[X.Y.Z] actually has various methods of interpretation.

It is easy to see that the line is the last three letters of the alphabet. Take those last three letters, it's a lot of stuff.

"No More Later" or "The Last" or "The Ultimate No More" or "That's It Tonight" are some of the things that have sprinkled.

But there's no doubt just that any of that means' end '.

Seeing that positively or negatively would mean, after all, each person.

But if you know how it tastes, you don't feel like taking it in a very negative way.

The aroma is a mixture of the freshness of the lemon and the slight sweetness of the coantro. There is a nostalgic atmosphere there, like the sugar confectionery characteristic of lamb.

If you mouth it, a sweet and sour liquid runs around your tongue without damaging the impression you feel from its aroma at all.

Refreshing acidity. Not as distinctive as gin, but the good spiciness of the lamb. And the sweet, bitter and unique flavor that surrounds the coantro.

Unlike [White Lady] and [Balalaika]. You can get a full taste of the golden ratio completeness when based on 'Ram'.

But you have to be careful, how many degrees.

Cocktails made in golden ratios are generally strong. Care should be taken, especially since [X.Y.Z] and others may be fooled by the soft sips of lamb.

Once you realize it, the alcohol that comes gushing all the way into your stomach may at some point spread all over your body to make that day's drinking 'over'.

Still, its completeness is outstanding among the 'cocktails'.

If you wanted to try a short cocktail, you would definitely try it once.

"Yeah. Delicious. It's amazingly delicious."

After containing a bite, Trice leaked so much as he was impressed.

I didn't feel any lies in that tone. Really, he seemed to think that from the bottom of his heart.

Yet I looked a little lonely as to why that look was.

"It's like they're professionally made"

"Once again, I'm a professional."

Try not to look at her expression, I'll only respond to words.

As soon as she did, she warped her lips all the time and told her only voice to tease her.

"Oh, the salutation is good already. What are you doing with me?"

"... I don't think we're going to get along like that."

My point of fact didn't change the look on Trice's face.

But soon she smiled like she'd made it and asked me.

"Well. I guess it's a continuation of the story. What do you want to hear?

When I was shaken, I finally remembered that I wanted to ask her a lot.

Earlier, I wonder if it would be a good idea to ask in one breath all of the suspicions that had become chunks.

So I decided to hit her first with just one simple question.

"..." The White Haired Woman "that was showing up around me, is that about you?

That's the only woman who knows about me.

There's no way you don't know who that is by asking.

In fact, she blinks a little and then stares me straight in the eye and answers.

"Yes, I am."

Concise, unmistakable words.

Two things, I put into words the questions that come up.

"The Bergamo thing, the Ginulla thing?


"The twins, their amnesia?


"Did you even invite your twin mother to this store?

"It's all me."

I lost my word for a moment to all the affirmations until that clearness.

But my anger grew all the way over Trice's utterly unpleasant attitude.

"Don't be ridiculous. What the hell did you do that for?

As far as I can think, I ask with the finest stare.

But Trice was not at all frightened, but a quiet expression.

"What do you think, for example?

"... what do you think?

"What the hell do I want and think I'm being mean to you?

From the verses of words seeped bouncing, amusing emotions.

If you think about what she's been doing, how can you say it that way?

...... hmm?

After I thought about it so much, I noticed that the dialogue had caught on earlier.

Tris said he was being mean 'to me'. 'To me', not 'to the store'.

Does that mean her purpose is something to the 'me' individual?

Until then, the events have affected me...

In one Bergamo case, I was worried about making a new cocktail that would go beyond the existing potion.

That's when Bergamo showed up. I crashed my neck into the problem he had.

And I realized the existence of "Coantro," and passed the qualifying round for the Potion Review with the finished [White Lady].

Furthermore, the shortage of staff in the store will be eliminated, and the seeds of the current problems will disappear.

One of Guinura's cases - precisely as a result of Guinura's refusal, this woman moved herself - then the 'coantro' disappeared, forcing her to look for substitutes.

That's when Viola and Bergamo were active.

