"I can't do that. It's a consultation."

Most of the opening, the man in front of me said it out.

A middle-aged man of good stature. Healthy flesh and a forceful wrapping up of bossy hair.

But that face looked a lot like the man I knew about the drone.

"Why! Uncle Galiata!"

"Iberis, hey, you can call me a parent here for once."

The man - Galeata - looks a little angry, naturally stared at by Iberis.

The current location is a section called the 'Factory', a short distance from the 'White Oak' laboratory.

The time is noon. Iberis taught me that 'Time for those responsible to be caught' was that break. We just walked in a little through the factory entrance, facing a man.

Inside the factory, despite the winter, the heat is caged and various machines are running with gowns and noise.

As I looked sideways at what such a machine was making, I was looking at the stare of a girl and a man.

"White Oak" currently embraces the engineers of the drone.

There are two main reasons for this.

One is the uniformity of quality, with machines created by the drone. In the production of potions, magical manipulation enters at the point of need, but that depends to some extent on the power of the operator.

By allowing the machine to carry out the parts that depend on it, the quality shall be uniform, so that the experimental results can be more accurately guided.

And the other is the production of laboratory equipment.

In this case it would be appropriate to replace it with 'barrel'.

In "White Oak," he is currently conducting many experiments using barrels. It takes a lot of time to buy them whichever way you want, when you order the size designation, the lumber designation, the machining specification, etc.

So the factory was built under the grand idea of building a production factory in front of itself with the originally contracted robot Tste.

Mainly these two things are supposed to be their work.

I was unexpectedly given such a job because of the nature of my species as a drone. They thought it was a liberal personality, moved by curiosity.

But according to Iberis, they have something called their own standards.

I mean, he's just saying that Mr Appalachian, who negotiated with them, succeeded in making the job seem interesting.

"Anyway, I know how you feel, but I can't give you Iberis for raw hatred and 'yes, really'"

Abandoning his interactions with Iberis, Galeata made it clear.

"It's also a request from the 'White Oak' side for once...... may I ask why?

"There's no reason or anything. I know what you're trying to do, but I was asked by Gongora to train this kid. It's convenient here."

When they say that, this one can't get out too strong either.

Will my going out hard here lead to a worsening of my relationship with Gongora if I do poorly?

"Gongora wants this kid to learn to work as a group. I don't want you to do so much alone."

collective work. Indeed, that may be where Iberis lacks

Iberis' workshop, which makes our homemade materials. So, she works alone.

Gongora seems to be helping too when there's some big work to be done, but other than that, she's always alone.

But if we're going to do more large-scale production in the future, for example, something extra will really happen to her alone.

When that happens, does Gongola want to build up training here so that Iberis can adapt to collective work?

"Don't lie to me, Uncle Galeata. You didn't even say that until yesterday!

"Ugh! You don't have to tell me what you think.

Galeata yelled at Iberis, who was complaining about the boo-boo, in a slight panic, at her condition.

"Anyway, unconditional is a thought, don't you think?

Galeata stares straight at me.

But there's no way I'm gonna back off like this either. Back here, the road to the Fifth Class is suddenly a long way off.

Where I was choosing words with my head, I could hear gaggling and people from behind.

When you see it, you will be working here with Galeata, in the presence of your colleagues. Whether they are droids or humans cannot be judged by pah.

One of them, a relatively young looking young man, looks at me and speaks to Galeata.

"Oh, parent. Is he the rumored bartender?

"... ah, oh"

"So I already promised to have a 'cocktail' made!?

"Shh! You!"

Mm-hmm. You just heard something.

Galeata rushes out loud to restrain the man, but the rest of the employees wind up.

"Parents! It's sloppy! We're going to work!

"Oh, the rest of us. Seriously."

"'I'll negotiate it so you guys can drink it' or something, it was cool! So one for us!

When I glanced at Galeata, he slipped away.

"... Um"

"But if you don't, there's nothing I wouldn't even think about!

He decided not to have an exchange until just now, Galeata.

He raised his voice and said with a much more deliberate grin.

"If you make a 'cocktail' that surprises me enough, I'll think about Iberis!


I wouldn't be able to help modifying the track now. This.

But, you know, I guess it's rude not to ride when they say it's decided.

"Yes, I did. Then let me make it."

"Whoa! Damn, I don't know what else to do!

When I break my hips, Galeata, my parents stick their thumbs out for a long time and get a proud look at the employees.

"... Ooh, ooh! That's the parent!"

"Ho, I'm gonna fall in love!

That's all the employees who somehow perceived the situation.

Me and them were both bitter laughs.

"Don't be a pain in the ass, just make it normal and say it. Uncle."

"I don't know what you're talking about!

The scratch with Iberis' cold gaze also forcefully recieves.

I decided, for one thing, to ask my preferences.

"So, what flavor stuff is good or what?

"Oh? Anything is good if it's delicious. It's just, you know. Let the people here drink if they can. Still good?

"... Yep"

For one thing, while I put the menu on hold, I saw the employees gathered there.

Double digits even if you quote less. Given the word post-holiday, I guess the break is divided into two or more groups.

If the factory is in a 24-hour position, will there be more people such as night shifts?

When it comes to making a cocktail for that number of people at once, it's a little tricky.

"What? I knew you couldn't make it, huh?

"... no. Oh, yeah."

Only one good thing floated in Galeata's slightly disappointed voice in her head as she returned the denial.

"Excuse me, Galeata. Parents. Hey, maybe there is. I have a machine."

"... mechanical. We already have a freezer or a fridge."

"Oh, I appreciate that, too, but one more thing"

While laughing a little bitterly at the state of acceptance of the 'cocktail'.

I asked Galeata's parents where a certain machine was.

Not named after the drone, but because of this, cocktails using 'machines' are also interesting.

Besides, this factory is hot and hot.

It was in these hot places that I wanted to make the right cocktail.

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