"... total, I think it's useless to be clear"

"If you don't look, you'll never know."

Opening overnight from experimental failure, I was headed somewhere with a reluctant Albao.

It is a library that exists in this city.

I feel that the number of books is higher than it was in the original city. It's like a library. The building is bright and there's quiet air flowing through it.

In such a painting in the hall, me and Albao were spreading books about 'magical aptitude'.

"... total, for once, we are still elites. There's no such thing as knowledge we don't know."

Albao says something overflowing with confidence, looking obviously depressed.

I lured him to the library for one reason.

5,000 times the acceleration of time - to find a way for the barrel to withstand the shaking of its fifth attribute.

Again, just attacking with a positive method will not solve this problem.

But giving up and the rest of the month. Just waiting with your fingers around doesn't suit your sexuality.

If this is Earth, time can't help it. But magic is a means that seems to work. I want to try everything I can.

So, at the moment, I was hoping to improve the barrel so that it could withstand magic, but what I said when I mouthed it was earlier.

No use.

"The first thing I thought of was strengthening the magic resistance of the barrel."

"... Then why don't you do it?

"... the magic of enhanced resistance also distorts the aptitude of the barrel itself. If you're going to use it in combat, it's still a fatal problem when it comes to aging."

The assertion seemed unusual because of Albao's character.

Staring quietly at him, Ha, and Albao sighed.

"... or when you weren't around, I already tried"

"You said you couldn't?


Apparently, increasing barrel resistance changed the aptitude of the barrel itself and negatively affected the potion.

It is the flavor of 'maturation' that changes the palate dramatically, even when the inner part of the barrel is burned.

However, even if the whole barrel is intended to be matured by adding preservatives, there are not many images of it becoming drinkable.

"Well, the barrel itself's aptitude doesn't change, so how do you put up a barrier?"

"... I've never heard of anything like that"

Besides, then they don't fast forward time in the first place.

Only, magic works by magically interfering with the subject. In order to protect the subject itself, there is no way that magic can reach the subject.

"... so it's no use. In the first place, if there was such a way, I'm sure even Dr. Cecil would be thinking of something. I can't believe we're doing something he can't think of."

"Why are you so weak? You're already willing to lose?

"You don't have a choice. We did our best. It just didn't extend. If I had a budget from the start, I could have done the same thing with Dr. Cecil, but I can't do it anymore."

Albao said, closing the book that was open patterned.

The title is "Overview of the Fifth Attribute - Impact and Effect on Magical Suitability".

I've been saying great things for a while now, but I can't seem to understand what they're all about.

"Nothing, I'm not dying. You'll have to wait a little, but I'll send you the results of the experiment later. Even Director Holly would admit that."

"I'm not giving up yet."

Even if I tell you, with faces like, oh man, Albao convinces me.

"Total. I can't do anything I can't. There are things that cannot be done as things stand. Hear me out. Or do you find me or Director Holly incredible?

"It's not. But I just don't want to give up until the end."

"... let's go home. If we're going to waste enough time here, it's better to do something we can even do 30 times better. Listen to as many people as you can along the way."

Albao said, raising his gaze slightly, solidifying.

I turned my gaze to you, too, and there he was.

"... well. Again, when you give up beating me. That's a hard call, Mr. Albao."

Cecil shrugged quietly as she stared at us with her emotionless eyes.

Albao is asking back a little blurred, pompous.

"Dr. Cecil... why are you here?

"I'm looking into it just like you guys. I don't have everything I need to experiment on a boulder."

If he shifts his gaze to Cecil's hand, he can see that he also has several books.

Cecil just gave me a glimpse, and then she starts the conversation by gazing at Albao.

"I heard you were doing some experiments."

"... Yes"

"At that appearance, they're not doing well"

In Cecil's eyes, I see only a little color of sympathy.

"Well, that would be the limit at Holly's."

"That's not...!

"But you're giving up. Wouldn't you?


Cecil goes quietly over words so that she can catch up with Albao.

"Originally, it was impossible. She can't develop, even if she can make discoveries. No matter how many new things you can find, it doesn't make sense if you can't take advantage of it yourself. Worst of all, there is a risk that others will rob us of the benefits we find. Don't you think so, Albao?"

Albao returns the word to his utmost whilst clogging his throat all the time.

"That's not... I don't think Director Holly has the ability. However, there is an adequate budget…"

"I don't have a budget. That means there's no trust. And trust is not something that can be stacked by chance once or twice. With a proven track record, people are trusted for the first time. Where that pile of untrustworthy people came to the top, it's only natural that there's no trust."

I guess that's for sure in his heart.

The fact that Cecil's lab has a large budget means that's all he's been piling up.

In fact, when I saw one end of his experimental data, I thought he was the type to get solid, reliable results.

Above all, he can spare no effort to achieve that result.

Because Holly and Albao are not the only ones making a dark neighborhood under their eyes.

