
Again, less than two weeks have passed.

"Are you ready?

We snort at Albao's words.

The current location is a painting from Holly Laboratory. In front of you, a modestly sized barrel for experimentation.

It is now overturned and fixed slightly higher. It has a hole in one of the faces of the barrel and a lid in it with a stopper.

The face of the lab stares quietly at the barrel, which was well managed in the warehouse.

Albao, given the task of unsealing the barrel, is visibly nervous.

Naturally. The person responsible for this' barrel 'is him.

It's been about a month since I've been in this lab.

I've broken down quite a few lab faces, and I understand what the situation is with Albao.

He's a rookie in his first year of laboratory assignment by taking a job here at 'White Oak'.

He was taught by various groups as an apprentice just before we arrived.

He suddenly got a big job after we showed up.

He was also the one who taught Sui to produce The Unattributed Potion.

Believe my word, he's also the one who used his budget to buy 'malt'.

If you succeed, that's Albao's modus operandi, and if you fail, Albao's responsibility.

Mr. Holly told me to like him, but that wouldn't make him as fat as he could be without worrying about it.

"Be quick. It's okay. Trust me."

"Mr. Holly......"

Holly gently slapped Albao's shoulder, which was solidifying in front of the barrel.

As soon as he was, his trembling hand stopped and Albao stared at Holly with his eyes of trust.

"You don't have to worry about money. Even if we run out of budget, we'll have to."

"... that's inconvenient for Mr. Holly..."

"Actually, there was a mom at the destination tavern who said she was cute about you. She's quite rich there."

"Stop it! You're extra nervous!

I had no choice but to go into Holly's evil.

Albao's face was even bluer in many of its unspoiled words.

Apparently, I don't mind her loose knoll, and most of the faces in this lab are holly.

He is just a person who enjoys the tension of Albao.

"What are you scared of?"

"... Guinura?

What a ginula it was that caused Albao's tension to relax next time.

Then he did even more in less than the last two weeks. I think they're rubbing me too much, even going around and shaping me differently.

However, compared to the beginning, I also ate rice well and felt well asleep.

What will he say after all that? The gaze gathered all over the lab.

"I'm not frightened. You're wasting your frightened time. Time goes on while you do that. If the results don't change, it's best to get it done quickly, no matter what."

"... Guinura, do good things once in a while..."

"Yes, let's get this over with and get to the next job. Next time when you're done with your next job. Next, next, next, haha. hahaha!

"How could you leave me alone until it was so bad!

Would this have happened if I had noticed? Until a while ago, I thought you were still fine.

To my voice, all the facades of the institute turned a blind eye. Apparently, everyone knows that.

No, but can you also say that Guinura has no guts if you think of the conditions that were tapped first......? I sleep more than seven hours a day.

"... No, wait. If Albao stops here, will he just stop, will he get back to work?"

Whoa, if you think Guinura's back to sanity, there's another rotten part of her sexual roots.

"Anyway, Albao, do as you wish"

"So is that."

After seeing how Guinura was doing, Albao was determined that he could only postpone it any further.

He grabbed the plug he had on the barrel and pulled it out.

The sound of a spoon sounds.

Immediately afterwards, take the liquid that overflows well into the glass and hurry to fill the stopper even though it is slightly zero.

The overflowing liquid is still transparent.

I can't help it because it hasn't matured in a month.

The taste will not be significantly different from when it was made.

"Mr. Holly."


Once Holly receives that liquid from Albao, she puts it on the table and starts to prepare something.

He pulled a simple magic formation, lined up some vegetable ingredients, and finally placed a glass in the center of the formation.

Hands on the outer edge of the magic formation, eyes closed, she chants quietly.

Spirit of all things. Give me that eye. Give me that eye.

Sound familiar magic. The magic Sui often uses to ascertain people's magic.

Probably the magic of the investigation. And given this grandeur, I'm guessing you're conducting more accurate investigations than those that Sui usually does.

Holly slowly opens her eyes as everyone's attention draws.

And I told him that one thing we wanted to hear.

"What a success. There is a trace amount of 'fifth attribute' in the non-attribute."

Whoa, whoa.

An anger echoed inside the lab.

"Salam" and "Gini" were also followed by "No Attribute", which confirmed "Fifth Attribute".

Besides, Holly's words didn't stop.

"Besides, I can't feel the change in aptitude after the occurrence of the fifth attribute that was happening during the Salam attribute."

