"Newpot" saw it done for now.

So what are we going to do first?

Simply put, looking for efficient or effective mechanisms of aging.

That's what Cecil's research is going on.

What he is doing is studying the efficient generation of 'fifth attribute' using 'aged salam'.

When maturing, what kind of hands can be applied to produce efficient and effective 'magic of the fifth attribute'?

That's more like poking around what I told Mr Appalachian lightly before.

Change the ingredients in the barrel, bake the inside, reuse.

Try temperature control, change time, or mix.

Processing, sugar or using waste honey after squeezing into cane of ingredients.

Such a combination of various conditions to combine the procedures for creating practical potions.

If you listen to stories leaking inside 'White Oak', they say it's now a hang-up in that research in every lab.

But among other reasons, Cecil Labs is progressing.

One is that Cecil is outstanding.

To give one example, he says he is good at gathering useful data by accurately spotting items to compare during comparative experiments.

The data will be reasonably assembled, distinguished between the necessary and unnecessary places, and experimentation will proceed firmly.

They say other laboratories often attack from their area of expertise, but Cecil thinks it's something like that, less focused?

No, rather, should I say that I am committed to acting rationally?

I guess that's why those piles of good eyesight and track record are still in his thirties and at a glance from other labs.

And one more thing. This is actually the big deal.

Cecil says he's hiring a certain 'wizard' for the experiment.

Their specialty is' fifth attribute ', where research has not progressed in this world either.

Such their task is to 'speed up time and proceed with maturation'.

The magic of "Class V" increases according to the time of maturation.

That's pretty much what the whole 'White Talk' study has proven.

And that is also the criterion that clearly separates Cecil Laboratories from other laboratories.

If the experiment proceeds by the wizard's hand, that's all the data is gathered quickly.

Purely, the difference was heavy.

"If you know that, aren't we talking fast?

This is my room.

It's time to finish dinner in the dining room and go back to research again, or take your time.

I had invited Albao to my room to work out a plan to make it happen.

And that's what I've been saying since I found out about the existence of The Wizard.

"It's the same thing we're doing over there, but this one is a single-attribute potion for 'fifth attribute'. As long as the extra elements aren't mixed up, there's a chance we'll get more useful data than that."

and give the answer that anyone would come up with.

My current location, by the way, is the kitchen. In one hassle of conversing with Albao, Steer's practice is done with a glass of ice only. I keep stirring the ice.

It was the Iberis ice maker attached to the kitchen that produced that ice.

"Overall, it might not be an interesting answer. Oh, order! [Gin Ricky]!

"Don't treat people like freaks. And now I'm practicing, so I'll see you later."


I turned down the Iberis order I was coming to visit in my room and I turned my eyes to Arbao.

But Albao shook his head sideways.

"As it stands, that's impossible."


"I don't have enough money."

Albao said.

"Wizard of the Fifth Class" seems to be a very rare thing.

In the first place, I can't use magic without talent in this world. Among them, the fifth attribute is an area in which very little research has progressed.

The absence of a 'potion' also applauds its rarity.

Other attributes can hold a life in a potion, even if they become 'magically deficient' by being impotent during training.

I can't do that in the fifth attribute.

Even just that difference would be an extra reason to hesitate to train.

So, if I were to hire such a rare Fifth Class wizard, it would cost me money that I can hardly fool around with.

That's Cecil's own connections and the lab budget. They're clearing it by combining the two.

"Dr. Cecil left the house with excellent grades, and his connections are still alive."

"That kind of place doesn't change anywhere in the world,"

When I was in Japan, I remembered various companies where college acquaintances got jobs, and my impressed voice leaked.

"So Albao is a friend or something and you know the wizard of 'Class V'...?

"As far as I know, the only person who seems to be able to do that is Sui, who was the chairman. Rosemary, who was the second seat. And me with three seats. That's about it."

"... less?

"Don't say harsh things to people who have just left the demon house. Three of the students said," Miraculous Generations "could use" Time Delivery. "

Albao stared at me and apologized that I was sorry.

