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In Mesa's view, it's not bad.

In my head, the feeling of denial had already disappeared and I was purely enjoying the drink I had just taken [Shandy Gaff].

Ginger ale, a strange drink that seems to have been made by young people.

Its flavour is a sweet, spicy, shoga-flavored carbonated beverage.

It was questionable why it was a carbonated beverage but did not feel the alcohol that should occur during fermentation. But in this magical world, it's not a good idea to think much about it.

The old man couldn't use magic.

Recently, the wizard's coming into the brewery site was also a story to ask.

There were also more ways to remind the body, like myself, of the feeling of temperature and the timing of the work, to be asked if it might be old.

Of course, it's enough to shed magic to start a fire easily, but I can't imitate the kind of people who move a massive device in a magic formation or something.

Instead, those people didn't know, they thought the inexperience they couldn't imitate was their weapon. I believed that was the weight of the 'soul' that put my life on.

At first, even when these three showed up, I thought they were some of those wizards.

Purely speaking, I was angry. I thought I'd tell you guys that it's not magically easy to imitate.

If I'd listened a little, it seemed different from the liquor story, but it's the same thing.

I'll split my soul with someone I don't know.

But only one of them was weird.

A dark-haired man, that he's from the south. In the reception room, a man who was eager to look at wheat.

The decisive difference was when I gave him three glasses of ale to try.

The clear mention of the difference between the three cups did not surprise Mesa.

It was a shock that I said my thoughts with a face that looked sincerely delicious in every cup of it.

If you ask me to try it, everyone is conscious of being tried.

For example, it is natural for a person who has been made to take a test to come to terms with finding the answer to the test.

Is there anyone who thinks that the test questions are interesting while taking the test?

That's what the youth were doing.

So the old man liked the brunette youth.

And now I want to drink what he makes.

I was tempted to give it a try if he was really, really someone who would understand my 'soul'.

Mesa quietly carries the glass in front of her mouth.

The fragrance is calming. Mixed with the soothing sensation of the shoga, it just went in the back of my nose and it felt spreading.

While indulging in its scent, Mesa slowly carries it into her mouth.

I was under the impression that the flavor was mellow.

The characteristic of 'Weitzen' made by himself is, after all, its sweet aroma and refreshing taste.

While retaining its characteristics, what is newly added is the spiciness of the shoga and its enveloping sweetness.

Originally, "Weitzen", which was not highly bitter, with its added sweetness, gives the palate a strange appearance.

But to an unpleasant taste, it hasn't changed.

The added flavour makes the glamour stand out more, and the soothing refreshment comes forward. What changed a lot was the aftertaste after it went through my throat.

Just here, the fluffy spiciness of the shoga combined with the mild scent imagined, had turned into a calming impression.

It has a distinct flavour. But the original taste also remains.

The sensation left a great impression on Mesa's mind.

While respecting Mesa's soul, she also does not give way to her own.

Such a young man's mind seemed to light the light of possibility on his old stinking heart.

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"Phew. Well, I don't like sweetness, but it's not bad."

"Thank you"

I thanked Old Mesa for her words while still feeling a little togee.

I'm sure this old man doesn't feel like the type to let go and compliment someone.

"... the stiffness there. What did you guys want to make out of malt"

"Heh? Yes. I'd like to experiment with a new" fifth attribute "potion."

Asked suddenly, Albao hastily explained our purpose once again.

What we came here for. We came to get malts that could be ingredients to prototype the potion of "Class V".

Old Mesa listened to the story and meditated her eyes only a little. The wrinkles carved between the eyebrows and the hands of the old man holding down his face seemed to represent previous struggles.

"... these days. There are many things about incorporating magic into our work. Well, the magic device is on, but it's not. The wizard."

"... right. In magic, there's a theory that we should reach out to more of them."

"Alcohol is, well, I guess. It can't be easy with magic. No matter how much progress you make, humans have to make it."

That's something I can still say in my world. Lately, I also hear stories about booze that is made in computer management.

But still the majority of what humans, with their tongues, with their bodies, are making over time.

The weight is not easily replaced.

"There's no room for magic. The old world is my graveyard. I think so."

Old Mesa may have already communicated the bulk of the technology. Maybe he's doing just what he can do as the person in charge.

To cheaply deny his words is still to be hesitated.

The old man just narrows his eyes gently and says to me.

"But you need the technology we've been protecting. I don't like wizards, but if it's what you're trying to make, I can help you. Yes."

"... so what?

"Oh. You want me to split it, don't you? I'll help you. So, the new potion -- no, if you can see the new booze you're talking about."

Old Mesa offered me a hand, as he said.

I took that hand without hesitation.

We shake hands together and laugh at each other harder.

"Don't fail me."

"... I can't confirm that."

"Snap out of it. If you're a man, why don't you just throw up in a lie?"

Bassi slapped me on the shoulder and I strained my chest a lot.

"Then I will make sure you succeed. If not now, but I'll make it useful in ten years."

"I'll be dead in ten years. So don't fail me."

Old Mesa's Black, or a joke with a stretched body, could only return a bitter laugh.

Albao had since told a variety of fine stories about the old Mesa.

First, buy a small amount of malt to experiment with. After that worked, he wants me to give him a renewed contract in advance.

Me and Guinura, meanwhile, sweetened by the generosity of the old Mesa, gave us a tour of the factory.

After all, it is very mind-dancing to visit these places. The small factory was pretty much in the city of Easys, but it's fun to watch as it's big.

More importantly, it is best to have a tasting.

They say the ale here is sold around the north, so I'm afraid it hasn't even gone out to us.

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