"Holly. I don't know what I found at you guys. But if you don't think about the other labs, you're in trouble."

"Excuse me. I'm so sorry"

Cecil, with an immediately frustrating look, was bitterly complaining about Holly in the shape of a ghost.

It looks like Holly is apologizing to the boulder for the boulder this time.

It is true that while other humans were still working in the middle of the day, they were making noise without caring around them.

Blah, there's nothing but this side.

"Do you really understand?

"Yes. Excuse me, Senior Cecil."

Naturally we don't make a scene with our own top bowing our heads. May I say that I was watered if I put it badly?

No, naturally, the truth about this is in Cecil.

"What the hell were you fussing about in the first place?"

"It's this"

Cecil stared at the glass Holly pointed at.

Cecil, who took the glass and smelled it slightly, roared.

"In" Salam, "isn't it? Oh, it was rumored that you were looking for a way to mature in" Other Attributes. "

Holly, prompted to speak with her gaze by Cecil, grins naggingly.

"Yep. Yes. So far, with that and the" Gini "attribute, it's a confirmation."

"But" Gini "... wait, so what is this?

"No attributes."

The look on Cecil's face when she heard the answer was stunningly distorted.

Stare at Guillaume and Holly and ask questions in a strong tone.

"No attributes? What's this all about?

"It means the way it is. I created a form of" fifth attribute "from no attribute."

"... the question of limits, what happens?

"... that's, hey, hey"

Holly's relaxed words took the risk out of Cecil's eyes all the time.

What you can read is relief and sympathy.

But it's also a flash, right back to the harsh look, throwing up and throwing up.

"A month earlier, you might have changed."

Leaking out of that mouth still seems like a clear hostility. Cecil hates Holly. Seems that way.

But Holly doesn't seem to be showing that attitude towards Cecil.

Holly was relaxed and asking against the talkative Cecil.

"What is it?

"In the next announcement, I win"

Place the glass you had in your hand. Cotton and a hard sound sounded.

"'Fifth Attribution' in other attributes would certainly be meaningful. But we're actually the ones who are working on the fifth attribute. You don't have enough time to catch up with me. You're unlucky."

Without waiting for Holly to reply, Cecil turns around and makes a knack and a noise to the exit.

"Senior Cecil"

That, in a clearer tone than usual, Holly called it off.


"Seniors talk to me all the time, but they're not."

"... what?

"This research is not mine. It belongs to your group, Albao."

Cecil, who had never put anything but Holly in his eyes before, finally turned to Albao with those words.

"... you?

He was surprised. Purely, that it is an Arbao feat.

Albao wanders into Cecil's gaze. Just like earlier, declaring it to be my feat would be a relief.

"... well, I..."

Albao leans slightly.

I slapped him on the shoulder with a pong.


"Tell him. Keep your chest up."

If he's confused, I'll push him around the back.

It is good to say that Albao is not his only handle. But you don't have to be there for yourself.

I thumbed up with that in mind.

Albao never intended to, he turned to Cecil with a lot of chest tension.

"... Yes. It's me... No, we made it."

"... I see. You... and you, bartender."

Cecil's eyes looked at Albao and then flowed to me.

If I throw a smile more, heh, he throws a cold smile back.

"But what happened to it? You guys are doing great, but still, I can't keep up with my research."

Cecil, who said so, was clearly looking at Albao, not Holly.

Albao puts it back with perseverance, while clogging his words all the time.

"I'm still part of Holly's lab. So I guess it's different to say yes here."

"… Continued"

"Surely this' Newpot 'has just finally begun - no, it may not have begun yet. But."

Even with unsubstantiated confidence, Albao was powerful and answered.

"I can't imagine losing in the 'Fifth Class Potion' within nothing begins. In the Fifth Class Potion, I want to beat you."

To that straightforward word, Cecil blinked her eyes.

But unfortunately, I shake my head and say it back.

"You are free to think so. Sooner or later such a day might come. But it's not now."

Cecil's voice was gracious. He even seemed to have some fondness for Albao's challenge.

But when he turns that gaze toward Holly, his eyes are clearly stained with hostility.

"In the next announcement I win. There's a clear difference between you, who was at a standstill, and me, who was moving on. Time doesn't vomit lies."

"... As always, Senior Cecil is tough"

Without answering Holly's whining, Cecil left the room.

I feel a lot less nervous. Every time he shows up, I feel like I'm in a state of extreme tension.

Holly, who didn't look too comfortable among them, relaxed and told face-to-face.

"Hey. You pissed me off again. But let's do what we do -"

Pan, clapped his hand and Holly told the people who were gathered to go back to their usual research.

Everyone scatters in pieces. Holly slowly approached Albao after she had seen it through.

"That's cool to say. Mr. Albao."

"... ah"

"... what. Are you relieved?"

Holly was stunned by such an albao.

He kept staring at the door, still solidified, even after Cecil left. Looks like Holly slapped me on the shoulder and finally found out that the tension on this spot is over.

"Please, Mr. Albao. You cut me off, so I need you to freshen up."

"Oh, yeah, sorry"

Suddenly Albao bowed his head to Holly. When Holly tilts her neck, Albao apologizes for blurring.

"Um, rarely to Dr. Cecil. If something bad happens to Mr. Holly because of me..."

"Haha. Did you care about that? It's okay. Senior Cecil's heart certificate can't get any worse."

Pompous and temperamental slapping Albao on the head and laughing Holly.

Albao looks disgusted but doesn't seem to be able to complain much about his apologetic body.

"But good luck with what I said. I'm counting on you, Albao."

Holly also seemed to return to her own research in a cheerful way, with a niggling grin.

Seeing her like that, I thought it was my fault that she looked lonely for just a moment.

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