It's not the peak of ability when you leave the Magic House. The wizard will repeat his training for years after that.

The difference between Cecil's connections, which accumulated, and those of Albao, like a new graduate, is clear.

"No, you've never heard the name of the next seat before. Sui won't tell me about the days of the Demon House."

"... well, she was floating"

"............... Really?"

Sui barely talks about the days of the Magic House. But if her predicament belongs to "The Witch of Two Thousand Years," which I have heard before. Maybe so.

Fun memories don't seem very pleasant, like you want to take the initiative from yourself.

Extra talent. Gap with your own wishes. In that, a fun student life would be hard to live.

"Anyway, isn't there anything different than not being able to use the same method as the other person?"

I'm worried about stopping my hands from practicing the steer. The ice melted and became ragged. It's time to change the ice.

I can also say that Kiri is a good time.

Before I could prepare new ice, I reached for the porch and stopped, wondering if I could even make it for you on Iberis' order.

"... Iberis"

"Hmm? [Gin Ricky] Right?

"No, I didn't"

I remembered Iberis' ability to make porches.

Indeed, this pouch is a magic device that uses the magic of "Class V", which is leaking from me.

So what we're doing is freezing time.

By doing so, the ingredients are always kept at optimal temperatures in this pouch, and the cocktails you make can be turned into magic while retaining their power.

There is a situation where "devices that interfere with time" are actually made.

I was afraid, asking Iberis.

"Maybe. You're like this porch, and you can't build machines that advance time?

When I asked, Iberis rounded her eyes properly.

Then, um, I roared for a while, then I said.

"If you hear from Sui again, there may be nothing you can't do"

"Is that true!?

When I cram into Iberis, she responds with a slightly troubled face.

"But you're still in touch with Sui, aren't you?

When Iberis made the porch before, he heard from Sui about the 'fifth attribute' and built it on it.

Now that Sui isn't around, I can't say for sure I can make it right away.

When I heard that, I put my gaze back on Arbao again.

"Albao. You just said something about Sui and the second seat and how 'time sending' would be for you, right?

"... No, I did tell you, I don't know about machines."

"But you don't know until you try, do you?

Staring at Albao, he nodded bewildered.

"Sure, now 'White Oak' is just beginning to rely on the power of the machine. Maybe that's the kind of challenge you can have."

"It's settled!

I felt like I saw a new path.

To be honest, I don't give a shit about winning or losing the next presentation.

But I care too much about the existence of the newborn 'Newpot'.

The gray-haired woman - the message Trice was saying: 'Follow the Fifth Class'.

Word to see you again after that.

... I still have something to do.

"Okay, if that's the case, do you want to go get permission from our parents tomorrow? Iberis is in your custody for once."

Nominally Iberis is in training, but I'm the one who's got an 'exclusive contract' with her.

If I ask you to do that, you won't get that far.

"If that's the case, I'll put more on your arm. [Gin Ricky] I'll make you one."

"Yeah, it could be fun!

I smiled at Iberis, who was well, and asked Albao as well in the flow.

"Albao make something too?

"Hmm? Well, that one before this. [Shandy Gaff] Was that it?

"... bad. Ginger ale is out of stock."

Damn, I used it because it was an emergency, but I didn't expect it to cause problems here.

When I regretted it, the shuddered Albao ordered "the same thing as Iberis" and [Jin Ricky].

Order for two, I did take it.

Okay, you want to make it?

"Wait. Yugiri. You're not gonna ask me?

"... Guinura. Were you there?"

"I've been here since the beginning! Don't be silly!"

And as I tried to get to work, Guinura screamed as she lay down on her desk healing her tiredness.

Actually, I've been worried about this one since the beginning of the conversation. I basically just ignored it.

I was talked to though, so I have no choice but to ask for my order.

"So, what kind of cocktail do you want me to make?

"Hmm. Why should I order a crappy drink called a 'cocktail'?"

"Then shut up..."

He made a full voice and decided to ignore him again and start making it.

During the work, "But if you really want to make it, there's nothing you wouldn't do with that [Gin Ricky] cocktail," Guinura murmured.

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