"... done"

The next day, Albao was staring blurredly at the unattributed demon stone at hand.

After finishing the call with Sui, Albao hurried back to his room to make a copy before forgetting.

And now, while he was making a little neighborhood in his eyes, he made an unattributed demonic stone in front of Holly to show it.

"... hey. I can't believe you can really do this. This, if I announce it, is it a big case?

"I don't think so. At least, not yet. It's not worth anything at the moment to have a non-attributed potion."

"Or so it is."

Holly praised the theory for letting go, while also acknowledging that it was less valuable to think realistically.

Yes. As I said before, the demand for unattributed potions is low. In the first place, there are few magic without attributes, and even if the magic is reduced, it is filled on its own from the magic of other attributes.

In other words, however, I felt that no attribute was compatible with other attributes.

"I wonder if it's a good idea. This solved the problem of unattributed potion. Then what do we need to do?

I started checking in my head to double-check Holly.

In the first place, what do you need when making whiskey.

When I was on Earth, I toured the distillery and studied the cycle there.

First, what is the original ingredient when making whiskey?

The answer is barley and water.

Various other raw materials exist, but barley malts in particular - 'malts' are often the main raw materials.

Malt is dried wheat grains at the time they germinate. Germination will turn barley starch into sugar and fermentation will produce alcohol.

Alcohol made that way - using fermented grains - finally enters the process of distillation.

That's how you can do it: 'Newpot', which is the source of the whiskey's raw liquor.

From here, it becomes mature in barrels.

Stuffing the 'New Pot' in a barrel and letting it sleep for years to decades finally brings it back to being an amber gem called 'whiskey'.

That's the easy whiskey cycle I remember.

But the potion can be thought of by flying the majority of it.

Given the previous' aging potion ', a large distillation facility is not required.

In the unattributed potion, it is said that "New Pot" can be made by formulating malt as a material.

The water that makes the potion tastes good enough with the water used in the lab. If so, what is going to be necessary?

"It's malt. We need barley malt."

You'll need it after this, barrels and time are still good.

What matters now is the story of the previous phase.

"You said something else about grapes, right?

"The grapes are already out of season, aren't they? Some of them may be magically preserved or cultivated before winter, but they are unrealistic on a limited budget. But malt is everywhere."

"... somewhere?

I tell you one thing I've always wanted to know.

"Yale factory. Malt is originally an ingredient for fermentation to produce alcohol. And whiskey and beer are so similar that at that previous stage you could say brothers. Because they both use barley malt as their main ingredient"

In fact, it has a very similar manufacturing method to beer and whiskey.

Both whiskey and beer are made from malt, and there are many overlapping parts until the process of making fermented grains.

Of course, there are quite a few differences, but there should be no doubt only that we are making malt.

Holly and Albao frown a little on earlier remarks made assuming that.


"... what is that?

I was excited, and there were boroughs out there that I usually try not to let out.

Nothing, I rushed to fix it and answered.

"Anyway. There's a Brew factory in this city, too, right? I don't think it's a bad idea to go out there and negotiate if you can split the malt."

Worst case scenario, when you couldn't share it with me, there's more to making your own.

Barley should be cheaper than grapes and available seasonally. I'm a little understudied on how to make malt, but I can look into it.

Slow down, homemade would be a challenge because there would also be control experiments such as using the peat used for fragrance when making malt or mixing it as an ingredient as it is.

In any case, it makes sense at this stage to try to act.

I don't know if I'm really right about not trying.

Because I don't know if 'fifth attribute' really corresponds to 'whiskey' in my world.

"I didn't install the promise, so it could be a front door payment,"

"Well, you have to bump into it first"

Me and Albao said, looking up at the factory wall.

Tsuji Pick up the carriage and take the streets for a few dozen minutes. The factory I was looking into was bigger than I thought.

First, there are several vertically and horizontally wide buildings, like brick warehouses, where slightly taller buildings are adjacent.

From the taller side, the chimney was stretched and the impression from the outside was a little closed.

The beer mill I know was naturally a more modern style of architecture.

So, I'd like to say that the various things were piped or steely or, well, factory.

But naturally, in my time and in this world, the context of the times is different. The method of temperature control must also be going with magic or something.

Never take a lick. I am ready to pay tribute to the liquor of this world.

"So! Why do you have to be attached to me like this?!?

And when I was ready, there was a man who shouted out loud.

Miscellaneous - It is also Guinura.

He looks a lot more tired than the day he arrived here. The clothes that seemed luxurious were stripped off and dressed in matching white clothes with the fellows.

And he weareth down his white coat every day till he is a yo-yo-yo. In manual labor.

"No, I'm a negotiator, and Albao is a representative of 'White Oak'...... sure, why you?

"I want to hear this one! Miscellaneous chores, chores, chores, chores, chores, chores, chores! This time all of a sudden he said, 'Because I might use it for something' or something, and you guys pushed me!

"Hey, how's it going?"

Guinura was barking and Albao was calming down.

But I really didn't see why he followed me.

Thinking for a while, there was only one floating thing with Pocan.

"Guinura. No, you, not work. How much time do you have?

"Huh? You would have studied at ease every day, but I'm a chore threesome every day! I don't even have shards of time when I'm not working! You know how tired I am every day!

"Hey, how's it going?"

Yeah, I know this guy's tired.

Me and Guinura are spending time in a common room, but surprisingly, there are few problems.

Because, basically, Guinura eats rice and sleeps like mud when she takes a bath.

I don't have a holiday that looks like a holiday at the moment, and I sleep in the morning until I wake up.

It's not a good life, but you can say we barely have time to deal with it.

Such a ginula was attached to our help, without any particular significance.

What does this mean?

"... Albao. Mr. Holly is surprisingly kind."

"... well, that's what's popular about it"

It must be Holly's little trick to let her stretch her wings once in a while.

Well, this guy worked complaining, too. That's about as good as it gets.

And where me and Albao came to the same conclusion, Guinura has only one bad guess.

"Damn, I'm busy. If you don't need me, I'll let you go back to the lab."

"... ooh, ooh. Well, you can go back if you want."

If you say so much, who can blame me for inadvertently speaking home?

"... come on, you tell me, I'm gonna feel like a loser when I get back, Yugiri!

And this is what Ginulla would say if I told her to go home in the dark.

I think you can understand what Holly is saying, but I don't feel like turning that around to Guinura.

"No, why don't you really like it?

"Total...... oh Guinura. Fine, let's go together. Yeah, I'm glad you're here."

I tried to leave it entirely to my autonomy, but it seemed like Albao was going to welcome Guinura into his heart kindly.

In response to Albao's voice, Guinura, who felt he needed it, says with a little stiffness.

"... well, as far as I'm concerned, it's no different to go back and chore or chore here. I have no choice but to follow you."

What? This guy. Really, what?

"Yes, sir. Let's go, Albao."

"Oh, oh."

"Wait, Yugiri! Shouldn't you do me a favor, too, you bastard!

I've already decided that Guinura should live as she pleases.

It's more malty now than that.

I breathed heavily and stepped out to the factory entrance.

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