In the process' Parfetamur 'was to be used, and that was the edge, which also allowed us to have an effective relationship with the lords of this city.

It can also be said that as a result, thanks to the loss of the 'coantro', it was linked to a good result.

The same goes for the twins when they show up.

The twins showed up conveniently when I wanted a disciple who could entrust me with the means to go to "White Oak" for training.

Neither does it, nor does it have a purpose, a state of lost memory. I had to, but it was like we had to take care of things.

Lightly they took the position of my apprentice.

But their parents showed up only after they gained some strength. Since we were born with a place in the store and so much relationship that we pulled them off.

But that's crazy.

If this woman led the twins to this store, if she knew what was going on with them and erased their memories - you could have contacted their mother immediately.

And yet I didn't do it.

Maybe I just didn't realize, and everything else was moving?

This woman's actions, from the shop and me, include obvious disruptions.

But only in the development of 'cocktails'.

When I ask for it, when I get over it, it's convenient for me to get something new.

That's all I thought about, and I saw Trice hacked again.

She asked again, as if she knew I was going to hit the answer.

"Again, let's hear it. What do you think I want to do?

I answered her with confusion, even smiling lightly.

"... No way. Are you telling me you want to cooperate?

"... hehe"

To my answer, neither affirmation nor denial will return her.

But that gentle, yet lonely smile was eye-catching.

I exhorted her to pursue the answers that had been made fun of.

"What's the reason? Why would you do that to me?

"Why... ah"

Trice, once again, included [X.Y.Z] in his mouth and laughed like a prankster child.

"I told you when we met."

"... sorry but I don't remember"

"Already. I knew I had a bad memory"

When we met. That would be that night I was taking home with the twins.

Did she say anything? Did I miss that decisive word?

Trice sighed and said, after a frightened look, I had no choice.

"The moon is beautiful tonight, don't you think? What?"

"... what's that?

"In other words. The moon is beautiful."

"... Yes?

What the hell is the reason that the moon is beautiful?

Where I was putting a question mark on my head, Trice narrowed her eyes even more grumpy.

"I didn't know it was gonna make sense... ok, I'll explain"

Trice answered to teach ill-defined students in a teacher's trick.

"'The moon is beautiful,' you say. It means I like you."

And he stuck his fingertips straight at me.

As I say, I will not tolerate any misinterpretation. [M]

"... to?

"You know what I mean? I like you. That's why I was acting. Okay?"

"... hey, don't be ridiculous!

I was confused by the sudden words.

I had no idea what it meant to be told that by a total stranger.

Even so, it seems very unlikely that this woman is lying.

That's about it, straight up, this woman was pointing at me.

"Stop joking. People like people for no reason. More or less, do you have a woman like me who's a pain in the ass and likes guys like you who only have a head about booze?

"That self-conscious bursting feeling hasn't changed, has it? That's why I'm not hot. 'Cause I forgot what I said?

Even though I'm clearly exposing my faults, Trice is staring at me as merciful.

But there was also something about the abruptly leaked word that bothered me again.

"You're it again. Forgot? You've known me for a long time, haven't you? It's like we used to know each other."


To my word, Tris didn't say anything.

She looks around, purposefully changing the subject.

I saw what was going on in the store, I saw the counter I was sitting on, and I saw me pinching the counter across the street.

"That's what you tell me. No, you don't know how sad it is for me that I can't be by your side right now when you tell me that. The best person in the world who knows me is definitely supposed to be you."

Open your mouth, it's all meaningful.

And yet, I don't say the key thing to escape.

Her words are like an illusion with no entity. The atmosphere and attitude are fluffy and I can't grasp them.

There's an overlap between something you should know and something you don't, and it's like a candle fire swinging between a phantom and a real image.

Trice takes the glass again and includes the contents.

And, as always, I had a lonely grin.

"This [X.Y.Z], right? It's really delicious."

Shake the surface with Yura Yura and exhale with a ho.

But then he looked at me with a sharp look.

"But that's it"

I felt the pain in my chest as if I had been choked to say something like that.

