'Cocktail Potion' by Transworld Transfer Bartenders

I'll send you an audio. Again.

Twenty-two o'clock at night in time. A good kid is a good time to get some sleep, but I had a slightly better time eating up at night.

After checking the clock in Iberis' room, I quietly laid my hands on the power section of the machine.

Bluff, a letter floats in the power section.

"The waves of life, the ancient intentions, what I seek is the appearance of my soul."

"The waves of life, the ancient intentions, what I set out to be in this world."

A quietly activated machine makes a noise.

As I waited, I heard the girl I hadn't heard around for a while.

"Total? Connected?

"Connected, Sue."

Hearing my reply, Sui, who is beyond the machine, leaked his relieved breath.

A slightly loud sigh, and I'm not funny.

"You know, I'm glad you're worried, but isn't that a little excessive?

'Cause total, I've been fighting and selling to great people since day one. A potion shop is a wizard's nest, isn't it? I was worried you might be being harassed. "

"Oh, wow."

I looked back with chills as I received her voice.

Albao, the wizard who was listening perfectly to Sui's voice, was pimping his forehead.

Neighbor Iberis has an interesting belly. I'm completely at your disposal to mediate this scene. It seems like a bystander.

"... than that, Sue, I need to ask you something"

'That's not true. If anything happens to our precious total, it's tough. I'm not, but there's no such thing as a wizard with rotten guts.'

Maybe Sui doesn't have very good memories of the Demon House.

And when I was in the middle of giving up, Albao finally spoke up.

"... you've been chatting a long time. Sui Vermut"

Really, it quieted down.

Somewhat, I ask Sui what it feels like to be afraid.

'... which one?

"You say, you're one of the shady wizards. You graduated the same year you did."

"... Albao Graysnor?

Oh, and Albao affirmed it small, and the tone of Sui's voice was a little higher.

'... you know. Thank you for your help at the Magic House. "

"What are you doing? I've told you many times I don't resent you."

'... yes, you were'

It was a little fresh that Sui used the salutation.

I thought these two had quite a few friends in the Magic House, but isn't it a very friendly relationship?

Sui's mouth count decreases visibly, and Albao swings the subject instead.

"I saw it during the review. I can't believe you're really doing a potion shop."

'... I think that's what I've been saying since I was in the Magic House'

"I thought it was a joke. Everyone knew what your potion was doing. But you were the one who revolutionized this year's review. To be honest, I regretted it. I can't believe they think 'I lost again' here."

To Albao's self-derision, Sui responded with a hard voice.

'That's not true. I was there, but I didn't revolutionize it.'

"Huh? But I did make a cocktail..."

"I only followed the theory. It was the people there who made the cocktail. Everything is not my feat. I just needed your help."

Albao was looking at me with a surprised face.

I wasn't sure what to say.

Sui's words are correct in a way. I'm the one who brought the cocktail into this world.

But I didn't create the cocktail. I just happen to have cocktail skills.

It was the bartenders who had been pouring their lives into alcohol for a long time.

"Sui, that's a buy. You know that. Cocktails are nothing special."

'Still, because the total was there for me. I was saved. This is how I can work for someone right now'

"... sui"

I "saw" a grin like Sui's soldering.

I'm quite ashamed to be told that where people are around.

"Uh, yes, yes! A treat! Huh? Why did you bring that Mr. Albao?

and the ray shouts from across the machine.

Yes, now it had a purpose.

Ohon, and I coughed up, and then I asked Sui.

"Sue, I need a favor."


"Can you teach this Albao how to make a potion without attributes?

Sui responded comfortably to that, and a personal magic course to Albao by Dr. Sui was open. Bishibashi goes, so the salutation is nashi.

Next door, Phil and Sally told me about the sales report and what was going on.

Voice Sending You were unexpectedly high performance, sending each other's positional relationship intact, as a characteristic of voice. So we were able to focus on each other's conversations.

Well, still, when I digest the interaction I dare to hear.

"Huh!? How could I have thought to try that way!?

'Hey, I don't know what the question means. You're not supposed to try?

"Please, explain it to me in a language that conveys meaning!

"So it feels aptitude, and then it feels like it's a shuffle."

"I don't know!

'So, I thought I could do it if I applied it. Look, Gini, I'm in the class subtraction.'

"Don't get out of line! That doesn't matter now!

And, well, here's what happened.

Albao was stunned everywhere, scratching, holding his head, trying to understand Sui's words this way.

And when I was switching Iberis and enjoying hearing funny and funny things with regular people,

'... okay?

"... finally understood"

It seemed that Albao's hard work was paying off.

I'll see how it goes, and I'll ask both of you.

"Are we done talking? This is just the right place."

"It's over. It took Albao a long time to get his head stiff."

"Whose head is stiff! I'm telling you, I'm still more flexible than that! By and large, how come you can't verbally explain what you can explain in your paper!

Albao seemed to have come to quite the limit. I let that voice seep through my frustrated emotions.

Sui worried only a little, then said pale.

"... because a paper can't be passed on unless it's a kick-ass book"

"That's good! Writing is the easiest way to understand!

"Sue, I agree with that."

I joined Albao all the time. Sui mixes muffled signs in her voice.

"... you two, I told you because of it"

You couldn't say it strongly because of my addiction, and Sui said it like it was boring, and whoops, exhaled heavily.

'... sorry. I'm a little tired, so I'm done with the call today.'

"Hmm? Yeah."

I was a little surprised to hear from Sui.

Before this, I still talked to her, and she cut it from me because she was tired of studying.

'... hey, sis, are you okay? Fluffy, aren't you?

In that voice, I was thrilled.

I forgot, this machine is moving sucking up the magic power of man's 'fifth attribute'. That, in other words, means that you risk becoming 'magical deficiency' if you overuse it.

The story is that Sui has a lot of magic power compared to a regular person, but there will still be limits.

And the "fifth attribute" potion is still a substitute for the prototype phase in "White Oak".

If anything happens to Suey, I'm responsible for her.

'So yesterday, I told you to go to bed early. Were you that excited to talk to the total?

"Hey, Rye."

The audio was interrupted for a while.

And then the call resumes.

"... Phew. All right, then. I'll see you next week."

"... oh. See you next week. Where I'm tired, thank you."

You're welcome.

With that in mind, we finished the call.

I used to touch the power section every time so that the magic couldn't be interrupted, and I stretched lightly.

And I thanked Albao.

"Thanks. Be selfish and help me."

"No, because this is my job, too. Besides, it's been a long time since I've been touched by a single scale of 'Sui Vermut' talent. After all, she's special."

Albao had an ambiguous grin. I've seen people with that look on their faces several times.

A wall stood in front of me, but I am not desperate for the height of that wall.

Instead, the higher the wall you cross, the happier you look. That's the look of race.

"... is that the Witch of Two Thousand Years?"

Albao's whining reminded me of one important thing I'd forgotten.

Put your head on as much as you want and despair.

"... I did it. Iberis, I did it."

"... uh! Shit!

When I asked Iberis for her consent, she also raised her voice as she noticed the mistake.

Albao asks in a hurry when we're both disappointed.

"Duh, what's up? Maybe you forgot to ask me something serious? I've heard a lot about Sui's potion creation magic, and his unattribution?

Both Iberis and I shook our heads in Albao's voice.

"No, Albao. I'm not. That's not true."

"... So, what is it?

Me and Iberis spoke up to Albao, who seriously distorted his expression.

"I forgot to make fun of Sui as a '2,000-year-old witch'."


Albao didn't say anything to me.

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