying.

Still, her order was a very, very simple one.

"I think I'll get [X.Y.Z]. Me and yours, two drinks."

I responded quietly, "Yes, I did," and got ready immediately.

Arrange the instruments that had already been cleaned again to create a simple workplace.

This is the order of the hour. I don't bother to prepare seriously.

The [X.Y.Z] ingredients are simple.

It may be hard to explain simplicity, but it is, so I can't help it.

The base is' ram '─' salam potion '. "White Curaçao" and "Lemon" are then chosen as the secondary ingredients.

Each serving has 30 ml of salad and 15 ml of curaçao and lemon.

Yes, it is the same as [White Lady] or [Balalaika], with a 2: 1: 1 golden ratio.

The glass to be prepared is a cocktail glass that is familiar with the reverse triangle. Two of them, take them out. After lightly wiping the glass, hold two with one hand and open the freezer side of the cold table.

I took out the cold 'salam potion' on the ice and kinks, then packed the glass to be replaced and closed the door.

Remove the 'lemon juice' bottle from the refrigerator side. It was also placed on the table and the remaining "White Curaçao" ─ "Coantro" was also immediately removed from the bottle shelf.

It's a good collection.

During my work, Trice leaked her voice.

I thought you were asking for a reply, but she lines up the words like a solitaire.

I was listening to that voice without cutting the lemon fruit and weighing 30 ml of lemon juice alone.

"There would have been nothing at first. There were no 'cocktails' or 'bars' in this world. 'Alcohol' itself shouldn't have been a big deal"

Finish pouring all ingredients into the shaker. It's for two, so the portions are double each. It goes to 60ml: 30ml: 30ml.

Mix them gently to see the flavor. I'm used to it now, sweet and sour strength.

"And yet you were doing well. I did the assignment I was given, got what I needed, and let 'cocktails' blossom little by little"

Fill the shaker with ice.

Ice filled to the eighth minute boils like drifting ice in a higher amount of liquid than usual.

To cover them up, the shaker's large lid, the part known as the strainer, was first covered.

Next, you can also cover a small lid called the top.

"Finally, today, you moved the 'bar' of this world without your own hands. The culture of cocktails has sprung up in this world of nothing."

I slapped the shaker on the squeeze I put on the cold table to close tightly.

It usually sounded coconut and light, but not slab, so it sounded slightly dull.

Seeing as I got into Shake's position, Tris shut his mouth and found himself paying more attention to me.

Without eyeing her, I turned to her side and started shaking.

For more liquid than usual, the initial start-up is heavy.

Cut the wrist while paying more attention to fluid movements.

Gradually, the liquid inside gives me control. Cacoran, Cachacora...... As usual, I don't see the perfect phonetic sound of ice sounding in the space just for the two of us.

I don't move my left elbow, just my right elbow movement, rocking the shaker up and down.

Cut the wrist, raise the elbow, cut the wrist, lower the elbow.

A series of movements is making the body remember.

No matter what you're thinking with your head or nothing, my body uses all five senses to guide the cocktail.

The temperature, the rhythm, the sound, the liquid and the solid.

Replace the ingredients, the liquor, with another.

It tells me how it is.

Slowly blunted the movement, and finished the shake with the last wave.

When I put the shaker on the workbench, I just opened the freezer and took out the glass.

In two lined glasses, pour the liquid from the right from me.

I also poured 30 ml of this into my body, 60 ml next to it as soon as it was done, folded back and poured the remaining 30 ml, and it was over.

A slightly thin, white, and powerful liquid was shaking in a glass with Yurayura.

I put one in Trice and the other in front of me as ordered.

"Thank you for waiting. [X.Y.Z]."

To my words, Tris looked happy.

As always, I don't understand why you have such an innocent look.

He's got that look on his face, like he was looking forward to having me make a 'cocktail' anyway.

"I'd like you to have it soon, but I knew I needed an array before I did."


I just took the glass as well as Trice reached for it, Trice said abruptly.

But I am. What she's going to do before she drinks...

...... hmm?

How did I know there was something I could do before she drank?

Somehow. Somehow I felt that way.

That's what this woman says.

"All right, then. Have you seen anything good lately?

Before I toast, I ask good things.

That's gratitude for the booze.

Each liquor contains the thoughts of the man who made it.

This alcohol you made was drunk for such a 'good thing'.

Thanking you that way is what you need to do to make alcohol tasty.

The ritual of replacing alcohol with a special drink.

I didn't ask. Still, that's what I thought.

That's what he was.

... He?

Who is he? What am I thinking?

What the fuck?

What the hell happened to me?

How can you be so fuzzy thinking when you're in front of this woman?


Trice's worried voice returned to me.

But the only thing that seems worrying is her voice, and she's just waiting for my reply.

"... my apprentice has finally become independent. I'm not so happy."

"Right. I guess I didn't even have to ask."

Trice says, putting up a glass.

And I put it quietly forward as I lined up my mouth.

"Celebrate this store and the future of alcohol"

"… Cheers"

Why is this woman celebrating such a thing?

With no idea what the answer was, I glazed her.

And what feelings does this unidentified woman divulge?

There was just a little bit of myself that I would expect.

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