'Cocktail Potion' by Transworld Transfer Bartenders

Time Fast Forward You and Magic Volume

The device was completed only a few days later.

It was made in a slightly empty space on the factory grounds.

It looks like a metal tent or something. The size is not so great, but the metal shutters applicable to the entrance and exit are large.

Speaking of other features, something like a handle for sucking away the magic of the fifth attribute from humans is exposed to the unwrought.

So, as good as the device itself is, there are technicians rolling around like corpses, exhausted.

When I came to see how it was, the battle seemed as if I had arrived at the scene of the murder.

One of the bodies noticed me and raised his hand weakly.

"... hey, total"

"Albao, how are you?

Albao would have advised in the form of design ideas and development cooperation for this device.

I asked Holly for permission to come out here.

In the meantime, while I was studying the potion, I was trying to figure out if I could get some information from Cecil's lab.

For this reason, it has also been a long time since we have looked at each other so firmly.

"... alive for once."

"So what is this miserable situation?

"Almost everyone stayed up all night."

You noticed my appearance, and the factory employees are turning a tired smile.

In response, I look for a girl who sees me as a jerk.

And a shutter that was closed opened, and two figures appeared from inside.

"Ah! Total! Take a look! I got it! I got it!

"Ooh, honey! You've come to a good place!

Two of Iberis and Galeata's parents were shouting out in good health.

"I thought it would take more, but the wizard is very good at teaching inside. It's just finished."

"I might have done my best too! The circuit I used when I was on the porch was quite diverting!

A clear neighborhood is also floating in the eyes of the two people who are showing good health.

The people here said they didn't have to, but they did everything they could to complete the device.

The completeness of the device can be seen from their satisfied grin.

"So can we start the experiment yet?

"Oh, my God!

"Perfect maybe!

Two voices overlap with the voices of everyone who was screwing around there.

I behaved like a 'cocktail' to them again, with the meaning of labor.

... Thanks to you, I ran out of 'Sui Salam' that I had brought.

It was named "Time Fast Forward You Prototype" by Iberis.

Its use is very simple.

If you put things on the inside and install a magic source on the outside, the rest automatically sucks up magic to speed up the 'time' of what's inside the device.

The output, he said, could be set somewhat freely on the outside.

In addition, it is a machine created with considerable penetration, so many parts such as efficiency and precision would be slightly inferior to its specialized magic.

"For once, I'm twice as successful at testing. And then, how far can you boost it?"

Galeata Parents speak to Albao after saying "Hey".

"Explain it to him. I don't know if it's magic, but it's the limit of the device."

"You don't have to tell me. Well, maybe we can't help talking about it."

Albao looks a lot like he did in the last few days, but he coughs with a slightly clearer face, like he always taught me to study.

Then I brought a small blackboard, which I would have used to explain when developing the device.

"The whole thing is, once we talk about magic, we're good now, right?

"Oh. I'm talking about an MP ready for an individual."

"... are you all right?

"'Cause it's okay. Now I can see it. I am."

Magic Power. A magical quality that is born and possessed, also called personal talent.

The higher it is, the more magic it can handle, and the greater the power it can use.

"Well, it's this device. As a matter of fact, humans who can be dealt with will be quite limited."

"What do you mean?

"Assuming the average person... well, let's say 100 magic amounts of ordinary people who live their daily lives normally"

Saying, Albao pulls its contents into the blackboard.

In my heart, I named him Guinura. I have no other intention.

"It's dangerous for this average person to use this device. It's probably a critical line as to whether or not this device will be activated, and it would be sophisticated to double the in-device time."

So you can't just call Guinura a job and let her stick to this machine.

Well, I wasn't taking it seriously.

"So, yeah. Shall I think about it? I don't know what to say to myself, but I'm quite a talented wizard. In numbers, maybe 6,000."

"Say it yourself."

"Don't go in there...... so if it's about me, I can move the device pretty sparingly. I wonder if time efficiency can last about 30 times as many hours."

Thirty times.