I don't even know how I felt that way.

"It's really delicious. This cup is just as skillful as yours. 'X.Y.Z' for a cocktail, to put it in a sprinkling way. All of your technology is included. It's really delicious, it's so delicious, it's so boring."

"... what do you mean, what do you mean?

"I can feel your skill, but I don't have your heart. It's as accurate as a machine, and I don't feel like you. It tastes just like the recipe. I can only give you 100 points, that's what it tastes like."

You should be praised.

It is in no way derogatory.

Still, I'm deeply and deeply wounded by her words.

I don't really know what look I'm wearing right now.

But I was impressed by the spicy look on Trice's face when he said it.

"So here I am today. This is totally my discretion, but I still came to see you. I came here knowing it would haunt you."

"... so what the hell. From now on, I'll say something windy that just figured out who I am. What do you want me to do? What brings you here?

I asked holding my own chest.

Soon, my chest hurts badly. To her spicy look, it seems to be tightened.

Without realizing it, I also have a terrible blunt pain in my head. Zukin Zukin and I've been familiar with you lately, it's an incredible pain.

Still, just keep your eyes straight so you don't let Trice go.

Don't ever forget the distortion on her beautiful face.

"Total. You're forgetting something, haven't you ever thought so?

Dokun and his heart bounced.

I had too much on my mind to even react.

"The trigger was contact with me. So the path between me and you must have been stimulated and opened."

"Wait, what do you mean? Between me and you, Pass?

"That's right. We're connected. No, I'm connected, but I guess I'm right. Ever since you were summoned to this world in an accident. That's when your mind and magic made a strange connection with me."

I don't know.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I don't know, but it was like her emotions were pouring into me.

Hard, sad, happy, uncut.

What was such a vague and complex emotion?

Such sweet, bitter, mind-tying emotions, what a name it would have been.

"That's right. Because of this, just one answer match, okay?

"... what the hell"

"How did I get into the magically sealed room and steal the Coantro?"

Keep a good grip on the tris with a vision that's going to blur.

She shrugged staring at the glass she had, seemingly devoid of anything.

"The waves of life, the ancient intentions, what I seek is the appearance of my soul."

The chant was something I knew well.

Because that chant was born out of me.

Because it was born out of the power of the unexplained 'fifth attribute' in me.

At the end of the chant, the glass in Trice's hand turned into a tiny bullet.

But I also know very well that it's unusual.

In this world, I'm the only one who can convert inorganic objects into bullets.

Even so, she turned every glass [X.Y.Z] into a bullet.

"Isn't that easy? This is how I got in with a hole in the wall. When I left, I unlocked it and came out. That's all. I don't mind being protected by magic."

"... how could you do that magic?

"I told you. Me and you are connected. Now it's" Your Magic, "but this was originally" My Magic. "

I don't know.

The knowledge I had seems to crumble from the ground up.

No, originally, you can't count on the knowledge I had.

I don't even remember her name yet.

"I'm going to give you a little something that belongs to me. You don't have to worry, it doesn't change your personality. Part of it, so I won't be back completely soon. But because of that, I don't think you're going to be able to stay in your old routine."

"... so... what...?

Gradually, the consciousness becomes distant.

I can only enjoy my legs as my body loses gravity and is about to be dragged to the ground.

Something fills the void in me.

It's like the moment I recognized it, even though I didn't realize it while it didn't exist, it became normal.

Incredible mind movements are trying to overshadow my consciousness.

"Because this is my selfishness, I'm sorry. But you'll forgive me, won't you? The whole thing was selfish of me, 'cause you were dating me."

When I saw her lonely smile, one line finally connected.

She, I know, was never a white hair.

But I only know one beautiful character broker with such a face.

"... Much... Ki?

As soon as I ran the name, she looked at me like she was surprised.

After that, he said the last word, just a little happy.

"Total, because I don't mind freely using that magic… 'fifth attribute', and following 'cocktails'. I'll see you later, okay?

I couldn't even live up to that word.

To my diminishing consciousness, I couldn't support myself and fell into darkness in the counter.

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