"Anyway. I think it's best you move this device than I saw earlier"

The two of us, me and Albao, finally recovering from shock, remain face-to-face in front of you fast forward.

Iberis and the others are already working on getting the device ready to start. I also do people to contact Holly Labs, so I'll get to the lab facade soon.

"No, I think that's the best part, too."

"So what are you hesitating to do?

I hesitate, if you make it clear, to revive what happened about a month ago in my head.

The magic of the fifth attribute that lives in me, a man named Trice says, is not what I am.

A woman with bright white hair, I know.

Maybe a woman from the same world as me.

I don't know if she's really the woman I think she is.

But in his last memory, Trice did say.

"Total, because you don't mind using that magic freely… follow 'fifth attribute', and 'cocktail'. I'll see you later, okay?

It's like you foresaw this situation.

Here we proceed with the experiment of 'fifth attribute'. Looks like he wants that.

She must have something to do with my unpredictability.

From that mouthful, I guess I won't even be able to see him for a while.

But if I can get any closer to her by moving on.

That's where I want it.

"No, I was wondering if I could really use it."

"... it's the machine you said you'd build yourself"

"I know. I've made up my mind."

I'll move on. I'll get you close.

Now I'll talk to you face to face.

"Total! It's ready!

From Iberis after the last adjustment of the device, I could still hear a healthy voice.

They did a barrel setup inside. Stuck inside is a barrel filled with 'New Pot' that has divided souls among various people.

"Hey, Evening Mist on you, Albao. Experimentation at last."

Then a voice from another direction as well.

If you look, a group of people are looming with Holly at the forefront. The face of Holly's lab looked almost in full swing.

"They're all here because they say they're gonna do something funny."

In line with Holly's voice, they are at their usual tone with relatively good nori.

...... hmm. In it, though the blonde I know is confused. I wonder why he came too.

Wondering, that blonde notices my gaze and stares back at me.

"I've been dragged into this. I'm not interested in your experiments."


Well, if that's what he says, I guess so.

I leave a brief explanation to Albao and walk in the direction Iberis calls.

"How do you move it?

"It's not hard. I'm done with the setup, all I have to do is put my hands on here"

Iberis pointed to a unit of metal like a black handle.

Does it feel like holding the wrap with both hands?

"It feels like putting your hands on it all the time and then sending magic into it. If the safety device doesn't start, the rest will suck it off automatically. Feels like stopping if you let go of your hand"

"What safety device?

"If there's a foreign body in there, it won't move."

Oh. I see.

Sure, if I slept in the device, I'd be ten years old. Don't get stylish.

"Total. I'm done explaining. Start whenever you want."

Permission was also given from Albao.

The facade of the lab also shines its eyes on expectations.

At first, it is meant to be light and always about two weeks when 'fifth attribute' is discovered.

If time were to go five thousand times, it would be enough to hold hands for five minutes.

"Okay, I'll go."

Gokuri and breathtaking, I touch the power unit of the device.

From the tip of your finger, an image that sends in the magic you need.

The machine will do the rest on its own.

There was a blunt noise with Buon and the device was activated.

Like sucking up power from me, that energy goes all over the machine.

It moved.



From inside the machine, I thought I heard a strange metal noise.

"... Iberis. The parts just flew inside. Didn't they sound like that?

"I don't think so. Discontinue one end?

"... uniform"

I'll take my hands off the power section. The machine slowly stopped working without showing any particularly suspicious movements.

"... total, what's wrong?

"Something went wrong."

I went out of my way to get some noisy people on my ass, and I asked them to open the shutter on the device.

Keep peeking inside.

And I said this with a few people I was peeking into with, aligning my mouth.


The 'barrel' that I should have definitely put inside the device had disappeared.

Later what was left was a zero new pot that should have been packed in its' barrel 'and a metal ring that was haunted as a fastener.

And it is decaying, a piece of wood that does not fasten the prototype.

"Apparently, the barrel couldn't stand the magic of the feed itself when it was concentrated."

In view of the circumstances, the conclusion that came out of Holly was that.

The magic of speeding up time is quite a magical shake, he said.

And to its shaking, the barrel couldn't stand it.

The barrel collapses without being able to maintain its properties after being hit with a magic force that greatly exceeds its tolerance. Talk about a 'new pot' with no attributes and a wide receptacle and only a ring of metal with a relatively small influence because of its absence.

The metal sound I heard was the clasp falling to the ground when the barrel collapsed.

"... it doesn't make sense to build a device because the material can't stand it."

My thoughts slowly spread to the spot with dismay.

"... maybe Dr. Cecil is putting the area in the calculations and adjusting the magic."

"About 30 times that."

"Yes. That's about it, maybe the limit to which the barrel can withstand"

Sure, if you're a smart person, you might be the first to check.

When you fast forward time, how efficient is it?

And after accumulating that know-how, suppose Cecil chose that time.

That's nothing more than the best speed.

In hindsight, it will be very difficult to keep up with his research.

But somewhere else from the circumstances, my heart stands.


Unexpectedly from my mouth, evil was leaking.

I thought I'd made it this far, but this is where you hang out?

Because of this, I thought I could reach it.

I thought I'd meet 'Whiskey'.

Almost there, I thought I could get to where Tris... "Ibuki" is.

That was sweet. Trying to cheat, they dropped the visible hashigo.

The unspoken disappointment and the likeness of loss were swirling in my mind.

"Well, don't let it bother you, young men."

As Albao and I are dropping our shoulders, Holly pounds that shoulder to comfort us.

"It's a situation where you can't help but lose, and you can do that 'Newpot' experiment slowly. Even if we don't make it to the interim announcement, it must be an important discovery."

Holly's words were good, too.

Nothing, it doesn't mean what's where Cecil lost.

I may not be able to keep my hold as the discoverer of the "Fifth Class Potion," because that's just inside the "White Oak" thing.

In the context of earlier, more external presentations, evaluations may be reversed because they can be studied at the same speed.

And if time goes on, that's about 30 times faster than Earth, 'whiskey' might be complete.

"Newpot" has that much potential.

As much as that, I and Albao both know it in my head.

I know, but I'm not convinced.

Albao responds with a small voice, as he squeezes out.

"... I know,"

"It's okay, it's okay. I don't care. I don't care."

To Holly's words of consolation bright to her ill-fitting, Albao stares at Kitty Holly.

But when I realized there was no word there for Holly to hit, I leaned down.

"... I know. But aren't you sorry? So far, so hard."

"... remorse is important. Anyway, get some rest now. Because you still have a future."

Then, Holly had her legs pointed toward the Galeata parent. From what I can hear, it looked like he was asking me if I could put this device here for a while longer.

If the robot loses interest in the machine he made, he turns it into as much of the next ingredient as possible. It would be a word to stop it.

This machine is still useful.

The truth is that Holly may be the same thing that hasn't given up.


The more I see it, the more depressed Albao is, but I feel something similar.

We're not the only ones. I think more or less if you've been struggling to get here.

It is regrettable to be ahead of us with the achievements we have found.


There was a glance at one of us, Guinura.

Guinura looked at this one as usual, but with that rugged look on his face, he turned his back and left the scene.

No one on the spot noticed that he had left.

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