"Phew...... damn"

I had my body in big letters, rolling on the floor of my room.

The day the experiment failed. I just wanted to be alone for a little while and think.

It is still evening, but today's studies and studies decided to rest voluntarily.

The current location is Iberis' room.

Maybe Guinura will be there when I get back to my room. I have little conversation all the time, but I still don't want to be with anyone.

That's what I thought, and Iberis put me in the room with care. There was a slight resistance to being alone on her own in a woman's room, but Iberis tells her not to worry.

She's still going to make some further adjustments to Time Fast Forward, and she's not going back to her room.

A failed experiment, but Iberis probably thinks he still has something he can do.

"... I don't want to give up, either."

Put your cheeks on the floor and lie down.

I don't think I can stand 5,000 times as much where I adjusted the machine side.

Apparently some of them can adjust the output, but still not much more than 30 times faster.

Whiskey while I'm here... No, you won't be able to worship the Fifth Class Potion.

"That's all. That time will solve it. That's all."

Problems to solve sooner or later. I know that.

But the unspeakable Moya Moya, I don't feel I can get rid of that.

Second, I saw "Voice Sending You One" at the end of my sleeping gaze.

The time now is around 15 o'clock at noon. It's not even the day I'm promising.

Everyone will fit in when they're busy getting ready for the store, and there's no way they can connect.

Though I thought so, I thought I was touching the power unit of the device.

"The waves of life, the ancient intentions, what I seek is the appearance of my soul."

"The waves of life, the ancient intentions, what I set out to be in this world."

A familiar chant floats and the device starts.

But I just started one, and it doesn't make any sense.

You know what?

'... you can't connect, can you? That.'

I heard voices.

'... total, I guess you'll be okay. I don't know if I can do that.'

I know better, it seemed like the voice of a blue-haired girl.

"Towards a machine like this, I can't believe I'm talking to myself... maybe I can't do it better"

Sui doesn't even seem to realize the machine is connected and is talking alone.

I was surprised and forgot to speak up, listening to her monologue.

'I knew I should have stopped. If the total is gone, in a month, and you miss him so much'

The girl who sent me out smiling was quietly making a weak noise.

'But yeah. No, you can't. You're so desperate for the whole thing. There's no way I can stop a cocktail fool from summing up. I don't want to see the whole sad face. "


'So just finish the one called' Whiskey 'and come back, total... uh, really, what are you talking about? I am. I look like an idiot by myself'

She's usually a faceless girl with few words.

Now, what I wanted to say was clear, she was also an unrelenting girl.

I knew she couldn't help but support me in my training.

But once again, I heard what she really meant in this way. I couldn't wait to embarrass myself when I was about to be jerked off by one or two failures.

When did I get so weak? To reach out, I guess I got cowardly.

Have I regained my memory and lost even its unfounded driving force?

I'm not kidding.

"Sister! How long have you been talking maiden chick to yourself! That's not true, you wouldn't know it if I didn't tell you directly!

'You'll be in trouble if they ask!

'I mean, you're not a character!

"Extra help!

Beyond the machine, Rye is calling Sui.

Maybe this is what I've been doing all this time to get in the mood before the store opens.

'... not at all.... So, total, again... Hmm?

Beyond the device, Sui tried to cut the call, realizing there was one.

Probably something in the power unit that I don't understand.

"... it's bi-directional...?

With Iberis' improvements, calls are seamless if both machines are connected.

So I guess it means they haven't noticed before, but they've finally noticed.

"... uh, sui?

"Huh!? WHAT!???!!!? '

"No, I wasn't going to ask."

"Yikes, nice oh!?!!?"

Beyond the device, I could see Sui raising an unspoken voice, possibly with his face turning bright red.

You're guilty of eavesdropping on yourself all the time.

"I'm sorry I made you miss me"

"Chi, no!? You mean!? What!? Why?!?!

Sui still looks confused, but I decided to thank her unilaterally.

"I was a little depressed, but I blew it off. Sui's working so hard, there's no way I'm not!

'No! I mean why!? What's going on!! Total!!'

"Because that's all! Thanks, Sue!"

"Become, so, total!? Or, you know when you get back!?

What terrible things will happen to me when I leave?

Or maybe I won't be able to get back to you on a regular basis next time.

"See you soon, Sue! You're on your own!

"Total! Description! Hang up!

I was in a bit of a hurry and had a strange tone, but I cut the call without worrying.

I'm sorry it's one-sided, but I still have a lot of work to do. I can't stop here.

And if I keep talking like this, I can't help but be ashamed of myself.

"... well. First, we have to burn Albao again."

I, um, stretch my back, think.

They say the barrel can't stand it, but there may be a way to make it bearable.

Don't even make an effort to look for it, it's too soon to give up...... Ah.

"Shit. You should have asked Sui if he knew anything."

I'm in a hurry to voice it. I reconnected you, but there was never any sign of a swim coming out.

... Well, I don't even think she's going to tell me properly right now, so chill. Yeah.

... Damn, I screwed up.

Once back in his room, there was a blonde figure in the room that he didn't want to get used to but he did.

When Guinura looks at my face, she throws up like a bore.

"... Hmm. That was a long time ago."

I was just stopping by.

Unlike a while ago, I'm not particularly concerned about Guinura and I alone right now.

I don't really care about his presence, I pack. I ran out of Swiss salams, so I had to sort out a little of the pouch to fill the hole for that.

A bunch of pastries and paperwork fell on my desk.

"... what's up?

"I don't mean to, but I'm a chore. Occasionally, I find that in front of an incinerator"

"... this is"

Once again I looked at the paperwork, it looked like an experimental note from Cecil's lab.

The date is a little old, but the correlation between the experiments he has accumulated is beautifully put together.

"... I thought I'd feed you because you were on the wrong side of it... it wasn't necessary, it's boring."

"... hey this. It's not like you can throw it away as garbage. It's a strictly internal document."

"I don't know. Then someone inside must have made a mistake. I happen to be the garbage I picked up, and I just thought I could sell you a favor."

Guinura blurted out and turned her back on me.

He left then, and he prepared this for me to see what kind of connections he used.

Maybe see me or Albao depressed and try to help out a little bit.

"... ha"

"What are you laughing at"

Ginula giggles at me when I laugh unexpectedly.

Only, you're not going to get along with me. I hate me, that's the stance.

Then it would be moral for me to respond to that will, too.

"Okay, I won't thank you."

"No, say thank you. Give me a big thank you. What are you trying to flush?"

"... there you go, too."

It was Guinura's main show, a man who didn't tighten to the end.

However, with this data, it is possible to deduce to some extent the progress of Cecil's experiments, items that have been investigated, and so on.

If we can solve the barrel problem, there's still plenty of potential ahead of Cecil.


I grabbed one fist and decided to go look for Albao.

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