"... what is that...?

The voice full of expectations belongs to Albao.

Holly stares at Arbao's face, who was nearby, and answers.

"That there is likely to be no limit to change in this potion. In other words, you will be reborn into a pure 'fifth attribute' potion over time!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Even bigger than earlier, the cheer went off.

Screams and grand applause are winding up, turning inside the lab into a crucible of confusion (rutsubo).

Holly is cuddling Arbao, who was nearby in an impressive way, but Arbao is unhappy and solidified with relief.

"You did it, Albao! And the whole thing!

"Awesome. Hey! It's a historic discovery from a historic discovery!

"From the beginning, Albao, I thought you'd do it!

"You said something a while ago about feeling unreliable!

The excitement continued and everyone was gathered before Albao to say whatever they wanted.

Well, hey, I snuck up on the barrel with Albao screwed up on my ass and borrowed a little on my own.

As a matter of fact, I was convinced of this change at the stage where I saw the flavor just after I could.

That's because, for some reason, I used to drink a similar flavor of liquid when I went on a tour with a woman at a distillery.

The scent is very rough. The aroma of wheat produced when the malt was fused is not half as interesting, but also as interesting as wheat shochu.

The taste rolled on my tongue is sour and sweet. Such a superficial taste rushes over my tongue and burns chilli in my mouth.

I don't have a crush, but that's it. Even if I fasten it to my tongue and explore it, I can just feel the rough irritation, leaving the overall tingling ethanol feeling as the aftertaste.

Not yet, not deep enough. That's synonymous with youth.

To the future growth, to the magic of the barrel, even a sense of anticipation, such a flavour.


Taste of 'distilled liquor' before it is still 'whiskey' and before it ages.

In the memory I got back, I drank with her, that time, it tastes like it.

"Hmm. You're noisy people"

"No, why are you on this side, too?"

Where I was immersed in memories, it was Guinura that followed me all the way next door. He was also staring a little farther into the face of 'White Oak'.

"My father was thinking about why he sent me in."

"It's chores, right?

"No!... ohon. I think I have to learn something here. I thought one of them was about this lab."

Holly Oaklow Laboratory. An aggressive lab that tries a lot in the spirit of trying if you care about Holly, the head of the department.

Because the act is too free, or the budget is modest. Not unlimited.

Still, with Holly's sense of smell in front of him, the lab is repeating various small discoveries.

That's what I gathered from quite a few other people, the assessment here.

"But that won't be all. If that's all, Father doesn't have to bother aiming for timing with you."

Guinura stared at me, quietly.

"... with me?

"That's right. Even I can tell by the boulder. You are a seed of turmoil. Where you are, something happens. Father must want to show me that. [M] So take me..."

To Guinura's words, I turn my thoughts.

No, isn't it Guinura? Behind Guinura, I'll explore Mr. Heliconia's thoughts.

I'll make a mess of it. Does Mr. Heliconia know anything about 'White Oak' here?

It's about him I'm cordially cordial with Mr. Appalachian. It is possible that you have been consulted about something.

Is there anything, still, there?

"Gentlemen! I didn't do anything! If you admire it, all in all! Total please!

Albao's voice had come close.

He escapes his rough hand of blessing and gets to me. And he pushed forward like he was shielding me.

"There you go, total! Tell me about your accomplishments! I just said I did what you said!

"You're a man of no appetite. You are!

Albao pushes me on the back, and I go out in front of the beasts with eyes seeping into my expectations.

... If I say bad things, don't ruin my slightly soggy feelings.

... No, he used to piss me off a lot as a ruin, huh?

All right.

"Yep. This time, I just came up with an idea. It's all Albao who worked on shaping that idea. In other words!"

I smiled nicely, grabbed Albao's arm that was turning around my back and dragged him forward again.

"This is the star!

"Hey!? Total!?"

Albao puts his eyes on my betrayal, but the people in front of him naturally know that. This way.

I shook my arm up and screamed.

"Huge, mockingbird. Ahhhhhh!

"Total ohhhhhhhhhh!?

I pushed Albao into the waves of Don and people, and I decided to join it.

I can't believe I'm immersed in sentiment, because I can do it more later.

"... hmm?

At the edge of my sight, I see Holly standing alone somewhere out of sight at some point.

For some reason, she looked lonely.

But I couldn't ask why.

"What a fuss. This ha!!

Because Cecil, who is clearly in a bad mood, has yelled at Holly's lab.

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