Albao looks remorseful and still stares at Cecil without saying anything back.

But Cecil said to Albao with a sympathetic, rather gracious eye that was no different from the first.

"... I disagree with leaving people like you at Holly's"

"... Huh?

The words Booshiri and Cecil said confuse me and Albao.

Cecil asked Albao alone, seemingly not caring more about me.

"You'll see, won't you? Something that I've been piling up later popped up," Talent, "and I'm in the mood to get screwed."

"... it"

The bitterness ran on Albao's expression.

There's no way I don't know what that's talking about.

Sui left the magic house in just three years.

In comparison, Albao would probably have struggled a long time.

Albao said he didn't care, but humans wouldn't be able to really care about anything.

At least I think so.

Cecil said something slow and shocking as she told her.

"You are similar to me. I think it fits my way better than her way. At dawn when Holly's lab was' demolished, 'you should definitely come to us"


Cecil's words lingered in my ear.

Albao stopped by Cecil in a panic.

"Or, what does dismantling mean?

"... haven't you heard?

"... nothing"


Cecil also tells him in a calm voice after a little rounding of his eyes.

"... the Holly lab will be dismantled when her research is judged inferior to mine in the next interim announcement. This is a decision that Dr. Appalachian has also acknowledged."


Exactly Blue Sky Thunder.

Like he was shocked, Albao can't say anything with his mouth pounding.

I've been listening in silence until now, like I'm taking over the word, and I'm out front.

"What does that mean?

Cecil looks at me more bored, and then she explains it in a sigh of relief.

"... it means the way it is. Originally, her lab has been doing crazy research for three years since its inception. I didn't have a track record. That was the last time I announced the results that would become 'mature potions' just before the quality review meeting. But it was also not recognized as the best achievement at the meeting. Does her ability deserve to be entrusted with one lab, an issue that had been repeatedly questioned? To make sure you ask, we'll see how it goes in the next interim announcement."

Every time Cecil asked Holly about the interim announcement, she found out what it meant.

But that seemed like a little early.

"... even if you say you can't be recognized as the best, the 'Best Award' is..."

"So I proved it wasn't a bad idea. You know what I mean? As I said earlier. Once or twice, it's a fool's business to keep your budget ready."

I wanted to say that was wrong. But I can't say for sure.

I don't know much about what's going on here. I don't personally doubt Holly's ability, but that's also my personal subjectivity story.

If I don't know her track record, I don't know how.

That's not the kind of story I can emotionally deny.

"... not that you care. And you, Albao. My lab will take over after Holly, too, the 'Newpot' experiment that you made. You have nothing to worry about. Rather, if you encourage enough research under me, that's fine."

From what I've been told, Albao still can't say anything.

I ask about the one person who was missing from Cecil's words earlier.

"... so what happens to Mr. Holly?

"... if she wishes, it would mean being assigned to some lab again and starting over from scratch. Her discoveries are duly appreciated. However, it is questioned that they do not have the power to develop it. Then someone should hold the reins."

I don't know how humiliating that is.

It took me a few years to finally find the results, taken away somewhere, and I start over again from scratch under someone.

I was not asking, I was whining.

"I don't know... not really..."

"... you... I take it upon myself not to like it. But it's not about the outfield talking. No, is the outfield too much to say? This is what you caused. [M] Bartender of the Special Best Award."

Cecil adds her dislike and then sees Albao again.

Cecil turned a slightly discouraged eye to him, still unable to hide the shock.

And then you look at me like I'm a chill, and you say,

"And Mr. Bartender. Looks like you lost one of my old lab data, though?

I knew immediately what the mouthpiece was giving me.

I said a little lost while hiding the upset.

"... may be falling in front of some incinerator."

"Huh. Whatever you want with the data. That's about it, my advantage doesn't shake. Well, that's not going to be a waste."

Guinura's behavior was apparently flawed by Cecil. And I deliberately meditated my eyes on it.

"... you're so confident"

"It's a fact. The data is the data we're talking about. Without the ability to use it and the environment in which it can be demonstrated, there is no point. And you and we have an opening there that we can't help."

If you can use it, use it. Still, I win. I could feel that feeling.

If that's what he meant, why bother imitating him like sending salt to them?

Maybe Cecil's own expectations of Albao made him do so.

"... Well, I'm done talking nonsense. Let me go back to my research."

Saying, Cecil looks at Albao again, still leaning down.

But he left without saying a word.

"... Albao"

"Total. I didn't know. Could I have been the only one who didn't know?"

"... calm down. Maybe you're lying."

Maybe it's true, but I made a bad consolation.

It doesn't mean anything at all, it doesn't even give me a break, it's the worst consolation.

Albao said the right thing. He stared at me, but he leaned down again soon.

"Let's talk to Mr. Appalachian."

When I suggested it, Albao nodded quietly, losing his vitality.

And once we decided to punch Mr. Appalachian in his room.

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