They say a month's worth of maturation goes on in a day. Isn't this half-efficient, albeit magic-world cheating?

"Maybe Dr. Cecil's research is as fast as this"

"I see, do we have to go beyond that"

"... that's easy to say"

To my words, Albao has a stunned look.

"... and then, if it's sui, how much what?

"... oh, she would,"

Albao writes on the blackboard, closing his eyes slightly to remind him of the Sui of the days of the Magic House.

"Pretty presumptive, but she'd be 50,000 stiff if it were a number. Maybe more up there. That's how long I've been off track."

"Is that the level once a thousand years"

"That's right. If I move this device... I might be able to get it out 300 times or so"

300x. Ten times more than Albao.

That means ten months in a day… about less than a year of aging.

If we go that far, bourbon whiskey with a strong tendency to ripen early comes into quite a view.

The experiment of mixing corn, which serves as a raw material for bourbon, is also something I'd like to do.

"... but as it stands, there seems to be no other source of magic for me or Holly Lab members."

Where I'm tripping to the endless possibilities hidden in this device, Albao makes a tiresome voice.

"Huh? Why?

"Hmm? Aren't we the only wizards involved in this experiment? I need you to keep your head down and help me..."

"No, he said I'd be the source of magic."

Following my suggestion, Albao looked even more kyotonic.

I can see the cause of that face and be convinced to speak of it.

I hadn't talked about the magic of 'fifth attribute' in me yet.

"Ah. Sui said, I apparently only have 'fifth attribute', and if I do, I have magic power. Look, even this porch is always sucking magic from me."

"... no, but sure, from that porch story... but"

Albao seems half-hearted by my words.

Nevertheless, it's easy for you to believe me.

"If you doubt it, you just have to magically look at the usual 'what if everything'"

"That's easy to say. It doesn't matter if you're not a wizard."

Apparently, the information around it is kind of wizardly kept secret.

But I don't care because Sui clearly tells me I can't be a wizard.

Albao shouted and touched my forehead, closing his eyes and chanting quietly.

Spirit of all things. Give me that eye. Give me that eye.

And, just after the chant.

"Become!? Meh, my eyes!?

He let go of his hand with great momentum from me, and, uh, he was holding his eyes in roar.

When I was left on the spot, I spoke out of hand and only worried for a moment.

"Are you all right?

"It's not okay. No, it's okay, but it's not okay."

With a mysterious phase mixed with confusion and amazement, Albao slowly opened his eyes as he roughened his breath.

"... are you really human? Impossible amount."

"... for once, it's meant to be human"

I never came to this world and my body suddenly got tough or anything.

If it's just your arm strength, you lose to Iberis at your leisure. Anything beats Viola too.

... Think again, our store, there's no one I can beat.

And you couldn't possibly realize I was depressed or anything, and Albao turned serious and curled up with a quick mouth.

"Anyway, it was enough to overwhelm me just to see it for a second. It's unusual that only the fifth attribute is so pointy. I'm only saying this in good faith, but aren't you willing to take a test at a decent institution for once?

"... I hate it when they're going to have a human autopsy or something"

"... well, I won't say anything. I can't tell you. I can't believe I'm so scared of this."

Watching Albao panic really sucks me a lot.

When Sui looked at it, it was a bit of a surprise reaction, but maybe it was also from her talented demise.

He said something about finding magic out of my magic.

"... Anyway. Your magic power is immeasurable. [M] Even if you estimate it lightly, you would have exceeded 300,000 on your earlier numerical conversion. I have no idea what kind of impotence would deplete it, or maybe 5,000 times the efficiency of the device."


Uh, 5,000 means.

It means 5,000 days of aging in a single day.

So, 365 days a year - 360 days in this world?

Because it's 3,600 days in 10 years. Scotch's maturation age as an example is 4,320 days for 12 years......

"You're saying that in one day the Scotch maturation will be over!?

"I don't know about that scotch, but that's what I'm talking about!

To my overly surprised look, Albao also returns a face of loss and surprise.

I was slowly chewing up that fact, desperately holding on to my hand that was about to tremble.

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