"It's true."

In Mr. Appalachian's own room, the words directed at me and Albao were quiet.

But no matter how gentle they said it was, it didn't make any difference that it broke Albao's heart.

Albao takes a step forward and just a little roughing up his voice.

"What do you mean?!? Isn't the director acknowledging Mr. Holly!?

"Sure, I recognize her. At least you'd expect more from her than anyone else in this institute"

"Then how did you swallow such a demand!?

"I also admit to Cecil."

Mr. Appalachian doesn't look frightened at all by Albao's sword screen.

I exhaled deeply, staring at Albao with dignity.

"It was Cecil who insisted on dismantling Holly's lab."

"... no... why would Dr. Cecil be so hostile to Mr. Holly in the first place"

Cecil is hostile to Holly.

But even looking at his usual attitude, he doesn't seem like a chunk of malice. In fact, if you look at his attitude to research, you can't doubt that he is an honest and serious person.

But only against Holly, he even felt a strong hit.

"Will you listen to me for a second?

Appalachian started talking as me and Albao waited quietly.

Cecil has been a talented young man since shortly after entering this' white oak '.

He was then assigned to Mr. Appalachian's lab, where he was just the head of the department, absorbing what was taught and leaving numerous results. He was a young man who was expected to have such a future.

Cecil grows mechanically as a disciple of Mr. Appalachian and represents the headline.

That's when the turning point came to him. It was the emergence of Holly.

Holly became Mr. Appalachian's apprentice years later than Cecil.

At first I teach Cecil well and sometimes give Cecil notice. She also said she was a talented apprentice.

But suppose there was one problem.

Holly's wisdom was that it outweighed that Cecil as well.

Only a few years when Holly talks about Mr. Appalachian's former.

Lightly passing the path that Cecil had piled up, she quickly followed, even one step behind Cecil.

Holly, who begs to teach innocently, and Cecil, who is already about to lose something to teach, etc.

Cecil's agony at that time is still deeply in Mr. Appalachian's memory, he said.

But that's where the road went wrong.

Cecil was evaluated for his previous abilities and allowed to have his own lab.

And with all the ambient opposition, Holly was credited with that talent and given a lab as well.

Cecil, it didn't change.

Just like before, walk steadily, step by step, in good faith, but uphold tradition.

I kept going one step at a time.

Holly, on the other hand, went the opposite way to Cecil's actions.

Exploring new things, not tradition, and building them up until then, like smashing them.

Trying that one failed. Trying this fails. Occasionally, if you make a small discovery, restore it to 'white oak' and repeat the failure again.

After three years of months flowing, it was Cecil who was being evaluated.

Even with no eye-catching results, its sure build-up made Cecil, who continued to build on his trust and track record, even echo the call of the next director.

And it was still Holly who smashed it up, too.

The 'maturing potion' produced by Holly was so innovative that Cecil got over the appreciation she had built up in the tunnel lightly.

The presentation at the Quality Review changed from a collection of traditions that Cecil has built up to new possibilities created by Holly.

Cecil was totally screwed.

Only one discovery robbed me of a place I had so desperately protected no matter how much I had ever eaten a protrusion from Holly.

He suffered his first defeat to Holly until he was completely skinless.

And the day of the quality review.

On top of that 'white oak', one more 'result' remains.

More than Cecil, who kept the tradition, more than Holly, who broke him.

A revolution called 'Cocktails' emerged from a completely different place, at the top of the quality board.

From that day on, Cecil expressed strong concerns about Holly's abilities.

To reclaim the tradition of 'potion' taken away by 'cocktails', we should not let our presence like Holly go wild.

Then Cecil said he became hostile to Holly.

It was an earache story.

I went to a reputation meeting because I never wanted to deny the potion tradition.

I fought all I could to put Sui's wishes, Viola's thoughts, and my own pride in the 'cocktail' into a new place.

But in the shadow of it, a man like Cecil was also born.

Even if I didn't feel that way, there were people who would accept "cocktails" as a challenge to their previous "potions".

"... Still, I don't know"

Albao asks straight to Mr. Appalachian after a long story.

"I see how that happened. But still, why did Dr. Appalachian have to swallow Dr. Cecil's demands? I don't know."

I also know what Albao is trying to say.

No matter how many things have happened to Cecil in his past, I don't think that would be a reason to swallow Cecil's demands.

Mr Appalachian replied in words that were not lagging enough to make him think that he also knew they would say so.

"It was a good opportunity, too, for Cecil. He is now finally on par with Holly. I don't have any past smugness like seniors or juniors. Finally, he got a place to bump into Holly on a par with his whole body. I thought this would be one opportunity for him to cross the wall."

And then Mr. Appalachian connected and looked at me.

"He's here."

Albao also turned his gaze to me so that he could follow Mr. Appalachian's words.

I replied with a little confusion, having been a bystander the whole time.

"... yourself?

"Yes, you're here."

Until then, Mr Appalachian took only a little insurance out of the face of a tough director.

Ask Albao in a slightly lighter tone than earlier.

"Evening fog, there's been a lot of movement in Holly's lab since you got here, hasn't there? Albao, you must have been affected by him again."

"... that's the total... No, Holly lab hasn't been in a hurry since Evening Fog arrived."

"'Cocktails' are not the only thing he brings in. His very idea of 'potion' is like one 'wind'"

Overrated and narrow shoulders.

I try not to say anything cold, but my knowledge of 'cocktails' is all taught. It's not what I created.

Well, treating 'potion' as a hobby shouldn't seem like the most hateful notion around Cecil.

Does it not also give unnecessary confusion?

And without feeling my cold sweaty thoughts, Mr. Appalachian continues.

"In a terrible way. I, more holly than Cecil...... no, Evening Mist The possibility that the new wind you bring in creates, thinks you will win. That's why I swallowed Cecil's demands."

Shit, I felt the pressure was heavy.

Albao and Mr. Appalachian will both stare at me.

And finally, Mr Appalachian said quietly.

"Never mind, Evening Mist. Whatever happens, it's not that you're sick. [M] It's all our... No, it's my own convenience."

That's what they said, "Okay, I don't care." My nerves weren't fat enough.

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