Look through the accumulated literature and write down important matters. Spend the majority of the day studying and the rest of the time looking sideways at rushing people.

That was my recent move here.

"Well, I can't help it."

"I'm sorry, total. But the experiment is a success. So, the chief wants to talk to you."

Words I couldn't tell anyone made me laugh bitterly at Albao for telling me about the success of the experiment.

The experiment to give 'Gini' the aptitude of 'Nez fruit' was a success. As a result of waiting until the barrel and potion reacted and a solid difference in effect emerged, no decrease in effect was seen.

While the face of Holly's lab was conducting its experiments and conducting various verifications.

Even if I could come up with an idea, I couldn't do anything magical, and I couldn't look at the results and analyze them because I didn't have the knowledge, I was even studying.

The majority were talking about a combination of magical aptitudes. Magic choices and effects for fusion. Combination assumed to be theory per material. More effective, but difficult methods, etc.

It feels like I was studying specifically what I learned from the general discussion. Sui only said it completely sensibly around here, and it was left to me and I had no problem with it in the first place.

Hey, Albao came to see how I was doing, and at first I was going to have a college degree upbringing, so there was nowhere to get stuck with self-study.

Even if I couldn't use magic myself, it was easy to understand because they actually showed me the effect.

But it's not funny outside the mosquito net just for myself.

Ginula, unlike me, was moving around in addition to her thoughts, and she applauded it.

They shake various jobs as chores, and while they are dissatisfied with it, they do not surprisingly retreat.

And unlike me, he has knowledge of the potion itself.

On the contrary, he seemed surprised to even say once in a while a sharp opinion of how he saw things differently than the face of white oak.

Well, it's more like a conjecture than a well-founded statement, and it seems a little painful to call that achievement.

Holly Laboratories, tuned for success at Gini, was still about to take on the bummer and the next task after that.

It would be the rest of the 'Wotta' and 'Tayla' experiments.

Whatever "birch charcoal" is, "Lyuzetsuran" is in this world in the first place.

Well, there will be plants similar in experience so far. Although it would take a lot of work on the import route.

There is also an investigation of the characteristics of the potion at the stage of addition of the material, before reacting with the barrel.

With the success of 'Salam' and this' Gini ', which we have been studying for a long time, we may find a common term for the aptitude part that can be reacted with the barrel.

If there are also new discoveries in those surveys, they will be a major sign in future research.

And those mean that there will be even less room for people who have a thing for me.

Holly called me at this time.

What is she thinking?

"Evening Mist. Once again, I'd like to thank you for your ideas."

"No, believe me, thanks to Mr. Holly for trying."

At Holly's desk, we thank each other with Albao on our side.

But I don't even think you called me to say this on purpose.

"So, I'm about to... I want to ask you one thing"


"Is it time to study, were you tired of it?

You've been asking me straight what's hard to say, even if this one thinks so.

I glimpse Holly's face trying to find her true intentions, but her face smiles.

I can't read it, but no matter what you answer, you won't have a bad reaction.

"To be honest, I'm somewhat tired of it"

"Honestly. But I thought I would, too."

Holly nodded deeply, yeah, considering my mood. And tell the story of her thoughts now.

"Even with this result, the study of 'fifth attribute' will proceed. But producing a 'fifth attribute' from these 'four major attribute' potions is an immediate heads-up"

"... Really?

The story I heard should have been that research hasn't progressed much yet.

Degree of maturation of the potion also after a year. I felt it was early to draw a conclusion.

But there was no sign that you were lying to Holly.

"It's actually Senior Cecil who's closest to the 'Fifth Class' of our 'White Oak'. We have a different budget, and we can hire a space-time wizard to speed up research, so we'll get results for that."

"... space-time system... uh, so?

"In that man's view, the" fifth attribute "that occurs in the" aged salam potion "seems to be the limit of about 30% of the magic that resided in the original potion, at best"

I'll somehow think of that answer with my head.

Originally, this potion made of 'barrel maturation' is a procedure to make a difference by synthesizing the material into the magical suitability of the original potion.

Then, the portion that gave the change reacts with the "barrel" and transforms over time into the "fifth attribute". That.

That, on the contrary, can only be a 'fifth attribute' for what is acceptable for that change. Does that mean?

The limit is about 30% of the allowable amount that "Salam" can change to "Class V" while retaining its shape as a potion. That is likely to be the conclusion.

"And if we don't produce more results than Senior Cecil does, than the next interim announcement is a 'development study' of 'Class V', it means his achievements are the best"

"This discovery won't overshadow you," he said?

"That's the thing. We have not achieved more than the" Discovery "of the Fifth Class Potion. It is the current situation that has not been able to contribute much to 'development'. An overall potion rating would change it again, hey."

Holly was laughing bitterly.

Well, no matter how great a discovery you make, you won't be appreciated for presenting it to different areas.

And if you mean watching development, any discovery will be a different story.

It happens all the time in every world.

Because the groove that lies between me and Cecil is that again.

"But I dare only ask you once more, I hope"

Holly says that much and then looks at Niyaniya and me.

I know who you are, and I'm going to defy your gaze a little.

"... you say?

"I can't stand it. Your eyes have been glitching since I made the 'Gini' suggestion to think about it. I told you it was a crossing point."

I was finding out.

The possibility that I've been drawing on my head lately while studying here has been discerning.

Returning a grin to affirm, Holly sharpened her gaze and said.

"Even if we continue our research, 'fifth attribute' can only be an addition to 'other attributes'. But you have the idea of creating a" fifth attribute "standalone potion, don't you?

I nodded clearly at the point.

"I would like to use a non-attribute potion based on"

"... have you come with no attributes? Speaking of which, you said that the" liqueur potion "was based on no attributes."

"Yes, synthesizing other materials into potions of the four major attributes can cause rebellion and change properties to distortion (snoring), right? But that doesn't happen in unattributed potions. Whatever you synthesize, the unattributed potion accepts its properties."

That means that acceptability as a potion is significantly higher than that of other attributes.

If you think about it in good faith, doesn't that mean you could cross the wall of '30%' of the limits that potions of other attributes can withstand?

"But it's not that easy to make, like unattributed potions. If I wanted to use it as a research material, it would cost me a lot to align the demon stones. But even with a small budget, we need a lot of experiments…"

Holly came to terms with my suggestion.

To make potions in this world, you need the Demon Stone of that attribute. And the unattributed Demon Stone is overwhelmingly low in output and not on the market compared to the other four attributes.

That was definitely common sense. I'll quietly make a difference there.

"That's okay. There's a way to mass produce unattributed potions."

"... Hmm?

"Sui Vermut, not me, is developing a way to do that."

When I gave Sui's name, Holly and Arbao were at the same time rounding their eyes.

"'Liqueur' is important in our store, so you'll really need a non-attributed potion. Sui has been doing research to make" Attributed Demon Stone "" No Attribute "since the days of the Demon Academy, and he can create it artificially."

"... I'm surprised. That's Two Thousand Years of Witches. It's beyond my common sense."

Holly sends a praiseworthy, shuddering word to Sui, with her head over.

But he shook his head and looked at me.

"To beg that witch to teach you, you will either go out here or you will come. Less than two weeks at the earliest. That time..."

"It's okay. As a matter of fact, Iberis, the drone you asked me to come with, is developing a machine that will instantly interact over a long distance if it is' just audio '. If it's just a verbal explanation, I promise to keep in touch tomorrow night."

"... Mr. Albao. Can you understand what he's saying?

"... understanding. But I'm not convinced yet."

The department manager and the researchers stared at each other, holding their heads in alignment.

But Holly immediately accepts the reality and asks me.

"You know what that means, don't you?


I thought I'd finally get here.

I've always dreamed about that, beside learning the basics in this' white oak '.

"I have two things in mind. One is' malt 'and the other is' grape '. Give these properties to unattributed potions and age them in barrels."

I unequivocally affirmed.

Holly listens back strongly to the strong words.

"On what grounds?

"All this is a heartfelt intuition"

The small workmanship I brought out when Gini was drained.

Unattributed potions, unlike them, are tasteless and odorless. I can't give you the same rationale.

But that's all I said with confidence when I gave you my track record once.

I took one step on purpose to make you believe me.

Holly laughed quickly and funny-looking after Kyoton.

"Fine. Anyway, we're stuck with other research. As much as I can help you with your instincts, let me. Mr. Albao, help him."

Holly's assertion reached my heart. I didn't feel any lies or falsehoods in her words.

I can see horizontally that the ordained Albao has a rather surprising look on his face.

"To your instincts, I call. I don't have much of a budget, so I might not be able to count on it."

Holly, who smiled so much, seems to be an age-appropriate female researcher.

At the same time, I came up with an interesting prank, even like a child.

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